One Hot Momma (17 page)

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Authors: Cara North

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western, #Westerns

BOOK: One Hot Momma
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Chapter 14


Everyone arrived at the ranch two weeks before the wedding. The best part about having a Dude Ranch was the fact that people could have their own cabin if they chose to.
parents decided they wanted a cabin.
thought Heath was going to blow a gasket because not only did their mother want to stay with Heath and Chance she wanted her boyfriend to stay there when he arrived later in the week.

Chance finally talked their mother into taking a cabin when the man got there, for her son’s sake.

, Heath, Jack, and Lucky were in the barn laughing when Buck walked in madder than a wet hornet, and all hell broke loose.

“You son-of-a-bitch I am going to kill you!” Buck was a man of few words, and he rarely lost his temper. All four men looked at the blonde hulking man stalking toward them.

knew who he challenged when Lucky stepped forward. “You can try.”

“You kissed my wife!” Buck seethed.

Lucky shrugged though
knew Buck wasn’t the only one mad now. “You married the one woman I loved. You were my best friend, and I asked you to look after my girl and you stole her.”

It was out.
stood, jaw unhinged. He looked at Heath and Jack who seemed as shell-shocked as he was.

Buck stopped. His face held the truth. Lucky wasn’t lying. “You left, and you never told her not once that you cared for her. You didn’t tell me you loved her, Lucky. You asked me to look out for her and I did. I fell in love with her. I stayed. I didn’t leave her. I sure as shit wouldn’t leave her for a damned
and I married her. She is my wife!”

“I know.” Lucky nodded. “I love Jan. I always have and I always will, but if you know we kissed, you know that she kissed me. I would have taken it to my grave to keep her from hurting, but she told you, and here you are.
So now what?”

“She kissed you?” The big guy’s heart broke in front of all of them. “She was talking in her sleep last night. I…”

“Buck…,” Lucky called as Buck turned and headed back the direction he came in. “Shit.”

Lucky ran after Buck.

and his brothers stood for another few seconds then headed after them.

“What the hell do you make of this?”
asked as they ran to catch up with the two men ahead of them heading toward Jan’s house.

“They can beat the shit out of each other but not in front of Jan,” Heath huffed.

“Well hell,” Jack said and picked up the pace passing his brothers then Lucky, and finally he caught up to Buck.

couldn’t hear what he was saying, but he got the kid to stop.
couldn’t help feel a bit responsible for it all. He had forced Jan to talk to Lucky, and if she kissed him… what did that mean? He couldn’t believe it. He wouldn’t until he talked to her.

Heath stopped with Buck, Lucky, and Jack while
moved on to the house to talk to Jan.

called as he entered the front door.

She ran to him crying. He held her close as his heart broke for her. “What is going on?”

“I made a mistake. I only wanted to be sure, you know? I mean I know I love Buck. I know that, but I thought I loved Lucky for so long. I just wanted to be sure I wasn’t in love with him anymore. I’m not. He knows that. He didn’t kiss me back,
. He wouldn’t do that to me or Buck. Now I can’t face either one of them!”

“What did you say to Buck?”

“I didn’t get a chance to say anything. He asked. I didn’t have a chance to say anything; he knew. He tore out of here and I…” She stepped back and put her hand up to cover her face. “Where’s Lucky?”

“They are both out front. Heath and Jack are with them.”
pulled her hand away. “Hey, you can face me all right?”

“I can’t.” She looked away.

“Yes, you can. Jan, I don’t understand what happened, but I am your brother. Everyone makes mistakes. You’re young. Apparently, you had loved them both, and they both love you. I know it can be scary and confusing, trust me.”
frowned as he looked at her. “I should never have made you talk to him. I had no idea…”

She had moved to sit at the kitchen table. “Neither did
. I mean I stopped thinking about him when he left and Buck stayed to join the police department. Then I fell in love with Buck, and I didn’t think about Lucky at all until he came back. I don’t know why I did it. It was an impulse move. I didn’t know how to be sure I was being honest with myself, but I knew the moment I kissed him I was. I am completely over him. I love Buck. I never loved Lucky the way I love my husband.”

Jan had put her head down on her arms, so she didn’t see Buck or the others walk in the door that
had left open in his haste.

“See. I told you.”
tone was sad and sobering. Jan didn’t look up. She curled her hands over her head and appeared to try to become invisible. “I’m sorry.”

“Can I talk to Jan alone now?” Buck took a few steps forward.

“Can you handle talking to her now?” Heath asked from behind. Buck nodded.

They all knew damn good and well he would never hurt her physically. If anything, under the circumstances, this was a hurt the three brothers had all known before, rejection, betrayal.
put a hand on Buck’s shoulder and whispered, “You know where to find me.”

Buck nodded.

* * *

“Have I told you today how much I love you?”
as he entered the kitchen.

“What have you been doing?” She turned to look at him and tell him, no, he hadn’t, but one look at him made her wonder what he had in fact been up to.

took three long steps toward her and hugged her tight. “I love you. Don’t you ever break my heart again, okay?”

didn’t know she had ever broken his heart, hurt his pride, yes, bruised his ego, okay, but broken his heart?

“When you told me no the first time, I thought I was okay. The second time it hurt like hell, but I was sure I would get you to say yes. The third time I lost a piece of my soul. It hurt like hell, and I don’t ever want to feel that kind of hurt again.” He looked at her seriously a moment then kissed her.

, I didn’t…”

“I know you didn’t know.” He smiled at her. “But now you do, so don’t ever do it again.”

“What brought this on?”
frowned at him. His actions
were loving
, but his words cut through her like a knife.

“Jan kissed Lucky. Buck found out about it. They are so damn young I don’t know if any of them understand what they are doing. I do know that watching that kid’s heart fall out of his chest because of my little sister hurt me, too.”

mouth opened then shut. She followed him to their bedroom as he stripped out of his clothes, which were now wet from sweat. Into the bathroom he walked stark naked and she followed.


He looked at her and her heart broke. Something big had happened, and it was eating him up inside. “No. Don’t take a shower. Let me run you a hot bath.”

“I’m sorry I said that earlier. I…” He frowned when she stood to face him again.

“It’s okay.”
stepped closer to him. “I love you,
. I can’t imagine the hurt you feel for all of them. I do understand the hurt though. I care for Jan and Buck. I even care for Lucky. This is my family, too.”

“I hate that this is happening before our wedding. Your parents are here. My mom is here. What in the world did we do to deserve all this drama? Nothing, not one thing has been easy for us. ” She stroked his sun kissed cheek, and he turned his face to her again.

“If it were easy, we wouldn’t know half of what we know about each other now. If this family upset takes center stage, I don’t really care. I’m with you. Getting here hasn’t been easy, but I wouldn’t change the end result. Buck and Jan have only had Heath to contend with. Every relationship has bumps in the road. If they want it to work, it will.” She tiptoed up to kiss his lips. “We all make mistakes. I made a huge one when I tried to shut you out in the beginning. But I promise you, there is not another man on this planet I want to kiss besides you.”

His lips curled to a half smile.

“Get in.”
turned to lock the bathroom door. When she turned back, he was seated in the large tub. “We have about two hours before my parents head back this way with the kids.”

“Well, what are you waiting for?”
pushed the jet button, and the water began to pulsate around him.

About Cara North

Cara North began writing short stories as a child. Her first full length novel was written by hand in approximately seven different hard bound journals. Of course today she uses the computer. She is published in several different genres of romantic fiction, sweet romance, science fiction/fantasy, contemporary, and erotic romance. Both of her novel series’ will be released at Tease Publishing LLC.

Cara’s goal is to continue winning readers over one by one and eventually make the NY Times Bestseller list. In a perfect world The Beaufort Series would be made into a movie. Ethan would be played by Josh Hartnett, Joshua by Jake
, and Ayden by Ryan Reynolds. The heroines could be played by several talented actresses. Did you hear that Hollywood? I’m waiting…

In the meantime she lives with her own personal hero and husband, Chris. They share their home with two dogs, Brittany and Jonah, and two cats, Han-Solo and Shiva. Learn more about Cara at:

Other Titles by Cara North

The Country Music Collection:

Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy

One Hot Momma

Horse Ride A Cowboy

The Beaufort Series:

The Art of Ethan

Chasing Joshua

Ayden’s Secret

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