Read OnsetofDanger Online

Authors: Aubrey Ross

OnsetofDanger (10 page)

BOOK: OnsetofDanger
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Kristof hugged Bronik so tightly Bronik’s ribs creaked.
Bronik laughed and eased his brother back, returning his beaming smile. “I’ve
only been gone a few days, Kris. You didn’t have time to miss me this much.”

Ghosts still clouded Kristof’s gaze. His expression
contained too much pain and loss for one so young. “I was so sure I’d lost you
before. Now I can’t shake that sick feeling every time you walk out of a room.”

Disastrous missions were part of life for any career
soldier. It would have been better for Kristof if he’d had a few successful
endeavors under his belt before he’d been forced to deal with the loss of so
many of his comrades. But still, he had to learn that a survivor’s courage
honored the memory of the dead.

“We’re alive,” Bronik stressed. “And I intend to stay that
way. Besides, you’re too pretty to die and I’m too damn mean.”

“I am
pretty.” Kristof glared, but anger only
made his thick-lashed eyes shine like polished amber, which accented the golden
sheen in his curly hair. Fortunately his jawline was hardening and starting to
show signs of whiskers. People no longer mistook him for a girl. In fact, girls
tended to giggle every time he walked by now and Kristof seemed to enjoy the

“And I’m not going to leave you. So relax.” Bronik looked
around the vaulted foyer of Edrick Yeager’s manor house, feeling a bit
intrusive. Edrick would be required to step aside if Alexi chose to exert his
authority, but Bronik doubted the prince would be so disrespectful. It was likely
Alexi would eventually return to Strigo Prime, so displacing Edrick served no
real purpose.

Bronik had flashed to his bedroom and grabbed a clean shirt,
not wanting to speak with Alexi while half-naked. The sprawling mansion was
technically Strigo strain’s headquarters, but Bronik didn’t feel comfortable
enough with the situation to wander the halls at will. “Have you seen Alexi

“He’s in the library with Edrick.” Kristof pointed toward
the corridor branching off to Bronik’s right. “Want me to take you there?”

“Not necessary. Where are you headed?”

“We’re going to recruit some new feeders. Edrick said the
demand on his current staff is dangerous with so many of us recovering from
serious injuries.”

He nodded. Even after outward signs of an injury were gone
from the host, symbionts required increased amounts of blood for several weeks
while they regenerated. “Is Edrick leading the hunt?” A good old-fashioned hunt
would give Kristof a chance to release some of his pent-up frustration, but
Bronik didn’t want him running off without supervision.

“I don’t know. We’re going in groups of three, each led by
an experienced hunter. I was told to be out front at 1:30 if I wanted to

It sounded well-organized and Kristof needed the opportunity
to prove himself to his new strain mates. “Then happy hunting. But follow their
lead. Remember we are guests on this planet.”

.” Kristof made a face and headed out the
front door.

Bronik paused again, not sure why he felt so awkward. He
might not be a prince but Edrick was his uncle too.

He walked down the hallway Kristof had indicated, vaguely
remembering that the library was about halfway down on the left. The door was
ajar so Bronik pushed it open, remaining in the doorway as he asked, “May I come

Edrick stood near the chair in which Alexi sat. The
book-lined room was clean and orderly, if a bit cluttered.

“Please do,” Edrick said. “I’m on my way out.” Like most
Yeager men, Edrick had dark hair and chiseled features. His eyes were green like
Alexi’s, but he lacked his nephew’s height.

“Are you leading the hunt Kristof mentioned?” Bronik walked
into the room, still feeling rather intrusive.

“I have another engagement, but Brandon has special orders
to subtly keep an eye on Kristof. I thought the boy would benefit from a chance
to let off some steam. I also know he’s still distractible.”

“I appreciate the caution and I agree that Kristof needs to
get out of this house.”

“Help yourself to a drink or summon a feeder. In other
words, make yourself at home.”

Bronik nodded. “I could use a drink. Thank you.”

Edrick excused himself, leaving Bronik alone with Alexi.

“Want me to top that off?” Bronik motioned toward the
snifter in Alexi’s hand.

“I’m good. Why aren’t you in the gatehouse provoking your guest?”

Bronik poured himself a brandy and crossed to the chairs
grouped around the fireplace. He chose a chair that faced the prince and took a
sip then sat. “I asked Simone to confirm some of the things I told Eloise.
Eloise has no reason to trust me.”

“She needs to fear you, not trust you.”

He’d never gone out of his way to make anyone fear him. His
size and intensity tended to do the job without conscious effort on his part.
The thought of terrorizing Eloise was particularly upsetting. “Where’s Caitlyn?
I think this is the first time I’ve seen you without her since we left Canada.”

“She had some things to take care of in Vegas that couldn’t
be done remotely. I took her home shortly after we awakened and I’m going back
for her tomorrow night.” When Bronik only nodded, Alexi asked, “Does Eloise
know about the Rom captives? Does she have any idea where they’re stashed?”

Bronik swirled the brandy around in his snifter, only half
hearing Alexi’s question. So much had happened in such a short period of time.
He’d barely had one night to recover from his captivity when his blood bond
with Eloise began to fade. If he’d allowed the connection to disintegrate he
would have had no way to locate her. So Edrick and Caitlyn quickly filled him
in on current conflicts and then he headed off in search of Eloise. Bronik had
never dreamed the intrigues on Earth would rival those on Strigoia Prime.

Finding Eloise had been the easy part. Now he had to figure
out what to do with her. He knew what he wanted to do with her, had spent every
night since his interrogation imagining the ways they would pleasure each
other. But he couldn’t abandon himself to desire if she was as amoral as Edrick
seemed to think.

Bronik absently shook his head. Tara might be the villain
Edrick claimed but Bronik didn’t believe Eloise was equally guilty. He’d tasted
her blood and scanned her mind. Her shields had kept specific images out of
reach but he’d sensed her basic nature. Eloise was not evil.

“Earth to Bronik. Should I come back when you’re awake?”

He looked up with a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I guess Kris
isn’t the only one distractible tonight.”

Alexi lounged in a tall-backed armchair, legs crossed at the
ankle. This mansion might belong to Edrick, but the prince looked right at home
surrounded by richly polished wood and carved marble. Bronik, on the other
hand, was used to austere soldier barracks and field outposts. He might be a
frequent visitor to the palace, but he was just a visitor.

“Did you manage to learn anything useful?” Alexi’s gaze
narrowed, the intensity of his eyes belying his casual pose.

“We haven’t been doing a lot of talking,” Bronik admitted
then shrugged with a nonchalance he didn’t feel. “Caitlyn told me to see if I
could wake up Eloise’s symbionts, so that’s what I’ve been trying to do.”

Alexi raised his snifter to his lips and took a
contemplative sip. “She drew first blood. I get it. She needs to be taught some

Which was almost the exact phrase Bronik had used with
Eloise. He’d told her he wouldn’t fuck her until she learned some manners. And
even after their battle of wills, he wasn’t sure he was any closer to that
goal. “She knows I won’t hurt her, so all my posturing was a waste of time.”

Challenge arched one of Alexi’s dark brows. “Why would she
be so certain you won’t hurt her? I’ve seen you when you’re pissed off. Females
run for the hills.”

“Not this female. She’s a warrior, Vladya fierce to the
marrow of her bone.”

“Then how do we keep her alive, or is that no longer a

Bronik looked away from Alexi’s penetrating stare. They’d
known each other their entire lives. Neither one of them could keep secrets
from the other. They simply knew each other too well. “I’ve offered her my

“What?” Shock propelled the word from Alexi’s mouth. “She’s
Tara Kovac’s daughter. You cannot be her sworn protector.”

“Caitlyn is the daughter of Rom strain’s leader. Did that
keep you from offering your vow to her?”

“That was different.”

“How?” Bronik set his glass down on the table beside his
chair and scooted toward the edge of his seat. “Eloise will die without the
bond and we both know it. I want her and she could be an invaluable ally with
the right motivation.”

“And you think the ‘right motivation’ hangs between your

The hypocrisy in Alexi’s attitude was starting to piss him
off. Alexi hadn’t stopped to think about ramifications when he’d claimed
Caitlyn. “She’ll be my responsibility. I will not allow her to endanger—”

“I’m not worried about Strigo strain. I’m worried about you.
If you want to fuck her, fuck her but—”

Bronik found himself standing over Alexi, hand gripping the
prince’s throat. And he couldn’t even say how he got there. He forced his hand
to release and stepped back, holding both hands up as he muttered. “I’m sorry.

Alexi rubbed his bruised throat, his gaze narrowed and
bright. “What exactly do you feel for this woman?”

“I don’t know,” Bronik snarled, raking his hair with both
hands. His thoughts were convoluted, his emotions volatile. How in the five
hells could he hope to explain something he didn’t understand himself? He took
several deep breaths before he went on. “I know what I’m feeling isn’t rational
but I can’t stop
her. It started when she interrogated me but
it’s gotten much worse. She haunted my dreams while I tracked her, and since
she’s been my captive I can’t think of anything else.”

“Have you
her yet?”

Alexi’s careful phrasing made Bronik smile. Few things
brought out caution in the prince. Few people shared his strength and speed.
Bronik just happened to be one of the few. “Not yet.”

“Then wait until after you’ve had her before you form the
bond. In fact, try hard to…scratch the itch before you make any important

“If I fuck her the way I want to fuck her while she’s still
this weak, it will kill her. She needs energy and I need her. The only solution
is to bond with her now.”

That set Alexi in motion. He stood and paced the length of
the library. The room wasn’t large but Alexi’s boot heels echoed off the
polished floorboards. “I’ve heard that the bond can be broken if both parties
want it gone and it is dissolved within the first year. It’s painful, but
that’s better than being stuck with—”

Bronik stepped into his path, hands folding into fists. “Why
are you so convinced that being joined with Eloise will be hell? You’ve barely
spoken with her.”

“She was reared by Tara Kovac. What more do I need to know?”

This conversation was going nowhere. If they continued to
debate Bronik’s chosen path they’d end up brawling. Rather than continue the
argument, Bronik unclenched his fists and changed the subject. “I’ll ask her
about the captives. We’ll have to verify anything she tells us, but I need to
know if she’s still harboring hope for a return to her strain.”

“Does she have anywhere else to go? Anyone who will shelter

“I don’t think so. Simone told me that Eloise has always
stayed close to Tara’s side. Many presume she was being groomed to take Tara’s
place when and if Tara stepped down. Garrett was the one who was always taking
off on mysterious missions. Simone had no idea what he was up to but I suspect
Eloise knows.”

After heaving a frustrated sigh, Alexi returned to his
chair. He seemed less agitated, more thoughtful. “I’m glad to hear you don’t
intend to trust her even if she submits to you.”

“I’m not a fool. Trust must be earned and it must be
tested.” He crossed his arms over his chest, too restless to sit. “I won’t
allow my desire to overwhelm my common sense.”

Alexi laughed as he reached for his brandy snifter. “Somehow
I think it’s too late for that, my friend.”

“I’m just following your example.”

The prince raised his glass and smiled. “Here’s hoping your
folly turns out as well as mine.”

Alexi’s toast had been mostly mocking, but it stayed with
Bronik as he returned to the gatehouse. Rather than flash across the small
distance, he walked along the graveled path and soaked in the cool night air.
With its lush forests and rolling hills, this area felt like one of his home
world’s outer provinces. But then Earth had been chosen for exploration because
of its similarity to Strigoia Prime.

He stepped onto the front porch and knocked on the door, not
wanting to interrupt Eloise and Simone if they were still visiting.

“The door won’t open from this side, Simone. You’ll have to
let yourself back in.”

So the healer had already left. He released the lock with a
mental command and pulled the door open.

The gatehouse felt warm and cozy after the brisk night air.
Eloise sat at the kitchen table, an open book in her hand. His gaze swept the
length of her slim body and then narrowed with displeasure. “Where’d you get
the jeans?” She still wore his shirt but her legs were now hidden from view. He
hadn’t given her permission to dress, to deprive him of the visual pleasure of
her smooth ivory skin.
She hasn’t accepted your vow. She’s not yet yours to
The thought only made him more determined to rectify the

“Simone brought me a care package. She wanted my captivity
to be a little more comfortable.”

BOOK: OnsetofDanger
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