Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God (51 page)

BOOK: Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God
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"But why come against me?"

"We needed your people to help us conduct a search of the city. We knew you would never willingly lend us aid, so..."
Damion shrugged.

"So you decided to challenge me, and take my crown so you can use my people to help you recover your daughter." Mika finished in a tired voice. "Yes, I see."

known as Mika the Cruel," Damion pointed out reasonably. "We were fairly sure you wouldn't aid us in our request."

The Teirsian king looked like he wanted to argue, but
didn't seem to be able to find a flaw in the massive warrior's logic. His shoulders finally slumped in defeat.

"The offer still stands," Damion told him. "If you yield, I will spare your live."

"And spend the rest of my life bowing and scraping to you as our new king?" Mika asked furiously.

"I have no desire to be the king."
Damion told him. "Once I have searched the city, and located my daughter, I will be returning to my home on the southern continent. Let the crown go to a man who deserves it."

A cunning look suddenly came into the king's eyes, though he attempted to hide it. "You don't plan on staying in Teirsia?" He asked, trying to sound defeated.

"No. I have no desire to rule this land, nor any other land for that matter." Damion told him truthfully. "I just want to rescue my daughter and return home where we belong. Now, I ask you one last time," He raised the Dragon Sword high, ready to deliver a killing blow. "Do you yield?"

Mika looked around
desperately as the cheering crowd screamed for his blood, then up at Damion, who stood poised, ready for the kill. He opened his mouth helplessly, but didn't answer.

"So be it." Damion said grimly. He raised the Dragon Sword higher.

"Wait!" Mika cried out, raising his good arm to block the coming blow. "I yield! I yield!"

The entire coliseum suddenly fell silent as the
conquered man surrendered, throwing his remaining hand up in defeat.

Damion slowly lowered his sword,
then stepped back and looked around at the people of Teir, who stared down at them in shocked silence. He turned and looked up at the companions, who were all hopping up and down and cheering in celebration, and smiled, then turned and started towards the great bronze doors, but stopped as Mika suddenly let out a bellow of pure rage, and lunged to his feet, a slender dagger in his only remaining hand.

Raven cried out fearfully, and the crowd roared in disapproval, but the man was driven mad with rage, and charged
Damion, his dagger poised to kill.

Damion sighed wearily as he
spun around and slapped the dagger away, then lashed out with the Dragon Sword, striking the Teirsian king in the forehead, slicing through steel, flesh, and bone effortlessly, lopping off the top half of Mika's head, and sending his crown spinning through the air, where it landed a few feet away.

Mika's body stiffened, and his eyes rolled into the back of his head, then with a deep sigh, the
Teirsian collapsed, spilling the remainder of his brains onto the cobblestones.

The crowd suddenly exploded in cheers as the people of Teir danced in their seats in celebration.
Many wept openly, and tossed flowers down to him in appreciation, while others spit and cursed at him in fury.

shook the brains from the legendary blade, and slowly returned the Dragon Sword to its sheath, then turned to look up at the wizened old battle master, Grediff, who struck the huge bronze gong once more, indicating the battle's end.

Good people of Teir," The gruff old battle master roared over the crowd, who instantly fell silent to hear his words. "we have a victor!"

The crowd erupted once again.

"Our king has failed to meet this man's challenge," The old man continued, gesturing to Damion proudly. "and with this victory comes proof that he is the most powerful warrior in all of Teirsia! All hail Damion Omensent, the Dragon Lord," He smiled down at the huge warrior. "and the new King of Teirsia!"






The coronation took place immediately, and Damion and the others were led with great honor to the largest of the platforms that overlooked the arena battlefield. A half a dozen hard faced old men dressed in long blue robes stood off to one side of a huge throne, which had been placed near the front of the platform, allowing the entire coliseum to view the occupant.

Grediff gestured for Damion to take a seat, then nodded towards the robed men, who hurried to take their places on either side of the throne. "These men are priests of Triton, God of War. They are the advisors to the King of Teirsia in all aspects of warfare." He motioned to
the heavily armed soldiers who stood at attention near the back of the platform. "Those men are the king's honor guard. They are some of the finest warriors that Teirsia has to offer. Each man is willing to lay down his life for the honor of saving their king."

"Damion isn't actually planning on accepting the crown, is he?" Sly asked the others while the grizzled old battle master
continued to give Damion a quick explanation of the how the proceedings and coronation would commence.

"Of course not." Raven said dismissively. "He has no desire to rule."

"I hope he has a plan in mind." The little man grumbled in a worried tone. "It looks to me like they fully intend on presenting him the crown whether he wants it or not."

"Don't worry," Damarius assured him. "I know Damion, and he probably already has a plan in mind." His expression suddenly faltered. "Unless, of course, this is one of those times that h
e decided to just wing it, then we may be in a little trouble."

Grediff finished explaining how the
ceremony was to proceed, then stepped back and nodded to one of the robed priests, who hurried forward to murmur a prayer in a halting, hollow sounding voice.

Once the priest was finished, he returned
to his place next to the throne, while another priest hurried forward bearing a heavy looking gold crown nestled safely upon a velvet pillow.

"It is now time for you to take yo
ur rightful place, Dragon Lord, as the King of Teirsia." Grediff proclaimed in a voice that echoed throughout the coliseum. He took the heavy crown gently from its resting place, and raised it high for all in the coliseum to see. He then turned and moved to place it upon the huge warrior's head, but was stopped as Damion raised one hand.

"A moment, if you please, Lord Grediff."
He slowly rose from the throne and looked out over the people of Teir, who watched the man who was to be their new king with wide, attentive gazes. "Good people of Teir," He spoke in a quiet voice that he magically amplified so that it would reach every ear within the coliseum. "I am Damion Omensent, Lord of Sevria. I have come to your land in pursuit of a woman responsible for the abduction of my daughter. A highland witch who may be, at this very moment, here in your fair city."

A murmur rippled through the arena, and many of those in the crowd looked outraged at such a

"I came here and fought your king, Mika the Cruel, all with the sole purpose of gaining the aid of the Teirsian people. In exchange fo
r your aid, I offer you a king." He gazed out over the crowd with a sincere expression. "A true king, who cares more for his people than he does for his own glory. A man who shall help lead the Teirsian people into a new era of prosperity."

"He's talking about me." Sly murmured to the others, puffing his chest out proudly.
"Who else do you know that fits that description?"

"Damion would never choose you to be king." Damarius snorted dismissively. "You'd drink all the ale in the country in under a month."

The twins burst out laughing, but tried valiantly to cover their mirth as Damion continued.

"This man," The huge warrior continued, staring out over the crowd. "is a man you all know to be a
warrior of exceptional skills, and possesses honor above reproach. People of Teir, I give you your new king of Teirsia," He took the crown from the startled looking battle master. "King Grediff the Wise." He gently placed the crown on the head of the gruff old man, who seemed numb with shock.

Sly suddenly looked crestfallen.

The crowd erupted, some with cheers of joy, some with angry curses and insults.

"And know this," Damion added in a deceptively calm tone. "I shall continue to act as his champion. Any man who would come against him, shall answer to me."

The angry yells stopped cold with that statement, and many in the crowd suddenly grew pale at the thought of facing the huge warrior.

"My lord?" Grediff asked in a
stunned voice.

"Yes, your
Majesty?" Damion asked respectfully.

"Why have you done this?"

The huge warrior shrugged. "I need the help of the Teirsians so we can search Teir as quickly as possible. We can't chance leaving the city for the highlands without knowing if they're here or not."

"But why not keep the crown for yourself? Why hand it over to me?" The old man seemed

"I have no desire to rule
Teirsia." Damion explained with a shrug. "You have shown me that you are a good man at heart. You genuinely care for your people. Besides," He smiled. "I think Teirsia should be ruled by a Teirsian, don't you?"

"What shall be
your first decree, your Majesty?" One of the priests asked in a deferential tone.

Grediff looked around hesitantly for a moment, then drew himself up to his full height. "People of Teir," He roared in a commanding voice. "Our new friend here just did all of Teirsia a huge favor by ridding us of that tyrant, Mika the Cruel, and all he asked in return is a little help in finding his child
. I think we should repay his favor." He looked out over his people. "I want every available soldier to assemble immediately. We're going to turn this city on its head, and shake it until that witch falls out!"

The crowd stared at him for a long moment.

"Well, get moving people!" The gruff old man roared impatiently. "There's a little girl out there that need to found!"

The entire coliseum
suddenly leapt to their feet and started for the exits, still chattering excitedly as they left.

"Thank you, my friend." Damion told the gruff old man. "
We need to be absolutely sure that the witch hasn't hidden my daughter somewhere here in the city before we move on into the highlands."

who should thank
." Grediff told him earnestly. "It's not every day that someone bestows a kingdom and crown upon you." His expression grew curious. "Tell me, are you really the Dragon Lord, the man who released the dragons back into the world?"

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