Off the Record (4 page)

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Authors: Sawyer Bennett

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Young Adult, #new adult, #erotic, #hockey

BOOK: Off the Record
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“So, have you heard from your ex-douchebag?” Emily asks as we drive into Hoboken.

I laugh easily. “Language, Miss Burnham. Where did you learn such a word?”

She takes her eyes off the road to grin at me mischievously. “It’s what Nix calls my ex. It just seems appropriate.”

Emily is one of the very few people that knows I caught Marc cheating on me. She and I had become good friends since we met in a journalism class at Columbia over a year ago. She’s down to earth and smart as a whip. She also had a sympathetic ear for me when my engagement came to a screeching halt.

Turning my attention back to her original question, I tell her, “ a matter of fact, he came by just a bit ago to pick up the engagement ring.”

“He wanted it back?” Emily asks with shock.

I shrug my shoulders. “I didn’t mind. It’s not like I’d ever wear it again.”

Emily snorts. “I would have hocked the damned thing then bought a lifetime supply of condoms so I could screw my way through every hot guy I came across.”

I’m the one that snorts now, which turns into the type of laughter that makes my ribs hurt. “Now that is a thought. Too bad I already gave him back the ring. that I’m a full time, working woman, I can afford my own condoms!”

“Yes,” Emily shrieks in laughter. “I’m a firm believer in using a good orgasm to put a smile on your face. It’s a plan!”

Our hilarity dies down into chuckles and then Emily glances at me again. Her face is full of kindness. “ are you doing?”

 “I’m fine,” I say. And I mean it. “Haven’t even shed a tear over him.”

Emily is silent for just a moment then she says, “That’s not good, Ever. You need to grieve.”

“I can’t,” I admit frankly. My heart lurches just a tiny bit, then settles back down in its casing of ice.

“Can’t or won’t?” Emily has a sage wisdom that no twenty-one year old should have.

“I can’t. I think I may be broken or something.” My words come out matter-of-factly, and there is no bitterness or pity. I really do think I’m broken, but there’s no sense in lamenting about it.

I look at Emily and she looks back at me with worry. Taking one hand off the wheel, she reaches over and grabs mine. “You’re not broken. You just need some time to come to grips with what happened.”

Oh, if only she knew. I had come to grips with it already. This was not my first rodeo as Marc was not the first man to betray me. My heart had been crushed once before, and the pain of it nearly killed me. Now,
man caused me to grieve...hard.

So hard, I thought about ending it all. Luckily, I had the fortitude to push past it.

After going through that much pain and misery, it was a miracle I had even opened myself up to Marc. I had been so closed off, so remote, that I didn’t think it was even possible for me to exhibit love. But Marc had managed to break through those walls I had so carefully built after my first heartbreak, and I had basked in what I thought was true love.

Silly me.

The moment I saw Marc in bed with Kelli, I felt those walls take shape again. It was like cinder blocks and mortar stacking up around me, hardening fast and making the way to my heart impenetrable. And while it kept all of the external hurt away from me, it also kept all of my emotion inside. There wasn’t a single crack or crevice through which my tears could escape.

I was definitely a broken woman holed up in a prison of her own making.

Emily and I thankfully move on to small chit-chat. She tells me more about Lincoln and some of the other players that will be there. I’m pretty nervous, truth be told. I’m a huge Rangers fan and I actually have a Lincoln Caldwell jersey. I had even thought about bringing it and asking him to sign it but that screamed too much dork for my comfort level. Besides, it wouldn’t be professional of me.

We arrive at Lincoln’s condo complex, which is pretty impressive. It’s gated and sits on the Hudson. Emily leads me through a courtyard to a grassy area on the backside. I’m immediately hit with the sound of music pumping and the scent of grilling hamburgers. We turn the corner and I’m overwhelmed by the amount of people. There has to be close to three hundred people milling about. A sand, volleyball court has been set up and there is a game in progress. Children are running everywhere with balloon animals in their hands. I then shudder when I see the clown that’s making them.

I hate clowns. They creep me out.

Two large tents have been erected, each holding numerous tables where people sit eating food. I start really looking at the people and I recognize several of the Rangers. Most of them have their wives or girlfriends with them. Some are holding babies or playing soccer with the kids. It’s an idyllic setting and one I had not envisioned when I was invited.

My attention is diverted by a man I can only assume is Emily’s boyfriend, Nix, as he stalks toward her and then picks her up in a bone crushing hug. He then kisses her so passionately, my face turns red. After he finally sets her down, he looks at me and says, “Hey, I’m Nix. You must be Ever. It’s good to meet you.”

“Likewise. Glad you could pull your tongue out of Emily’s throat so you could introduce yourself,” I tease.

He chuckles but doesn’t look the slightest bit embarrassed. “Well, come on and let’s get you ladies some food. Linc is upstairs getting some more trash bags and I’ll introduce you when he gets back down.”

Nix leads us over to a buffet table loaded with hamburgers, hot dogs, Brats, and a slew of salads and desserts. I fill my plate up, suddenly realizing I haven’t eaten since breakfast this morning. I had been so busy at work that I had skipped lunch, which wasn’t uncommon for me.

We sit at a table and enjoy our food. Emily and Nix introduce me to a few of the players. I ask where her brother Ryan is but she says that his wife Danny isn’t feeling too great so they are skipping the party. She is eight and a half months pregnant, and the way Emily tells it, she could be popping that baby out any day now.

Emily sees something to our left and her lips turn upward in a smirk. I turn my head to see what she’s looking at and it’s none other than Lincoln Caldwell...surrounded by three women. They are all long legged and busty. They are taking the beach party theme seriously, wearing miniscule scraps of material over their asses and bikini tops that are overflowing with boobs. Each of them stands there, obviously flirting and fawning. One woman has her hand on his chest while another twirls her hair around her finger while she cocks her bony hip out. I sneer quietly in disgust at how painfully obvious the women are being.

Lincoln certainly doesn’t seem to mind the attention, I observe. He’s laughing at something one of the women says, and actually picks up her hand to bestow a kiss on her knuckles. Geez, that’s corny.

As soon as he releases her hand, he turns away from the women and pins me with a direct stare that weirdly, causes all of my nerve endings to fire. It’s like he knew right where I was sitting, because his gaze didn’t wander around first before landing on me. I’m actually shocked to the point I lower my eyes, fiddling with the napkin I’m still holding. I glance back up and he’s still looking at me as he walks our way, never breaking his gaze.

His intent is clear. He is coming for me, and the thought makes my stomach tighten in anticipation.

The closer he gets, the more amazing he looks. He’s wearing a pair of khaki, cargo shorts, a plain white t-shirt which is stretched fairly tightly over his massive chest. Flip flops complete his beachy look. His hair is artfully windblown and he hasn’t shaved today, which gives him a just-out-of-bed look. He wears it well and I’m surprised my panties don’t just fall down to my ankles on their own accord.

Emily and I stand up just as he reaches our table. She walks up to him and he hugs her tight. “Hey, kiddo,” he says with obvious affection while he still looks directly at me.

Releasing Emily, he sticks his hand out to me. “I’m Linc Caldwell.”

Emily finishes the introduction as I take his hand. It’s huge and completely engulfs mine. His touch is as electric as his gaze. “Linc...this is Ever Montgomery. She’s the reporter that’s going to interview you for The Post.”

I’m looking upward into his eyes as he towers over me. I think I remember his stats saying he is six-two, which is a foot taller than my tiny frame. Those eyes of his are glowing greenish-gold from the late afternoon sun that is reflected in them. Recognition dawns on his handsome face. “That’s right. I forgot all about that.”

Now, that’s interesting.

I thought he was walking over to us because he saw me sitting with Emily and knew I was a reporter here to interview him. He puts that assumption to rest when he says, “I was hoping I’d get to meet Emily’s gorgeous friend I saw sitting over here, and now I find I’m lucky enough that I will get some personal time with you while you interview me.”

His voice is low and direct, made by a man that is used to flirting shamelessly. It causes a flood of sexual awareness to run through my body and I mentally chastise myself.

“Then it is your lucky day, because I have lots of questions for you,” I quip.

He looks around, and I notice that he hasn’t released my hand. It’s strong yet it’s holding me delicately, as if he is conscious of how small it is. I have a fleeting thought as to what it would be like to have him run those hands over my body.

Get a grip, Ever. You’re here for a job, not to have sex fantasies about your subject.

“Tell you what,” Linc breaks into my thoughts. “Let’s go sit down by the water away from the music and we can talk.”

“Sounds good.” I pull my hand from his and grab my bag. Turning to Emily, I give her a quick wink. “Catch you later.”








I stop at an aluminum tub filled with ice and drinks, grabbing two beers. I pop the top off one and hand it to Ever. She takes it with a soft word of thanks.

We sit in a small gazebo near the water, far enough away from the party that we don’t have to yell at each other. I watch as Ever sets her beer down and pulls out a notepad. She hesitates then looks over at me. She has the most amazing blue eyes I have ever seen in my life. It’s not just the color, which is a pure cornflower blue. They are large, crystal clear and surrounded by thick lashes. She has really dark hair, almost black. It’s long and wavy, but she has her bangs cut long and straight across her forehead.  The dark hair next to her big, blue eyes makes them pop. I feel like I’m staring at her like a dumbass, but I’ve just never seen eyes like that. Normally, I’m an ass man, but I may need to rethink what really catches my attention.

It’s not just her eyes that are amazing. She’s small but curvy, rounded in all the right places. Her skin is ivory pale and flawless. Her rosy cheeks and lips stand out in contrast but it looks natural. She doesn’t have a classically beautiful face, not like a super model, but when you add the dark hair, baby blues and fair skin, she’s like a modern day Snow White.

Yes, I had noticed her immediately. I had a glimpse of Nix and Emily, and then my attention was on her. I couldn’t tell much about her at first, other than she was small and her hair was really long, hanging in soft waves down her back. Without thinking, I started walking her way.

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