Open Wounds (Damaged Souls Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Open Wounds (Damaged Souls Book 2)
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“Wait! Lexi? Do you mean,
Lexi that you went on a blind double date with, that you told me about?!” Victoria exclaimed in shock. Lexi, Aaron, and Sloan all remained silent at the extremely awkward moment, not sure what to say. Victoria looked between the three of them in question.

“Uh…one and the same,” Aaron said uncomfortably.

“Wasn’t that only a few weeks ago? So…how long have you-” Victoria started to ask Sloan before being cut off.

“I don’t think that’s really any of your business.” Lexi cut off the nosy woman, finally fed up. “There’s really no need to make everyone standing here uncomfortable, now is there?” Lexi asked with a single brow quirked up in question, challenging the blonde woman.

“It was just a harmless question,” Victoria said, her tone snotty.

“I doubt harmless is a word that is often associated with you.” Lexi shot back.

Victoria squinted her eyes at Lexi in complete distaste. She opened her mouth to make a sharp retort when Aaron piped in to stop the conversation that was going downhill fast.

“Lexi, I was coming to ask if you’d like to dance. If that’s okay with Sloan?” Aaron asked Sloan as an afterthought.

Sloan grunted in response, not really willing to relinquish his hold on Lexi or to be left alone with Victoria. Lexi squeezed his hand tightly, before letting Aaron lead her out onto the dance floor. As always when the handsome man’s hand touched her waist, she tensed in response.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to make the conversation uncomfortable.” Aaron apologized, holding Lexi at arm’s length, remembering her aversion to being touched. Lexi wasn’t so sure that the apology was completely sincere, though.

“It’s okay. She was itching to make it awkward for everyone.” Lexi said looking over to where Sloan had led Victoria out onto the dance floor as well. He locked eyes with her, and he gave her a tight smile from across the floor.

“Oh Victoria’s sweet. She’s just overly curious. It’s a lawyer thing. Always wanting the facts.” Aaron stood up for the woman.

“Hmm…sweet wasn’t the word I would’ve used. You missed the part where she confessed that they used to date. Which I think she still has feelings for him.” Lexi defended her animosity towards the woman.

“Well…they do make a nice looking couple,” Aaron said, glancing over at the other dancing pair.

“Are you kidding me right now?” Lexi looked up at Aaron, incredulous.

“Well, they fit together better if you know what I mean? You know…
?” Aaron hedged, his voice filled with meaning.

“If you’re trying to say that they work better together because of their matching skin color, then you’re sadly mistaken. Please excuse me, I need to go to the ladies room.” Lexi stopped dancing and pulled out of Aaron’s arms, angrily starting towards the house.

“Wait Lexi!” Aaron said, easily catching up to her short stride. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Yes. You did.” Lexi stopped and turned on him at the entrance into the house, away from prying eyes and ears. “I’m sure it probably irks you that I chose to date a white man over you. But just because two people are black or white, doesn’t mean that they have anything in common beyond the color of their skin. Sloan gets me, and I get him. In fact, in my personal opinion, you and Victoria are better suited for each other. Wealthy, both lawyers, and both hurtful jealous people. Yup, that sounds about right.” Lexi finished and continued into the house. Lexi’s heels clipped angrily on the fancy marble floors as she looked around for the bathroom.

“To your left. Second door on the right.” Aaron spoke quietly behind her, making Lexi jump about a foot off the floor. “Sorry, I figured you might get lost.”

“Thanks,” Lexi said grudgingly.

She walked into the luxurious bathroom and locked the door, in case Aaron got any ideas. Sitting on the toilet, Lexi looked down at her scarred thighs, the freshly healed marks still had a pink tint to them.
Aaron has no idea
she thought as she finished her business and washed her hands at the sink. She looked at herself in the mirror and blew out a frustrated breath, not really wanting to go back out to the party. But taking a deep breath, she walked to the door, opened it slowly and peeked her head around it.

To her disappointment, Aaron was still there waiting for her. She straightened her shoulders and walked out with her head high.

“You didn’t have to wait for me. I think I could’ve found my way back on my own.” Lexi grumbled.

“I waited because I wanted to apologize to you in private.” Aaron stood up with hands extended in supplication. “I really didn’t mean to act a fool. Okay, maybe a little.” Aaron corrected at Lexi’s face. “Yes, I’m jealous. I like you and very much attracted to you. And Dom mentioned that you may have some baggage that you’re dealing with. And I understand that. But if you gave me a chance, I might surprise you.” Aaron looked at her like a sad puppy dog.

“I’m really flattered that you like me, but you really have no idea. I have more baggage than a pack animal. And you’re just too…too perfect.” Lexi gestured up and down, in his direction.

“Why do I feel as if that isn’t exactly a compliment?” Aaron smiled reluctantly. “Anyway I also wanted to see if you’d be willing to take a tour of my house with me, so you can see where I want your paintings. And maybe you can get an idea of what kind of paintings would look good in each room.” Aaron suggested.

“Uh…sure. Though we can’t take too long or Sloan will start wondering where I am.” Lexi hesitated.

“Alright, no problem,” Aaron said, before leading the way down the hallway.

As they passed the open patio doors, Lexi spied Sloan and Victoria talking nearby. Sloan was laughing at something she had said, and she raised her hand up to brush a strand of hair off his face and tucked it behind his ear. Lexi instantly bristled at the affectionate gesture, especially since it was her favorite thing to do. She quickly looked away and continued to follow Aaron.
Oh, he’ll be wondering where I am, alright. He looks a little too busy to be worried about me.





Chapter 8






Lexi turned away before she could see Sloan’s eyes wandering around the crowd of wedding guests in search of her. He looked into the house and saw the tail end of the sheer material of her red dress, as she rounded the corner. He let Victoria finish the rest of her sentence, before excusing himself to see where Lexi had run off to.

He strode through the house in the direction that he had seen her disappear in. He stuck his head into every room, but there was no sign of her. Sloan started to panic. He knew that if there was anyone that could find trouble in the most unexpected places, it would be Alexis Bolden.

He walked to the end of the hallway and heard muffled voices coming from the last room. Sloan opened the door to what looked like a huge masculine office. The classic and typical home office that one would imagine a lawyer would have. Dark wood and leather, dark colors and heavy furniture. And in the center of the room, facing an empty wall was Lexi and Aaron.

Sloan instantly started to rile up, in anger. Until he realized that they were talking about paintings to go on the wall. Sloan’s ire started to wane as he walked into the room, towards them. But then Aaron lifted his hand to Lexi’s face and stroked a finger down her cheek. She looked at him like a deer in headlights.

“If things don’t work out between you and-” Aaron started.

“That will never happen. Now get your fucking hands off of her.” Sloan growled unnecessarily, having already grabbed Aaron’s roaming hand and putting it in a crushing hold. Bones popping and creaking in warning.

“Sloan, stop!” Lexi shouted at him. “You’re gonna break his hand.”

Sloan released Aaron’s hand and flung it away. Aaron shook and flexed his hand, before stepping up to Sloan. He got in his face until they were nose to nose.

“You think you can assault me, in my fucking house? Do you know who I am? I could fucking sue you for everything you’ve got.” Aaron snarled in Sloan’s face.

“Well, it wouldn’t be much. So go ahead and try you arrogant prick.” Sloan baited him, not willing to back down.

“Guys, stop! That’s enough!” Lexi yelled at them, squeezing in between the two angry men by shoving them as hard as she could.

Both men stepped back. Lexi stood in the middle with either hand on their chests, trying to put much-needed distance between them.

“Sloan, I think it’s time to go.” Lexi looked at him in warning. “Thank you, Aaron, for hosting such a wonderful party. I’ll be in contact with you about the paintings you want done. Think about what you’d like and let me know. And I’ll tell you if I can do them or not.” Lexi said looking at Aaron in apology.

She dropped her hands from their chests and then grabbed Sloan’s hand, and started pulling him down the hall. They remained quiet as they walked through the house to the front door. They still didn’t speak, as the valet brought around the Mustang, grinning from the short joyride in the classic muscle car. And the silence continued during the car ride home. The silence was deafening.

Sloan pulled up to the house and threw the car in park. Lexi could sense that he was about to lose his shit. But she was never a fan of confrontation, because of the usual end result. So she remained quiet, hoping that his anger would die down. She wasn’t all that happy with him either.

He got out the car and walked around to open her door. Even in anger, he remained the perfect southern gentlemen. She walked up the steps to the door, and he followed behind her quietly. Lexi opened the front door, and Tank still sat obediently looking at the door. Lexi leaned down to pet the beautiful black dog as Sloan slammed the door shut, making Lexi jump in fear. She turned to look at him as he walked towards her. His jaw flexed continuously, in restrained anger.

“Why did you go off alone with him?” Sloan asked her quietly.

Lexi gave him a cutting look and then took off her heels and started up the stairs to her room, without a word. Sloan followed, without hesitation.

“I asked you a question, Alexis,” Sloan said, trying to remain calm.

“And I’m not going to dignify it with an answer,” Lexi replied as she stomped to the top of the stairs.

She walked quickly down the hall to her bedroom door. Once she walked through the doorway, she tried to slam it in his face, but he was too quick and caught the door with his hand. Lexi stamped her feet over to the closet in frustration and threw her shoes in. She was about to stomp into the bathroom when she heard him speak, and she turned to glare at him.

“I’m going to ask again. Why did you go off alone with him? And why did you let him touch you? I’ve taught you how to defend yourself.” Sloan asked, his voice low and ominous.

“Why did I
him touch me?! Well, what about
?! I saw Victoria touch you. A couple times! And you did nothing to stop her! So don’t give me your jealous bullshit, Sloan!” Lexi finally exploded.

“She’s an old friend. And completely delusional. But you know how I feel about him!” Sloan shouted back, striding up to her.

“What did you expect me to do? Kick him in the nuts?! In his own house? He wasn’t forcing himself on me he just touched my cheek. That’s it!” Lexi held her hands up in exasperation.

“Anything would’ve been preferable to you just standing there!” Sloan shouted before taking a deep breath. “Now I’m only going to say this once, so listen up,” Sloan said deceptively quiet as he stepped closer to her and leaned down until they were eye to eye. Stormy grayish blue to molten green. “You. Are. Mine. Do you understand?” Sloan growled low, and Lexi squinted furiously at him.

“Go. Fuck. Yourself. Do
understand?” Lexi shot back.

Lexi turned on her heel and started for the bathroom, but Sloan had other plans. He grabbed her by the elbow and spun her back around. He pulled her into him and firmly gripped her hair, pulling her head back to look up at him.

“No, but I’d much rather fuck
” Sloan said before pulling her in to claim her mouth in an angry kiss.

Lexi placed both hands on his chest and pushed as hard as she could. He released her lips on a gasp. “So what, now you’re gonna rape me? ‘Cause there’s no way in hell I’m having sex with you willingly, right now.” Lexi snapped at him.

“Rape? I don’t think so. You’ll be begging for it by the time I’m through.” Sloan said spitefully.

“Go to hell!” Lexi shouted in his face, her voice faltering slightly with panic that he was right.

“Gladly. But I’m taking you with me.” Sloan said before tossing her onto the bed.

Sloan quickly climbed on after her, before she could escape. Lexi laid completely still, unwilling to move, participate or help him in any way. He straddled her hips as he removed his jacket and tossed it to the side. Then he gripped the bottom of his t-shirt and pulled it up over his head, his hair falling over his face as he looked down at her.

Lexi’s chest rose and fell rapidly in anger, fear and arousal. She refused to acknowledge the latter.
It’ll be a cold day in hell before I beg him for shit!
Lexi screeched in her head and tensed as Sloan leaned down towards her. He gazed at her for a few moments, challenging her.

Lexi wasn’t sure what he saw when he looked into her eyes, but he smirked before he dipped down and flicked his tongue against her closed lips. Lexi clenched her jaw tight, squeezed her lips together and nearly choked on the gasp that stuck in her throat. But Sloan continued his seductive assault on her body, ignoring her resistance.

He moved to her jaw, kissing a path to her neck. His tongue lightly touched her skin as he moved to her shoulder, biting the skin there softly. Lexi’s traitorous body began to quake in response. And yet Sloan remained unrelenting in his attack of her senses.

He slowly pulled down her dress and bra straps. His short fingernails scraping down the fevered flesh of her shoulders, stopping at her arms, the dress and straps of her bra acting as restraints, keeping her arms at her sides. He pulled down the front of her dress and the cups of her bra, releasing her large breasts. Once they were free, Lexi was helpless to his advances.

Growling deep in his throat, Sloan laved his tongue around her dark tips. He pulled back slightly and blew cool air on her heated skin, drawing her nipples up in tight little buds. Lexi balled her hands into fists at her sides, and she groaned behind her clenched teeth.

Sloan crawled back down her legs, freeing her from his weight over her. She knew that she should run, that she should jump off the bed, run into the bathroom and lock herself in, until morning. She knew that if she stayed, she ran the risk of breaking down. But her body was frozen in place, as her mind screamed at her to move.

Sloan pushed the delicate layers of her dress up to her waist, exposing her pretty red lace panties. He bent down to kiss her lace covered mound. Lexi’s hips betrayed her and pumped up towards his mouth. Sloan ripped her panties down her legs. And standing at the edge of the bed, he grabbed Lexi behind her knees and pulled her to the edge of the bed and quickly spread her luscious thighs. He quirked a brow at her, as he gazed down at her glistening sex, swollen with arousal.

“You still don’t want me?” Sloan asked quietly.

“No.” Lexi hissed through her tightly clamped teeth.

“Are you sure?” Sloan asked doubtfully.

“Yes,” Lexi grunted, not trusting herself to say more.

Sloan stroked two fingers up her drenched slit, and Lexi grasped the blanket under her in a death grip. He raised his hand up, his two fingers gleamed with the evidence of her body’s betrayal. Lexi closed her eyes to the sexy image he made, as he put his fingers in his mouth to lick them clean.

Lexi realized the mistake she made by closing her eyes when she suddenly felt his hot mouth on the apex of her thighs. The lack of visual warning of his sensual onslaught made Lexi reflexively cry out in shocked need. And hearing her response, Sloan pushed forward, devouring her. His tongue stroked up her weeping labia to her aching clit. He swirled it around the hardened little button. And no matter how much she wanted to remain silent, her body had other plans.

Lexi’s cries bounced off of the walls of her bedroom. Her hips pumped up to his mouth. Her climax built as his talented tongue played her with a mixture of aggressive hard flicks and soft, delicate laps. Her legs and hips became restless as she began to buck against his face, even faster. Her body was cresting over the edge when he pulled away, leaving her hanging at the precipice of an amazing orgasm.

“No!” Lexi howled as she came crashing back to earth, unsatisfied.

Tears instantly pricked the backs of her eyes. She knew that she would give in. She knew that she would beg. And even her complete humiliation, wouldn’t stop her.

Sloan stood and removed his jeans and boxer briefs. Lexi turned her head to the side, trying to hold back her tears. Her entire body hurt with need. He positioned himself between her legs and bent down to lay over her. His magnificent erection lying on top of her mound, putting pressure against her overly sensitive clit.

“Do you want me?” He asked, his warm breath blowing against her lips.

“No,” Lexi said breathlessly.

Sloan slowly ground his hips into hers, his tumescent shaft creating friction, against her throbbing core. Lexi whimpered with longing.

“Do you want me?” Sloan asked again, before dipping his head down and sucking a tight dark chocolate nipple into his mouth and thrusting forward again.

“YES!” Lexi cried out, as tears slipped down to her temples. “Yes, damn you!”

Sloan groaned deeply as he finally slid his pulsing cock deep into her saturated passage. He pulled out to the tip, and he thrust back, hitting the top of her womb. Tremors rippled through her entire body. Already her body was close to the edge. But again he held still, denying her.

“Are you mine?” Sloan grunted, his arms trembling with restraint, as he looked down at her.

“Yes,” Lexi said, nearly delirious.

“Say it.” Sloan persisted.

“I’m yours!” Lexi yelped as he pulled back and stroked in powerfully.

Sloan lost his tight control. He grasped her hips roughly in his hands and pounded into her quivering flesh. Lexi’s cries became screams of ecstasy. Light exploded behind her eyelids as her body shattered. Her back bowed, and Sloan snaked his arm behind her back, he rested his head against her chest and held her tight as he continued to pump into her, her first climax ripping into another.

Sitting back on his haunches, Sloan pulled Lexi up into his arms on his lap. He continued to grind his cock into her.

“Look at me.” Sloan gasped, and Lexi opened her eyes grudgingly. “This. Is. Mine.” He punctuated each word on a powerful thrust.

“Yours.” Lexi panted in agreement.

And wrapping both arms around her waist, Sloan slammed her into him over and over again, bringing them both to an earth-shaking climax. He held her close and utterly still, as Lexi felt his manhood pump her womb with his seed.

Sloan collapsed onto the bed with her still in his arms, without breaking their intimate contact. Their bodies slick with perspiration, from the stubborn restraint that both had tried to hold over the other. Sloan coming out the victor. And when reality hit, Lexi turned away from him in mortification.

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