Order of The Rose: Forsaken Petal (21 page)

BOOK: Order of The Rose: Forsaken Petal
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Three buildings stood around the town that were not as high as the center building but were much taller than the rest. There were walkways that connected the three towers to each other and to the center building.

John turned and looked at the group. He pointed out each tower to each group so that they knew which ones they would be hitting respectively. John turned and headed into the city. The city looked and felt like a ghost town.
Why is it so quiet? It feels like a huge weight is sitting over the town.

The group quietly ran from building to building as they wound their way toward the palace. Suddenly there was an explosion of sound that came from the other side of the city. Tom could hear battle cries ripping through the heavy air toward him.

They have begun the assault, we must hurry they’ll be putting up the protective barrier and my people will have to retreat,” Tanya said in a hushed tone.

The group continued at a quicker pace and Tom could hear the battle beginning to die down and suddenly the air was filled with electricity. A bright light flashed around the city and he had the distinct feeling of being trapped inside a bubble. Looking behind him he saw the trees shimmering as if a film was placed between him and the trees.

The group made it to the center of the city. To Tom’s relief there were only a few guards outside the palace. Four guards who all wore black leather armor with an even blacker image of a spider that wrapped around their bodies in a protective fashion. The guard’s helmets were also black with black hair coming out of the tops. Each guard wore a long sword at his side and each had a rifle cradled in their arms.

Those are part of the Black Widow’s elite guard. Their bullets are dipped int a poison that if not neutralized will kill a grown man in a matter of minutes. They also have psionic ability and communicate with each other through their ability. We must be careful.” Xantar said.

Tom saw worry or maybe it was fear cross his face.

“Kris, we’ll need a shield if we are to reach them, Caspin prepare to neutralize any hits. Tanya, Xantar cover us with your bows. Cody and I will take the lead, Aithnea help cover us with a shield and Tom, well Tom surprise us,” John said with a quick smile.

Kristiana and Aithnea began to chant while Tanya and Xantar readied their bows. Cody gave a quick smile to Tom and Tom smiled back hoping that his friend would be ok. Tanya and Xantar released their arrows at the same time and before the first arrow was half way through its flight they had both notched and let loose another arrow. John was a half second ahead of Cody as they sprinted toward the four guards. Tom’s mind went blank and then filled with the fire spell he had used earlier to enchant his sword but instead of enchanting his sword Tom allowed the fire to begin to form in his hand into a small ball. He flung the ball toward the four guards and it split into four equal parts as it screamed past John and Cody.

The first set of arrows hit the guards square in the chest dropping the first two guards before they knew what had hit them. The next two guards reacted without hesitation, lifting the rifles to their shoulders they fired at the two men racing toward them. There was a tremendous sound and then the shield surrounding Cody and John wavered, Cody faltered slightly but John didn’t even flinch.

The small fire balls raced toward the guards and Tom saw that the guards finally registered the first feelings of fear that they had probably ever felt in their lives. Two balls slammed into the two guards already on the ground causing a small explosion of flames while the other two balls slammed into the second two guards throwing them to the ground. To Tom’s surprise and disappointment the two guards were back on their feet almost as soon as they had hit the ground and pulled their
jagged swords from their sheaths.

John was on them first with Cody only a step or two behind. John swung his sword in a downward arch toward the first guard who being already caught off
balance was barely able to bring his own weapon up in time to deflect the blow from a fatal hit to one that cut deeply into the guards shoulder. The second guard swung in toward John but Cody had moved in to engage the guard and brought his own sword up to stop the downward slash toward John’s unguarded side. The strength of the blow had seemed to surprise Cody a little but he was still able to deflect it safely away.

Xantar and Tanya had drawn their own weapons and were racing across the small courtyard toward the combatants. Tom was close behind them and he could hear the others behind him as he raced across the courtyard with his weapon held high.

When he was half way to the guards he saw the doors to the palace open and several more of the elite guards, with their red hour glass markings, poured out of the doors. John brought his weapon across the guard’s chest and looked up at the oncoming group of dark elves. Cody was still engaged with the other guard and Tom figured that he wouldn’t need any help so he turned his attention to the group that was exiting the palace. Several of them pulled their guns to their shoulders and were preparing to fire. Aithnea and Kristiana began to chant as the guards fired their deadly guns at close range. All but one of the bullets smashed into the same invisible barrier. The one that made it through created a long red mark across Cody’s forearm. Cody fell and Caspin pushed past Tom toward him.

Caspin put his hands on Cody and began to pray while John, Tanya and Xantar quickly ran the short distance to the guards that had exited the building. Tom’s mind
raged again as he saw Cody lying on the ground and his mind filled with fire once again. He enchanted his blade with the fire and he could feel the heat coming off the sword as he rushed the closest guard.

Tanya was fighting with her two weapons as she faced off against two of the guards. She blocked one blow from the first guard with her dagger and then with a quick movement brought her long sword across the second guard’s wrist causing him to drop his weapon; turning her dagger in an upward motion she thrust it to the hilt into the second guards gut causing him to double over and fall to the ground with a groan.
Unable to pull the dagger free in time Tanya left it in the guard and pulled a second one from the small of her back and blocking an attack from yet another guard at the same time.

Tom was now in the melee with his fire sword swinging down toward one of the guards. The guard threw his sword up to block the fire sword that descended fiercely from above. When Tom’s sword hit the guard’s, fire seemed to leap from the sword onto the guard’s hands and body causing him to scream out in pain. Tom quickly took advantage of the elf’s confusion and brought the sword back across the elf’s body cutting a small line across his armor, catching the leather armor on fire for a brief moment. The elf jumped back and another elf appeared before Tom was able to

The second
elf had two small blades in his hands; he feinted with one catching Tom off guard. He then made a cutting motion toward Tom with the other blade, wounding Tom across his right arm almost causing him to drop his weapon. Tom quickly stepped back seeing that he was outmatched by this elf. The elf started forward slowly and Tom’s mind raced for a way to catch the elf off balance. The elf smiled cruelly as he approached him and once again came at Tom with his weapons.

Tom reached out with his mind toward Aithnea and connected as he desperately warded off the elf’s attacks. Aithnea’s and Tom’s mind connected and Tom was filled with the confidence that he needed. His mind was filled with the fire once again. He made a circular motion with his hand and the fire began to fill the space between him and his assailant. The elf dropped back quickly, not knowing what to expect. Tom blew the flame toward the man and a jet of flame shot from his hand toward the elf. The elf turned as the flame hit enabling him to avoid taking the full brunt of the magic.

The elf screamed out in pain as the flame heated the leather on his back and Tom jumped forward with his sword and plunged it into the elf’s back. Tom felt the blade slip through the armor easily and pierce the elf’s body releasing another agonizing scream from the elf. The elf fell to the ground, no longer moving. The field had been cleared. Cody looked to be doing well, thanks to the faith of Caspin. 

Xantar dropped to the ground clutching his head. Through gasps of breath he said, “We must find the queen quickly; she has noticed us and will take us out one by one. She should be in the palace somewhere, we must hurry.” Tanya helped Xantar up, still gripping his head, and headed toward the palace doors. By the time they reached the entrance Xantar was able to walk without help but sweat poured down his face.

The group entered the palace; a huge staircase was going up to a landing high above them. A shiver ran up Tom’s spine.
This is exactly what I saw in my dream from the night before.
He looked over at his companions and saw that they must have had similar dreams.

Suddenly Tom felt as if his mind had been hit with a sledgehammer and his legs buckled under him. He felt himself falling toward the ground. The last thing he remembered before losing consciousness was Xantar grinning broadly.




Chapter 2


Tom felt sweat trickling down the back of his neck and his head pounded harder than it had ever done before. He looked around and saw that he was in the entryway to the palace and that all of his companions were gone. He tried to sit up but the pounding in his head doubled in intensity when he raised his head off the ground. He lay on the cold stone floor for several minutes as he tried to force his eyes to focus. He hoped that the pounding in his head would subside enough to allow him to sit up.

After several minutes the pounding subsided slightly and Tom was able to sit up. He slowly got to his feet wondering why they left him here and what happened to them. He staggered as he made it to his feet and reached for the banister that ran up the staircase. Steadying himself, he looked around once again seeing that the walls were transparent enough to allow sunlight to come through but he was unable to see anything through the walls.

As Tom looked around he noticed that the plants grew directly from the floor and walls. There were bright colored flowers hanging around the room and trees growing up through the floor. Tom looked up the stairs to the landing above and he thought he caught a glimpse of someone darting from the balcony. He slowly began to ascend the stairs putting his hand on his sword reflexively.

When he reached the top of the stair case he saw two hallways leading away from the landing; he followed the one heading left. He thought he had seen someone run down that one. As he went down the hallway he noticed several doors without handles. He tried pushing on some of them but none would budge. At the end of the hallway there was a door that was slightly ajar and as Tom pushed on the door it opened into a room.

He had an overwhelming feeling of relief as he saw Aithnea and Cody. They were drinking from goblets and talking cheerfully with each other as Tom approached, though they seemed not to notice him. Tom touched Aithnea softly on the arm and she turned to him, but seemed to look through him.

Aithnea turned back to Cody and frowned. “I thought for sure I  felt someone touch my arm.”

“Aithnea it was me,” Tom said.
Why are they acting so weird? What game are they playing?

Aithnea did not appear to hear him because she went back to talking with Cody. Tom once again touched Aithnea’s arm. “Aithnea, stop playing this isn’t funny at all.”

Once again Aithnea turned in Tom’s direction but again did not seem to notice him. She rubbed her arm and began to cry softly.

Cody reached out his hand and pulled Aithnea in close to him. “What’s wrong Aithnea?” he asked.

Aithnea put her head on Cody’s chest still crying. “I’m not sure; I just feel so sad all of a sudden. It feels as if an old friend has just died.”

Cody held Aithnea close rubbing her back gently with his hand and whispering to her in a calming tone. Aithnea looked up at Cody and smiled. Tom’s heart jumped remembering the smile she had given to him those many mornings ago in the cabin.

Cody leaned down and kissed Aithnea tenderly on the lips and Aithnea kissed him back.

Tom’s mouth dropped open in shock. Then hurt.

“Cody! Aithnea!” Tom said.

There was no response once again. He slowly turned away from the two and walked out of the room.
Why would Cody do this to him? Why would Aithnea?
How could they betray him like that?

In the hallway Tom noticed a door with a doorknob
How did I miss that door?
Tom walked over to the door and slowly opened it. He looked into the room and saw Caspin and Tanya. As Tom walked toward them, the door slammed shut behind him. Tom turned and tried to pry the door open, but was unable to.

He turned. “Tanya, Caspin?” Tom said timidly.
What if they are like Aithnea and Cody?

Tanya suddenly pulled her weapons from her belt and stood back from Caspin who was transforming into a werewolf. Caspin’s mouth dropped open into a menacing grin as he looked at her. The saliva was dripping from his mouth. Muscles in the creature’s arms and legs tensed preparing for the fight.

Tom ran between the two, hoping that he would be able to stop the imminent battle. Caspin gave a short laugh and then lunging toward Tanya went right through Tom as if he wasn’t there. Tanya quickly brought her weapons up in a defensive stance trying to block the initial strike. Caspin swung with both clawed hands toward her body. She was able to deflect the powerful swings but was knocked off balance by the force. She stepped back regaining her balance.

Tom watched, horrified at the speed and agility Caspin had in his werewolf form.

Without hesitating Caspin swung a bloody arm again toward Tanya and hitting her in the shoulder knocked her to the ground. Tears came to Tanya’s eyes as she tried to regain some ground. She rolled to the side, barely evading Caspin’s clawed foot as he kicked at her. She got to her knees and jumped back to her feet before Caspin was able to hit her again. She swung her long sword at Caspin, forcing him to step back and then charged in with her dagger. Catching him off balance, Tanya quickly took advantage and slashed with her silver long sword cutting him across the chest.

Caspin howled as the sharp blade dug deep into his chest. A thin line of blood was turning his fur red around the cut. Tanya went in low and slashed at his leg. Caspin went down to one knee.

Tom once again tried to intervene. He jumped in front of Tanya, pushing back with all his might. Tanya went in for the killing blow. A look of shock crossed her face as she went through Tom, losing her concentration; she tripped and fell beside Caspin. Caspin took advantage of the situation and as Tanya rolled to her back to defend herself as he leaped on top of her. He slashed her across the chest with his long sharp claws. Now that the huge werewolf was on top of her, Tanya had no chance of winning. A pool of blood formed around the two combatants.

Tom looked down in horror as he saw recognition suddenly appear on Tanya’s face.
Can she see me?
The look of recognition quickly turned to hate and contempt as she realized why she lost the battle. Her face burned itself into his mind. It was over in a fraction of a second. Her eyes went blank as Caspin made the finishing blow.

No! What is happening? Why is this happening?” Tom screamed out.

Caspin was suddenly gone and all Tom could see was the white face of Tanya lying cold and lifeless on the floor. He closed his eyes and fell to his knees next to her but the image of her face would not leave his mind. He dug his fists into his eyes hoping that somehow he would be able to forget the dreadfulness of the image. He turned away from the corpse and putting his head to the ground began to sob. He couldn’t get the guilt and hurt to go away.

“It’s my fault she’s dead,” Tom said.

Not wanting to get up but knowing that he needed to he slowly made his way to the door which was now open. He walked through and closed the door behind him barely having the strength to walk. Looking down the hall he saw another door that stood partially open. He heard voices coming from the open door and his spirits lifted slightly. He heard the voices of Kristiana and John. He had an image of the first day he met them and a faint smile came to his mouth.
They’ll know how to end this nightmare. They can protect me, they’ve always been there for me in the past. I need them.

Tom hurried to the open door and went through. He walked quickly toward Kristiana and John. When he reached them they both looked at him. Tom’s smile gained hope as he realized that they could see him. The tears also came back as the relief and feeling of safety returned.

“You! It’s all your fault we’re in this mess,” Kristiana said as she pointed at him. Tom’s smile quickly faded as he saw the looks of disgust on both of their faces.

You’re the cause of our problems and heartache. If you hadn’t come into our lives Karman would still be here. Tanya would be alive and we would be relaxing in the mansion with Archelaus,” Kristiana continued.

Tom you are not welcome here. We don’t want to see you,” John said.

Tom heard a noise behind him and he turned to see several men with
dark brown clothes and black cloaks. They bore the red dragon symbol on their chests and they had looks of delight on their faces. The group began to walk toward him and he turned back to Kristiana and John with a pleading look on his face. They both just smiled and turned their backs on him.

Tom turned back toward the group that was getting slowly closer. Losing all hope he did not even bother pulling his weapons out to defend himself. There was a quick motion behind the group and one of the men dropped to the floor. The group turned and Tom saw Xantar standing by the door.

“Tom, it’s not real, but if you die here you will also die in the real world,” Xantar yelled as he continued to fight the group.

Tom watched as the group was beginning to overpower Xantar. Tom began to turn away not wanting to see another one of his companions die.

“Tom, remember your dream, you must believe me.”

Tom turned back seeing that Xantar had narrowly dodged the blade of one of the red dragon clan. Tom stepped toward the men and pulled his sword from his belt knowing that he could not stand by and let Xantar die, but feeling so hopeless it was hard for him to concentrate. He came to the first of the men and stabbed him in the back. The man fell to the ground; as blood began to spill out of his back the ground began to turn red. Tom saw that the blood red color began to spread across the floor and toward his feet.

Xantar killed another of the men with a savage strike across the man in front of him. Another man fell and his blood mixed with the blood, increasing the stain that was beginning to fill the room. Tom stepped back several paces and watched the blood come closer and closer. He saw that the red stain had not yet reached the door. Here was a chance to escape as Xantar continued to battle. Tom moved around behind the battle seeing the blood spread out toward him.

Xantar had fear on his face as a deflected blade still hit him across the arm causing a small red line to appear.

“Tom, I need your help. I will die if they kill me,” Xantar yelled.

Seeing the desperation in his face Tom could not leave him to die. He cleared his mind and summoned the fire. He flung a ball of fire toward the closest man who was instantly set ablaze. The man dropped and rolled across the blood stained floor trying to extinguish the flames. The other two men, seeing Tom with new respect, turned on him. Xantar, catching them in their surprise, was able to disarm one of them and give the other a severe cut across his face.

The two men seeing that they were outmatched dropped their weapons and walked back with their hands up. Seeing his chance to escape, Tom ran through the door. Xantar came after him as he ran down the hall. Tom looked over his shoulder and saw that the red stain was spreading out of the room into the hallway covering both the floor and the ceiling.

Tom, wait. You must fight it or it will consume you and you’ll be no more,” Xantar yelled at Tom as they ran down the hall.

Tom slowed but the fear and sadness had overtaken him so he continued running toward the landing. He could no longer fight the fear and dread and as he ran he no longer wanted to feel the pain that welled up inside of him each time he thought about his friends. When Tom reached the landing he saw that the lower floor had turned a dark red and it was beginning to climb the stairs. He looked frantically around seeing down the other hallway another set of stairs that led higher into the palace.

Just as he was turning to run down that hallway he was knocked down to the ground.

Tom, it’s a dream. None of it’s real,” Xantar whispered.

Tom tried to struggle but Xantar held him tight so that he was unable to escape. He looked past Xantar and saw Aithnea coming down the hall toward them. She walked without a care in the world and as she approached Tom she smiled at him sweetly.

“Tom, do not believe Xantar, look at him; he is one of her servants,” Aithnea said.

Listen to me you must remember that the dark queen is able to get into your mind and will kill you if you do not fight back,” Xantar’s voice was growing desperate.

Tom longed to have Aithnea hold him in her arms.

Tom, come with me and I will hold you for awhile.”

He struggled under the weight of Xantar and was finally able to push him off.

It’s a trick. Focus and clear your mind. Take a few moments and look at Aithnea,” Xantar said.

Tom slowly stood and seeing the palace turning a blood red he closed his eyes and focused as he did when he was training with Aithnea and Kristiana. As he cleared his head images of the three rooms entered his mind. He calmly pushed them out as he searched for a place in his mind where he could clear out everything. As the images became dimmer and he was able to clear his thoughts he focused on a spell he was taught in the beginning of his lessons. He forced the emptiness out of his mind into the world around him causing his own energy to strengthen the bonds of the nothingness that was in his mind.

Tom slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was looking into the eyes of Aithnea who looked as if she had been crying. Aithnea slowly smiled as she pulled Tom closer and kissed him softly on the lips. Tom smiled back and looked around the room.

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