Objection! (47 page)

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Authors: Nancy Grace

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Laird, Kenneth, 274

Johnson, Roy, 273

Lang, Chris, 268

Johnson, Stardust, 273

Lange, Tom, 74, 79

John Walsh Show, The,

Langham, Don, 158

Jones, Calvin, 54, 55

Larry King Live,
9, 11–12, 19, 45, 61, Jones, Danny, 275

70, 130, 132, 133, 174–75, 220,

Jones, Stephen, 80

222, 230, 252, 303, 304, 305,

Jordan, Ruth (Juror Number 4), 39,

310, 311

41–42, 44, 48

La Suer, Jay, 220

judges, 29–37, 163, 165–66, 283


jury, 38–66

ambulance chasers, 74–77

filming of, 294–96

female, 163–66

grand, 168–69

money and, 23–24, 28–29, 74–77,

petit, 168


strikes in selection of, 38, 57–58,

Lazar, Swifty, 70

63, 167

leaks, 21, 36, 182, 238–39, 298

victim’s family members and,

Lee, Harper, 285


Lee, Henry, 17, 30, 147, 151

Lesly, Mark, 52–53

Kaelin, Brian “Kato,” 79, 80

Letourneau, Mary Kay, 101–2

Kahan, Andy, 106, 107, 218

Levin, Jennifer, 184–87

Keith (author’s fiancé), 1–2, 4, 8,

Levy, Chandra, 169

14–15, 123–24, 258–59, 302,

Lewinsky, Monica, 81–82

303, 304, 307, 310

Liddy, G. Gordon, 70

Kelly, R., 208–9

lie-detector tests, 171, 190

Kennedy, John F., 52

Lindbergh, Anne, 290–91, 292

Kevorkian, Jack, 141

Lindbergh, Charles, 290–92

Kidd, Jason and Joumana, 250

Lindbergh, Charles Augustus, Jr.,

King, Larry,
see Larry King Live


3 2 2


Lindbergh, Jon, 291

Meili, Trisha (Central Park jogger),

Litman, Jack, 185, 186

179, 187–89

Lobsenz, James, 102

Melville, Rodney, 24, 25

Lopez, Jennifer, 240–41

Menendez, Erik, 24, 53, 129–34, 149,

Lori Kay Soares Hacking Memorial


Fund, 227

Menendez, Lyle, 24, 53, 129–30, 149,

Lovell, Katie, 180


Lowery, Josh, 257

Menendez, Tammi, 130–34

Lugo, Julio, 48

Mercer, Anne, 68–69

Luster, Andrew, 246

merchandising, 83–84

Mesereau, Tom, 26, 244

Maas, Peter, 104–6

Mill, John Stuart, 265, 270

Macagni, Danny, 25

Miller, George, 215, 216, 217

McAlexander, Joseph, 204

Miranda rights, 171–72

McCann, Antonio, 196–97

missing persons, 204–5, 219, 221–22

McDonald’s, 91–92

mistrials, 167

McDougal, Linda, 29

Mitchell, Brian “Emmanuel,” 202, 203

McDougal, Susan, 60, 252–53

money, 67–92, 93–108, 245

McEntegart, Peter, 53

jurors and, 40, 49–53, 63–64

McFadden, Linda, 23

lawyers and, 23–24, 28–29, 74–77,

Mackey, Pamela, 37, 84, 177, 178,



prosecutors’ and police officers’

McLarty, Gary, 190

wages, 153–56, 159

McVeigh, Timothy, 80, 127, 149, 150,

restitution, 228

261, 296

taxpayer, 23–24, 148–53

Madam Foreman: A Rush to

Montgomery, Lisa, 237–38

(Cooley, Bess, and

Moon, Warren and Felicia, 242

Rubin-Jackson), 50–52, 78

“Moonbeam,” 124–25

Malcolm X, 101

Moorman, Robert, 274

Mallard, Chante, 287–88

Moose, Charles, 72–74

Mallett, Jerome, 85–86

Morgan, Harry, 250

malpractice, 28–29, 91

Morvillo, Robert, 40

Malvo, Lee Boyd, 73–74, 149–50

movie and book deals, Son of Sam laws

Mandela, Nelson, 254

and, 94, 100–106

Manson, Charles, 52, 53, 94, 97, 276,

Moxley, Martha, 225


mug shots, 139, 246, 249

Manza, Jeff, 280

Muhammad, John Allen, 73, 149–50

Markhasev, Michael, 69

murderabilia, 93–97, 99–100

Martin, Billy, 144

Murderabilia Law (Notoriety for Profit

Megan’s Law, 220

Law), 106–8, 218


3 2 3

Murphy, Sandy, 59, 141

Laci and Conner’s Law and, 222–23

Murphy, Sherry, 213–14

photos of, 117–18, 124

Murphy, Wesley, 213

Peterson, Lee, 128, 304

Peterson, Michael, 121–22

National Enquirer,
50, 69, 70, 80

Peterson, Scott, 18–23, 26, 123, 125,

Neufeld, Peter, 30

128, 141, 147, 238, 304, 307–8,

New York,
215, 256


New York Post,
20, 41, 243

book and movie deals and, 102–3,

New York Times,
71, 291


Nichols, Terry, 149, 150

cameras disallowed from trial of,

Nixon, Richard, 70–71


Noel, Robert, 194, 195

courthouse space rental scheme

Norris, Roy, 94, 96

and, 85

Notoriety for Profit Law, 106–8, 218

crime scene and, 117–18, 122

Nussbaum, Hedda, 214–15

delays in trial of, 146, 170

jury and, 39, 42–47, 59, 60, 61,

Obus, Michael, 48


O’Donnell, Rosie, 239

Laci and Conner’s Law and,

Oklahoma City bombing, 127, 150


Olson, Sara Jane, 137–38

legal fees and, 23, 24, 150–51

Opsahl, Jon, 137–38

prosecutors attacked during trial of,

Opsahl, Myrna, 137–38


O’Sullivan, John, 269, 271

theories in case of, 169–70, 298

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 52


Outrage: The Five Reasons Why O. J.

of crime scene, 110, 117–18, 119,

Simpson Got Away with Murder


(Bugliosi), 30, 31

mug shots, 139, 246, 249

Owen, Curt, 288

of victim in life, 124–25

Owens, Bill, 184

Pitts, Earl, 154

50, 63, 81

parole, 277–81, 282

Poe, Ted, 294

Pelosso, Silvina, 221

Polanski, Roman, 209

61, 81, 150

police officers:

Peterson, Conner, 46, 102, 122,

investigations of, 72–74


salaries of, 153, 154

Peterson, Kathleen, 121

polygraph tests, 171, 190

Peterson, Kim, 222

Poundstone, Paula, 239

Peterson, Laci, 18–22, 45, 46, 85, 102,

Pozza, John, 9, 10–12

122, 123, 128, 141, 169, 298,

presidential election of 2000, 286,

307–8, 310

288–89, 290

3 2 4



Ross, Diana, 139, 248

Internet and, 94, 273–76

Rubin, Paul, 270

televisions for, 151–52

Rubin-Jackson, Marsha, 50–52, 78

Private Diary of an O.J. Juror, The:
Ruby, Jack, 52

Behind the Scenes of the Trial of

Ruckriegle, Terry, 36–37, 182, 183

the Century
(Knox), 50, 79

Rudolph, David, 150


Runnion, Erin, 11–12

attacks against, 159–63

Runnion, Samantha, 9–13, 14, 201,

female, 163–66


wages of, 153–56, 159

Ryan, Kevin, 210, 211, 212

Ryder, Winona, 26, 60, 145, 232,

Ramirez, Richard, 99

234–35, 239–40

Ramsey, JonBenet, 169

rape-shield laws, 27, 90, 176–77, 178,

Santana, Mark, 105

180, 181, 184

Saunders, Melvin II, 297

rape victims, 176–84, 187–89,

Scheck, Barry, 17, 32–33, 160


Schempp, Darlene, 143

Rapkin, Harry, 279

Schintzius, Dwayne, 135–36, 298

Ratliff, Elizabeth, 121

Sears, Roebuck & Co., 86–87

repeat offenders, 10, 13, 16, 139–40,

secret trials, 233–39, 285

267–70, 277–81, 282

self-defense, 172

Resendez-Ramirez, Angel, 94, 99

September 11 terrorist attacks, 87–88,

restitution, 228


Ricci, Angela, 306

serial-killer action figures and trading Ricci, Richard Albert, 202, 305, 306,

cards, 98–99


sexism, 163–66

Rickard, Sandy, 307

sexual predator legislation, 281–82

Ridgway, Gary, 174–75

Shakespeare, William, 5

Ridenour, Amy, 289

Shapiro, Robert, 17, 31, 79, 160

Rivera, Geraldo, 50–51

Shawcross, Arthur, 97

Rocha, Amy, 223

Shepherd, Joanna Melhop, 270

Rocha, Brent, 45, 223

Shively, Jill, 70

Rocha, Dennis, 223

Shuttleworth, Charles, 52

Rocha, Sharon, 19–20, 102–3, 104,

Silver, Darren, 249

125, 128, 298, 307

Simpson, Nicole Brown,
Brown, Laci and Conner’s Law and, 222–23


Rodriguez, Alfonso, Jr., 268–69,

Simpson, O. J., 3, 16, 17, 29–31, 36,

277–78, 281–82

74, 145, 148, 171, 172, 190, 225,

Rosenblatt, Arthur, 99

231–32, 244, 286, 291, 296


3 2 5

books on, 50–52, 78–80

Hartridge and, 39–41, 44, 45, 65,

Brown blamed by, 191–92

251, 254

crime-scene manipulation and,

sale of items belonging to, 90–91


Stinnett, Bobbie Jo, 237–38

jury and, 48, 60, 61

Stinnett, Victoria Jo, 238

moneymaking of, 103

Sueno, Richard, 59

paid interviews and, 69–70

Suff, William, 94

prosecutors attacked during trial of,

Sund, Carole and Juli, 221


Supreme Court, U.S., 27, 94, 101, 102,

60 Minutes,
41, 70, 71

105, 106, 141, 148, 149, 266,

Sjodin, Dru, 268–69, 277, 278, 281

286, 288–90, 294

Skakel, Michael, 225

Swartz, Mark, 41, 48

Skyers, Lavon, 300

Sweeney, John, 224–25

Slater, Christian, 249

Slaton, Lewis R., 3, 7–8

Tabish, Rick, 59, 141

Smart, Elizabeth, 201–3, 204, 305–6

taxpayer money, 23–24

Smart, Lois and Ed, 201–3

televised trials, 233, 234, 235, 236,

Smart, Pam, 137

238, 284–301, 309

Smith, Anton Jermaine, 299–301

Thomas, Alice, 257

Smith, Joseph P., 279–80

Thompson, Melissa, 280

Smith, Judy, 136

Thompson, Randy, 308–9

Smith, Susan, 137

Thornton, Hazel, 53

Smith, William Kennedy, 48, 68–69,

three-strikes laws, 281


Three Weeks in October: The Manhunt

So, Christopher, 69

for the Serial Sniper

Soares, Paul, 227


Soares, Thelma, 225–27

30, 53, 261

Soliah, Kathleen, 137–38

To Kill a Mockingbird,

Son of Sam laws, 94, 100–106

Toscani, Oliviero, 86

Souter, David, 289

trading cards, 98–99

Spector, Phil, 232, 247–48

Trial of a Juror, The
(Causey), 52

Spencer, Clinton, 275

Tripp, Linda, 82–83

Stark, Pete, 216

truth, 304–10

Starr, Kenneth, 81, 82, 83

airbrushing of, 109–43, 307

state, power of, 144–73

secrecy and, 233

Steinberg, Joel, 214–15

T-shirts, 83, 84, 87

Steinberg, Lisa, 214–15

Turner, Glenn, 308–9

Stewart, Martha, 232, 235, 251–57,

Turner, Lynn, 308–9, 310


107, 243

3 2 6


Tyco trial, jurors in, 39, 41–42, 44,

Walsh, Revé, 219

48, 53

Walters, Barbara, 80, 243

Weaver, Robert, 275

Uggen, Christopher, 280

Wecht, Cyril, 147, 151

Wells, Holly, 262

van Dam, Brenda, 6, 126–27,

Westerfield, David, 6–7, 24, 126–27,

199–201, 220–21

145, 149, 199, 200–201, 261–62,

van Dam, Damon, 6, 126, 198–201,



Whipple, Diane, 193–95

van Dam, Danielle, 6–7, 24, 126–27,

Williams, Faheem, 213–14

145, 198–201, 204, 220, 261–62,

Williams, Jayson, 60, 134–36, 140,


144–45, 148, 173, 242–43,

Vanity Fair,
40, 81


Vannatter, Phillip, 74, 79

Williams, Melinda, 213


Wilson, Brandon, 288

advocates and counselors for,

Wilson, Matthew, 297


(Hill), 101, 102, 103

anonymity of, 123–25, 126

witnesses, 110, 146

blaming of, 172, 174–229

children as, 197, 289

cameras and, 289

paid interviews with, 68–72

of rape, 176–84, 187–89,

in triple-homicide case, 111,


112–14, 115–16

restitution paid to, 228

Woodward, Louise, 32–36, 78

voir dire, 40, 53, 64

World Trade Center, 87–88

von Anhalt, Frederic, 230

wrongful execution, 265–67

Walker, Mike, 50

Yates, Andrea, 236–37

Wall Street Journal,
41, 266

Walsh, Adam, 219

Zamora, William, 52

Walsh, John, 219–20, 303

Zobel, Hiller, 32–36

Document Outline
  • Copyright page
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Chapter One: Defense Attorneys and Other Wily Characters I Have Known
  • Chapter Two: We The Jury
  • Chapter Three: Jackpot Justice
  • Chapter Four: Blood Money
  • Chapter Five: Airbrushing the Awful Truth
  • Chapter Six: The Power of the State is a Myth
  • Chapter Seven: Blame the Victim
  • Chapter Eight: The Celebrity Factor
  • Chapter Nine: The Death-Penalty Battle
  • Chapter Ten: This is Real Reality Television
  • Chapter Eleven: To My Critics
  • Acknowledgments
  • Selected Bibliography
  • Index

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