Obsession (5 page)

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Authors: Maya Moss

BOOK: Obsession
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It was Monday, and the restraining order had finally been issued.  Allison woke up in Rick’s arms, all warm and feeling protected and loved.  The man had stayed with her last night, all supporting and understanding. She told him all the particulars about Annie and how her stalking affected her young life. Rick now understood well what was hidden behind the cold mask that Allison was wearing every time Monica was around.

They had breakfast together, and Allison went to work, hoping for some reprieve.  But she found just as many messages on her work phone and emails as ever.  Monica was obviously unaffected by the police order, and continued to harass her as before.

Allison was contemplating her next actions, when her phone rang; she was ready to dismiss the call, when she saw that it was Rick calling her.  A smile appeared on her lips, and she quickly answered him.

“Hi, do you already miss me?”  She asked playfully.

“I always miss you,” was Rick’s answer, but Allison could feel that there was something bothering him.

“What is it?”  She changed her tone.  “Did something happen?”

“I just heard the news – Mike, the man I was telling you about at the wedding, the one that left with Monica, was found dead this morning,” Rick explained to her.

“What?  Isn’t he your old rival from college?”  Allison found it hard to understand his words.

“Yes, he is the one.  The police are asking for help from anyone who might have some information about him and his last movements.”  Rick signed sadly.

“How did it happen?”  Allison remembered well the young handsome man, who flirted with anything in a skirt, and went out with Monica after knowing her for only few seconds.

“He was found today, but the police report says that he died Sunday.”

“That is when we saw him leaving with Monica!”  Allison was frantic.  She remembered all too well the scene made by the couple, and the final act of Monica kissing Rick.  It was too fresh to forget so easily.

“According to the police investigation, he was buried in the snow, and froze to death.  Because of that, this morning, a neighbor found him and called 911.  On the news, they said that he looked as if he was drugged, but they need to make more tests to be sure of that.”

“Do you think that Monica has something to do with his death?” Allison asked, hoping for him to say that it was impossible.  But Rick surprised her with a long silence.  “Rick, are you there?” she asked again.

“Yes, maybe we should go to the police, and explain to them all that happened between us and Monica, and about the accident during the wedding,” he said, after another minute of silence.

“Okay, come and get me, we would go together.”


The drive to the police station was short, but very exciting.   They both shared their theories on the matter, and Allison even said that now Monica would be forced to leave them alone.  When they arrived, the policeman at the front desk asked them to wait a few minutes for the investigator to hear them in person.

The case had been assigned to a young, but very promising detective, who was happy to see them and listen to their story.  Detective Martinez said from the very beginning that they had no solid leads in the case and everybody who knew anything could be of enormous help.

“We attended a wedding yesterday and Mike was also there,” Rick started his story.  “We saw him leave, just before us with a woman, Monica Rees.  I need to tell you that Monica and I went out for a few weeks, and then I ended it.  She did not accept it well, and now that I am dating Allison, she is stalking us, threatening her, and even trying to run her out of the road with her car.”

“Are you telling me that this Monica is a dangerous person?” the detective interrupted him.

“Yes, she is,” Rick confirmed the other man’s suspicions.  “She came uninvited to the wedding and made a scene, by kissing me in front of everybody.  Then she left with Mike, and we never saw either of them again.”

“Monica had proved that she is capable of violence, and we have asked for a restraining order, so that might be another reason for her lashing out,” Allison added, hoping for everything to just end now.

“Okay, thanks for coming here and making your testimony.  We will investigate the case and hopefully find out what really happened that night.  Thank you for your help.”  The detective stood up, and held his hand to both of them.  Allison and Rick signed their statements, and went out of the station.

Later that evening, the detective called Rick to warn him that Monica was nowhere to be found.  The police officers that went to her home spoke to her neighbors and a few of her co-workers, but no one had seen or spoken to her since Sunday night, and they had no idea where she might be.

Rick was at Allison’s when he received the call, and they both felt a deep fear at the thought of what might be coming next.  Monica had proven to be a dangerous person, and they were starting to realize that they were in the center of her wrath right now.



Chapter 7

“If you really love someone, you have to show him your feelings.  He might still not believe you, but there are always ways to make him see you for what you really are for him.” 
Monica’s Diary

24 hours earlier...

Monica watched the man sitting along her in the car, and thought that he was perfect for her plan.  She had done the necessary research, and knew well who he was, and what his connection to Rick was.  She had planned well her steps, dressed accordingly, and arrived just at the right moment at the wedding.

Mike had proven to be an easy target, and Monica was able to continue with her plan.  The kiss, however, was not a part of it, but she could not resist stating her claim in front of all of Rick’s friends.  Now, she simply needed to get rid of the man, and see what her next step would be.

He, however, had other plans for the evening.  Instead of taking her to her apartment, Mike drove them to his house, and invited her in.  Monica was starving for attention, so she easily complied with his request.

“So, what is your story with Rick?” the man asked after the first drink.

“A long one...” Monica replied.

“Whatever it was, I am sure he would have a lot of explaining to do tonight, after that kiss.”  Mike laughed, and Monica joined him, although she knew that Allison was not so easy to get rid of.

“Do you want to play a game?” Monica asked with a seductive voice.  “I could be your business partner, and we can get a little more familiar with each other right here on the sofa...”

She walked towards him, looking him directly in the eyes, but not seeing him.  It was Rick she was seeing there on the sofa, sitting comfortably with a drink in his hand.

He was just as beautiful as she remembered, his body taut and firm, and yet soft and yielding in all the places that mattered.  He moved underneath Monica, reaching, yearning, and the pair of them climbing together towards that moment of ecstasy.  Monica almost saw the sky open and the stars falling all around them. 

This was what she wanted – the closeness, the personal contact, the passion between them.  His body was hot like a furnace under her hands, his pulse quick and uneven.

“Rick, Rick, Rick...”
Monica was repeating in her mind.

“Was it good for you, too?” he murmured into her ear. Monica did not answer, of course. It was not his voice she wanted to hear, nor his body she wanted over hers.

She dislocated from him, and went to her purse to take a pill, which she swiftly put into his fresh drink.  After that, everything happened as a dream.  She cleaned him, redressed him, buttoning his shirt, cuffs, and collar.

And then she dragged him out in the alley behind his house, buried him in the soft snow, and left him there as a sad reminder of what she had and had lost.  Monica was not thinking clearly, but she made sure to put one of Rick’s business cards inside his pocket.

Why?  She did not know, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.  Rick once again had used her weakness to drag her down.  He made her sleep with another man, and forced her to pretend he was the one she really wanted.

It was not her who did this.  No!  It was all Rick’s fault, and Rick would be the one to pay for it.  She stood there for a long time, watching the snow grave and imagining the man buried in it, dying slowly.  Mike would not be suffering, would not be even aware of the fact that those were his last minutes.

And Rick... Rick would be in the same situation in a few hours or days.  Monica had made sure of that.


Rick got up to pace the tiny room. “I admit, I do not remember anything from last night.”

“I’ll say.” Monica shook her head and followed Rick, walking him into the corner of the room. “I would recommend familiar things for the awakening of the memory.”

Rick nodded nervously. “Let me show you things you know very well, Rick.” Monica didn’t give him a chance to move away, captured his head in both hands and kissed him, her tongue moving into his startled mouth easily, stroking over the roof of his mouth.  She didn’t stop until she felt the resistance die a little.  “Feel good? Right?”

Rick’s eyes were closed, his mouth hanging open as he shook.  Monica moved her lips over his jaw, up to his ear. “Remember this, Rick?  Remember the last time I did this?”

Monica licked lightly at the spot just under and behind Rick’s ear at the same time as she moved a knee between Rick’s legs, relieved to find him hard.  Maybe this would work?  Maybe!

“It was five days ago…at your house…you came out of the shower, and I licked you dry.” Monica let her voice go husky and lust-filled as she spoke the words directly into Rick’s ear. “You came all over me.”

“Please.” Rick’s hands were on her shoulders, but he wasn’t pushing.

Monica sucked a little on Rick’s neck, her hands working to loosen his buttons and get his shirt open. “You know I like it when you beg,” Monica whispered, moving now to the other side of Rick’s neck.  The woman managed to get Rick’s shirt open and kissed, licked, and nipped her way down to one nipple.

Rick bucked a little then, pushing Monica forward, and trying to pull himself deeper into the corner. Monica responded by grinding her knee up against Rick’s erection, eliciting a long, deep moan. “Like that?”

Rick bit his lip and Monica moved in, her hand cupping Rick’s groin. “Rick….my Rick…you taste so good.” Monica licked up his throat as Rick’s head fell back to expose it.  His breath was heavy, and Monica sucked on his Adam’s apple as she worked at his pants.

Rick whimpered a little as Monica got her hand into his pants.  “Easy baby, let me do it… that’s it.” Rick’s hips made tiny motions as Monica stroked him.

“Please… Please…”

“Yeah, Rick…that’s it… want to feel you come for me… just for me.”

Monica twisted her hand on the up stroke until Rick was shuddering and spilling himself over Monica’s hand.  She kissed him then, as softly as she could manage…  Rick didn’t exactly kiss her back… but his lips parted easily enough, and he leaned into Monica.

After a few silent moments, Monica stood back, looking over her fully debauched lover, “You okay?”

Rick shook his head, and fumbled with putting himself back together. “I… think I remember this.”  He looked away. “I… remember how you taste.”  He shook his head. 

This had been one of their last days together.  After that, Rick had grown distant to the point of asking Monica to leave him alone.  That night, when they got so dunk as not to remember anything, Rick had realized that Monica was not the woman for him.

She wanted him to behave in ways he did not want to, she was able to make him do things he never even considered doing.  It was too much for him, so Rick finally found the strength to ask her to leave him alone.

“Monica, I think that this thing between us has to end,” Rick had said to her, when she showed up at his house well after midnight, after he had refused to answer her phone calls.

They were standing at the door, as Rick was not willing to let her inside.  Monica was desperate; she was slowly realizing that she was going to lose the only man she ever really loved.

“Rick, I am sorry.  Let me in, and I would explain everything...” she pleaded with him, thinking that if she manages to get him in bed, all would be forgotten.

“No,” the man answered.  “There is nothing to explain.  I am really sorry that things between us are ending this way, but I do not know what else to do.”

“Rick, you are not thinking clearly.  You cannot be seriously considering breaking up with me!”  Monica sounded desperate, and Rick started wondering if it was a good idea to answer the door at the first place.  “I gave you everything... I am ready to do anything for you... I love you more than I have loved anyone before...”

“Monica... Monica, please, stop!  This is not something I want to discuss so late at night, standing in front of my house.”  Rick tried to reason with her.  “Go home and get some sleep, we can talk tomorrow.”

“NO!” the woman yelled.  “We are talking now.  And if you do not want your neighbors to hear what I am going to say, let me in.”

“This is madness...” Rick said.  “I think it would be better if you go now.”  He tried to close the door, but she would not move.

“I love you... I love you like no one would ever love you again...” she cried loudly.  “I gave you my heart and my soul...”

“Monica...” Rick was lost and a little scared.

“Look me in the eye... right now... look me in the eye and tell me that you do not love me.” Tears were coming down her face, and her eyes were gleaming dangerously in the night.  Rick could not bear the situation any more, but it was obvious that the woman would not retaliate.

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