Our Chance (3 page)

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Authors: Natasha Preston

Tags: #romance, #new adult

BOOK: Our Chance
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“I prefer my plan,” I growled in her ear as she teasingly brushed against me again. “Keep doing it and see where it gets you.” If she wanted to play I was game but I would also win. She knew that, too. Nell loved to play but when it came to her teasing me, if I’d had enough we were going to have sex in the nearest, suitable place. I think half the time she did it just so I’d drag her off.

Laughing, she picked up her cocktail and took a sip, pretending to listen to what Chloe and Logan were talking about. I took my beer and had a large gulp. Tomorrow I was going to feel like shit.

Nell moved to the side but stayed leaning against me; half of her body was pressed against my chest. I could smell her and touch her. My heart raced too fast and my body was buzzing with the need to be naked and pressed against hers. I was home.

“What did you get up to while I was away?” I asked when Chloe dragged Logan kicking and screaming to the dance floor.

She pursed her lips and turned to the side so we could have a proper conversation. I preferred when she was standing in front of me.

“Not much. Worked and hung out with Chlo a lot. That’s about it.”

No guys. Good.

“So basically you spent the whole time pining for me?”

Her eyes narrowed and she folded her arms. I was goading her and she knew it.

“Not quite. But there was no one that came along that seemed worth it.” She shrugged and her dark eyebrows knitted together in an adorable frown. “You’re cocky and it’s annoying. Well, I kinda like it actually, but it’s not the point…”

“Right. So what
the point, Nell?”

Her left eye twitched. “That you’re a cock but no one does it for me quite like you. Don’t let that go to your head.”

Smirking, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer. “Too late for that.”

“Great,” she muttered and looked up at me. The look in her eyes took my breath away. Lust and something else that I knew she had no idea about. She cared more than she wanted to.

Nell looked at me like I was a fucking prize. She was all about casual so I knew she wasn’t really aware of how she saw me but that didn’t matter right now. All that mattered was that she made me feel like a fucking God and I couldn’t get enough.

“Want to get out of here?” I asked.

“We’ve only been here forty-five minutes.”


Biting her lips together she thought about it. I ran my hand down her back, feeling her bare skin at. Her lips soon parted and I felt the electricity between us strengthen and crack. “Damon…”

She felt it too. The heat. The straight up animalistic need to be sweaty and naked together. Nothing about how much I still wanted her was rational but I didn’t give a shit. All I needed from her was one look and I was gone.

“What?” I whispered, stepping closer. The bridge of her nose was level with my mouth. Leaning forwards, I kissed her and moved to the side, kissing her skin until I reached her ear. “I need you, Nell, it’s been far too long.”

Goosebumps bubbled under my fingers as I moved my hand south, stopping just before I met material at her lower back. Her body trembled under my touch making me painfully hard. We had sex a lot and in the last two weeks I’d had sex a grand total of once. The woman was forgettable and I barely remembered it.

Nell. Now.

“Come on. You know you don’t want to stay here another second either,” I said, practically panting. Her body was against mine and it made it hard to think about anything else.

Very abruptly she pulled away and looked over her shoulder. If I didn’t know her so well I’d think she was pissed off with my advances. But she was looking for Chloe to tell her we were doing one.

Her slow searching pissed me off. Holding her upper arms, I led her to the now heaving dance floor and shoved our way through the crowd.

“Damon!” She squealed as I held her in front of me, awkwardly walking us through the crowd.

“I can’t wait,” I hissed in her ear, sliding my hand down to her hip. If she didn’t want to drive me to insanity then she shouldn’t wear tight little dresses when I hadn’t had her in fourteen days.

Laughing, she grabbed my hand to stop me going any lower and pointed to Logan ahead of us. “We’re going,” she said to Chloe as we pushed past the last few people in our way.

Logan smirked and Chloe wiggled her eyebrows.

“Bye,” I said, turning us around and shoving our way back. Nell laughed and waved to Chlo over her shoulder. Screw talking and long goodbyes. They knew Nell was with me and safe so now we could get out of here.

We took a taxi back to mine and burst through the door with our lips sealed together and Nell hooking her leg up around my waist. Fuck I’d missed her. I missed the softness of her lips, her smell, the silkiness of her raven black hair, the way she reacted to my touch with such hunger and greed. And her eyes, they were the most shocking and beautiful shade of green I’d ever seen.

My lips parted of their own accord as she flicked her tongue over my top lip. I groaned and hauled her up so she could get both of those long legs around me.

We were lined up perfectly and I felt like I was going to lose my mind. My dick was throbbing. I could feel her heat through my jeans and it was driving me crazy. “I need you,” I growled into the frantic kiss.

Having had enough, I carried her into the living room and collapsed back on the sofa. Giggling as her back hit the cushion she kicked her eyebrow up as I reached in my wallet for a rubber.

“Bet I can make you come before me,” she said, biting her lip and rubbing her palm over my erection.

I arched into her touch and groaned. “Game on, Presley,” I hissed.




I woke up in Damon’s bed with a bloody banging headache. After having sex on the sofa we moved it to his room. I’d missed him like crazy and it kinda sucked that we had to be extra careful until he was tested for STI’s but I wasn’t risking anything.

It wasn’t particularly early but I still expected him to be in bed when I woke. He was nowhere to be seen. I could smell coffee though, so he must be in the kitchen. It was Sunday and Damon had nothing to do, I’d cancelled my plans with Chloe when I knew the date he was back from Kavos, so we had a whole day to catch up on two weeks worth of sex. Condom sex, but sex nonetheless.

In the corner of Damon’s room was his suitcase, still done up and most likely full of his clothes, and likely to stay that way for at least another week. I’d missed him more than I thought I would, missed the things he did to my body but now he was back and I was absolutely going to get him to do those things at least twice more before I left.

“Damon,” I called.

“Be there in a minute, don’t get dressed.”

I had no intention of getting dressed. “Hurry up.”

I heard him laugh and then footsteps as he made his way back to his room. Anticipation flooded my body. Damon and I had been sleeping together for about six years, since the last year in high school when he transferred, we’d been at it all through Uni too, and I still couldn’t get enough. I’d had a few sexual partners but none of them even came close Damon. We fit perfectly, shared the same sex drive and could separate the act from ridiculous feelings and emotions.

The door swung open and Damon stood before me in his birthday suit holding two mugs of coffee. He was also as body-confident as I was. Actually, he was definitely more of an exhibitionist. I, in no way, thought my body was perfect but I was happy enough and completely unashamed of what my mamma gave me.

My mind short-circuited for a second. So much perfection, dark hair, deep hazel eyes, muscles and ink and skin all wrapped up in one gorgeous, now lightly tanned package.

I regained my composure while inside I was still fanning myself. “Wow, you don’t get this kind of service at Starbucks.”

“I’m sure old Fred would take his kit off if you asked him.”

I had no doubt that the old pervert would. “I’m sure he’d do it even if I didn’t,” I replied turning my nose up. “But I think I prefer your six-pack to his saggy beer belly.”

“Oh, thank you,” Damon said, smirking and setting the drinks down on the side table. “Lay down, Nell, this is going to be quick and hard. I don’t want the coffee going cold.”

Who was I to argue with a pre-coffee quickie?

After spending two hours in bed we finally got up and got dressed. Damon seemed in no rush to get me out of the door and as long as he wasn’t looking as though he was bored of me I wasn’t going anywhere. We were lounging on his sofa, eating ice cream and watching The Godfather movies. It was the perfect way to spend the day getting reacquainted.

“Are you back at work tomorrow?” I asked.

“Yeah, could really do with another week off, though.”

Couldn’t we all. Damon was one of those bloody annoying people that found their perfect job right out of university. I knew he worked hard for it and he deserved it but I couldn’t help feeling like a failure next to him.

“You love your job.”

He nodded. “I’d still rather my job was getting you naked at every opportunity.”

“How is it not?” When we were alone my clothes came off.

Laughing he dug the spoon in the tub of cookie dough. “True. Can you blame me?”

“I cannot,” I replied, winking. “So, how many girls did you get naked in Kavos?”


“Per day?”

“No, two

What? “But Kavos is where you go to get laid. How did you only score two?”

He shrugged. “Don’t remember a whole lot of it to be honest and I think actually the last one only took her top off. Pretty sure I was too drunk the entire time. Doug won, he allegedly bagged nineteen.”

“Shut up. That’s what…two point seven women a day.”

“I think you underestimate how loose everyone in Kavos is. But he could well be bullshitting. Your maths is shit hot by the way.”

“I’m thinking he lied. And I know, shame I don’t want to do anything maths-y.”


“I don’t know, teach it or something.”

“You won’t always be in that job, Nell.”

“I won’t. I have to remind myself of that thirty thousand times a day. There are millions of people out there that hate their jobs, I’m just one of them for now.”

“That’s the spirit. If things get too bad I’ll hire you. In fact I’d hire you right now.”

“Ha, no thanks, prostitution is illegal.”

His eyes darkened. “I wasn’t thinking of like that… although I am now. I mean it, you’re sharp, intelligent, seemingly awesome at maths, confident and perfectly capable of turning your hand to most things. You have a business degree going to waste and I know for a fact my boss would have you on the team.”

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted but I couldn’t work for or with Damon, no way. We shared a bodily fluids and hung out. I liked our arrangement, we slept together and went on with our individual lives, and becoming colleagues would only blur the lines of the carefully crafted relationship we had.

“Thank you but I don’t think it’s a good idea. Besides, I want to work my way up independently. I appreciate you wanting to help but this has to be something I do alone.”

He leant over and gave me a kiss. His lips were cold and tasted like ice cream. I licked mine, which made his eyes smoulder.

“I knew you’d say that. Offer’s there but I get where you’re coming from.”

I was curious to know what he’d hire me to do if it was his decision, but I didn’t want to tempt myself or end up talking myself into thinking it was a good plan to take the job. Work and play shouldn’t mix. Neither of us were particularly awesome at keeping our hands off each other and that could be really awkward in a meeting.

“You want to get together tomorrow after work?” I asked.

“I have a meeting at five but I’ll be free by six. Wanna come over?”

“Hmm, my place I think.”

“Sure, I’ll bring Chinese.”

“Chinese and sex.”

“Nothin’ better,” he said and then nodded to the TV. “Now watch. I can’t believe you’ve never seen this before.”

I’d tried to once but I couldn’t get into it. My dislike of the film didn’t seem to bother Damon, he was more concerned that I hadn’t seen a ‘classic’ than whether I liked it or not. It didn’t really matter though because between the movies, and sometimes quarter or halfway through, he’d stop our watching in favour of something a lot more hot and sweaty.

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