On a Barbarian World (15 page)

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Authors: Anna Hackett

BOOK: On a Barbarian World
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Her finger slid into a groove and again, she pulled herself up. She moved her foot, searching for a place to put it…and slipped.

She slid down a meter, pressing herself flat against the rock, her nails scraping. She caught herself, clinging there, her heart hammering.

Still not giving up, damn you
. She looked up, and keeping her gaze fixed on that window, she kept climbing.

Centimeter by centimeter, she crawled up the rock. Finally, she reached the window ledge and gripping it hard, pulled herself inside. Panting, she sat with her back against the wall for a moment, her arms wrapped around her knees and her eyes closed, and thanked the stars.

When she opened her eyes, she gasped.

The wreckage from her ship was laid out on a giant, polished-stone table.

There wasn’t much of it.

Stars, if this was it, and Drog had a similar stash, she was lucky she’d survived at all.

She pushed to her feet and walked over, running her hand over a small sheet of metal. Her chest constricted. Oh, her sweet little ship. She’d loved the
. It had taken her to so many places, and saved her butt more times than she could count.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Aurina moved along the table and froze.

The emergency beacon stared up at her.

Her hand reached out, hovering above the surface of the device. It wasn’t even dented, but was inactive. She had no idea if her brothers were nearby, and if they were searching for her, but boy, a part of her was tempted to just flick the switch.

Her hand dropped to her side. She wouldn’t break her word to Kavon. Especially not while he was lying in bed, dying, after getting injured protecting her.

If nothing else, her mother had taught her that keeping your word was the one thing you could have even when you had no e-creds or pretty things. And being with Kavon had reinforced to her that honor was a hell of an admirable trait.

She scanned the rest of the table, and spotted the twisted remains of her med kit. Heart hammering, she raced over to it. It was bent out of shape, but when she managed to pry the lid open, she saw the shiny cylinder of the medscope inside.


She smiled and snatched it up.

She tucked the medscope safely into the bodice of her corset. Energized, she made short work of the climb back down. It was much easier than climbing up. She didn’t aim for the small balcony off her new room, but for the large one off Kavon’s.

Her feet touched the smooth balcony stone, and she dropped into a crouch. She could hear the healers inside. The chanting continued, but more quietly now. She peeked through the curtains and saw three healers standing by the big bed.

. She willed them to leave. It took time, but slowly, the chanting stopped and the healers gradually filed from the room. The last to leave dimmed some of the light wands, leaving a muted glow in the room.

Aurina moved inside. She wanted to run to the bed, needed to see Kavon, but she forced herself to head over to the door. She moved the old-fashioned lock into place. The click seemed overloud to her ears, and she half expected the warriors standing guard outside to start pounding on the door.

Silence. Now she turned and hurried to the bed.

When she saw Kavon, her heart clenched. So still, his bronze skin pale. A stark white bandage was pressed in place over his neck, his chest was bare but still bore ragged tears from the naga. A sheet covered the lower half of his body.

She sat beside him, brushing a hand over his dark hair.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. His skin felt burning hot, and he was unconscious, but as she spoke, his head turned a little, pressing into her hand. “I’m going to fix you right up. Good as new.”

Aurina flicked on the medscope. A blue light shone out, and with her other hand she carefully removed his bandage.

Seeing the injury up close made bile rise in her throat. So much damage. She breathed through her nose and swallowed, moving the medscope so the light shone over his wound.

At first, it looked like nothing would happen, but then she watched the skin start to heal.

Her eyes widened. So fast. The wound knitted together before her eyes. She’d never seen an injury this bad heal so quickly.

A second later, the skin on his neck was smooth, and scar free.

She clicked the device off. Even his skin tone was better, the beautiful bronze glint back.

There was a thump at the door.

Her head shot up.

Another thump.

“Why is this door locked?” a deep voice bellowed. More thumping and pounding.

Uh oh.
She glanced down. Into beautiful golden eyes.

There was a crash of wood, and the deep shouts of several people yelling. Two warriors spotted her, and they charged across the room, drawing their swords.

Suddenly, the bed moved and Kavon leaped up, standing in front of her to shield her.

A very naked Kavon, that was.

The warriors skidded to a halt, shock on their faces. Aurina scrambled to her feet and moved beside Kavon.

His arm shot out, holding her in place.

“What is going on?” Kavon’s voice was low and deadly. “Why are you threatening my woman?”

“Your woman?” one warrior croaked.

The other cleared his throat. “She was barred from the room. You were injured in the Wilds and the healers said no one could be in here—”

Colm rushed in, followed by several healers.

Chaldora smiled and the male healer from earlier stepped forward, his mouth agape. “Warlord, it is a miracle.”

Kavon frowned, his fingers flexing on Aurina’s skin.

The healer pressed his hands together. “You were in death’s hands, on your way to the Great Warrior.”

Kavon’s brows drew together, and his frown deepened.

Aurina felt the tension in him, felt it throbbing off him.
Uh oh.

Colm stepped in front of the crowd. “You were attacked by the naga beast on Mount Furioso. It practically tore out your throat.”

Aurina felt Kavon stiffen. “Everyone out.”

The healer spluttered. “Warlord, we need to check—”


Aurina shifted, but Kavon’s hands clamped on her arms.

Everyone shuffled out of the room and the broken door was propped closed.

Kavon swung her around and held out his other hand. He seemed very unconcerned that he was completely naked.

“Give it to me.”

She blinked. “What?”

“The device. The one you healed me with.”

She watched him, then pulled the medscope from her pocket and held it out.

He didn’t even look at it, just took it, strode over to his wooden chest, unlocked it, dropped the medscope in it, then slammed it closed.

Aurina suddenly felt a flush of nerves. “Ah, you healed much faster than usual. It must be the way your nanami react with the medscope.”

He turned to face her, his face unreadable. “And your beacon?”

Hurt punched through her like a fist to the gut. “After what we’ve been through, you think so little of me?”

“Aurina, the beacon?”

Those hard words were like claws ripping into her. She wrapped her arms around herself. “You really don’t trust me.” She turned, looking for somewhere to escape to. “I didn’t touch the damn thing.” She hurried to the balcony. The night air wasn’t warm, but it wasn’t cold either. Above, stars shone brightly.

She stood there, fighting back the tears pricking her eyes. She heard him move behind her.

“Screw you, barbarian,” she muttered.

He stepped closer, heat pouring off him. “You haven’t called me barbarian for some time.”

Hadn’t she?
“Well, you still are one.”

His hand wrapped around the nape of her neck and she closed her eyes at the touch. A shiver snaked through her.

“I don’t want to lose you. That’s why I had to ask about the beacon. I’m not ready to give you up, my sweet skyflyer.”

She shivered again. “You haven’t called me skyflyer for a while, either.”

“Maybe we are both seeing past our first impressions.” He turned her, tipping her face up. Then his arms wrapped around her in a hard hug.

God, the man drove her crazy. She threw her arms around him and held on. “I thought you were going to die.”

“I did, too.” The words rumbled through him.

She squeezed her eyes closed. “I thought I’d never have the chance to hold you like this.”

“Aurina.” A husky murmur.

Next thing, he caught her mouth with his. Sensation was a punch to her gut. The man kissed insanely well, all heat and power. Groaning, she bit at his lip.

He spun her and pressed her against the wall beside the doorway. The rock was rough against her back. His big hands slid down, gripping the waistline of her trousers.

“I want you naked,” he growled. “I’ve wanted you naked forever.”


As he stripped the leather off her, the thought hit her that they were outside and Kavon was already naked.

But it was dark…and right now she didn’t care.

His hands slid up the outside of her bare legs and then he reached behind her and unfastened her corset.

Then she was naked, the night air on her bare skin, with a naked barbarian warrior devouring her with his eyes.

He bent down on one knee and she stared down at his dark head. He pressed a warm kiss to her stomach and her belly jumped.

She ran her fingers through his silky hair. This big warrior with so much strength, yet he could touch a woman like she was the most precious, perfect thing he’d ever held.

His lips touched her hipbone, and she sank her teeth into her bottom lip. He scraped his teeth across the bone, a reminder that while he was being gentle, there was a barbarian in there, too.

“Your skin is so soft, Aurina. And so pale it glows in the darkness.”

One of his hands travelled up her thigh, leaving a trail of sensation in its wake. He kissed her lower belly and then his fingers were sliding between her legs.

“Oh.” She arched into his touch.

“So wet,” he murmured. He lifted his hand, mesmerized, and licked his fingers.

Arousal was a hard punch to her system. “Please, Kavon.”

His big hands cupped her ass, lifting her, and then his mouth was between her thighs.

He licked her, his tongue driving into her. Aurina cried out, her cry swallowed by the night. It felt so good. He lapped at her, groaning against her skin.

“You taste different.” His voice was raw. “So sweet and good.”

The ragged tension in her kept growing, edging higher and higher. She tangled her hands in his hair, and when his tongue lapped at her clit, she broke.

With another cry, Aurina came hard, her hands clenching on his head. He licked her more gently now, but didn’t move back, as though he couldn’t pull himself away from her.

When he finally stood, she thought she might just dissolve into a puddle. Her muscles were lax and she felt warm all over.

But one look at the desire riding her warrior and she felt an impossible flicker of arousal again.

Kavon wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up. He pinned her against the stone and his hard body pressed against hers.

She slid a hand down and closed it around his hard cock. She licked her lips. He was big, as long and thick as she remembered from the quick glimpses she’d had of him.


“Aurina.” He groaned and thrust into her hand.

She stroked down the length of him.

He groaned again. “Enough, or I’ll spill in your hand like an untried warrior.” He grabbed her around the waist and boosted her up. She wrapped her legs around his hips. He pressed her into the wall and a second later, his thick cock was rubbing between her thighs. Then he started to push inside.

The full stretching sensation made her eyes widen. Oh, it felt so good.

“You…are so wet.” He thrust the last few inches and they both groaned. His face was pressed to her skin. “So much wetter than I have experienced. And so tight.”

He pulled back then surged inside again. She gripped his hard shoulders, and bit her lip.

He was so tense beneath her hands, his muscles quivering. He slowly thrusted into her again.

When she looked at his face, she saw an almost savage look on it. “Kavon?”

“I’m big, I have to…be careful with you. I always have to be careful.”

Her protective warrior. She’d wondered if he ever let go of all that fierce control. She guessed the answer was no.

And she wanted him to…with her.

She dug her nails into his shoulders. Hard. “I won’t break.” She rocked her hips, driving him deeper. “I want you. All of you.”

He growled and this time his thrust was firmer.

“Yes,” she breathed. “More.”

Another growl and he went wild. Her man turned primal, hammering into her like he’d never get enough.

All Aurina could do was hold on to her warrior and enjoy every second of the ride. “Yes, Kavon. Don’t stop.”


Chapter Eleven

By the warrior, she was so tight and wet for him.

Kavon could barely think, not with desire ripping into him and coiling low at the base of his spine.

“Kavon, I…”

He felt her tightening on him, her nails scratching down his back. “Come,” he growled.

With that one word, she shattered, her cry echoing in the night.

Kavon thrusted again, and again, and a second later his own release roared through him. He buried his face in her neck and groaned as he spilled himself inside her.

They stayed there, both of them panting and breathing hard. Where they touched, their slick skin was stuck together. Kavon liked it. A lot.

Finally, he stepped back, his softening cock slipping from her. He lifted her into his arms and she made a small, satisfied whimper and curled around him, her arms and legs wrapped tight.

He carried her inside, and laid her on the bed. With the light inside, he could now see and appreciate what the darkness had hidden from him.

She was so incredibly beautiful.

Her pale skin was flushed pink from her pleasure, and her sunset hair was tangled around her face. She smiled at him, a smile in which he read pleasure and satisfaction.

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