One (Bar Dance) (9 page)

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Authors: Dani Joy

BOOK: One (Bar Dance)
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She laughed and it didn’t hold any humor. “You shared this with anybody else?”

“Just you.”

“Keep it that way until you talk to Adam. Do not under any circumstances let Rand know about it. He might do something stupid like look up who you found or worse, find more. He has to stay out of it until it is all done and over with.”

I watched her whole demeanor change as she heard the guys drive up and open the fron
t door. “The boys are back.” She said chirpily.

I did not feel so chirpy. I now knew that I had a secret that I shouldn’t have. Worse I had to keep it from the man who was moving his big ass flat screen TV in. Which meant that he was probably moving in too. Great. Luckily my phone chimed telling me I had a text. It was from Kim telling me when and where the memorial service was going to be held.

The good news about that was I could tell Bray and Angie the time and place. It also gave me a cover for my nerves. Hopefully no one saw through it. I forwarded the message to Angie’s phone. I didn’t have Bray’s number and he had his hands full, literally. I didn’t want to be the one to make him drop the TV if it went off in his pocket. Rand looked to be it little boy heaven as he set it up.

I watched Angie flit and float around all the action. I then realized that I had underestimated my friend. She was a hell of a lot smarter than I ever gave her credit for. She covered it well with her happy go lucky demeanor.
She played the fun blond better than I had ever seen anybody play it.

Rand was at a screen on his TV when he looked over at me. “I need your m
odem access codes. You know it?”

I shook my head.
“They are taped to the bottom where ever the modem got moved to.”

He looked at me in absolute horror. “You taped it to the bottom of the modem? What if someone stole it?”

I giggled. “What could they do? Use a service that I’d cancel.”

He looked to his brother. “She taped it to the bottom.” He said it as if I had taped a key to my front door with a sign that said. “Come on in.”

Bray poked at prodded at my sound system. “Mind if I make a few changes?”

“Not as long as you leave it so I can use it without having to have lessons.”

“Nothing that drastic. You just have a few wires crossed. It’ll just make it sound better when I’m done.”

At that I smiled. “Go for it.”

He moved cords and wires for about three minutes. He dropped his MP3 player in my iHome and hit play. I had paid a fortune for the speakers and crap that went with it. I was always disappointed at how it sounded. Now I knew why. I had no clue what I was doing when I hooked it up, obviously. He moved a few speakers around the room concealing cords against the edge of the carpet and it sounded even better. He plugged a cord from the TV in and grinned at Rand.

Rand grinned back and logged on the TV to what must have been his Netflix account since I didn’t have one.
He chose a movie at it started playing the opening music. I must have had a horrified look on my face. The whole lower level filled with sound. There was no way that I would be able to study if he had that kind of sound going on all the time.

Bray chuckled and turned off my sound system and it muted a great deal but still not enough. The TV wasn’t on loud but it was projecting a ton of sound. Rand hit a button on the remote and the TV still made noise but at a defined level to the space that it was taking up. When I was in school and working full time all I had time for was checking my text’s, if I was lucky enough to remember that I had a phone
much less watch movies. I really wanted to be an ER nurse. I was working my butt off for it. Rand muted the sound and Bray turned back on my system and set it to low. It was now muted sounds that didn’t seem to interfere with the TV. He motioned me over. He showed me how to do it myself and I smiled at him.

“So it did take a lesson but I will forgive you for that. It sounds like I always wanted it to.”

Bray had wrapped Angie around him and he was holding her tight.

“I got your text. You doing traditional black or color.” She asked me.

“Color. Dakota deserves a rainbow.”

She nodded at me. “We will be there but it is time for us to get gone.” She held my eyes. “You good?”

I nodded at her then shrugged. Both of them left and I was at a loss what to do.

Rand walked the out and then came to me. He kissed me.
“You had a good time while we were gone.”

“Angie’s idea. She gossiped while you two were gone.
I also pulled out the to-kill-ya and gave us both a couple of shots.”

Rand’s eyebrows went up as he sat us down on the couch. He didn’t ask in words as much as expression. “She did?”

I nodded. “She said that whatever Bray puts in front of me I should ask for half as much more and then sign the new one immediately. Her words were in a New York second.”

Rand nodded but said no more.

I poked him in the ribs.

He chuckled. “You want my take on it?”

I cocked my head to the side which took considerable effort since I had to slide up and away from him to cock my head and give him the “Duh” glare.

“Brayden is thirty-three. Young for the industry. He has made a huge name for himself locally. He has also made a large name for himself nationally.”

“I don’t know anything about the music industry. I barely can figure out how to download music to my computer.”

Rand looked at the floor and then at me. “I don’t know much. What I do know is that he whispers jump and the labels ask how high.”

I felt fear run through my veins. “Does he manage or just head hunt?” I didn’t know the correct term. I used one that came to mind.

Rand gave me a face that said he didn’t know either with a small shrug. “You’re going to have to ask him that. All that I know is that he is good at what he does.”

I rubbed my face. The tequila was scattering my brain. Now I had two big worries on my mind, not to mention I had to be awake at five in the morning. “I have got to go to bed.” I said as I dropped my hands.

“When’s Dakota’s service?”

“Five tomorrow. I figured that I would leave work by three so that I can come home and change.”

“I’ll be here by three thirty to go with you.”

I smiled at him. There was no reason for him to go but I couldn’t help but be happy that he would. I yawned and when my mouth finally closed he kissed me lightly. I put one hand against his cheek and kissed him back. I started to walk away and he turned me. He engulfed me in a hug and I returned it. When he let me go he did it with a smile. “Got to check out the man cave stuff for a minute. I’ll be up soon.”

“Man cave stuff.” I just shook my head then I walked away thinking maybe it would be fun for him to be here. Man cave stuff and all.




I had come home, done a quick shower and blown my hair dry. I then applied my hair chalk. I was literally a rainbow with pink ends. Dakota always laughed at my hair. I felt that he deserved the whole treatment. Now I was standing in my towel with nothing else on except for my light make up staring at my clothes.

This morning I had found a spare key. Taped it to a piece of paper that I had drawn a rough outline of house on it with a heart for the door. Tacky for sure but effective if he was inside.

I felt him behind me as he wrapped his arms around my middle. He kissed my neck and I shivered. “Wardrobe stress.”  I whispered. “I have scrubs and bar clothes. Not much more.”

He stared in my closet that was huge. I used about, well
, not much of it. I had three little black dresses hanging up and twenty pairs of shoes on the shelves. Maybe five button down shirts and two pairs of black pants. All of which were interview clothes from years ago. The rest was scrubs or for the bar to dance in. Oh and papers that I shouldn’t have. I slumped against him.

He pulled out his phone and dialed. “Hey Bray is Angie close by?”

He started talking again. “You got something that Terra could borrow? She is having a crisis.  Thanks. Bye.”

One phone call and less that fifty words he had solved my crisis. I never would have thought of that in a million years. Who would have thought that a man could fix a clothing crisis? I stood with my mouth open.

“She said light colored underwear and low boots or flats. Does that mean something to you?”

I grabbed a pair of low flat black sandals and s
et them out. I walked to my dresser and pulled out a matching pair of light pink underwear. I threw the towel towards the bathroom and put them on. I pulled on a nice pair of jeans and a black cami. I started to walk out of the room when Rand stopped me. I turned a surprised face to him.

He kissed me lightly. “I’m home.”

I smiled at him and gave him a kiss. “I’m a bad girlfriend. Just FYI.”

“We’ll learn together.” He said as he quirked a half smile.

I threw my arms to the side. “I need clothes.” I was surprised when I was drug out to Rand’s car and nearly thrown in. He asked for directions and I gave them. Fifteen minutes later I was standing in Angie’s bedroom staring at twenty outfits. As much as I didn’t have she had in abundance.

She dressed to amuse the kids at the daycare center. She eyed me up as I walked in the room and then her piles of clothes. We were relatively the same size so it wasn’t a hard choice for her. She chose a multi-tiered skirt that had all the colors of the rainbow and a white dropped neck shirt to go with it. Then she pulled out bangles and bracelets in all colors and adorned my wrists and neck. I had
huge pink hoops shoved in my ears and my hair pulled off my face in twists with multi colored bobby pins in minutes.

She grabbed my hand and within fifteen minutes I was done up and ready to walk out the door.

“Wow.” I heard Rand say as I was drug past him.

Bray rubbed the bottom of his nose, twice. She pointed at him. “Sound shit to set up. No more time to waste.”

I had seriously underestimated my friend. She had grown up to be a mini drill sergeant. I smiled over my shoulder at the two men. Rand shook he head and followed. Bray on the other hand beamed a smile towards his girl. He liked it. I now knew why she ran a successful day care center. She didn’t take shit from the kids or the parents. I was contemplating taking Angie and my dad’s newest wife to lunch together when I was shoved in the back of a huge SUV. I slid over a seat and started doing up my seatbelt when Rand climbed in beside me. “She always like this?”

“Never seen this side of her.” I smiled at him. “I like it.”

Angie had obviously been distracted by her phone as she searched for something before climbing in. She held the screen up to Bray as soon as he was in and started the monstrosity that we were driving in. He plugged the address in the GPS that was on the dash and nodded to her. She put her phone away and became the dumb blond again. She happily chirped at us as if the last ten minutes were roses and sunshine. I shook my head and did bug eyes at Rand.

Angie went to do something with the radio and Bray slapped at her hands. Rand burst out laughing and Bray followed. Angie started dancing in her seat and I burst out laughing with the guys and followed Angie. I was dancing in my rainbow skirt. She was dancing in her sunshine
colored sundress. The men were both ignoring our antics.

We got there a little early so that Bray could set up his sound shit as Angie called
it. The two of us were standing watching them. Me with no clue why he was doing it. Her because we were told to just stay out of the way so we didn’t hurt ourselves. I finally asked. “What is he doing?”

“He wants to record it.” She shrugged.


“He says that he does this all the time. He records the service so that family can pull it out and listen to it again.”

I don’t consider myself a cynic but I didn’t see a purpose of reliving it again and again. A funeral or memorial service is something that I thought was bad enough to have to endure once. Reliving it a second or twelfth time just seemed morbid. She must have saw my revolution of the thought.

“I thought the same thing. He said that they can make copies and give it to family who couldn’t make it.”

That actually made sense so I nodded my head side to side towards my shoulders. The room was nice enough. Dark green carpeting with wood paneling. Great big sliding glass doors that had privacy mesh that could be pulled over the doors to make it more private if that was what you chose.

“Do you go to these things often?” She asked me hesitantly.

“Rarely. We do lose more kids than I would like but I rarely feel a need to go to a service. This kid was just special to me. That and his mom asked me to sing. I could have said no but he really was something. He kind of reminds me of Gloria’s kid Austin. They were the same age and have a lot of the same interests.” I smiled at her. “They even liked the same deodorant.”

She smiled at me. Kim, Dakota’s mom walked in wearing the signs of devastation that any mom would have at a time like this. Jim followed shortly after that. Kim walked towards me and tried to smile warmly. I think that she just didn’t have it in her today.

“Angie I would like you to meet Kim and Jim Curtis.” I turned to Angie and motioned to her, “I would like you to meet a friend of mine. This is Angelica Holiday. She and her boyfriend will accompany me while I sing today.”

Angie held out her hand. “Brayden is setting up some recording
equipment. We would like to give you a gift of recording the service for you. You can share copies of it with your family. We would have asked beforehand if that is okay with you but he didn’t think of it until about an hour ago. If you prefer it not to be recorded it won’t even be plugged in.”

Kim nodded and Jim cleared his throat. “It would be greatly appreciated. We have a number of relatives that aren’t able to attend.”

“Please don’t let us hold you up if you have things to do.” I held one of Kim’s hands and shook it slightly. “Or more importantly, if we can help, direct us to what you need done.”

Kim shrugged. “I don’t even know what to do.”

Angie asked quietly. “I know a number of quiet songs that I could play. Would you mind if I just found a spot to sit and make music. I find that it calms the kids at the daycare that I run.”

I saw a real smile come from Kim. “That would probably be a godsend if you would. We are all on edge.”

Angie was taking charge in the most subtle way. “How about I go sit over there,” She pointed towards the door that they had entered through. “I will be out of the way and a greeting to your guests.”

Bray and Rand sauntered up as Angie left. Bray held out his hand. “I would ask that I could record this for you as a gift. I normally contract for something like this.”

I didn’t understand the implication but Rand put his arm around my shoulder and gave it a squeeze as if to keep me silent.

Jim and Kim nodded. “Thank you.
Your girlfriend mentioned it to us a second ago. We would appreciate it.” Jim said.

Bray continued. “All that I ask is that you do not post it on any online forums.”

That surprised me but I kept my mouth shut. Jim nodded and Kim looked as confused as I was. “I am trying to arrange some work for Terra and I wouldn’t want anything to jeopardize that for her. If you could keep it quiet for a few months I would appreciate it.”

They both nodded. “I will provide you with as many disks as you would
like that are secure and can’t be copied.” He smiled to soften his words. “Please don’t hesitate to tell me an outrageous number if it will help.”

Rand saved the moment. “They will take one hundred and seventy two.”

I snickered. “I want one.” I didn’t really want one but it was the right thing to say. When I saw Kim relax towards Jim I really definitely knew that it was the right thing to say.

ll go and start recording. I will also edit out all the dead air time.” Bray stuck his hand out. “You are actually helping me by letting me record Terra. I’m grateful.”

Jim took his hand and shook it.
After Bray walked away it was simply uncomfortable silence between the four of us. I was never so grateful to see people start walking in even if they looked as uncomfortable as I felt. Rand was able to move us away. “This is why I rarely go to these things.” I whispered to him. “I know their kids but the parents?” I just shook my head softly.

Rand wrapped me around him. I put my arms around his waist and placed my head against his chest. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “That kid thought that he was in love with you. I saw it when I walked in the room.”

I shook my head against him.

“He held out for them
and for you. He loved you. Now you’re returning that to him. When it is your turn, sing your heart out to him just as I saw you do in his room.”

There is a reason that I only wear waterproof mascara. This was one of those times
. I knew it when I felt one tear leak out of my eye. I let it drip because that was all that was going to leak. One. I watched a man walk in and stare at Angie and Bray. I assumed that he was an employee or director of the place. He actually glared at them and then stomped out.

Rand chuckled quietly. “He just got cheated of charging for music.”

I grin at him. “What else can we cheat him out of?”

The man walked back in looking flushed. Bray walked up to him and held out his hand. The man shook it and again walked away agitated. Bray walked to us. “He is not a happy camper. I told him that I was already contracted and if he recorded I would sue.”

I did a mini fist pump. “Strike two.”

Bray smiled widely. “I’ll warn the Curtis’ to watch for it on the final bill when I deliver.”

I went up on a toe and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

The service was called to order. A mi
nister spoke. His coach spoke. A friend spoke. An uncle spoke and then they called my name. I walked to the front and looked to Bray. He shook his head and I turned down the microphone. Angie gave me tone and she started playing. Bray joined and I sang my heart out to the young man that should still be here with us, but wasn’t.

When it hit the part when I held my breath I heard Kim sob. I went and knelt in front of her and sang the rest of the words gently
, just to her.

When I was done she was sobbing against my neck. I held her and cried along with her. I finally stood and looked around trying to find Rand. What I didn’t expect to see was that there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.

Most of the women and their faces planted in the men that they were there with or in their hands. Most of the men were staring at the ceiling holding their breath. I did the only thing that I could think of. I spoke the truth. “Dakota stole our hearts. I, for one, fell in love with him. Remember that love. Cherish that love and hold it dearly. I know that I will.”

Rand came to me and engulfed me. I didn’t know that I needed that but I did. I held on and absorbed his warmth.

Kim stood and came to me. Rand released me and she held me tight. “He loved you.” She whispered to me.

“I loved him too.” I whispered back.

Jim wrapped his arms around both of us and held us all together. He finally cleared his throat and peeled Kim off of me to hold her tight.

Rand walked me out of the room. “We need to get you out of here or you are going to get mobbed. Bray wants you in his car.” I lifted both of my brows to him.

“He speaks. I listen. He can kick my ass.”

He led me outside and bleeped the locks. I was inside the SUV with the doors lock
ed and behind tinted windows before I even knew what was happening.

“He has a sixth sense. I don’t question it.”

Angie came out and Rand bleeped the back door. She hissed as she deposited two guitars in the back. “Down. Keep her out of sight.”

Bray grunted as he lifted something in the back. “No
, they’ve already left.” The door slammed and I giggled.

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