Obsidian Faith (14 page)

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Authors: Bev Elle

BOOK: Obsidian Faith
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Chapter Twenty Five

When Trevor walked into their suite, he could sense the tension in the air. Shanice seemed to be having a standoff with Lisa.

“What did Mom say?” Shanice said through clenched teeth. “Why didn’t you just let the call go to voice mail? You let a little pastor’s wife squeeze you—” Then she saw Trevor. “Hey baby. How’d your business with Donald go?” She smiled and ran to him as if it had been days since she’d seen him. She threw her arms around him and kissed him like there might be something serious behind it, but that would have to wait until later.

Trevor held her close for a few moments then looked into her eyes. “What’s up with Isaiah and Brenda?”

Shanice’s face fell. “I just need to remember never to share any state secrets with Lisa.” Shanice stepped out of his embrace and folded her arms. She glared at her friend.

“Oops,” Trevor said and turned to Lisa. “What did you do to piss my lovely wife off?”

Lisa frowned. She was wringing her hands together like a naughty child. “I might have told Mom and Pops Bailey you two got married.”

“Ugh!” Shanice said. “Mom only has to hit her with the Claire Huxtable voice, and she sings like a canary.”

“In my defense, you two never said
to tell them,” Lisa said.

Shanice was nonplussed. “But did it not occur to you this news might best have come from Trevor and me?”

“Well, when you put it like that... ”

Trevor stepped behind Shanice and pulled her back, then rested his chin on her head. “It’ll be okay,” Trevor said. “Isaiah and Brenda have always loved me.”

“Until you told Shanice you never wanted to see her,” Lisa said.

It was as if she’d dropped a bomb in the room. Shanice went still in his arms, and Trevor’s mouth fell open. He turned Shanice gently to face him. “Is that true, baby?”

“Could be,” Shanice mumbled.

Trevor rubbed a rough hand over his face and into his hair. “Well, that complicates things. A little. But if Isaiah and Brenda are anything like the people I remember, they can be reasoned with.”

Shanice laughed. “Yeah. When have you known Mom and Dad to hold a really long grudge?”

“Never. We’ll just fly home like we planned and ask him to marry us at his church a few Sundays from now.”

“And we’ll explain to him how we didn’t want to wait another minute to be married—”

“Well, I could have waited, if you weren’t so impatient about certain things.”

“You did not just say that?” Lisa said then sat down on the sofa and grabbed a bowl of popcorn.

Shanice pulled away from him and held her hands up as if to warn him off. “It was your idea.”

“It was the only way, since you were ‘about to explode.’ What was I supposed to do? I was willing to marry you the right way.”

“Foot, meet Trevor’s mouth,” Lisa said.

Shanice stormed out. Then the bedroom door slammed. When Trevor tried to follow, he heard the lock click into place just as he put his hand on the knob. He pushed his hair back and turned back around to look helplessly at Lisa.

“Two days, and you’re already in the dog house, bro,” Lisa said.

“But it’s the truth. Why is she so mad at me for speaking the truth?”

She put the popcorn down and patted the couch cushion beside her. “Come here, Trevor.”

He walked slowly over to the sofa and sat down.

“You’ve lived in an unnatural environment for the past seven years, so you’ve got a little bit to learn about women, okay?”

“Okay. I’ll do anything to make this right. Just tell me what to do.”

Lisa turned off the muted television and picked up her wine glass then angled so she could speak directly to Trevor.

“Number one. Never ever, ever, ever tell a woman, especially one who is your wife, that a bad decision was her idea. Once you’ve sanctioned it, it’s
decision, okay?”

Trevor nodded.

“Number two. Never have a discussion like that in front of friends. You guys are one now, and you need to project a united front. Got it?”

“See? I’m not ready to be a husband. Don’t they have counseling for this sort of thing?”

“Yeah they do, and if I were you, I’d ask Pastor Bailey to give you guys the remedial version as soon as you get home. My advice is to shut the fuck up until then.”

“I’ll certainly try. Now, how do I get her to come out or let me in there?”

“You’re on your own with that one.”

“C’mon Lisa, you know Shanice better than anyone.”

“This is true,” she said and tapped her chin thoughtfully with her forefinger. “Okay, first I’d suggest a lot of groveling. I’m saying you need to be as repentant as you can. Then you need to give her flowers,
chocolates, and make sweet love to her like there’s no tomorrow.”

“I can do all that.” He stood and pulled his wallet out of his jeans pocket. “Hey, will you get the flowers and chocolate for me while I begin the groveling?” He handed her a hundred-dollar bill.

Lisa put the bill in her pocket and rubbed her fingers together. “Man, you’ve been in the pen too long. I’m gonna need at least another Benjamin to get the best for my girl.”

Trevor gave her another hundred, which Lisa slid into that same pocket as she grabbed her purse and cell. “I’m off on operation ‘get my bride back.’ See you in a half an hour.”

Trevor waved her off then meandered over to the door and knocked. “Shanice... ”

Chapter Twenty Six

Shanice popped a truffle into her mouth then sniffed the roses sitting in front of them. “They’re beautiful,” she said. She looked into his eyes. “This is like a precedent, you know. Your next grand gesture will have to top this at least three-fold.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings by saying what I did. It was stupid of me. I’m so sorry.” Trevor leaned in and ran his lips lightly over her cheek while he took in her scent.

They were cut from the same cloth, and feeling too exposed sometimes made them both disappear within themselves for a while. Fear of giving so much and not knowing if that person would be around when you really needed them, spooked people like them.

Brenda once told him that the more he pulled away, the more tenacious Shanice became. It was true. And not just with Trevor but with everyone she loved. Their biological mothers had loved them, he supposed, but they loved drugs more. Shanice didn’t want to love anything more than the important people in her life, and he knew this about her. He needed to follow her lead, and as Lisa said, shut the fuck sometimes, so he wouldn’t hurt her again like he’d been doing for years.

Trevor kissed his bride again, thrilled he could affect Shanice in a way he’d dreamed about for so long, without guilt or shame. He stripped his shirt over his head and flung it aside then he grabbed Shanice and kissed her again. She pulled away, took a few steps back, and frantically removed her own top before she beckoned him with her sexiest “come hither” look.

He reached around and unclasped the lacy pink bra she wore and pulled it forward. He bent his head and took a nipple into his mouth before freeing the bra from her arms.

Trevor still couldn’t believe he was a free man, a married man, who could make love to his wife whenever he wanted. He was excited and nervous, even though she’d already given him the gift of her virginity. Wild-oat-sowing-in-college notwithstanding, he still worried he might not be any good.

He buried his fingers in her long, silky hair. The drapes were closed, but ambient light seeped under them, and he could see Shanice’s perfect curves. He slid her shorts and panties down over her thighs and dropped them to the floor. She stepped out of them and stood naked before him. Her silhouette was amazing.

He stripped off his jeans and boxers and stood naked before her. The sight of each other kept them both in thrall for a moment. Then he walked her backwards toward the bed, their legs moving in tandem as if they were dancing, until they fell back onto it. They bounced gently then settled there, lips still locked.

Shanice reached her fingers between their bodies and brushed her nails lightly against him. He twitched with anticipation as his thigh muscles flexed. The taste of her lips and warmth of her body was reassuring, and his nervousness fled. In its place was the excitement of feeling her naked perfection against his body. They rolled on the bed until they were farther onto it with Shanice on top.

She scooted down and left a trail of kisses on his chest. Then she cupped him in her hand. Trevor shuddered and moaned when she slowly slid her hand back and forth. Then he switched their positions and crawled on top of her. He kissed her tenderly and slowly at first, before his desire worked him into a frenzy. He left a trail of kisses on her neck and traveled down her bare chest.

He moved up to face her again and kissed her lips as he positioned himself. She gasped when he entered her. As he began to move inside her, she dug her nails into his back.

The same bliss that had overtaken him the first time they made love came back again. It was as if he might burst into tears for the second time, because it felt so good, and he loved her so much. He forced himself to relax, to connect with her so completely that all he could express was joy. Soon, she fell into rhythm with him and rolled her hips along with his. They were both moving together as one, as they should be.

Perspiration dotted their skin, and he hoped they wouldn’t slide out of their lover’s embrace. Trevor could feel himself nearing a spectacular release, but he wanted Shanice to get there first, especially after last time. He leaned down and took one of her nipples into her mouth. That’s all it took.

She gripped his hair, and he went deeper. Shanice threw her head back and rose to meet him.  She said his name as she came, which caused him to lose control and thrust faster. Then his muscles tensed, and his entire body grew rigid before he let go.

“Oh, God, Shanice!”

He came in a brilliant wave of pleasure that surged around him and awakened each and every nerve ending. When the waves subsided, he pulled out and rolled over onto his back. He took her into his arms.

“I love you, Mrs. Kyle.”

“And I love you, Mr. Kyle.”

Trevor grinned and held her tighter, and she reciprocated. They lay quiet for several minutes until their breathing evened out. He dipped his head and kissed her. It was a deep, lingering kiss he hoped conveyed the words he couldn’t speak.

He lay there holding Shanice until their syncopated heartbeats slowed to resting. Trevor had no idea what tomorrow would bring for them, other than getting Philip Kyle out of their lives for good. He didn’t dare think beyond that to the confrontation with her parents, but he was now sure their getting married had been the right thing to do. Their lovemaking was proof of that, and he would never doubt again.

At last he snuggled her comfortably in the crook of his arm and closed his eyes. The last thing he thought before he drifted off was whether he could refrain from punching Phil’s lights out when he saw him for the first time in seven years.

Chapter Twenty Seven

It didn’t take Trevor long to remember another reason he hated doing anything programming-related for his uncle. The bastard stood looking over his shoulder half the time, as if he could understand what the fuck was going on. His stinky breath smelled of whatever the hell he’d eaten that morning, with whatever the hell he drank the night before oozing out of his pores.

“How long is this gonna take?” Phil asked anxiously as he looked at the Rolex stretched taut on his fat wrist. Time had not been good to Phil. No longer was he tall and muscular like David had been. He was just big and round. Drinking and eating junk food didn’t contribute to a healthy body.

Hemphill looked up briefly from the computer he was manning, as if he was also interested in Trevor’s answer. It was already half past noon, and Trevor had told Shanice they’d be done a half an hour ago.

“Once we get the code strung together, the actual transfer won’t take long at all,” Trevor said.

Phil put a thick hand on Trevor’s shoulder. “Good, because we have a flight out at 3:30.”

Trevor stretched as if he was trying to loosen up his muscles from being in one place for so long, but he was really shaking his uncle’s hand off his shoulder.

“Why don’t you have your lackeys call for some room service?” Trevor said. “It’s going to be a minute.” The knock from room service would be the cue for Hemphill’s agents to storm the room.

His uncle looked at Frick, the nickname Trevor had given the shorter of the two hoods, and nodded. The little guy reminded Trevor of a Chihuahua. Frick picked up the phone.

“So, Trevor,” Hemphill said. “How’d you come up with this idea? You never told me when we were in the joint.”

“I wish I could say it was my idea,” Trevor said. “But that distinction belongs to a better man.”

Being the narcissist he was, Trevor was sure Phil wouldn’t let an opportunity go by to toot his own horn. He was right.

“My nephew has an extraordinary skill, but he’s a drone, a worker bee. I am the mastermind behind this project. You see, I once worked as a CPA for one of the banks that held unclaimed funds for the state of Florida. I kept looking at the balance growing daily, until one day I thought, ‘I need to get me a piece of that.’ I didn’t know how to do all the fancy, schmancy programming to make it happen, but I knew a kid who could.

“Straight shooter my brother was, I knew he’d never help me, so I had to get him out of the way to have access to the kid. Next thing you know, my brother dies in a goddamn car accident, and I volunteer to get custody of his computer genius kid. All it took was a few video games, some top-of-the-line computer equipment, and I had the little fucker eating out of my hand. I took the idea for this heist to the Boss and he bankrolled the project until the piss ant got caught.”

“Where is the Boss anyway?” Trevor asked nonchalantly. “I thought he’d be around to get his cut.”

“He had urgent business in Miami,” Phil said. “But don’t you worry, he’ll know the minute he gets his share. Speaking of which, I hope you don’t think your buddy here is getting any part of our share. You’re going to have to divvy yours up with him”

“Not a problem,” Trevor said, never looking up. His innocent question had successfully given the feds the whereabouts of the mob boss.

Phil droned on and on, digging his own grave deeper and deeper, not knowing the room was bugged. Trevor and Hemphill continued to write a dummy program they would keep going until the knock came. Then Trevor would run the real program while Frick or Frack went to answer the door. They were in Hemphill’s room, which Trevor pretended was his, while Shanice was safe at Lisa’s.

This solved the problem of Hemphill carrying a gun on him. He just hid it in the room, along with anything else that could blow his cover. He also had a sniper in the building adjacent to them, ready to help if it came to a gun fight.

Room service knocked at the door twenty minutes later.

“Wow, they’re fast,” Hemphill said, which was the password to get his team ready.

Three things happened at once. Trevor started the program. Frack went to answer the door, and Hemphill retrieved his hidden weapon.

“Paydirt,” Trevor said, and the digital counter began. He pointed to the screen to keep his uncle and Frick occupied.

“There’s nothing more beautiful than watching the numbers populate as you become rich!” Phil said. A red dot from a sniper site appeared on Frick’s head. Then within seconds, all hell broke loose.

When Frack opened the door, Hemphill drew his weapon. “FBI! On your knees, Philip Kyle! Hands behind your head.”

Instead of agents rushing in, there was a surprised Pastor Isaiah Bailey, Brenda, and Shanice.

Frack saw his opportunity and rushed them, gun drawn, and pulled Shanice in front of him as a shield. Cold fury filled Trevor, but he shoved it aside. He rushed toward Frack and Shanice, screaming, “Let her go, goddamn it!” But Donald pulled him back. “Get down, Trevor!” Frack froze but didn’t release Shanice, who was scared speechless, her eyes wide with fear. When Donald pulled Trevor down, a red dot appeared on Frack’s forehead, and a second later, he dropped and took Shanice with him.

Trevor rushed over just in time to help Shanice push Frack off her.  He felt over her body to make sure she didn’t have any wounds, because blood and brain matter was all over her. There was so much blood, he was terrified for a second she’d been hit.

“Are you okay?” Trevor said, still examining her. “Are you okay?”

She was shaking so hard, there was no wonder she couldn’t answer, but he needed to hear it from her. “Are you okay, baby, please?”

“Yes, yes.” Then tears spilled from her eyes, and Trevor felt as if a hot knife had sliced into his gut. He wrapped his arms around her trembling body to hold her close while she sobbed into his neck.

When Trevor looked back, Donald had cuffed Phil and was reading him his rights, as the other members of the team descended on the suite.

The women were sleeping off the trauma. Pastor Isaiah Bailey was a lot of things, but he wasn’t a coward. He recovered quickly and wanted answers. Trevor gave him a brief synopsis about Phil’s reign of terror in his life.

“Trevor, son? Why didn’t you tell us? Had we known what Philip was doing, we would have gone to the authorities and let them figure out how to get you out of that situation.”

“Uncle Philip had David and Elena killed, hoping to get custody of me so he could pay off his mob gambling debt. He also threatened Shanice and your family multiple times. Brenda’s accident was not a hit and run. I knew he wasn’t bluffing when he said I would never see Shanice again if I didn’t do what he said. ”

“So that’s why you broke her heart, multiple times?”

“Yes. I’d rather she have a broken heart than be in danger.”

“I know as a pastor, I’m not supposed to hate, but you were so cruel to my little girl, that it took everything in my power not to. I should have known the bond you two had for all those years was too indelible to be broken. She always had faith in you, even when we didn’t.”

“I know, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life trying to match her faith with my own.”

“You’d better, or I might have to step down, so I can kick your ass.”

“Pastor Isaiah!”

“Ass is in the Bible, son. ‘Samson smote the Philistines with the jawbone of an ass.’”

Trevor laughed. “I’ve always liked your loose interpretations of Scripture.”

“So, does this mean you’ll be coming to my church?”

“If Shanice is there, I’ll be with her. And we’ll want to participate in some of your marriage counseling sessions before we repeat our vows at your church.”

“That’s a good idea, but didn’t you two put the cart before the horse with this Vegas speed wedding?”

Trevor remembered what Lisa said and took responsibility. “With all due respect, sir, Shanice and I had been apart for seven years. We didn’t want to spend another minute without each other, and I didn’t know what would go down with my Uncle Phil. If I’d died in that altercation, I wanted it to be with her as my wife. I remember what I promised you and Brenda the weekend she sneaked over to USF to see me. If I ever were to become your son-in-law, I would do it decently and in order.”

Isaiah Bailey took a long look at Trevor. “I remember a time when Brenda and I wanted you to be our son, but David wanted you so badly, and I had a new church, a new daughter, and then the twins. Responsibilities that were going to keep me hopping already. We knew the Kyles would love you as much as we did.”

“And they did. They were a tragic loss, but I guess on some level I didn’t feel like I deserved what I had with the Kyles.”

“That’s the one issue David and I quarreled about. Getting you professional help. He thought his tough love and Elena’s nurturing were all you needed.”

“That sounds like my dad.”

“I’d be honored if you’d give me that title now.”


Isaiah, being the touchy feely guy he was, pulled Trevor into a bear hug. Just when it felt like it might become a little awkward, he looked over his father-in-law’s shoulder to see Shanice.

“Group hug!” She squealed and ran over to enfold herself in their arms.

When they released each other, the pastor said, “I think I’ll go join my wife in a nap before dinner.” Then he sauntered out of the room.

Trevor took Shanice’s hand and guided her over to the sofa. “Come sit down, it’s been a rough day for all of us.

“I keep seeing that guy’s head exploding.” She shivered, and he pulled her closer to his side.

“I’m so sorry you had to witness all that,” he said.

“I should’ve just told my dad to chill, but he was so ticked. He wanted to talk to you immediately. I figured we’d find you guys just cleaning up, and you’d be done with everything. I had no idea we were walking into the middle of it. I should be apologizing to you. We could’ve ruined everything…”

“But you didn’t, and now it’s all over.”

“Good. So, you want to get my parents their own room tonight after dinner?”

“I don’t know. I think I need to catch up with Isaiah and Brenda a little more, before we go back to Florida.”

Shanice looked at him as if he’d grown two heads. “We’re still on our honeymoon…”

He laughed. “Just kidding. We’ll get them a room.”

“When did your sense of humor get so twisted?”

“When you live with a sick bastard like Philip Kyle, then spend seven years in a federal prison, you need a sense of humor.”

She frowned. “We’ll both need therapy when we go back to Florida.”

“Now there’s something else we can do together.”

“That’s all good, but I can think of many things that are a lot more fun,” she said with a sexy smirk.

“Such as?”

Shanice kissed him, putting everything she had into it. When they parted, Trevor reached onto the side table and picked up the phone. “Hello? I’d like to book another room, please.”

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