Read OnsetofDanger Online

Authors: Aubrey Ross

OnsetofDanger (19 page)

BOOK: OnsetofDanger
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Bronik watched the human’s lips draw on Eloise’s flesh. She
arched her back, hands braced on the bed behind her. Gods, it was hot. He
scooted to the edge of the chair and then leaned back, unable to ease the ache
in his groin. And, despite Heath’s claim to need pain, his cock was rapidly

“Enough. Take off my pants.” Rather than stand, Eloise
lifted her hips and Heath peeled the jeans down. Eloise lifted her legs free
from the jeans and paused to look at Bronik. “Do you want to play or just

“Watch.” The one word was all he could manage as he
swallowed past the lump in his throat. “You need this. Take your time. But know
this—if his cock enters you anywhere, he’s dead.”


Eloise smiled, ridiculously pleased by his jealousy. He had
to have known most hosts fucked when they fed, so why had he insisted she
choose a human? “I’ll keep that in mind.”

She looked at Heath, kneeling before her, naked and still.
The thought of commanding him, controlling him, had been the only thing she
found intriguing in the game room. She’d had free access to Tara’s blood-slaves
but she usually fed from a bag like the other soldiers. Blood-slaves were
mindless shells. It had always seemed abusive to take their blood.

Heath’s cock now bobbed in the air between his spread
thighs. “Sucking my nipples made you hard. Are you sure you need pain?”

“You’re very beautiful, Mistress. And danger also arouses
me.” He made a bland gesture toward Bronik. “Is your mate as mean as he looks?”

“He can be.” She looked at Bronik and smiled. He looked
miserable. The bulge in the front of his pants had to be painful. “You look
uncomfortable, my love. Will you let Heath undress you?”

“Not until you’ve fed. That’s why he’s here, to feed you.”

Feed, not fuck. It was a not-too-subtle reminder. She had no
intention of fucking Heath, but paddling his tight little ass ’til he came was
a titillating alternative.

She pushed Heath back so she could stand then walked to the
closet and found a long leather belt. Heath watched her, blue eyes dark and
stormy. He wanted it and yet he feared the unknown. She hadn’t yet earned his

“Stand up and then bend over the bed. I want to be able to
see your cock while I stripe your ass.”

“Yes, Mistress.” He moved into position, bracing his
forearms against the mattress.

She stood on Heath’s left so she could see Bronik as well.
He’d unzipped his pants but his hands stubbornly rested on the arms of his
chair. She swung the belt and watched Heath’s body tense, then a deep red welt
formed across his ass cheeks. Aiming the next swat lower, she caught the backs
of his thighs. He gasped then hissed, but didn’t scream.

Eloise felt restless. This wasn’t nearly as much fun as
she’d expected. She kept picturing herself in Heath’s place with Bronik
swinging the belt. Had a few days linked with Bronik turned her into a bona
fide sub?

Heath’s ass wiggled and his thighs flexed. She might be
distracted but the spanking was obviously having the desired effect on him. She
held the belt out toward Bronik and asked, “Will you finish him off while I

“Of course.” Bronik crossed the room and kissed her, a brief
yet deep kiss that instantly eclipsed the eroticism of what she’d been doing
with Heath.

“Do I have permission to come?” Heath asked no one in

“In your hand,” Bronik responded. “Don’t you dare soil my

“Yes, Master.”

Eloise couldn’t hide her smile. He was so much better at
this than she was, it was ridiculous. But then she was only pretending and he
was dominant by nature.

She crawled onto the bed and pulled Heath’s torso up until
only his fingertips remained against the bed. She turned his head to the side
and waited for Bronik’s first swing before she bit into the human’s neck. The
belt connected with Heath’s ass and the human cried out, the harsh sound filled
with wonder.

“Thank you, Master. Please, again!”

Eloise bit down hard with Bronik’s second swing. Heath
screamed and waves of pleasure radiated off the human. His blood flooded her
mouth, the taste unbelievably sweet. She drank deeply, her body hovering on the
verge of orgasm.

Suddenly Bronik grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her
off Heath. His mouth covered hers and he shared Heath’s blood, his tongue
sliding hungrily over hers. He pushed her onto her back and paused to look at
the dazed human. “Thank you. Now go.”

“Yes, Master.” He quickly gathered up his clothes and fled.

Buzzing from the fresh influx of blood, Eloise arched and
wiggled. She could barely keep her eyes open, yet she felt wild, not sleepy.

Bronik ripped his clothes off, sending garments flying in
every direction. He grabbed the backs of her knees and thrust his cock home in
one forceful drive. She cried out, the sudden pressure enough to make her come

“Look at me.”

She blinked several times then looked into his eyes.

“Say my name.” His voice sounded gruff yet urgent.


He drew back then thrust deep. The impact sent echoes of her
orgasm rippling through her abdomen. “Who am I?”


“No. Who did you tell the human I was?” He rocked back onto
his heels, pulling her with him.

“My mate.”

He stilled and his emerald-flecked gaze searched hers. “Is
that how you think of me?”

She licked her lips and returned his penetrating stare. If
she admitted the truth, she gave him immense power over her. Yet deep in her
heart she knew she could trust him. Even as his prisoner, he’d treated her with
a dark sort of nobility. Bronik could be ruthless and brutal when provoked, but
their link had allowed her to see the honorable man buried beneath his grim

“I do.” She whispered the admission and closed her eyes.

“No, don’t hide from me.” He framed her face with his hands
and waited until she opened her eyes again. “I knew we were connected the
moment I saw you. You were vicious and cruel and all I could think about was
wrapping you in my arms. It was irrational but it was real. We were meant to be

She chuckled and relaxed, savoring the warmth as he smiled.
“I felt it too, but then you were gone and I convinced myself that it was

He pulled his hips back and poured his emotions into her
mind. “Does this feel like nothing?”

She drew her legs up along his sides, opening herself
without restricting his movements. He rocked into her and over her, driving the
pleasure higher. She felt complete and loved for the first time in her life.
She refused to analyze how and why. She just accepted that it was real.

He rolled to his back, bringing her with him. She pushed
against his chest and settled her weight on her knees. Now she had control over
their movements. It was a luxury he seldom offered, which made the pleasure
that much sweeter.

Bracing her hands on his chest, she drew her body up his
entire length, pausing with just his broad tip inside her. Then she looked deep
into his eyes as she slid back down, impaling herself on his shaft. “That feels
so good,” she murmured as she did it again and again.

“Don’t hold back.” He found her clit with his fingertips and
circled the sensitive nub. “Come for me. I love watching your face when it hits

She moved faster, squeezing him with her inner muscles and
rubbing against his fingers. Tension built and pleasure flowed, physical
sensations mixing with metaphysical emotions until she was dizzy and
breathless. Her breasts bobbed, the nipples tight and tingling. She rocked over
him, pulling up slow and slamming down hard.

He reached up with his free hand and caught her nipple,
pinching firmly as he said, “I told you to come.”

The sharp sensation combined with his verbal command and her
body obeyed. Her inner muscles rippled and pleasure pulsed, making her gasp and
shake. The pressure eased on her nipple but he gently rubbed her clit,
prolonging her release as long as possible.

As the final wave ebbed, he lifted her off him and turned
her around. She settled on her forearms and knees as he knelt behind her.
Without a word, he collared her neck and urged her head down. Excitement welled
within her, making her pussy ache all over again.

He moved her legs wider apart and stroked her wet folds with
a teasingly light touch. “You’re so wet.” He pushed several fingers into her
and she moaned. “And so soft.”

She’d just had a breath-stealing orgasm. How could she need
him so badly again? His fingers moved in and out, the rhythm lazy. She rested
her forehead on her folded arms and concentrated on the sweet slide. She had no
idea how they’d managed to find each other, but she had no doubt the pleasure
would never be this acute with anyone else. He seemed to know instinctively how
to touch her, when she needed a stronger thrust or a sharper sensation.

He flicked her clit with his other hand then lightly plucked
the sensitive nub. Each time he released the bundle of nerves, sensations shot
deep into her abdomen. He removed his fingers and held her open as he explored
her with his tongue. He was bold and possessive, licking and sucking not only
her pussy but her ass cheeks and the tightly puckered entrance to her back

His tongue pushed into her pussy and his fingers returned to
her clit. He rubbed and pulled, alternating gently coaxing touches with firm
pressure. She grasped the quilt beneath her as the urgency built. Raw and
needful, she pushed back against his face, driving his tongue deeper into her

His emotions flowed into her mind—dark hunger, lust and
affection—but his need to dominate was unusually strong. Had watching her
control the feeder unleashed these feelings? It was obvious he’d been turned on
by her naughtiness.

With a throaty growl, he wet his fingers in her pussy then
circled her anus with his moistened fingertips. She tried to relax, to accept
the invasion, but it felt odd and intrusive.

“I want this.” He pushed his fingers deep into her ass.

His voice was so harsh she hardly recognized him. She raised
her head and looked back at him. “I’ve never—”

“I know. I think that’s why I want it so badly. I want to
share something with you that you’ve never shared with anyone else.”

The naked longing in his eyes was her undoing. “All right.”
She didn’t insult him by asking him to be careful. He obviously understood the
challenge and would do his best not to hurt her.

He withdrew his fingers slowly and tingles cascaded through
her belly. This wasn’t the first time he’d breached her with his fingers. He
loved to finger-fuck her ass while he sucked on her clit and the truth was she
came harder with the added stimulation. She wasn’t afraid, just unsure and a
bit apprehensive because of his size.

The bed shifted as he crawled over to the nightstand and
retrieved a bottle of lubricant. “This will help but we’ll have to go slow.”

“I trust you.” She smiled and then lowered her head and
returned to her earlier position. She couldn’t really see him now, could only
feel what he was doing and his emotional responses.

His finger pushed back into her, eased this time by the
lube. It slid much more easily now, smoothly in and out, in and out. He
gradually added a second finger and then a third, carefully stretching her body
in anticipation of his thick shaft.

“How’s that feel?” He kissed the small of her back as his
hand continued its moderate shuttle.

“A lot smaller than your cock,” she admitted.

“Not as much as you’d think. My fingers are pretty big.” He
moved his other hand between her thighs and resumed his circle-tug assault on
her clit. The combination was staggering. Her inner muscles clenched, which
tightened her back passage around his fingers. Everything seemed to grow hotter
and wetter as restless urgency built inside her.

She pushed back onto his hand, needing faster, needing more.
His fingers slipped free of her body but before she could adjust to the odd
emptiness, he pushed into her with his cock. Her body stretched and stretched,
stinging and burning for just a second and then he slid deep and her clit
twitched against his fingers.

For an endless moment she teetered on the razor’s edge
between pleasure and pain. And then his fingers slowly pulled on her clit and
pleasure exploded inside her. He thrust deep fast then pulled back slowly,
drawing the sensations down through her body. She gasped and lights blinked
behind her eyes, then he thrust into her again and another burst of pleasure
took her breath away.

His hands gripped her hips and he moved in and out with
long, smooth strokes. She’d never felt so full and yet so empty. Her cunt
tightened with rhythmic spasms, which only accented the fullness in her ass. It
was confusing and amazing and she embraced the new pleasure without reserve.

By the time her body adjusted to all the new sensations
their link was vibrating with Bronik’s pleasure. She focused on what he was
feeling, fascinated by the new perspective. The grip of her ass was so tight it
was nearly painful. He arched his back and gripped her hips, forcing himself
not to pound into her with savage demand. He growled, fangs burning as
bloodlust unfurled within his sexual urgency.

“Yes.” She pushed up with her hands, bringing her neck and
shoulders closer to him. “Bite me. I want you to.”

He arched over her, his thrusts short and staccato as he
pressed against her back. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her
shoulders up, the awkward angle forcing her to depend on his strength for
stability. One of his hands moved down and cupped her mound as the other angled
across her chest. He drove even deeper into her ass then dragged his tongue
across her shoulder.

She cried out from surprise not pain, but a nanosecond later
his fangs stabbed into her shoulder and she screamed. Pleasure and pain
inundated her body, triggering another intense orgasm. She shook against him
and convulsed around him, her body suspended just off the bed.

BOOK: OnsetofDanger
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