Opulent (The Opalescent Collection Book 1) (31 page)

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Important  Creatures, People, Places, and Terms from Opulent




Alexander Silver-
vampire. Married to Luna Silver. Fitzray and Pete’s father. Turned Fitzray into a vampire. He was killed by Pete.

vampire, Eternal Mate of Caspian. She is forever 18 years old. She is also Chenille’s best friend. She lives on the outskirts of the City of Lights.

Annabel Richards-
what Chenille calls herself while she is in the North.

female giant snake with purple eyes. She is the younger sister of Magnificent and Sylvarian and is the daughter of Taj’ and Princess Pearl.

vampire. He is Chenille’s best friend. He is forever 17 years old. He lives far from the City of Lights.

vampire, Amelia’s Eternal Mate. He is a very good healer. He is forever 24 years old. He is Fitzray’s best friend and was once in his clan. He is the doctor of the City.

Irish immortal, Prince William’s wife. She is forever in her 20’s. Lives on Alfur, in the North

female white bat. She belongs to Fitzray.

Chenille East-
vampire, reject of wolves. Child of Denver East and Serena East. She has bonded with Fitzray, and Lucian. Eternal Mate of Pete Silver. She is forever 18 years old. She is the Queen of Catastrophe. Lives on the border of the City of Lights on Inesious.

small female orange dragon.

Denver East-
werewolf bonded and married to Serena East. He has two children, Zaire and Chenille.
He is forever 55 years old. He is the pack leader of all werewolves on Catastrophe and Earth.

Father of Time-
phoenix, bonded with Mother Nature. His daughter is Princess Pearl.

an old woman that poses as Moran’s grandmother while Pete and Chenille are at the old farm.

Fitzray Silver-
vampire bonded with Chenille. Child of Alexander Silver and Luna Silver. He is the brother of Pete Silver. He is forever 18 years old. He is Prince of Catastrophe and was once a healer. Lives on the border of the City of Lights on Inesious.

white dragon bonded to Lucian. Refers to his owner as Master.

mortal. He is Violet’s brother and is an adopted son of Tetchra’s. He is 18 years old. Lives on Earth. He purchases Chenille during a vampire auction on Earth.

chestnut pony that belonged to Fitzray. Age is unknown. Lived on Earth.

female white unicorn. She had one foal – Versailles. She was a great friend of Princess Pearl. She died from being captured and having her horn cut off.

Lucian Noir-
half-blood, bonded with Chenille. Son of Rainier Noir and Nell Noir. He is Pete and Fitzray’s cousin.

Luna Silver-
mortal. Married to Alexander Silver. Is Pete and Fitzray’s mother.

female snowy owl. She belongs to Pete.

large male, blue dragon bonded with Chenille. He refers to her as Mistress.

white male dragon. He was Fitzray’s first dragon and gave him a Dragon’s Soul. Pete sliced his wing once he had flown over the side of the Bridge of Secrecy to save Fitzray and was killed.

what Lucian calls himself when he is in disguise at the old farm with Chenille and Pete.

Mother Nature-
mermaid bonded with Father of Time. Her daughter is Princess Pearl.

Ms. Brown-
caretaker of Fitzray from infancy to eight years old.

large male, black dragon, bonded to Pete. Gave Pete a Dragon’s Soul.

Nell Noir-
mortal, married to Rainier Noir. Lives on Earth.

giant phoenix. He was the last giant phoenix. He was killed from being poisoned by Tetchra and fell on the Bridge of Secrecy – destroying it.

Pete Silver-
full-blood vampire that does not need a Ceremony to be reincarnated. Is Chenille’s Eternal Mate. Child of Alexander Silver and Luna Silver. He is Fitzray’s brother. He is forever 19 years old. He is the King of Catastrophe and lives on the outskirts of the woods bordering the City of Lights on Inesious. He has lived on Earth before.  

a celestial star in the form of a glass swan with a beak made of gold. Her age is unknown. She travels back and forth from Earth to Catastrophe.

Prince Dafar Alan-
immortal, married to Elisma Alan. He has two sons, William and Sebastian. Lives on Alfur.

Princess Elisma Alan-
immortal, married to Dafar Alan. She has two sons, William and Sebastian. Lives on Alfur. 

Prince of Light-
Sebastian’s other name. He is called so because of his strange powers that enables him to control light.

Princess Pearl-
mermaid, bonded with Taj’. Child of Mother Nature and Father of Time. Lives in the Frozen Waterfalls. She can see the future by using the Frozen Pool at the base of the Frozen Waterfalls.

Prince William-
an immortal married to Catherine. Son of Princess Elisma Alan and Prince
Dafar Alan.
He is
Sebastian’s older brother. He is forever in his 20’s. He lives in the North, on Alfur, with Catherine.

werewolf. She is forever 18 years old.

immortal, son of Princess Elisma Alan and Prince Dafar Alan. He is forever in his 20’s. He is also known as the Prince of Light.

Serena East-
werewolf, bonded and married to Denver East. She has two children, Zaire and Chenille. She was forcibly turned into a werewolf and was killed by Denver.

a gold dragon that helps young Fitzray when he is growing up from reincarnation.  

the oldest of the remaining giant snakes. Bonded with Princess Pearl. He has two sons, Magnificent and Sylvarian, and three daughters, Aqua, Aura, and Serendipity. His parents are unknown. He is also called Lord of the Sea. He once lived in the City’s reservoir and now lives in the Frozen Waterfalls.

- shape
shifter responsible for ‘bonding’ mortals and vampires. She kidnapped Fitzray as an infant. Age is unknown.

Timothy East-
werewolf, not bonded. He is Chenille’s cousin. He is forever 19 years old.

blue jay by night, phoenix by day. He was found by Chenille when he was a baby. He was killed by the strange powers of the Star Pool.

vampire. Luna Silver’s mother, young Fitzray’s great-great grandmother. Over 80 years old. She lives on Catastrophe.

- female gray unicorn. She is Lazuli’s daughter. She was born premature.

mortal, 14 years old. She is Jeff’s younger sister and is an adopted daughter of Tetchra’s. She lives on Earth.

a mermaid, friend of Princess Pearl.

werewolf, not bonded. He is the son of Denver and Serena East and is Chenille’s brother. He is forever 19 years old. He was killed by Taj’ who threw him over the side of the Bridge of Secrecy.









large continent. Also known as the North.

Bridge of Secrecy-
the bridge connecting Catastrophe to Earth.

large planet, nearly twice Earth’s size. Connected to Earth by a bridge suspended between the two planets.

The City of Lights-
the largest city on Inesious. Also called the City.

Catastrophe’s orange moon that shattered from the destruction of the Bridge.

Frozen Waterfalls-
located a few miles away from the City. Also where Taj’ and Pearl live.

the largest of Catastrophe’s continents.

small rundown village just outside of the Ticktay Mountains.

The Palace-
commonly referred to Pete, Chenille, and Fitzray’s palace.

The Star Pool-
an invisible pool that reflects the stars. It has mystical powers that can show the future. Located north of Nalani.

The Ticktay Mountains-
the largest mountain range on Catastrophe.

a planet that Pete created and was destroyed.

Catastrophe’s blue moon that appeared after Clesta’s shattering.

The Woods-
the outskirts of the City.


Important Terms



Black Book-
also known as Pete’s old journal. Pete wrote it, recording important facts about vampires.

Blood Ceremony-
when two vampires create a bond. This must happen for reincarnation to be possible. Two vampires, Eternal Mates or not, can perform a Blood Ceremony.

referred to two species (usually a vampire or werewolf) forming a pair. It usually involves drinking the blood of their chosen partner.

also known as a Blood Ceremony.

Dragon’s Soul-
a chain with a charm made from a dragon’s scales and precious metal. It is presented to a dragon’s Master or Mistress. This is the ultimate gift of loyalty a dragon can give.

Eternal Mate-
a vampire responsible for turning a mortal or half-mortal into a vampress. As a couple, each vampire is considered to be an Eternal Mate to each other.

Half-Blood/Half Mortal-
commonly referred to those that did not transform completely into a vampire. Can be killed even with a Ceremony. When killed, their heart is left behind and can be used to turn a vampire or vampress into a half-mortal.

a person who grew up on Catastrophe and cannot be killed. It is unknown how people become immortals, though some can be born immortal by two immortal parents.

Moon Ceremony-
when a wolf turns a mortal or half-mortal into a wolf. This can only be done on the night of a full moon.

person born on Earth and can be killed.

emotions that a vampire goes through after the completion of a Ceremony.

a natural substance produced by a vampire. It can have various affects on a vampress. A vampire will produce poison to numb a vampress or mortal when feeding or during a Ceremony. Color of the poison varies from vampire to vampire but is commonly black or clear and depending on the power of the vampire, can sometimes glow. A vampress also produces a very small amount of poison, but will not affect a vampire. Male wolves also have poison, but only enough for one Ceremony per life.

if a vampire or wolf completes a Ceremony and later dies, it will come back. It will be born an infant, grow, remember, and within a few years will return to their original age. They must reunite and complete a Ceremony with their Eternal Mate shortly after so reincarnation is possible again.

Sebastian’s Ball-
when Sebastian threw a large party and invited Annabel (Chenille) to Alfur.

name for a male vampire, or the species as a whole.

a female vampire.

part human that can change to a wolf form; is immortal and needs a Ceremony to become reincarnated.





















About the Author


              Isabelle Gallo’s eternal love for fantasy inspired her to write
when she was twelve years old, influenced by a multitude of dreams that portrayed a beautiful world - inhabited by characters that brought her dreams to life. Isabelle lives in New York with her family. Born premature, at only one pound, she has overcome countless challenges through love and support from her family and friends.






























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