Old School (A Bad Boy Biker Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: Old School (A Bad Boy Biker Romance)
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Lola nodded and smiled, looking pleased with herself. I just felt bored. It was my own fault, really. I was the one who had insisted on seeing her again. It was one of my conditions. I was just hoping that the environment would be a little less...sterile. Still, it was good that she wasn't drunk this time. The two of us took occasional swigs of the fake champagne as our meeting progressed. It soothed our voices after our previous screaming match and didn't taste half bad.


"Well, I guess that's everything we have to talk about," said Lola, wiping her mouth after her latest sip of the fake champagne. "The shoot it on Friday. You should probably show up early if you want to be involved before it gets too busy. These things usually last all day and they get so fucking boring."


"Right. I'll do that."


"OK. Is that all you wanted?" she asked. Her eyes looked somewhat hopeful. It was obvious how much she wanted me but I hated not knowing why.

"Yeah, yeah that's it. I think we're good to go. Thanks Lola," I said. She looked stricken and as I got up to leave I knew that I couldn't just go. "How about you. Is that all you wanted?"


Lola got up and walked towards me. She put her hand over where mine was resting on the doorknob.

"Please don't go. Not yet."


That was all it took. I couldn't resist her anymore. I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me, kissing her passionately. I had missed the feeling of those soft pink lips on mine, of that hot little tongue in my mouth. All of my over thinking disappeared. What did it matter that we had done this before? It didn't mean anything at all. All I knew was in that moment I wanted her and she wanted me and that was all that mattered.

Soon Lola was laying down on the desk and I was on top of her, kissing and touching her all over. In our haste we had knocked over the bottle of pseudo champagne and a whole stack of papers but the two of us were far too worked up to care. Just kissing Lola made my cock ache to be inside her once again. She wrapped her legs around my waist to draw me closer to her and I nearly lost it. It was torture being pressed up against her like that without fucking her.


Lola said it before I could.


"I think you should fuck me now."


It was a soft, sultry whisper into my ear and her hot breath tickled my skin but I heard every word of it. I stood up and grinned at her.

"There's something else that I want to do first," I said, and she moaned in frustration. Her protests were quickly silenced when I slid her panties down and tossed them onto the floor. "I wanna taste you."

She opened her legs wide and showed me that beautiful pussy, already wet and ready for whatever I would give her. I wanted nothing more than to shove my hard cock inside her and give her the fucking of her life, but for now that could wait. I wanted to spoil her a bit before then. Tease her a little too.

I kissed my way up her inner thighs and spent a long time just caressing her and teasing her. It was driving her crazy and I knew it, but I wouldn't be hurried. When she tried to move her hips to encourage me I held them down so she was stuck in place. Completely at my mercy, just how I liked her to be.

"Fuck," she moaned, "You're so mean. Vince, please!"


As much as I loved hearing her beg me like that, it really was getting mean. Besides, her pussy was so fucking enticing to me that I knew I couldn't resist for much longer. I gave her a few small, tentative licks just to see what she tasted like. She was wonderful of course, slightly salty but with her own delicious, unique flavor that I knew instantly I'd be craving for days after our encounter. I couldn't stop myself from burying my face in the delicious, warm wetness.


Lola cried out and arched her back as I licked and sucked at all the right parts. So many men I knew never bothered to eat pussy, but I knew it was an art form. Like any art form, there were masters. Judging by the loud moans that Lola was now emitting I was one of those masters.


I didn't stop her from reaching her climax early. It was obvious that she'd had a stressful week and this might help her to wind down just a bit. Besides, one orgasm didn't mean that things were over. I still had plenty of tricks up my sleeve.

Instead, I encouraged her to cum before me. I began to lick in more of a steady rhythm now, and slipped two fingers inside her for good measure.

"Fuck yes," said Lola, upon feeling the insertion, "That feels so good. Fuck, I'm close!"


I just kept lapping at her wetness and moving my fingers to and from until she couldn't take it anymore. Lola's whole body shook and convulsed as she let out a scream of pleasure.


I pulled away and watched her ride the wave of her orgasm, enjoying the sight. She was so beautiful when she came. She was so beautiful, period. But I didn't need to start thinking all that


mushy crap now. I was still hard.


Lola looked up at me breathlessly and grinned.


"That was great. It was fucking amazing, actually. You're really fucking good at eating me out," she said. Her cheeks had gone adorably pink and she was panting like she'd just finished running a marathon.

"I have my ways," I said, undoing my belt. I liked the way her eyes lit up when I pulled out my cock, "Wait 'til you see what I can do with this."

I had thought that Lola might need more time to recover from her first orgasm but she happily bent over the desk and pulled up her skirt for me. Her ass was perfect, round and full. I had seen a lot of asses in my time but none quite so special as Lola's. I lined my cock up with the entrance to her pussy and quickly slid it into her tight, warm little hole.


"Fuck," she winced, "I always forget how big you are."


"You OK?" I asked. Just because I didn't love her didn't mean I couldn't be a considerate lover. I didn't want to hurt her. That was just common courtesy, wasn't it? It didn't mean anything.


Lola nodded as she adjusted.


"Yeah, I'm fine now," she looked back and gave me a mischievous smile, as if she was daring me to do something naughty, "Fuck me, stud!"

I didn't need to be asked twice. I grabbed Lola's hips and began to thrust into her. I started slowly, afraid that I might hurt her if I went quickly but she soon set me straight.


"Faster," she demanded, "Faster and harder!"


For one, I did as I was told. I didn't hold back and fucked her as hard and as fast as I wanted. Every movement created another moan from Lola's lips which seemed to ignite my entire body with arousal. It felt so good, being inside her like that. Her pussy felt better to me than anyone else's ever had. It seemed that Lola was enjoying it just as much as I was. In fact, within minutes she was screaming at the top of her lungs again.

"Oh god, don't stop, I'm gonna cum again. Fuck!" I didn't stop and her pussy tightened around me, giving my cock a pleasurably hard squeeze as Lola had her second orgasm of the evening.


I didn't last much longer than she did and soon after she came, I followed, finishing inside her. I pulled out and helped her get cleaned up. The two of us were dressed when we spoke again. "That was great," she said shyly, "Thanks for that."

It was weird seeing Lola, my fierce, feisty goddess acting so sweet and subdued. It was pretty endearing actually. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Thank you too, Lola," I said, and I couldn't help adding, "It's always great with us, isn't it?" "Yeah, yeah it is," she beamed, "See, no boyfriend talk!"

"You literally just said the word boyfriend," I said, but I didn't mean it. It was starting not to sound so bad to me anymore, though it still wasn't appealing. Lola shrugged.

"Yeah, well you know what I mean. It's the thought that counts, right?" "Right." Right.

Lola wanted to clean up the office but I told her to leave it.


"It's your office, why does it matter?" I said, and then I saw the expression on her face, "Unless it's not yours?"

"No, no it's mine. I guess we can leave it like this." I could see that the mess was making her uncomfortable though, so I picked up the papers and through the champagne in the trash. “Is that better?” I asked and she nodded gratefully.

I walked her downstairs and outside, until we reached the dreaded moment where we had to say goodbye.





Of course Vince and I fucked in Jennifer's office. Anyone with half a brain could see that that was what we were bound to do, even though I had tried my very best to deny it. Our attraction was ridiculously strong. Every time I was around Vince I felt it. He felt it too. It was like we were two magnets that kept being pulled together against our will. He brought out a carnal, animistic side of me that up until now I had only seen glimpses of. I brought out something in him too, though what I brought out wasn't quite so clear to me. All I knew was that he guy, who I was pretty sure had never slept with the same girl twice, was addicted to me. It was ridiculous and we should have been able to control ourselves more, but we couldn't. It was chemistry.


Vince even acted like a gentleman and walked me out to my car after our little meeting. He immediately picked up on the fact that all the dents were gone.

"Wow, the bonnet looks great. They completely buffed out the imprint that my skull left when you ran me over!” he teased. I gave him a playful shove.


"Shut up, Vince!"


There was a long pause once we settled down. We had to say goodbye now but we had no idea how to say it. If Vince and I were dating we could kiss and tell each other how much fun we'd had. If we were fuck buddies then he probably wouldn't even have walked me to my car. I waited, not wanting to initiate anything. What were we? It was all up to him.


“It's starting to get cold,” he said softly. Up until now I hadn't noticed but when he said it a chill ran through my body.

“Yeah, it's kinda chilly.”


We kept looking into each other's eyes until Vince spoke again.


"You know, it's pretty late," he said, his voice low. He was looking at me with such intensity that I suddenly felt shy.


"Yeah, it is," I said.


"Are you tired?" he asked. It seemed like an odd question to ask me. Did I have bags under my eyes or something? Sometimes my mascara and eyeliner began to smudge by the end of the day and gave me big black circles that looked like I hadn't slept in weeks. That couldn't be it though. I'd double checked my makeup so many times today.

"Um, no I'm not. Why, are you?" I said. It wasn't exactly the truth. Our little liaison in the office had used up quite a bit of my energy, but it would be way too embarrassing to admit something like that to Vince.


"A little," he said, before taking a deep breath, "You know I was thinking."


"That's new," I retorted, but he didn't laugh at my bitchy remark. He actually looked kind of hurt before he went on with what he had been saying. I vowed to stay quiet now and keep my bitchy comments in check. Now was not the time to be sassy, it seemed.

"I was thinking since you get so tired and it's such a long commute that maybe I should ride along with you to make sure you get back OK? I can have my bike picked up tomorrow," he gave me a mischievous smile and I knew he was being himself again, "We gotta make sure you don't run over anyone else, don't we?"

I rolled my eyes at that little jibe but secretly, I was happy. It felt strange but the idea of spending that long ride home that I usually dreaded with someone else beside me was nice. Especially if that someone was Vince.

"Right. I'll give you a ride home, but only because you look tired. Not because I might run someone over if I don't!" I said. Vince grinned and got in the car. I couldn't keep the dopey smile off of my face.





I wasn't sure what came over me. I just knew that I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Lola. Not yet anyway.

Every time we'd said goodbye to each other in the past I'd felt confused, annoyed and empty on the inside. This time I wanted to delay that feeling for as long as possible. Even if it meant putting up with Lola's shitty country music and her terrible driving.

We spent most of the car ride arguing, but in a pleasant sort of way. She was a cat person. I told her that cats were unsociable, cold and frequently rude and that only an idiot would think that they were superior to dogs. She laughed at that and told me that I was projecting my own bad qualities onto an innocent animal and that I should get a life. Her favorite holiday was Christmas. I told her that

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