One Night More (3 page)

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Authors: Clara Bayard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #New Adult & College

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"I think so. I don't know."

"If someone hit you I'll destroy them," he seethed.

I turned back and twined my hands behind his neck. "I'm not in pain. I'm cold and lonely, Sam. Help me with that."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."

"Be gentle. We'll do fine."

I could see warring impulses run across his face. Desire and concern. Worry and heat.

"But Carly-"

I kissed away any further conversation, sucking at his lips, prodding his tongue with mine. As Sam sank into it, his arms circled me and I felt his arousal rising between us. The hands on my back slid over my butt, feather-light touches that sent waves of pleasure radiating through me.

Steam filled the space and the water hissed around us. It was precisely what I needed. Even without having sex we were closer than ever. Naked, with all my bruises visible and caressed gently by him, I let Sam inside my heart, knowing he would do anything to keep it, and me safe.

Chapter Three

After the shower we dressed and went back to the kitchen. Sam fixed a couple of sandwiches and I found I actually was hungry. I scarfed them down quickly while he watched and grinned.

"What are you staring at?"

"You, of course. It's kind of sexy watching you inhale food like that."

I kicked at him with a bare foot under the table. "Be quiet or I'm coming after your food next."

We shared a laugh and went back to eating. It felt so comfortable, so right. So perfect that what had brought us to this moment dimmed in comparison. So, of course, Sam's phone rang, ruining the moment.

"What?" He paused and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, okay. Give me an hour." He hung up and frowned.

I bit my lower lip and put down the rest of my sandwich. "Duty calls?"

"Unfortunately. The task force working on my UC operation wants a briefing on your case."

I looked at him blankly. "What does that mean in English?"

"It means I was right. Your boss's little operation is connected to the other case I worked on undercover. This is big."

"Good big or bad big?" I asked, stomach roiling.

"Both. Look, there's a car posted outside but I don't want you to stay here alone. Come to the station with me?"

I shook my head. "Pass. I'm sick of that place for a while. Can Anna come over here to keep my company?"

"Of course. That's a great idea." He pointed at the phone on the kitchen counter. "Call her and I'll get changed." I looked at the sweat pants that hung low on his hips and thought it was a shame to cover him up. But it wasn't exactly a professional look for the modern police detective.

"Great. Um, where am I?"

Sam grinned and gave me the address. "Yell if you need anything else."


Anna screeched at me for a few minutes, voice full of anger and love. She'd seen a news story about Mitchell's arrest and had been worried sick. I told her I was at Sam's, but left out some of the details about the day before. I'd tell her in person when she could see I was safe and fine.

By the time she arrived Sam was ready to go and an officer had dropped off a bag full of my stuff. Clothes, brushes, some makeup, two pairs of shoes and underwear. I blushed at that, but thanked him.

Sam opened the front door to Anna and she descended on me like a tiny tornado. I yelped as she slammed against me and she jumped back. "Oh my god, what happened to you?"

"On that note," Sam said, "I'm off. Ladies, Officer Morse is outside. His cell number is on the fridge, as is mine. If you need anything, just call." He kissed me lightly on the lips. "I'll be back as soon as I can, baby, okay?"

I nodded.

Anna eyed him. "Got a kiss for me too, handsome?"

He smiled and kissed her on the cheek. It was funny to watch him almost bend over double to reach her face.

"That's it?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, that's all you get, slut."

She giggled and grabbed my hand. "Bitch."

"Bye, girls," Sam said on his way the door.

Anna pulled me in for another hug and I caught his eye over her head. I knew he was thinking about what happened the last time he left me alone. I tried to reassure him with my eyes and it must have worked because he did actually leave.

I dragged Anna over to a couch and sat down. "I'm really glad you're here."

"Me too. Now, tell me what's happened."

I told her, dragging through every terrible detour. She clasped my hand in both of hers and squeezed tightly the whole time. When I got to the mysterious death of Darius, the messenger for my company who I knew was involved in the drug deliveries, her face went white. By the time I got to my abduction from my apartment she was a statue of terror.

"My god, C." She hugged me tight again and I managed not to groan from the grip on my aching body. "You could have been killed. Again."

"But I wasn't. I'm fine now."

"For how long? If these people found you once they'll find you again."

"No way. I've got Sam now. He knows all about this stuff."

She nodded, but looked unconvinced. "Maybe. But what are you going to do, hide here forever?"

"Of course not. I'm just staying here until I can go back to my place."

"Okay. So what about Sam? You two look pretty cozy."

"Well, we've been through a lot together in a short period of time. I feel good when I'm with him. Safe."

She stood up and started pacing. "That's nice. You trust him?"

"I do."

"Have you told him about Phillip?"

"Of course not," I spat out more harshly than I intended.

She stopped pacing and faced me, hands on her hips. "Why not?"

"Because he doesn't matter anymore. And I don't want Sam to know about that. Know who I was back then."

"Carly," she began.

"No, no." I held up my hands. "I mean it. I'm not that girl anymore. She's gone. I've dealt with it and moved on. A million hours of therapy and a few years' time have changed me. I'm older and wiser now. And braver.

"When I was in that trunk I was terrified. But I didn't freeze up. I didn't try to placate the men who took me. I got out of there myself and went for help."

Anna sat down next to me again and wrapped her arm around my waist. "Yeah, you did. You were so brave. But if you care about Sam he should know about what happened."

"No. Not now. Maybe after all of this is over."

She sighed. "Okay. So, new subject. What are we gonna do this afternoon? Snoop through his closets? Check what pay-per-views he's ordered?"

Through my little speech my mind was turning. I was different. And brave. And I wasn't going to sit in Sam's house all day doing nothing. Taking action had freed me from the trunk of that car; maybe it could free me from this mess in general.

"I have a better idea."

"Check his internet history for kinky porn?"

I laughed. "Even better than that."

Anna crossed her arms. "That's hard to beat. What you got?"

"There's a place I want to check out."

"Aren't we supposed to stay here where it's safe?"

"Oh come on. I just want to swing by the building I made that delivery to. See if there's anything I forgot about it."

"Can't Officer Sexy Pants do that?"

"Detective Sexy Pants, A."

"Whatever. Can't Sam handle that?"

"No," I said emphatically. I stood up. "He's got a million things to do today. I'm not getting into a shootout or anything. I just want to see if I can jog my memory. Be a help to Sam for once."

My best friend stared up at me for a long time and knew I wouldn't be dissuaded. "What about the cop outside? I'm pretty sure he won't let us just drive out of here."

"That's easy. The garage lets out in the alley out back. You can drive around and pick me up."

"How do you know all this? Did you case the joint?"

I snorted a laugh. "No, but remember Darlene West from school? She used to visit her dad in this neighborhood and all the houses are the same."

"Okay, Nancy Drew. But if you get killed I'll never forgive you."

"Fair enough," I replied, smiling. I hadn't realized how much I needed to see her until she arrived. Now we were off together to take a little control of my fate and it felt wonderful.



Getting out of Sam's house went perfectly and we were pulling up to the warehouse I'd delivered the package to before I knew it.

Anna slid into a parking space and looked around. "It's not as seedy as I imagined. Or scary, unless peeling paint frightens you."

"It probably helps that it's three in the afternoon, A."


We climbed out of the car and made our way to towards the entrance. The area was quiet and I could hear traffic from the expressway half a mile away.

The door was as I remembered, faded red with paint peeling to reveal gray and blue underneath. Nothing made it stand out from the half dozen others like it on the same block. I peered into a window but couldn't see much of anything. Dusty hallways and lots of boxes in precarious piles.

"Well, what next?"

I shrugged at Anna. "I have no idea. I thought I'd know what to look for when we got here, but I don't."

"Great. You're giving me gas money, dummy."

I grinned. "Whatever."

"You said a woman answered the door when you rang the bell?"


"Well let's see if she's here now."

My eyes widened. "A, we can't. If she knows what's going on she'll remember me."

"Oh, good point. Well then you go hide by the car and I'll ring the bell. See what she says."

"I don't know about this."

"Hey, coming here was your idea. If we're going to get evidence or information or whatever, we can't just stand outside and stare at the building."

I sighed. "You're right. Okay, go ahead. But be careful."


I ducked on the other side of the car so I could peek around and see her.

Anna rang the bell and stood casually, as if she did this sort of thing all the time. Always so unflappable, my friend.

One minute went by and she rang again. No answer and she still waited. Two minutes, then five. So much for that brilliant plan.

As I was about to stand and tell her we should leave, I saw her hand close around the doorknob. She turned it and pushed. The door swung open slowly in front of her.

I jumped up and bounded over awkwardly, my sore limbs screaming. "What the hell?"

"Just call me Bess," she said.

"What? Who?"

"Nancy Drew's sidekick. Bess, right?"

"I have no fucking idea, A."

She shrugged. "We'll go with Bess until I can ask Wikipedia."

, what the hell are you doing?"

"Investigating." With that she stepped inside and I had no choice but to follow her.

Once we were in the warehouse I was more confused than ever. It was dimly lit and dusty, with cobwebs in almost every corner. And the boxes I'd spied from outside were barely hanging together, the cardboard sagging and splitting as if no one had been there in a very long time.

"Not exactly a hotbed of activity," Anna groused.

"No kidding. Maybe it's abandoned. That woman could have just come here for the pickup."

"Possible. But we're here. Let's check it out."

I'd planned to, but it was nice to see she was of the same mind about it. "Lead the way, Bess."

She giggled and started off down a hallway. We wound our way through the first floor, finding more of the same nothing the front space held.

Anna took a turn and as I rounded it behind her she stopped and I almost plowed right into her.

"Hey," I hissed.

She held a finger up to her mouth to silence me and then pointed.

At the end of the hall there was a door. We'd passed a dozen others, but this one was different. Where the rest of the warehouse was old and tired looking, this door was new and shiny. The steel reflected the overhead lights and there was a brand new looking keypad on the wall.

"Bingo," I said.

"Hot damn, I can't believe we actually found something."

"You say 'hot damn' now?"

Anna shrugged. "Maybe."

I stifled a giggle. "So now what?"

"Knock? Enter random numbers on the keypad?"

"Both terrible ideas, Bess. I see why you're the sidekick."

"Shut up."

She flipped me off and was about to say something when the door in front of us started to swing open. As if we did this every weekend, Anna and I fled back around the corner and crouched behind a pile of boxes without pause. The dust we disturbed floated on the air as a man's voice echoed in the hallway.

"Nah, it don't matter. Reception is shit everywhere. Just tell me." He paused for a moment, listening, I assumed. "Fuck that. I get paid to do nothing. Ain't no job better than that." Another pause, this one longer.

Anna and I exchanged looks. Could we escape while he was talking? I shook my head. It would be better to wait for him to go back in the room.

"Hang on, got another call," he said. "Hello?…Oh, yeah, boss. Nah, quiet like always… It's just me here today but I can come give you a hand…"

He strode back to the room and I heard the door opening and closing quickly. Too quickly for him to have unlocked it with a key or a code.

The smart thing to do was leave. Get the hell out of there while we could. But curiosity won out for me, and I could see interest and excitement on Anna's face too.

The debate was moot anyway, as the man returned quickly. The door slammed and he hurried past out hiding place without a glance. In the quiet warehouse we could hear every heavy step as he wound through the corridors to the front. Another door slammed and we were alone in the building.

"We're taking a peek, right?"

"We sure as hell are," I replied, standing up slowly and carefully.

We crept quietly around the corner again and approached the door. I put my hand on the knob and it turned easily. I pushed and it opened. I looked at Anna with wide eyes. "This is crazy. One of us should stay out here, just to be safe."

She snorted. "We left safe behind in the car, C."

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