Read Once an Innocent Online

Authors: Elizabeth Boyce

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency

Once an Innocent (37 page)

BOOK: Once an Innocent
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At the time, it all blurred together into Papa’s Work. As she grew, she began to make sense of it all.

She understood now that all her life, he’d treated her as the son he never had, heir apparent to the name and fortune he’d made for himself. Never had he indicated any doubt in her capability or intelligence on account of her sex. He took pride in his daughter’s education, and emphasized mathematics and politics, in addition to feminine accomplishments such as drawing and dancing.

Just before they’d come to town this Season, Mr. Bachman presented Lily with a unique opportunity. He desired she develop a sizable charity project. He would fund her endeavor, but Lily had to do the work to bring her plans to fruition. She jumped on the proposal, glad for an occupation beside the
vapid entertainments.

Mr. Bachman rummaged through a drawer and withdrew a sheet of paper covered with Lily’s neat writing.

“So, here is the list of ideas you began with. What have you settled upon?”

Lily pointed to an item halfway down the page. “The school for disadvantaged young women,” she said. “I should like to keep it small for now. Girls would receive a sound education, plus some accomplishments that would enable them to take positions as governesses, ladies’ maids, companions, things of that nature.”

Mr. Bachman cupped his chin in his hand and listened with a thoughtful expression while Lily enumerated her ideas for the school. When she finished, he slapped his fingers on the desk. “Marvelous, my dear.”

Lily swelled with pride at her father’s approval.

He took a fresh sheet of paper and jotted a note. “I’m putting my solicitor at your disposal. The two of you can select an appropriate property for purchase. Meanwhile, you also need to secure a headmistress, who can, in turn, hire the staff. You’ll need tutors, a cook, maids … ”

As the plan came together, Lily’s confidence in the project soared. There was nothing she could not accomplish once she knew how to approach a problem.

She kissed her father’s cheek at the conclusion of their meeting.

“Just think, m’dear,” he said on their parting.

“What’s that?”

“When you marry one of those lazy aristocrats, he’ll have scads of free time to help with your work.” He winked and patted her arm.

Lily scowled at his back. He seemed to think a man in need of her dowry would also, in turn, look kindly upon her efforts to care for those less fortunate than themselves. She snorted. Such a man did not exist.

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BOOK: Once an Innocent
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