Open Wounds (Damaged Souls Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Open Wounds (Damaged Souls Book 2)
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Lexi hoped that Sloan would be home soon, because she was about to bust over the magazine, and she hadn’t even looked inside yet. She wanted to wait to read the article until they could do it together.

She grabbed the magazines and headed to the door. She slid the key in the door but found that the door was already unlocked. Her heart instantly started to pound. She heard something clatter in the kitchen, and her heart went from pounding in her chest to thumping in her throat.

She reached her hand into her purse, wrapping her hand around the handle of her new pistol. She slowly walked towards the kitchen and squeezed the handle a little tighter in her purse, ready to pull it out at a moment’s notice. She peeked around the corner of the kitchen and saw Sloan looking in the fridge. A huge breath swooshed through her mouth, and she released the gun when she realized it was him.

Sloan turned at the sound of her expelled breath. “Alexis.” Sloan breathed at the sight of her, automatically striding towards her. “I missed you.”

He squatted down and captured her lips in a hungry kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off of her feet, and twirled her around. He released her lips and began planting kisses over her entire face.

“You did miss me,” Lexi exclaimed, between kisses. “I missed you too,” she admitted shyly.

“Good.” He replied, finally letting her slid down his hard body until her feet touched the floor.

“So you seem awfully happy today.” Lexi pointed out. “And I wasn’t expecting you home so early.”

“Well, today I just went over the plans that the interior designer came up with. And we went to some supply stores to order materials for the house. And…I got my first check!” Sloan said proudly, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and handing it to Lexi. “It’s half of my commission for the job. I get the rest when the job is done.”

“Holy shit, Sloan! Seventy-five thousand dollars?!” Lexi shouted out.

“Yeah. It’s a million dollar project, and I quoted them fifteen percent. But this isn’t all mine. I also have to pay my guys, but it’ll still be about forty to fifty grand for me in the end. For only about six weeks of work.” Sloan grinned.

“That’s incredible, Sloan!” Lexi hugged him tightly.

“It’s all because of you.” Sloan looked down at her with his heart in his eyes.

“You would’ve found your way without me, eventually.” Lexi waved off the gratitude.

“I doubt it,” Sloan replied.

“Anyway, I have another reason to celebrate,” Lexi said, holding out one of the magazines she had purchased. “You made the front cover! You’ll be up to your ears in work very soon, I’m thinking.” Lexi beamed.

Lexi looked up at Sloan, waiting for a response. But all she saw was red that spread from his neck to the roots of his hair. His mouth opened and closed, like a fish out of water.

“What do you think?” Lexi asked curiously, trying to contain her giggle at his face.

“I…I…I don’t know what to say. It seems a bit much for just me. I’m bringing
Sexy Back
?” Sloan frowned down at the cover. “And Jack never said that I would be on the cover.”

Lexi gave him a look of disbelief.

“You’re kidding, right? And you say that I don’t see
very clearly. I can just about imagine what happened. They probably had a cover all picked out and ready to go, and then Jack showed up with gorgeous pictures of you, with your amazing story, and…
! A new cover was born. You’re sexy as hell, scars and all. Maybe more so with the scars. I already told you this from the start.” Lexi said, pleading her case.

“You’re nuts.” Sloan shook his head, as he flipped through the magazine, looking for the article.

“Maybe. But let me put it to you this way. Before the war, people…women thought you were sexy, gorgeous and almost too pretty, right?” Lexi asked.

“Uh…yeah. I guess.” Sloan answered, modestly.

“Now add the scars, and you can also add rugged, dangerous and tough to the list of adjectives to describe you. And that’s appealing to women and gay men, who are the main ones buying this magazine. Get it?” Lexi smirked, knowing that she was right.

“I guess so.” Sloan conceded reluctantly.

Finding the article, they looked through it together. The spread was three pages long with a link to the magazine’s site to view the entire photo gallery online. The magazine itself had several before and after pictures of the house and a few more of Sloan. And they realized that Jack had done some more research after the interview. The article mentioned Sloan’s family and wealthy upbringing. As well as more information about his service in the Marines that Sloan hadn’t mentioned, including his best friend Vick’s name.

“Well, she certainly was thorough,” Lexi commented. “But it’s an amazing article, Sloan. You’re gonna be a hit!” Lexi said proudly.

“I’m not expecting to be a hit. I just wanted to make you proud and make a name for myself, outside of my parents influence.” Sloan responded.

“Well, if that was your goal…you’ve already succeeded,” Lexi said reaching up to brush back the hair covering his face. “I’m so proud of you I could burst! And as far as making a name for yourself, your phone will be ringing off the hook in just a moment.”

Lexi could barely get the words out of her mouth before his phone literally rang. Sloan’s eyes widened as he reached for his phone, lying on the kitchen island.

“Hello?” Sloan answered warily. “Yes, this is Sloan Stryker.” He paused to let the other person speak, while Lexi listened to the one-sided conversation, with a smile. “Well, I’m currently working on a project, with a few more lined up in the coming months. But if you’re willing a wait a little longer, I can put you on the list and get in touch with you when I’m ready?” Sloan informed them. He finished the conversation and then hung up the phone.

“Is there something you’re not telling me? Are you psychic or something?” Sloan teased.

“Nope. I just had that feeling.” Lexi said before his phone went off again. “You might want to put that on silent for the rest of the evening.” Lexi grinned.

“I think you’re right.” Sloan smiled happily, as he sent the call to his voicemail and turned the ringer to silent.

“So now that you’re a well-known contractor and just got your first check, what do you want to buy first?” Lexi asked.

“A truck,” Sloan answered, not even taking the time to think about it. “The moment I got the check, I knew what I wanted. No needed. I don’t want you or Kevin to have to continue to drive me around town. I don’t want anything special or brand new. Just something reliable and big enough to haul things.” Sloan explained further.

“Alright. We should go tomorrow. Maybe you could see if you can get away from work a little early? You can leave Kevin in charge, and I’ll pick you up and we can go to the car dealership.” Lexi suggested.

“Yeah, that might work,” Sloan said and then paused in thought, a sudden blush spreading across his face. “And maybe we can go out to dinner to celebrate. I’d really like to take you to dinner. On a real date. On my dime.” Sloan confessed sweetly.

“Okay.” Lexi flushed.

“Good. Now get over here.” Sloan said pulling Lexi into his arms. “I’d like to have a little dessert before dinner.” He growled, before lowering his mouth to hers.





Chapter 12

Feeling Good





After Lexi finished up the painting of Tanya, she gladly headed home to get ready for her evening with Sloan. She pulled into her driveway, and she saw Sloan sitting on the front porch swing. Curious, she got out of the car and walked up the front steps. When she reached the top step and got a full look at him, her heart instantly warmed.

His pose was relaxed, as he reclined back on the swing. He was dressed in gray dress slacks, a black button up dress shirt and shiny new black dress shoes. His hair had just a touch of product in it and was smoothed back from his face. And in his hand, he held a beautiful bouquet of colorful Gerbera daisies.

“Hello.” He said deeply.

“Hi.” Lexi flushed. “You’re here early. Did Kevin drop you off?”


“Did you also go shopping?” Lexi asked, staring him up and down, practically salivating.

“I did.”

“You look beautiful.” She breathed softly.

“I was going to say the same thing about you,” Sloan said as he stood and walked towards her.

“I’m a mess. I’m sure I have paint all over me, but I refused to even stop to clean myself up. Tanya drives me crazy, so I just had to get outta there.” Lexi said, brushing off the compliment.

“I love it when you have paint all over you. You look like a warrior woman. Or better yet, it reminds me of one of the best sexual experiences of my life.” Sloan said, handing her the flowers and raising a hand to touch the paint on her chin, with his thumb.

“Oh, yeah…that,” Lexi said, her face heating. “Thank you for the flowers. They’re gorgeous.”

“You’re welcome. They’re the least I could do.” Sloan said.

“Well, I better go get ready,” Lexi said backing away from him, wanting nothing more than to molest him, but thinking better of it.

“Alright. Here, let me put those in water for you, while you get ready.” Sloan offered, reaching again for the flowers and kissed her on the temple.

Lexi hurried upstairs to get ready, in record time. She jumped in the shower, quickly lotioned her legs and arms after, fluffed out her afro and pushed it back with an ornate gold colored headband. She put on light makeup. Bronzer to make her skin glow, eyeliner to make her green eyes pop and shimmery gold lip gloss.

She chose a black dress that complimented Sloan’s dark clothing. The dress had spaghetti straps and fit well through the chest and waist, to flare out from the hips to her ankles, a light flirty material for the summer. And last she threw on a long gold necklace and gold strappy flat sandals, to bring together her classic bohemian look.

After giving herself one last check in the mirror, she made her way downstairs. Sloan was waiting for her in the living room, intently watching the news. The current story was on the issue surrounding the poor treatment of veterans, at V.A. hospitals across the country. His jaw flexed in anger, as the story unfolded.

“Sloan?” Lexi said quietly.

When he heard her voice, he instantly turned off the TV and turned to look up at her. The fury cleared from his face, the moment he laid eyes on her.

“You look breathtaking.” He said appreciatively as he stood.

“Thank you.” Lexi looked up at him coyly, from under her lashes.

“One day we’ll both be able to take a compliment without getting embarrassed. But until then, I’m going to enjoy your beautiful shy smile, for as long as I can.” Sloan said warmly, caressing a finger across her bottom lip.

“Likewise.” Lexi responded.



They walked out to the car. Sloan opened the passenger door for Lexi, and then slid into the driver’s seat.

“Not to ruin the mood or anything, but that story about the V.A. hospitals, really bothered you, didn’t it?” Lexi asked curiously.

“Hell yeah, it did.” Sloan scowled. “We freely sign-up for something most aren’t willing to do, in order to protect this country. And when we get home the very government that needed us in the first place, can’t even lift a fucking finger to help us when we get home?! Some of the medical issues that we have stem from the war they wanted us to fight. Where’s the sense in that?” Sloan expressed passionately.

“There is none. I agree.” Lexi said sadly, placing a hand on his thigh in comfort.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to go off the deep end. This is supposed to be a fun night for us.” Sloan apologized.

“Don’t worry about it. You have every right to be passionate about this.” Lexi squeezed his leg a little harder.

“Thanks.” Sloan smiled over at her and started up the engine. “Let’s go buy this truck, so I can take you to dinner. What I’ve wanted to do since I first met you.”

Lexi smiled shyly at him, and his grin spread from ear to ear.

They drove to the dealership, and the moment they got out of the car, the vultures started circling. Sloan quickly found what he was looking for. A beautiful black truck with an extended cab and bed, in the previous year’s model. They took it for a quick test drive, and then Sloan haggled back and forth for a while with the salesman, over the price. When they finally settled on something they could agree on, Lexi and Sloan followed him inside to talk about financing. They sat down and to the surprise of the salesman, Sloan pulled out his checkbook and offered to pay half for the truck now. And the rest in six weeks when he got his final check for the project. The man gladly shook Sloan’s hand and took the check, making easy money.

The happy salesman threw in the truck getting detailed for free. And Sloan asked them to keep it overnight, and he’d pick it up in the morning. The whole transaction from the moment they pulled into the time they drove off took only about forty-five minutes.

“That was the quickest time spent at a car dealership that I’ve ever experienced!” Lexi exclaimed, slightly disoriented as they pulled out of the car lot.

“It’s a lot different if you can pay cash. Even half.” Sloan smirked.

As they pulled up to a restored mansion, turned restaurant, Sloan’s phone began to ring. He pulled it out and saw that it was an area code that he didn’t recognize.

“Do you mind? I’ll make it quick.” Sloan asked Lexi.

“Go ahead. I don’t mind.” Lexi smiled at him.

“Hello?” Sloan answered. “Yes, this is Sloan Stryker.” He paused to listen. His mouth dropped open in shock, and his eyes widened. “Umm…sure, I’m okay with meeting with you. Oh, but I just started a new renovation. So I can’t really leave, in the beginning of it.” He paused again and reached over to squeeze Lexi’s hand in a vice grip, her heart pounded in anticipation of finding out what the call was about. “Okay, perfect. I’ll see you on Thursday, then.” He paused once more, before thanking whoever was on the other line and then ended the call.

“What was that about?” Lexi blurted out, unable to wait.

“That was a TV producer for the Home and Outdoor Décor channel. They want to meet with me about creating a new show on their network.” Sloan told her, still in shock.

“Oh my God!” Lexi said, stunned. “That’s freakin’ fantastic! I knew it! I knew it! You’re gonna be a hit!” Lexi practically bounced in her seat with excitement.

“Well, nothing is final yet. But they’re definitely interested.” Sloan said, not sure how he felt about it. “I don’t even know if I want to do it yet. I need to discuss it with them first.”

“True. But I doubt it’ll be like some cheesy reality show that intrudes on your personal life. Just another design show, which would be incredible for you.” Lexi reasoned.

“You’re probably right. We’ll see.” Sloan expelled a tense breath.

“So you’re meeting with them Thursday?”

“Yeah. They’re flying out here to meet with me, over dinner.”

“Wow! They must really be interested because that’s only forty-eight hours from now. We have to get a bottle of champagne. We have
much to celebrate.” Lexi beamed brightly, truly happy for him.

“Things are definitely changing quickly. It kinda scares me.” Sloan confessed.

“Just try your best to enjoy the ride, Sloan. You deserve it.” Lexi encouraged.

A shy smile graced his beautiful mouth. “Thanks. Come on, let’s go in.” Sloan said before getting out of the car, to come around and open the passenger door for her.






They drove back from their romantic celebratory dinner, surrounded in a bubble of bliss. Always the consummate gentleman, Sloan helped Lexi out of the car and pulled her into his arms for a welcoming kiss. He was ready to end the special night with some mind-blowing sex. The evidence of it was making itself known against Lexi’s stomach, and she shivered in response.

Relinquishing her lips reluctantly, Sloan clutched her hand and pulled her along behind him. He unlocked the front door and instantly felt a chill run down his spine. The house was dark, and he couldn’t see anything, but he was trained to recognize danger, and he knew better than to ignore his intuition. So he stopped in his tracks and stepped fully in front of Lexi, blocking her body protectively.

“Something’s not right. Stay behind me.” Sloan instructed her.

Lexi nodded though she knew he couldn’t see it. But words failed her in a near paralyzing fear, as Sloan stepped further into the house. He reached out to flip the lights on. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the lights, and the tensing of his back caused Lexi to peek around him. And she gasped at the sight that assaulted her vision.

Everything was in its proper place. Everything looked just as they left it. Except for the wall in the living room. In the same black spray paint that had been on her car, one word had been written on the wall.

“He got in my
?!” Lexi whispered, on the verge of a panic attack.

“Do you have your gun?” Sloan asked.


“Take it out. I want you to stay right here while I check the house.” Sloan ordered her.

“Okay,” Lexi said quietly, a quiver in her voice.

Sloan turned and cupped her face with his hand. “It’ll be okay.” He kissed her lips and started towards the kitchen.

Lexi watched him as he checked the downstairs, and then headed upstairs. She could hear the faint sounds of his footsteps as he moved about. A few moments later he came back down, and a huge breath swooshed through her lips when she realized that she had been holding her breath, in fear for him.

“Everything is clear. No one is here.” Sloan told her as he took the gun from her trembling hands. “We’re gonna have to call the cops. Though I doubt whoever it was left anything behind. But at least it’ll be reported and on record.”

“Okay.” Lexi nodded her head.

She was unable to stop the shakes from wracking her body, so Sloan made the call to the police. A squad car pulled into the driveway about fifteen minutes later, and Sloan met them at the door while Lexi sat nervously on the couch. Worry and fear marred her beautiful face.

Once the two policemen were inside, Lexi and Sloan explained what had been happening the last couple of weeks. They told them about the spray painted car, and Tank being poisoned. One of the officers taking notes as they spoke.

“Do you know of anyone that would want to cause you harm?” One of the officers asked.

“Well, I was in an abusive relationship a few years ago. He went to jail for it, but he’s out now. We lived in Davenport, Iowa, and he was in jail there. I left town while he was still in jail. So I don’t know how he could’ve found me down here.” Lexi said softly.

“What’s your ex-boyfriend’s name?” He asked.

“Eric Benson,” Lexi answered.

“We’ll look into it, to see if we find anything. If he just got out recently, he’s probably still on parole. And if he’s missed any meetings with his parole officer, it won’t be hard to find out.” He informed them.

“But just in case, is there anyone else that you can think of that you have issues with?” The other cop asked.

“Uh…not really. I went on a date with a guy some weeks ago. He wasn’t entirely happy that I wanted to date someone else. But he never acted in any way, but normal.” Lexi told them.

“And his name?” The cop asked.

“I don’t want to get him in any trouble.” Lexi hedged, suddenly feeling bad for even bringing it up.

“We need to consider all avenues, ma’am. He won’t be in any trouble if he didn’t do anything.” The officer coaxed.

“Um…his name is Aaron Grace,” Lexi said reluctantly.

“Aaron Grace the lawyer?” The cop asked incredulous.

“Yeah.” Lexi cringed.

“Alright. We’ll talk to him.” He said, flipping closed his notepad.

“We’ll get in touch with you folks if we find out anything.” One said as they both stood up to leave.

Sloan and Lexi shook hands with them, and Sloan walked them to the door.

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