Once Mated Twice Shy (9 page)

Read Once Mated Twice Shy Online

Authors: K. S. Martin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Once Mated Twice Shy
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“Well, I know
there are a few cashier spots, some stocking positions, we haven’t had a full
time girl in cosmetics for over a year.  There is a place in the meat
department, one in the deli and one in the bakery.  I think that’s all.  Oh and
there’s a spot for a janitor, me and Mister Thompson have been taking turns
sweeping and mopping.”  Jordan grimaced.  She was working too hard.  His mate
was working every open position in the store while most of these wolves watched
television all day.  This stops now!  He roared in his head.  He let her sit
back down in her metal chair on the front row and smiled softly at her.

“If you don’t have
a job, stand up.”  Jordan snarled at them and most of them stood.  “See Lettie
and she will fill you in on how to apply at the store.  If you are qualified to
do repairs and installs on furnaces, air conditioners or if you are a licensed
plumber, you will see me.  If neither of those options appeals to you, you are
either on garden or game duty.  I don’t care which you choose but you will be
doing one of them or you won’t be staying in this pack.  There are also plenty
of downed trees out back to split.  I have about four cords of firewood but
that is not enough for all of us to last the winter and I am looking for
volunteers.  We will be using woodstoves this year, no electric or gas
furnaces, no unnecessary expenses.”

“I’ll take wood
duty.  Nothing clears a man’s mind like swinging an axe.”  Dexter offered
rubbing his hands together.  He was a sweet old wolf.  Jordan wasn’t sure how
old he was but he knew that Dexter’s age rivaled dirt.  He weighed little more
than the axe he was offering to swing but Jordan had no doubt that he would
work from dawn to dusk without complaint.  Dexter was a lot like Lettie that

“I have three or
four poles.  I’ll be in charge of fishing.”  Pete, another older wolf, called
out and Jordan smiled, nodding.  Jordan watched a few of the younger ones speak
to Pete and Terry’s pup was talking to Dexter.  That was a good kid, nice and
strong so Jordan felt better that Dex wouldn’t be out there alone.  Splitting
wood was hard on the body.  This might work.  Lettie was speaking to a large
group and there was a crowd forming around him too. 

Once the meeting
ended and everyone had a job or two assigned to them, Jordan collapsed in one
of the chairs.  He rested his elbows on his knees and closed his eyes.  “It’s
going to be okay Jordan.”  Lettie stepped between his knees and cradled his
head.  “Where did you get the idea for this garden thing you were talking
about?”  She let her fingernails kiss his scalp, a low satisfied growl rumbled
through him and she smiled scratching harder.  He’d always loved it when she
did this.  Her nails scraped over the sides and down the back of his head to
his neck.  Jordan’s hands gripped the backs of her thighs and massaged.  They
worked their way up to her buttocks and she bit her lip to contain herself.

“I saw it in a
movie, I don’t even know if it will work but I rewound that part of the film
about six times to get a real good look at it.  The only difference is that
they had glass over their garden and we are going to use plastic.”

“I think it will
work but I think that it will work better if we dig smaller ones instead of one
big one.  Smaller ones would be warmer.”  Jordan considered it.  “I also think
that we should check the internet too before we do all of that work.”

“Done sweetheart,
we need plastic, hay, compost, and plastic jugs.”  Lettie raised an eyebrow at
him.  “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.  We are planting broccoli, cauliflower,
carrots, Brussel sprouts, kale, collards, mustard, garlic, peas, and lettuce.”

“I hate Brussel
sprouts.”  Lettie complained, she was still scratching so he wasn’t moving.

“We can skip them
if nobody wants to eat them.  You get the idea though right?”  She nodded. 
“Sprouts are better than starving.”

“I’m not so
sure.”  Lettie giggled.  “Come to bed.”  Jordan’s cell phone buzzed in his
pocket.  It was Nelly.  After a boisterous conversation with her, Nelly was in
charge of the cold frame gardens.  She recalled seeing something like it in her
grandmother’s diary and went home to look.  Nelly was ninety-six last month, so
her grandmother lived in a whole other world.  Luckily, gardening hadn’t
changed much.  Nelly had blue prints in the diary, plant suggestions,
directions on crop rotation, and a group of grandchildren that were ‘itching’
to help.  She said.  Jordan agreed and told her that she was in charge.  A good
alpha knew how to delegate.  He had followed Lettie upstairs as Nelly spoke and
by the time that Lettie was climbing into bed without her nightclothes on and
her naked backside wiggling as she went, he would’ve agreed to anything Nelly
said just to get her off the phone.  “Who was that?”  Lettie asked innocently
pulling the quilt up to her chin and licking her lips.  Jordan grinned at her

“Nelly is in
charge of the garden, her grandma kept notes when they did it back in the last
century.  She knows what, where, how and how deep, plus she has a brood of
grandchildren to work it.”  He was peeling his clothes off while he watched her
eyes skim and dance over his body.  The desire in her eyes was enough to make
him hard but her crawling across the bed with her naked backside wiggling at
him made his blood heat and electricity dance from his balls up his spine.  “I
want you Lettie.”  She bit her bottom lip never taking her eyes from his.  She
swallowed hard.

“How?  I think
maybe you want me like this.”  She pulled the quilt off and got to her knees
presenting her naked behind.  “I think this makes you hotter than anything
else.”  She murmured.  “And I think that I need you like this, hot, hard, and
out of control.  Don’t you agree Jordan?”  Her voice dropped to a husky sexy
tone that quickened his heated blood.  A growl rumbled deep in his chest and
his eyes pulsed steady with desire.  Lettie lowered the top of her body and
raised her butt wiggling for him.  Jordan growled loudly and crawled up behind
her.  She could feel his hot erection against her thigh.  “What are you waiting
for Jordan?”

“I don’t want you
doing this, like this, unless you want it this way.  I can’t get that last day
out of my head.  The sadness in your eyes when you presented yourself this way
was devastating.  I don’t want to make you feel that way again.  I love you.”

“Jordan, we’ve
forgiven our pasts.  I want you, right now, right here and just like this.  Don’t
make me wait Jordan, I need you.”  Lettie snapped at him.  There was his feisty
girl.  Jordan drove his length into her forcing a long loud moan from his
mate.  “Sweet Jesus, yes Jordan, just like that!”  Lettie drove her hips back
into him, taking all of him, and soaking up all of the power he was driving
into her wet weeping channel.  Her arms trembled, her womb clenched and her
breasts were heavy with desire.  Jordan’s body covered her, heating her skin. 
His strong arm was across her chest and his hand curled around her shoulder to
use as leverage.  He needed to be inside of her, he needed to bury himself so
deeply that they were one again.  Her blood pounded and tremors raced over her
nerves radiating from her center to her extremities.  “Jordan!”  She wailed. 
Her channel clenched, wrapped around him inside of her, and clamped down hard
squeezing his shaft without mercy.  The orgasm detonated and shook her
mercilessly.  A million white lights burst behind her eyelids and her entire
body heated to what felt nuclear.

“Christ Lettie!” 
Jordan roared as he came viciously inside of her.  The tingling struck up his
spine from his balls clenching and squeezing them tightly.  They collapsed
together in a heap.  Both were out of breath, both exhausted and both more
content than they’d ever been before.  “I love you Lettie Giroux.”  He murmured
in her ear.

“I love you too
Lettie was already drifting off to sleep and snuggling deeper into his arms. 
The corner of his mouth lifted and he held her tighter as he drifted with her.

Chapter Ten


Jordan put an ad
in the local newspaper the next day advertising their heating, air and plumbing
services.  His team of workers had their trucks and vans loaded with parts and
tools.  Anything they needed they would have to buy on credit for the time
being.  Lettie introduced pack members to Mister Thompson and set up
interviews.  He hired twelve of them for various positions in the store.  The
pack was working well as a team and had come together faster than he thought
they would.  Jordan was proud.  He was getting the feeling that his pack had
been bored as rich wolves.  Everyone needed a purpose.  Several pups were
honing their hunting skills under Aimee’s direction.  Who would’ve thought she
could stalk deer as well as a she could stalk a potential mate.  It didn’t hurt
that she flirted with all of the young males.  Her teams of hunting pups were
all vying for her attention.  Jordan rolled his eyes.  Whatever got them fed,
worked for him.  Jordan went to help Nelly and her grandkids dig the holes,
Lucas and Terry were already working.  Nelly’s group could plant, tend and
harvest but a full-grown male would dig a hole with less effort.  Jordan took a
shovel from one of the pups and got busy.  Nelly was studying blueprints and
chirping in Jordan’s ear while he dug large square holes.  Some were deeper
than others were and some were bigger than others were.  Nelly was a good
leader Jordan decided.  Her helpers were putting in compost and seeds into the
finished holes.  They’d planted carrots, lettuce, and broccoli so far.  Her
grandmother’s diary tracked what grew where and what the mix of dirt and
compost should be.  Thank God for sentimental wolves.  Aimee’s crew carried
three deer past the gardening group and Jordan congratulated them all on their
catch.  They would prepare the deer then butcher them and hang them in his
freezer.  This could all work.  Jordan’s cell buzzed and he answered
“Summerville heating and air.”

“Oh.  I almost
hung up.”  A surprised Lettie giggled and Jordan smiled.  “I’m going to stay
late but I’ll be home by bedtime.”  Jordan growled.  “Jordan, it is overtime
and we need the money.” 

“I know.”  He
murmured.  “Are you going to eat?”

“I’ll get
something.  I love you.”  She said and she was gone. 

“Damn it!”  He
hissed.  Jordan finished his hole and handed the shovel to one of Nelly’s grandsons. 
Her idea of getting something was a bag of peanuts.  Jordan walked up to the
house.  Aimee’s pups were doing their best to haul a deer up to hang and
drain.  Jordan took the rope in his hands and pulled.  The doe went up
effortlessly.  Two of them got busy with the carcass.  “Tie the rear hooves
Bobby.”  Jordan said to one of the younger pups.  “Now hand me the end of the
rope there.”  Jordan took the piece of rope in his hands and threw the loose
end over another branch then hauled the second deer up.  Aimee watched with
interest but kept her distance.  He and Lettie were both marked and Aimee had
Lucas.  Jordan helped the last team of pups hang their deer then went inside. 
He heard Aimee explaining how and where to cut.

Jordan checked the
freezer once inside.  He found deer steak already butchered.  He fixed dinner
and wrapped it up in a plastic box for her.  She would get something.  She
would get dinner.  If she had to work overtime, it was the least that he could
do.  Jordan climbed into the truck and headed to the store.  He waved at a
couple of pups headed to the river with their fishing poles along the way.  He
hoped they had luck and brought in a batch of catfish.  Jordan parked outside
of the store and carried the boxes inside.

“Hi Jordan.” 
Mister Thompson called from the office.

“Mister Thompson,
how are you?”  The old man nodded.  “I brought her dinner, is it okay if she
takes a break?”  Jordan grinned proud of himself when he saw respect in the old
man’s eyes.

“Of course.  I’ll
have her meet you in the break room.”  Jordan waved and headed to the back
while Mister Thompson made the announcement over the speakers for Lettie to go
to the break room.  Jordan quickly laid out dinner complete with drinks and
waited.  She came in a few minutes later and smiled.

“What are you
doing here?”  Jordan stood and pulled her into an embrace.  “I missed you.” 
She murmured.

“Me too.  I
brought dinner.  Mister Thompson said you could have a break.”  Lettie sat down
on the plastic chair beside him and opened the box.  “It’s venison steak.”  She
nodded and took a bite. 

“Oh wow!  What is
that smell?”  Aiden drifted in on the scent of Jordan’s cooking.

“Jordan brought me
dinner.  Are you hungry?”  Aiden nodded his head vigorously and Jordan
laughed.  “Sit.”  Jordan shoved his still covered box toward Aiden. 

“Are you sure
Sir?”  Aiden suddenly looked worried.

“I have more at
home.  Eat.  Are you working overtime too?”  Aiden nodded stuffing meat in his
mouth.  “Aiden are you starving, when did you last eat?”  Jordan asked.  Was
his pack starving to death or what?  Aiden grinned.

“I had a bowl of
cereal for breakfast.  That was around five this morning Sir.”  Jordan nodded.

“You guys need to
eat.  You’re wolves.  You’re working long hours and you aren’t taking care of
yourself.”  Jordan admonished them.  Both nodded but neither looked up.  Jordan
watched his mate eat.  He was glad that he’d brought her food.  She worked too
hard, relaxed too little, and didn’t eat often enough to suit him.  Aiden
glanced at the tea in the quart container that Jordan brought, Jordan slid it
across the table.  “Go on.”

“Thank you Sir.” 
Jordan rested his arm on the back of Lettie’s chair and she leaned toward him
and kissed his cheek. 

“Thanks for being
so sweet.”  She murmured.  Jordan grinned wolfishly at her and winked.

“You’ll be sweet
to me later.”  She waggled her eyebrows and bit her lip.  “And now you’ll have
the strength to.”  Aiden wiped his mouth. 

“I better get back
to work.  Thanks again Sir.”  He hustled out of the room giving them some

“I think we scared
him off.”  Lettie picked up a piece of meat with her fingers and put it in his
mouth.  Jordan sucked her fingers when he took the meat from her.  “Behave.” 
She giggled.  He buried his face in her neck and kissed her.  “Oh…Don’t do
that…”  Jordan nibbled her earlobe and tasted the hollow behind her ear. 
“Jordan, I have to work.”

“I know.”  He
murmured tasting her throat.  “I want you to think about what you’re missing
while you work all of this overtime and by the time you get home I think you’ll
be extra sweet.”  He chuckled.  Humid puffs of air tickled her neck.

“I may have to
come home sooner rather than later.”  Lettie fisted his shirt and kissed him. 
Jordan pulled her into his lap and held her to him.  “I have to work.”  She
said between kisses.

“How long is your
lunch break?”  His lips trailed from her temple to her throat.  “Do you still
have keys to the apartment upstairs?”  He murmured against her skin.

“Jordan!”  Lettie
held him away.  “I think you’re trying to get me fired.”  She laughed.

“I’m just trying
to get laid, nothing more.”  His eyes twinkled and she giggled.

“Well maybe you’ll
get lucky later.  I do need to go back to work but I’ll be home around nine. 
Will you wait up for me?”  He nodded.  “Thank you for dinner and for feeding
Aiden.  Someone needs to take care of him.  His mom’s run off again.”  Jordan’s
brows furrowed.  Aiden’s mother would do this every few years when she and her
husband fought.  In between her spells, she was a great pack member but she’d
been leaving Aiden’s dad for years.  They would fight, she would run off, and
he would chase her leaving his young son at home.  Until now, other pack
members would take him in until they returned but Aiden was seventeen or so
now.  He was old enough to take care of himself but at the same time, not. 

“How long has she
been gone?”  Jordan worried.

“A couple of weeks
I think.  I just found out today.  I was going to talk to you about having him
stay with us until she came home.”  Jordan nodded.  “If he won’t come, I at
least want him to eat meals with us.  You can pull the alpha card on him if you
need to convince him.”  Jordan nodded again. 

“You’re right.  We
take care of our own.  Talk to him.”

“I will.  I’ll ask
him for a ride home too.  His shift ends at the same time.” 

“Okay.  Get back
to work.”  Jordan let her out of his lap, gathered his dishes, and headed home.

Jordan waited on
the front steps for her.  Dexter stopped to talk for a few minutes on his way
home from chopping wood.  He told Jordan that they had cut a half cord today. 
Jordan was impressed and made sure that he thanked the old wolf.  When he
glanced at his watch, it was after ten.  He tried the store on his cell but no
one answered.  Where was she?  Maybe she was having a hard time getting Aiden
to staying with them.  Lettie could be tenacious when she wanted to.  The kid
wasn’t home yet either.  Jordan sighed.  She needed to be at home.  She would
be coming into season soon and Jordan didn’t care that they were broke.  He
wanted pups.  They were old enough, responsible enough and his clock was
ticking.  As far as he was concerned, the money had nothing to do with it. 
They were together and he wanted a family.  He’d planned to talk to her about
it tonight since he’d already put her in a good mood.  Aiden’s truck rumbled
down the gravel road and stopped at the foot of the porch.  Lettie was looking
at Aiden and they were having an animated conversation.  Jordan got up and went
down the steps. 

“Just be at work
in the morning Aiden.  The rest will get worked out later.”  Lettie was angry
and didn’t notice that Jordan had opened her door.  She turned and screamed
startled.  “Jordan.  I didn’t hear you.”

“Aiden, is
everything okay?”  Jordan asked leaning inside the cab scenting the roiling

“Yes Sir.”  Aiden
nodded.  “I’ll pick Lettie up at eight tomorrow morning.” 

“Okay and you’ll
have breakfast before you leave.  We’re having pancakes, bacon, and eggs, not
cereal.”  Aiden’s face lit up and he nodded.  Human teenagers were bottomless
pits and wolf teens made their human counterparts look like they were dieting. 
Jordan helped her from the truck and shut the door.  “What’s going on?”  Lettie
stomped up the steps and went inside slamming the door open.  “Good to see you
too.  I missed you.  Mwah!”  He kissed the air then followed her.  Lettie was
in the bathroom, the shower was already running by the time he got there. 
Jordan tried the door but she’d locked it.  What was going on?  If she needed
privacy or to cool off, he would give her what she needed.  Jordan went to the
kitchen for a bottle of water then waited in the bedroom for her.  He pulled
his clothes off and sat on the bed in his boxer briefs.  Jordan flipped through
the channels on the rarely used TV but turned it off when the bathroom door
opened.  Lettie came into the bedroom in her tee shirt and shorts.  What happened
to her being sweet?  “Lettie?”

“What?”  She spat
not looking at him.  She climbed into the bed and pulled the covers to her

“Are you okay? 
You seem angry.”  Lettie looked over at him.  Her eyes flashed.  “You are
angry.  Tell me about it.”  He slid down and turned onto his side to listen to
her.  “Lettie, talk to me.”  Jordan coaxed when she remained silent.

“Mister Thompson
died.”  Her anger morphed into sadness and terror.  She covered her face with
her hands and sobbed.  “He had a heart attack in his office.  I went to check
on him around nine when we were getting ready to leave and he was slumped over
his desk.  The policeman said he’d been dead for a couple of hours.”  She said
when she could speak.  The tears overtook her again and Jordan pulled her close
to hold her while she let it out.  “What are we going to do now?”  She wailed
and her whole body trembled.  “I told everyone to come to work tomorrow.  I can
do payroll and write the checks but then what?  He doesn’t have any kids or relatives
that I know of so what will happen to the store?  “I just got everyone a job
and now there is not going to be a job.  What are we going to do Jordan?” 

“I don’t know
sweetheart.  We’ll work it out.”  Jordan kissed her temple.  “I’m sorry about
Mister Thompson though, I know you loved him like a father.”  Lettie nodded and
wiped the fresh tears that oozed down her cheeks.  “We’ll bury him in the
family plot if you want.”  Lettie nodded.

“I’d like that.” 
Jordan pulled her tightly against him and held her.  “Jordan, I’m sorry I can’t
be as sweet to you tonight as you wanted but I’m just not...” 

“Ah sweetheart,
holding you is just as nice.  I’m just happy that your safe, healthy and in my

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