Opulent (The Opalescent Collection Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Opulent (The Opalescent Collection Book 1)
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              I ran through the empty City of Lights to the Frozen Waterfalls. Taj’ had just slithered from the cave with Pearl to begin their normal routine. I stood at the water’s edge and waited for them to come over to me.

“Look who’s up early!”

“Yeah, I know. Listen, I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Anything, my friend, you name it.”

“I need you to watch Fitzray for me.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going away from here. I need to get away from Pete. He’ll have me killed by the end of the week.”

“Where will you go?”

“I have heard that at the other pole of Catastrophe, the aristocrats reside. I could start a new life there, maybe even marry.”

“Oh, Pete will have you killed all right,” the snake mumbled. “If he caught you-,” the snake began.

“No, he
catch me. He is only my Eternal Mate. That does not mean I can’t marry. That doesn’t mean I can’t have a life I choose. Not everyone loves their Eternal Mate, so there are exceptions.”

“There aren’t any exceptions with

“Yeah, if he found out, he’d-,”

“No, don’t even go there. I just want to get away.”

“And if you do decide to marry or just find a good guy, he’d find you and tear him to pieces.”

“He wouldn’t find me.”

“Oh, he would.”

“It would be wrong if you left. If you found someone, put his life in jeopardy, at the end of the day, the only one you’d have to blame is yourself.”


Chenille! And when it does, don’t expect us to help you.”

              Taj’ shook his large head. “You are making a mistake, but I will let that be redeemed by you.”

“I have already made my mistake.”

“We will take your boy into our care for now, and when you come to your senses, we will be here.”

              I turned away. The plans I had for the night ran through my mind. When I stepped into the palace, the only noise came from the soft steps of my bare feet on the polished floor as I walked briskly up the stairs. My stomach twisted inside. Fright began to eat me from the inside out. My hands were twitching by the time I had to open the bedroom door. I could not even imagine all of the possibilities that could happen once I walked through that door. I could not imagine what would happen if he found out what I was planning.

              The door opened a crack, just enough for me to poke my head in to see what was going on. Pete was on the bed. Not much had changed in being gone for nearly an hour. I sneaked into the room, acted as casual and calm as though I had never left, but I knew he was eyeing me with suspicion. I knew he had been

              I was afraid to sit on the bed beside him, so I stood and waited for him to say something.

“You didn’t help me.”

“I know…I was a little angry, but I’m ok now.”

“I knew you’d come running back, you always do.”

              I gave him a bit of a nervous smile.

“You must be tired.”

              I nodded slowly. “I am.”

              I leaned against the door and he watched me, my every move, until he grew tired and turned his back to me and fell asleep.

              I could not take it. I could not wait until the night; I needed to leave as soon as possible
I got up quickly and left only with the clothes on my back. I could not make my disappearance seem planned. I would only leave with Versailles, the only evidence of a broken gate behind me. I would ride her bareback. This escape could not seem planned at all.

              It would take me five days to reach the other pole since Versailles could get me there in record time. There was only one thing left to do. I grabbed a knife, my only weapon, and cut off a bit of my hair.

              I walked with the unicorn quickly to the front of the palace. As we passed Minx, whom was sleeping, I quietly sent him my regards, placing my lock of hair beside him. He would know I was safe.

“Where are we going to go?”

              The unicorn stopped, waiting for my reply as I gathered her mane in my hands.

“We will go to the North. That’s where all of the wealthy reside.”

“Like who?”

“Well, there are creatures of royalty there. There are princes, princesses and kings.”

“But I thought you were the Queen.”

“I am, but there are royals who exist on the other continents of Catastrophe. And between you and me, I am not going to be the Queen of Catastrophe anymore, well, at least not while we are visiting the North.”

“Are you going to change your name?”

“I might have to.”

“What will it be?”

“I don’t know yet, I’ll have to think of one.”

* * * * *









Chapter 40 - Alias


sat at the end of a long table, isolated from the coming travelers who stumbled into the restaurant. The wealthy-looking came to sit at the table where I was, and I buried my nose into the menu, looked at the expensive meals, trying to blend in.

              The group of people began to talk noisily around me as though I was the seat cushion on the chair I sat on. I looked up to the man that was now speaking, his voice rich with the heavy accent only heard in the northern parts of Catastrophe. He was dressed well in a uniform suit, showing a high rank, maybe a general. A boy about his age, young, maybe in his early twenties sat beside him. I could only assume this was his brother due to the similar, handsome features they both shared. I listened to him as he spoke to the girl beside him.

“Wouldn’t you like to go see a play,” he asked her.

“Oh I have seen dozens of plays. To see another, I would simply find it unbearable to sit through.”

“You know there are others that aren’t as wealthy as you and would love to see a play. Wouldn’t you miss?”

              I looked up, unsure if he was even referring to me. Surprised that he was, I flushed.

“What’s your name Miss?”

“Me?” I asked, still unsure if he was talking to me. He nodded his head.

“I’m Annabel Richards,” I said quietly.

“Would you like to go to a play?”

“Well, yes. That sounds nice. I would love to.”

              The man smiled at the girl beside him and looked at me. “I am William. This is my brother Sebastian. And this is Catherine.”

              He gazed over Catherine. I gave them a smile and just as I turned to see a platter rich with meat and bread, my stomach gave me a sickly launch. I felt sick to my stomach for no apparent reason. Even sipping at the edge of my glass of icy water intimidated me.

“Are you all right?” William asked quietly, his voice low and calm.

“No. I don’t know what has come of me.”

              I stood up, feeling sick. William stood up, put an arm around my neck and held my waist. How tiny it looked against his hands that held me upright. 

“Let’s get you some fresh air.” He peered back to the table. “It wouldn’t be a problem if Sebastian took you, would it Miss Annabel?”

“No, I don’t think that would be a problem.”

              Sebastian stood up quickly, took his brother’s place and began to walk me out. Once I caught my breath and my stomach settled, I looked up at him and moved away.

“I never knew how different people are in the North.”

“It’s very different here. Are you visiting?”

“Yes. I do not have a place to stay. Where is the nearest hotel?”

“Not far, maybe a couple blocks down.” He paused. “If you are feeling better, maybe you’d like to go to that play.”

“I thought your brother was joking.”

“No, he meant it. You want to go?”

“No promises, I don’t know how my stomach will handle it,” I joked, feeling uneasy under the pressure of the gaze from the aristocrat.

              My stomach twisted and I looked over to my unicorn. She was occupied eating some hay, but once she sensed my pain, she came over.

“I think I should go before I cause you any trouble.”

“You’re not going to ride feeling like
are you?”

“I’ll manage.” I mounted upon the unicorn’s back, holding a fist under my ribs.

“But wouldn’t you prefer-,” he began.       

“It was nice to meet you. Please give my regards to the others.” And before he could utter another word, Versailles ran off.

              I went straight to the hotel to rest for the night. I walked in quickly, boarded Versailles in one of the public stalls nearby and waited at the front desk. The receptionist was fumbling with the room keys, clearly distressed while dozens of people waited on line. I was feeling even worse, so I held my breath and wheeled around, spotting William, Sebastian, and Catherine also waiting there. I hoped that they would not notice me. It was just a coincidence.

              I was next, grabbed my key and was off before they noticed me. Walking down the hallway, I knew I was almost out of the woods but no, not just yet. I made a run for it, not expecting to see a woman turning a corner with a cart piled with white sheets and towels. I made it out of the way, but it was long enough that they could have seen my face. I did not even turn back to the exasperated maid who simply uttered a loud, obnoxious sigh as I passed.

              Once I made it safely to my room, I sighed with relief and put my back to the door. I made it. I gave myself a rest before I entered and turned my head to eye the door beside me. Sebastian stood there, leaning casually against the door, pretending to figure out how to unlock it. He caught my glimpse, held his breath. He was good.

“Annabel?” He said it uncertainly. He did not know it was me so I still had a chance. He mumbled my name again, confirming it was me, probably since I had not moved and just stood arched over to protect my painful stomach.

“You’re hurt, you must be.” He walked over, which was only a couple of steps from where I sat.

“No, no I’m not. I’m just sick.”

“You should rest then.”

“I was just about to but…but-,”

“But what?”

“I just…I can’t…I feel so,” my voice drifted off as my back slid against the door.

“Give me the key, I’ll help you inside.” He picked up the keys that I had placed beside me.

“I don’t need your help.”

“You don’t?”

“No, just leave me alone.”

“All right, if that’s what you want.”

              He walked slowly to his door, checked back at me slyly to see if I had changed my mind, opened his door very slowly, and I called to him for help. Of course he still had my keys anyway. He helped me inside and sat on the edge of the bed, making himself feel welcome.

“Are you a vampire?”

“What makes you think that?”

“A lot of things…especially since vampires can get strange ailments.”

“Oh are you a doctor now?”

“No, but do you need blood? Is that it?” He asked rather quickly, hope in his voice.

“Why are you so interested in that?”

“I’m curious. You don’t find many vampires here in the North.”

“Ok.” I sighed, making myself comfortable against the pillows.

“Do you need blood?”

“Are you offering?”

              He was quiet and nodded his head after a long while. “Why? I couldn’t possibly do that to a common traveler. What kind of a person would I be? That would be cruel of me. No one deserves to get bit by one of us. Not unless you…wanted to be. Not unless…you wanted to be a vampire.” A glint appeared in his eyes. “But even if I wanted, I couldn’t turn you into one. I am a vampress. You need a vampire for that kind of thing.”

“I am just offering then, just to you.”

“I couldn’t possibly.”

“Would it make you feel better?”

“I don’t think so and I don’t want you to find out.”


“I can’t help you then.”

              He smiled, got as close as he could to me without making me feel self-conscious.

“Are you a mortal?”

“No, I’m an immortal, but more than ever…more than ever,” he edged himself a bit closer, “I want to be a vampire.”

“No you don’t. You really don’t.”

              He rubbed his hands against his neck, emphasizing its length and smooth texture. He rubbed even harder so the blue-purple veins stood out against the red surface.

“Leave,” I snapped, “I’m not going to hurt you…that’s all I would be doing. If you want to be a vampire, go find another. All I would do is cause you pain.” I wished he would leave now that he barged in as if he knew me. It was too much.

              He paused from harshly rubbing his skin. “You’re in denial.”

“Leave,” I said again.

“You are fighting your instinct.”

              I put up my hands to stop him from getting any closer. “I normally wouldn’t but I don’t know what’s causing me to feel sick like this. If it is a bad disease or something, you would get it.” I said, hoping he would forget the whole idea. He moved away a fraction of an inch. “But I’ll make you a deal then.”


“Once I get better, and I mean fully recovered from this illness, then I won’t fight you, deal?” I lied.

“Fine, you promise?”

“Yeah, but I’ll let you say if you want to call it off.”

“So what do you need now?”

“I need to rest. Leave me to sleep.”

              He stood up, made sure I didn’t need anything, and once I knew he was gone I sat back on the bed to think. Gone at last. I knew I couldn’t do what I had promised, I just needed to make sure it didn’t happen, even if that meant staying sick for my whole visit. Still, I needed a plan. I sat up, eyes closed, thinking of a plan, one that would keep me from going out of my mind, and to keep him safe. I wondered if I should leave the hotel altogether, but I knew this was a safe place and to leave really wouldn’t do me any good. There was also the rain, now pounding hard against the windows. I heard the door reopen and Sebastian ran over to sit back on the bed. Startled, I jumped, my reflex of Pete always coming into the room and surprising me with some poison or an ambush. I bit him, not deep, just a mere scratch, but that was all he needed, accident or not.

“Look at what you made me do!”

“That doesn’t bother me.” A smile crossed the immortal’s face. I knew he had planned this.

“Get out of here before my…instinct kicks in.” A bit of blood dropped onto my lips, and I knew it was too late for him. He didn’t say anything for a long ten minutes, but simply let sighed, stretching out his hand like a tease, waiting, trying to lure me into a trap like a mouse.

“You are such a fool,” I said. He grabbed my hand and held it to the scratch, just waiting for me to crack.

“Let me go!”

“I’m trying to help you!”

“No you’re not!”

              I could hear the pounding of his heart. He was an immortal with a heart that would always beat, a near impossible occurrence, but I knew of the wonders it could do for any vampire. It almost mesmerized me in a calming hypnotic tone and I couldn’t help but sit back and feel myself become calm.

“I am not bad,” he whispered waving his bloodied hand before my eyes.

              There was a distant slam. A door opened and then the sound came again, closer.

“What was that?” I sat up. It was Pete, I was almost positive. I turned back to Sebastian, recalling there were few vampires in the North. If Pete saw him like this, it would be a clear sign that I was a vampire. Quickly, I tore a piece of silk from my dress and wrapped it around his hand, covering the blood that would tempt me no longer.

“What are you doing?”

              The door slammed open from across the hall and I cowered beside Sebastian.

“What’s wrong?” He put a hand to my shoulder and moved closer.

              The door flew open, nearly off its hinges and Pete stood in the doorway, his face full of rage. He inhaled deeply and took a step forward while waving a candle around. Sebastian stood up and walked over to Pete with his hand to his side.

“Get out of here!”

              Pete acted as though he didn’t say anything. “I know you’re here Chenille,” he whispered, “I know you’re here.”

“You’ve picked the wrong room. There is no one here named Chenille. Now go.”

“I know she’s here.”

isn’t here

              The vampire turned away and walked out of the room. By the time Sebastian returned to me, I was feeling deathly ill, worse than before.

“He’s gone, don’t worry.”

              He took his place beside me and put the bandaged hand to my forehead. “You have a fever.”

              I held onto his hand, pulled it away from my head and turned my back to him.

“Look at what you’ve done. You made it worse!”

“I can get you better. I know at William’s palace, there are some of the best healers. I’ll take you there.”

              He began to pick me up, even though I started to yell and wiggle free from his grasp. “I don’t want to see healers! They can’t help me! They don’t know what’s wrong!”

“Hey, don’t say that.
don’t know what’s wrong.”

“Let me go!”

“No, I’m going to help you.”

“No.” The pulse filled my ears again like a song, like a spell, and I couldn’t fight it.             

              He ran out into the rain, put me into a buggy and held me, letting the rapid pulse do its job to keep me in a calm state, making me not realize what was happening for a while until we arrived at the palace. He took me inside, half-delirious, to the healers. The three of them crowded around me, took my temperature and put some ice on my head.

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