Old School (A Bad Boy Biker Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Old School (A Bad Boy Biker Romance)
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"Vincent? Who are you, my mother? And why would I put the moves on you? I'm a gentleman, remember?" he said. Suddenly he was looking down at me and I was looking up at him and every brain cell in my head was telling me not to kiss him but I did it anyway. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close to me, pressing my body against his and pushing my tongue into his mouth. He pulled away for a minute, obviously surprised.


"Public displays of affection aren't really my thing," he said softly, "Why don't we get out of here?" "Yeah, let's do that!" I exclaimed.

I managed to pull myself off of him just long enough to let him call us a cab. I kept insisting that I wanted to go on his bike but Vince told me that he was in no condition to drive.


"Oh well, next time," I said, and I could have sword that the color drained from his face just a little bit. I couldn't understand this guy at all but right now I didn't care about that. All I wanted was to get fucked like I had the last night, only this time I wouldn't leave so quickly. This time I would go for round two, and round three and round four if he could take it. It would be awesome.


I made sure to tell him all this when we were making out in the alleyway next to the bar while we waited for our taxi to arrive. He laughed at me again and told me that my lips tasted like strawberries tonight.

"You taste like beer!" I said. Then our cab pulled up.


I had never felt so uninhibited in my life. The cabbie tried to strike up a conversation with Vince but I soon put a stop to that. I hopped onto his lap and began to grind against him while kissing his neck. I could feel him get hard underneath me almost instantly. If the cab hadn't arrived at Vince's house as quickly as it did then I probably would have let him fuck me right there and then. I managed to keep some small shred of dignity, however, and waited until we got inside.


Vince took my hand and took me through the front door. Normally I would have marveled at all the ridiculously decadent rooms that we had to pass through to get to his bedroom, but tonight I didn't care. Tonight all I wanted was to feel that soft bed underneath my naked body while that hard man was on top of me. When we got to the bottom of the staircase Vince grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder as if I was a rag doll. He ran upstairs, giving my ass a few slaps as he did. He was so bad I was getting dizzy now, but it made me laugh all the same.


We finally got to his bedroom and he through me down on the bed. I watched him take his shirt off with a big smile on my face.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love tattoos?" I said slyly. The muscles that the tattoos decorated so well weren't exactly a turn off either. I didn't tell him that though. I didn't need his head to get any bigger.

Vince grinned and got on top of me, his hands caressing my body through my tight dress in just the right way. It felt so good and I was so fucking horny. Despite that, I felt my eyes getting heavy. Today had really tired me out.

Vince stopped kissing my neck and looked down at me.


"You OK, Lola?" he actually sounded concerned. That was nice. He was nice. Vince was so nice. I really, really liked him. I told him all this and a little bit more. I didn't seem to really be able to control my words anymore.

My eyelids got a little heavier and I stopped fighting. I fell asleep.






Having a girl fall asleep when I was about to fuck her was nothing that I'd ever experience before. OK, so we'd both had a few drinks but I thought that we were OK. I was fine, a little bit more excitable than usual maybe, but fine. I had thought the same about Lola. Obviously, I had thought wrong.


If that was it then it would have been OK. A little embarrassing, but I would have dealt with it somehow. But no, Lola had to make things weird. Before she fell asleep she had a few things to say to me.

"You're so so nice Vince. Like, super nice. I wish all guys were nice like you. I really like you a lot, though I like to pretend that I don't," she said, and as her eyes closed she added, "I wish you could be my boyfriend."

Oh shit. When it became apparent that Lola was not dead or in an alcohol induced coma or likely to wake up in time to relieve me of my hard on, I got off of her and rolled to the side of the bed. Shit. Brett had been right. She was in love with me and there was nothing I could do about it.


I fell asleep eventually but it took a long time. Too many thoughts were running through my head. What the hell had I gotten myself into?





My head was pounding when I woke up the next morning so it took me a while to realize where I was. It wasn't until I turned on my side that everything came flooding back to me. The bar, the cab, the making out. Shit. I had gone home with Vince.

To add insult to injury, I couldn't even remember asking him about the photo shoot. Oh shit, the photo shoot! I had work today. I looked around, desperate for a clock, a TV, anything that would tell me the time. I remembered that I had left my cell phone in my bra and whipped it out, praying that the battery wasn't dead.

Well shit. Ten missed calls, a whole lot of angry messages and a clock that said I was two hours late for work.

"What's wrong?" asked Vince. I turned on my other side to see him there, lying next to me. He was still fully dressed and didn't seem to be hungover at all. He gave me a weak smile.


"I just totally screwed my chances of not being fired this week," I said, tossing my phone aside, "But I don't give a fuck. If that bitch wants to fire me then she can fire me."


"Wow," said Vince, in a deadpan voice, "That's really edgy of you."


"Oh fuck off," I said, but suddenly I felt bad, "Oh god, was I a total jack ass last night? I'm really sorry."

"No, no. You were fine. Definitely not up for sex, but you were fine," he said. I could tell that he was lying from his eyes.

"I'm sorry if I said anything dumb. I can be a real bitch when I'm drunk," I thought for a moment, "And when I'm sober. I can be a real bitch, period."

He laughed dutifully at what I said before returning to his deadpan expression. "Look, do you need a ride home or something? Because I can call you a cab."


Oh. I was obviously overstaying my welcome. It was understandable that he would feel that way, but it still hurt.

"No, no that's OK. I can walk. I should probably go to work and face the music, anyway. I might even be able to do some damage control."

There was a long pause and the two of us just looked at each other.


"Are you sober now?" he asked. I nodded. "Good. I like you better when you're sober." I allowed myself a small smile.

"Maybe if your technique was more impressive then I wouldn't have fallen asleep?" I teased. I hadn't meant it as a challenge but Vince took it personally. Suddenly he was kissing me hard on the mouth and I wondered how on earth I fallen asleep during this.

I let him undress me and watched him take off his pants and boxers and soon the two of us were naked, kissing passionately and touching each other all over. I felt horrible for last night but the perfect apology suddenly sprung to mind. The kind of apology that no man had ever refused from me.

I kissed down Vince's body, admiring the hard muscle and colorful ink as I did. I took a deep breath as my lips moved closer to his cock. He was hard for me and I loved the sight of it. All I wanted to do was please him, even if there was a bit of teasing involved with that.


I started with tiny kitten licks around the tip, smiling coyly as I did. This drove him crazy. "Oh come on," he groaned in frustration, "Do it for real."

It didn't take any further convincing. I grasped Vince's cock firmly in my hand and ran it up and down a few times, just to tease him a little further. Then I took his cock in my mouth and began to lick and suck the long, thick shaft. Vince loved every minute of it but soon, it wasn't enough.


"I want to be inside you again," he said. His words made my body tremble. It felt like forever since the time in my car but I hadn't forgotten how his cock had felt inside me. It had filled me up so nicely and brushed against every sweet spot that I had. I just couldn't refuse him.


I straddled Vince's body between my thighs and as he watched I lowered myself onto his cock. It was even bigger than I had remembered, thick too and I had to take it slowly. Inch by inch, he filled my pussy until the entire length of his shaft was inside me.

Without giving me any time to adjust, Vince grabbed my hips and made my slide up and down the length of him. Every movement he made stimulated my clit, as well as the sensitive areas inside me. Being fucked like that was incredible. He kissed my breasts as I rode him, speeding up the pace. It wasn't long before I could feel myself getting close.

"Fuck," he mumbled, "Fuck Lola, I forgot how tight your pussy is!"


"I forgot how big your dick is," I moaned. That was the last of the talking. After that, the only noises my mouth could produce were incoherent moans and screams from the intense pleasure that I was receiving.

Vince continued to move inside me, pounding me and guiding my hips as he did. He knew exactly what he had to do to get me to cum.

"Play with your pussy while you ride me," he ordered, and I obeyed. I rubbed my clit as I moved up and down. He obviously enjoyed watching me and it felt good to give him a bit of a show.


My orgasm continued to build and build until I could not hold off any longer. I gave out a scream as my whole body convulsed and waves of the most intense climax I'd ever had shot through my body. Vince held off for a little longer, though the pleasure soon became too much for him as well. He grunted and came inside me, filling me up with his warm seed.


The two of us sat there panting for a moment. Things would get awkward again now, wouldn't they? "Can I have a shower?" I asked, hoping I could use that as an excuse not to stay in the room with him. However, I was also half hoping that Vince would say yes and then ask if he could join me. All he did was point to the door.

"It's in there." Thanks.


I got off of him and slipped into the bathroom, praying that he would be gone when I emerged from my shower. This had been a terrible idea.

This couldn't happen again.

Chapter Four




Girls had been messing with my head lately so I decided that Brett and I would go out for beers after work.

"Cool, you can be my wing man," said Brett when I suggested it. I shook my head.


"Nah man, I was thinking this could be a boys' night. Females are just too much hassle at the moment. How about we grab a couple of beers and play some pool? Actually we could just go to my place and do that, that way we don't have to talk to chicks at all!" I said, which was admittedly out of character of me. Brett smirked.

"Ah, I get you. You've run out of girls so you wanna seduce me now? Hey, if you give me enough beer and play your cards right it might just work!" he mocked. Damn it. How could I possibly think that I could suggest something like that without being made fun of? Despite Brett's teasing, he agreed to come over on the condition that I would be his wing man later in the week. I was pretty good at getting him laid so it was a good deal.

After a few beers I told him what had happened with Lola. His eyes were wide the whole time and when I had finished telling him the story he laughed for a solid ten minutes. It pissed me off. "OK if you're going to be a fucking jerk off about it then you can get the fuck out of my house," I said, picking up my pool stick. I didn't mean it but Brett took my threat seriously.


"Hey man I'm sorry, it's just funny. Everyone knows you as this smooth operator who never fucks the same girl twice, and the one time you do she falls asleep on you!" he shook his head, "That's a sign, my friend. That's a sign that you're not meant to double up with these girls. Once is enough. You'll see everything that you need to see and then you can move on."


I decided not to tell Brett what Lola had said about me being her boyfriend. It was irrelevant anyway because I would never see her again. Like Brett said, I had gotten what I wanted from her. Now it was time for me to move on.





To my surprise, Jennifer didn't fire me. I didn't get away scott free, of course. This was Jennifer we were talking about. When I came back to work after my morning romp with Vince, I got the tongue lashing of my life. And it wasn't the good kind.

She was like a teacher, really. She went through this whole spiel about me being irresponsible and untrustworthy and too big for my boots and how if I hadn't guaranteed her this exclusive deal with Vinny's bikes that she would have fired me on the spot.

"In fact," she said, "I'm still debating whether or not I should do just that."


I gulped, but suddenly an idea popped into my head. It was lucky that I was such a good liar. "Actually," I said, "About that. I am so sorry for being late, there really is no excuse."


"No, there certainly is not," said Jennifer, but she let me continue speaking.


"I know, and that's why I just want to say that I am so, so, so very sorry. But I really did have a good reason this time," I said. Jennifer narrowed her eyes at me so they turned into tiny little angry slits. "What could possibly be a good reason to show up to work this late?" she demanded. It was a fair question and for once, I had a good answer.


"That's the thing, I was working! Vince, the guy who owns Vinny's bikes called me at like 7am this morning for a meeting out of nowhere. I totally panicked and thought he was pulling out of the shoot, so I went to see him right away. Turns out I was right and that he was thinking about pulling out."

Jennifer frowned and I could tell that she was about to interrupt me now, but I didn't let her do that. "But I knew that that would be disastrous so I met with him and after a really, really long discussion he decided that he still wants in on the shoot. Some other magazines were willing to pay him more than we are but I managed to convince him that we have a much better idea of what his company stands for and that he'll have full creative control of the shoot. And it worked!" I said. Jennifer's frown began to fade so I pushed it, "And I'm so sorry Jennifer, in all that panic I was a complete idiot and left my cell phone at home so I couldn't contact you to let you know what was up."


I looked at the floor in fake shame and heard Jennifer take a deep breath. This was her calm down technique. Once she used that you knew that she wasn't going to murder you.


"Right. That was a very silly mistake but I suppose it is understandable. What's important is that he is still in on this. You know how important this shoot is, don't you?" she asked. I looked up at her and nodded as genuinely as I could, though my heart was still racing from all that lying.


"Yes, yes of course!"


"Good," she said, "Look Lola, I think this shoot should be your priority at the moment. Maybe you should work from home this week. That way we can make sure that if this Vinny character has any problems you can attend to his needs post haste."

The words 'work from home' were like music to my ears but I tried hard not to look too pleased about it.

"Because if we lose this shoot I really am going to have no choice but to let you go." Shit. That was the nail in the coffin. I was as good as fired.





I should have known that things were going too well when I hadn't heard from Sophie in over a week. I was too trusting. I assumed that she took what I said to heart and would never bother me again, unless it was with an apology letter from when she got into one of those twelve step programs that she desperately needed. Fat chance.

I was at work when it happened. Tuesday was our quiet day in the shop so Brett wasn't in. It was just me, working on bikes. That was the way I liked it.

Most people thought I was crazy to keep on working like I did. Vinny's bikes was now a multi-million dollar industry. We had shops all over the country and we even had our own accessory line now. Why the fuck would I want to keep working when I could just take it easy as the money kept rolling in? I could at least take one of the cushy office jobs in administration or something.


That wasn't my style though. Working on bikes was what made me my fortune and working on bikes was what I liked to do most. Even if I became a billionaire someday, which now seemed like an inevitability rather than a fantasy based on the way that things were going for me, I would still work on bikes. Sometimes I even chose working on bikes over meeting women. It was better at clearing my head. Women only seemed to bring more complications into my life.


Someone came through the garage door and walked right up to me as I was painting a bike. I didn't turn around but the clomp of her high heels told me that it was a woman.

"Hi Vince," she said softly, and my heart dropped. I hadn't realized that a part of me had been hoping it was Lola until the voice confirmed that it was not. I looked up and saw Sophie, dressed like she was going clubbing in the middle of the day.

"Oh shit," I groaned, "Sophie, what are you doing here. I told you to leave me alone." Her voice didn't falter.

"Oh silly, I know that. I'm not here for you, I'm here because I wanna buy a motorcycle and everyone knows that this is the best place in town!" she said, beaming at me. I got up and shook my head, tossing my gloves off.

"No. First off, we don't sell bikes here. We customize them. Second, if we did sell bikes, I wouldn't sell one to you if you paid me a million bucks. No fucking way," I said. I walked to the shop counter and she followed me, tottering along in those ridiculous heels. There was nothing more unattractive than a girl who couldn't walk in heels but wore them anyway.


"Oh, my mistake! Well, maybe you can give me some advice on buying a bike then." I shook my head.

"Sophie, you need to leave. I don't want you here," I said. I tried to spell it out as plain and simple as I could but it just seemed to go over her head. She stayed standing there, grinning at me like an idiot. I wonder how I had ever found her attractive enough to fool around with. She had suddenly become repulsive to me. It had been a fatal mistake, that was for sure.


"Oh Vince, you don't mean that. I know this is your way of flirting with me," she said, and then without even bothering to lower her voice she added "You know you can fuck me right here and now if you want, right? I'm not wearing panties."

Sophie winked at me. Was this bitch for real? I would have to be really serious now. I reached over the shop counter and grabbed her shoulders. I could tell that she thought I was going to kiss her because she closed her eyes and puckered up for me. She got a nasty shock when instead, I shook her.

"Listen to me! I am not flirting with you. I am not flirting with you! I don't like you. I don't even tolerate you. You annoy the absolute shit out of me, you're creepy and if I never got to see you again I would be very happy," I sighed, "Look Sophie you're a pretty girl. You don't need to waste your time chasing guys like me. I'm sure you can find a great guy to settle down with -if you leave me alone!"

Tears began to form in her eyes. Great, I had set off the waterworks again.


"But, but...I only want to be with you!" she wailed, as they began to spurt down her face. I shook my head at her again and let her go.


"I'm sorry Sophie. That's not going to happen."


She bit her lip, suddenly looking very childish to me. How could a girl like this possibly be the same age as Lola? Lola had this confidence, a sassiness and an intelligence that most girls her age seemed to be lacking. Most lacking of all was Sophie.

"But I want it to happen," she whispered, "I want you to be my boyfriend. I thought you wanted it too."

"Well, I don't," I said. My eyes went past her and I saw one of my regular customers wavering at the shop door. He was watching the scene that was unfolding and wondering if he should come in or not. I gestured that he should, but he shook his head at me and mouthed that he would come back later. Fuck. Any chance I had of being interrupted had just gone down the shitter.


Sophie started to cry harder and soon she was sobbing uncontrollably. I watched in horror tears ran down her face and she wiped the snot from her nose. All the time she was looking at me with that same, sad expression. It was pathetic.

"Is it my hair? My skin? Am I just too fat for you?" she moaned, poking herself in the perfectly flat stomach. I didn't quite have the heart to tell her that it was none of those things. It was all down to her horrible personality.

This was dragging on way too long for my liking. I could tell that she wanted my excuse, my real reason. I had given her that but she didn't believe me. No guy had turned her down before, especially not as harshly as I had done. She wanted answers. She wanted to know that this wasn't her fault.

So I made up an answer.


"No, it's none of those things and you know it. It's," I wracked my brain for anything else to say to her but it eventually came down to the inevitable. "It's my girlfriend. I have to be loyal to her now." Sophie seemed taken aback by my answer. The tears stopped flowing and she wiped her eyes. I could tell by her face that she wasn't expecting that answer.

"Oh...so that's why you won't get with me again?" she asked. I nodded slowly, "That's the only reason."

"That's the only reason," I agreed. I decided to ham it up a bit, "But I really love this girl and I would never, ever betray her."


"I see. Yeah, I figured you would be that kind of boyfriend. It's sweet, really. So tell me about her Vince. What does she do? Is she pretty?" she asked. Shit, I hadn't been expecting the follow up question. I thought of the only girl I had been thinking about lately even though I had promised myself that that was over for good now. It was OK to use her as an excuse, that didn't mean I liked her. At least, that was what I said to myself.

"She's really pretty. Petite but curvy, long dark hair, nice big eyes," I said and Sophie nodded, lapping this shit up.

"Ah, you like brunettes then?" she asked it with a serious look on her face, as if she was asking a question in a college lecture or something. I nodded.

"Uh yeah, sure. That's how she caught my eye. She's smart too, she's a fashion journalist," I said. I couldn't help wondering how I had managed to remember all that information about her. I couldn't even remember Sophie's last name. It didn't matter though, because I knew it didn't mean anything. I wouldn't allow it to mean anything.

Sophie nodded.


"What magazine does she work at?" she asked. I wasn't going to fall for that. Lola and I were over but I had no hard feelings towards her. The last thing I wanted was to set some psycho on her at work, where she was already on thin ice with her boss by the sounds of things.


"I'm not sure. We haven't been together that long."


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