Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God (48 page)

BOOK: Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God
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She stared down at the
child, her palms suddenly sweaty. "Your father cannot harm me." She declared in an uncertain tone. "The elder spirits protect me."

The girl
ignored her, and instead turned and went to settle down by the tiny window which overlooked the alley below.

She stared at the child for
several long moments, a trickle of fear running down her spine. The Dragon Lord had thwarted every attempt to kill him. Even the shadow warriors, some of the most fearsome creatures of the netherworld, had been unable to stop him. She had to wonder if the elder spirits actually
protect her from his wrath.

She laid her head back
on the cot, her mind a whirlwind of uncertainty.

Boris returned an hour or so later accompanied by two young women. "This is my mistress," He told them, gesturing to the young woman
, who still lay in on the cot. "You will see to her needs while the child and I are gone." He walked over and scooped the child into his arms, and with one last glance, left the unsuspecting women to their fates.






"By the gods!" Sly exclaimed, staring at the arena-like palace in astonishment. "The place is so big, it's obnoxious!"

"That's the arena for you," Jarom agreed, staring
up at the massive complex in contempt. "I think it's a reflection of the Teirsian character."

"They are an obnoxious race
," Jacom nodded, a look of disdain in his eyes. "and their architecture seems to reflect their personality perfectly."

"How are we going to gain entry?"
Raven asked, noticing the crowd of Teirsian soldiers posted outside of every entrance. "There are soldiers everywhere!"

"Leave that to us." The twins replied in unison. They nudged their horses forward and led the companions towards one of the large entrances leading inside the arena.

"Halt!" One of the soldiers shouted as they approached, hurrying forward to block their passage, a dozen heavily armored men at his back. "This entrance is for combatants only. If you wish to watch the battles, you must go to one of the audience entrances."

"We are
escorting a new combatant to the arena." Jacom stated haughtily.

"Our lord has come to issue a challenge." Jarom stated proudly.

"Oh really?" The soldier sounded interested. "And who does he plan do challenge? Some nobleman, or a servant who displeased him?"

The twins' faces fell flat.

"Our lord," Jacom growled, gesturing grandly towards Damion, who drew himself up to his full height. "plans to challenge Mika the Cruel, King of the Teirsians."

"He will meet your king in battle," Jarom declared with a flourish towards the huge warrior
. "and King Mika the Cruel will finally taste defeat."

The Teirsian started to chuckle, but the chuckle quickly died when he looked to the huge warrior mounted atop the massive prancing warhorse. "
You're planning to challenge King Mika to combat?" The man asked Damion in disbelief. "But he only will only accept challengers willing to fight to the death!"

Everyone looked to the huge warrior, their eyes wide in apprehension.

Damion merely glared at the Teirsian soldier with deadly eyes.

The soldier gulped audibly, then gestured for his men to stand aside. "
Leave your horses here, then follow the corridor until you reach the great bronze doors. Speak with Grediff, the battle master. Inform him of your dispute, and then he will announce you when it's time for you to make your challenge." He gave Damion a dubious look. "Good luck, milord. King Mika is the fiercest warrior in all of Teirsia. He has never been defeated in battle. I hope you know what you're getting yourself into."

"So do I." Sly growled sourly.

They left their horses with the Teirsian soldiers, then made their way down the enormous corridor that led deep within the huge arena. They passed several large rooms filled with Teirsian warriors who were busy training to be combatants in the massive coliseum, and a number of other passageways leading to different areas of the palace, but they continued as instructed, following the huge hallway until they finally reached an enormous set of elaborately engraved bronze doors guarded by a pair of soldiers dressed in ceremonial armor.

"Are you Grediff," Sly asked a
n older man with silver hair and a heavily scarred face, who stepped forward to meet them with a stern expression. "the arena's battle master?"

I am. What is your business here?" He asked in a gravelly tone, staring at the companions with hard eyes.

"Our lord wishe
s to issue a challenge." Jarom and Jacom told the old man in unison.

The older man gave the huge warrior an unimpressed sniff. "And who does your...
wish to challenge?"

"The King of the Teirsia," Raven declared
proudly, stepping up to stand next to her husband. "Mika the Cruel."

Grediff's jaw dropped open in surprise. "You wish to challenge King Mika to battle?" He asked Damion, shaking his head in disbelief.
"You realize he has never been bested in battle, and will only accept challenges to battle to the death."

Damion nodded. "I understand."

The gruff old man stared at the huge warrior for several long seconds, then stepped up close, his eyes locked on Damion's. "Are you sure you want to go through with this, son?" He asked in a fatherly tone. "Mika is one of the deadliest men I have ever seen, and that's saying a lot."

Damion nodded regretfully. "I haven't any choice in the matter." He murmured in a grim voice.

Grediff stared up at him for another long moment, then turned to one of the soldiers guarding the great bronze doors and rattled something to the man in a strange, unfamiliar dialect.

soldier flinched, and turned to stare at Damion, his eyes wide with trepidation, then he hurried off along an adjoining corridor.

"He is going to alert the king of your challenge." The old man explained to them in a tense voice. "
Once he has prepared himself, I shall enter the arena, and announce the challenge. The king will undoubtedly accept, and then will make his way into the arena." He rolled his eyes. "Mika always insists on being the first combatant to be announced. He will take his place, then these doors will open," He gestured to the massive bronze doors. "you will be announced, and your challenge formerly issued." His expression grew curious. "Who will be your voice? They we be the one who announces you, and issues your challenge to Mika."

"That will be me." Damarius announced firmly, brushing his brow lock from his eyes, and drawing himself up pro

Grediff nodded approvingly
. "Then the rest of you will have to watch the battle from one of the balconies." He made a curt gesture to the other soldier guarding the giant bronze doors. "Follow him. He will lead you to a suitable viewing platform."

They each took a moment to wish Damion luck, then they all stepped aside to give Raven a chance to be alone with her husband.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Raven asked him in a quiet voice.

"I haven't any other choice." He murmured to her, his expression one of
determination. "We need the Teirsians to help search the city before we move off into the highlands. Defeating Mika is our only chance." He smiled down at her lovingly. "You're not afraid he may win, now are you?"

The young woman snorted, and rolled her eyes. "Someone defeat
husband?" She laughed, then threw her arms around her husband. "Just be careful, and make it quick. We don't have all day, you know."

Damion chuckled, then
bent down and kissed her gently on the lips.

They watched as the others were led away to observe the upcoming battle, then the scarred old man turned to stare at Damion and Damarius with serious eyes.
"I hope you know what you're doing, son. It'll take a special warrior to defeat Mika." He glanced around to make sure they were alone. "Would you be open to a bit of advise?"

The huge warrior shrugged. "Of course."

"Don't let Mika's size deceive you. He's wicked quick, and likes to fight with a heavy battle axe that he wields like it was a child's toy, but whenever he gets into trouble, he always falls back on a dagger which he keeps hidden in the small of his back. It has been coated in poison. One nick from this dagger and you'll stiffen up like a plank, making for an easy kill." He smiled smugly. "He thinks no one else knows about the poison, but he'll not fool me!"

"Why are you
revealing this to us?" Damarius asked in confusion. "Aren't you concerned for your king's safety?"

"Mika is no king." Grediff snorted in derision.
"A king rules over his people with a stern, but fair hand. Mika is nothing more than a filthy cutthroat. He cares nothing for the welfare of his people. They don't call him Mika the Cruel for nothing." He frowned. "Unfortunately, he's also a fearsome warrior. He's killed dozens of warriors who have challenged him for the right to rule Teirsia, but he has managed to overcome them all."

One of the soldiers
that had been guarding the bronze doors returned and murmured something to Grediff, who nodded grimly. He turned to look at Damion. "Mika has accepted your challenge, son. I hope you're ready for this." He gestured for Damarius to follow, then he and the old wizard disappeared through a tiny doorway built into the wall next to the massive bronze doors.

He waited in silence for several
long moments, preparing himself for what was to come. He really didn't want to take the time to face this so-called king, but he saw no other option. It would take him weeks, maybe months to search the entire city, time that they didn't have to spare, not without giving the witch a chance to escape with Leia into the highlands. He knew that this was the only way to secure the cooperation of the Teirsian people.

deep rumbling suddenly began somewhere in the distance, faintly at first, then slowly building into dull roar. The entire arena around them began to vibrate, and the great bronze doors began to hum with the vibration.

"It sounds like King Mika had entered the arena." The soldier told the huge warrior nervously.

A deep grinding suddenly pierced the air, and the two great bronze doors slowly began to open.

"They are about to announce you." The soldier gulped dubiously. "Good luck, milord."

Damarius's voice boomed out over the roar of the crowd, amplified, Damion had no doubt, by the old wizard's magic in an effort to be heard by every person in the crowd. "Good people of Teir," He started, his voice trembling with excitement. "I have the distinct privilege of introducing the man who will challenge your king."

BOOK: Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God
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