Nothing But Time (35 page)

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Authors: Angeline Fortin

BOOK: Nothing But Time
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Brand stepped out of them, toeing off his stockings as he did so until he was completely naked.  Kate pressed herself to him, fee
ling the scorching length of him
pressed against her.  Her hands ran up his back and down again the
his tight buttocks in her hands and pull
him against her.  For a moment, they stood locked in their embrace, their flesh merging like hot lava, becoming one.

Brand urged her back toward the bed, but Kate shook her head and turned him about.  “My turn, she whispered, urging him down with a hand on his chest.

Brand raised an arrogant brow but acquiesced
, l
ying back on the bed
, raising his arms behind his head, accent
ing the strength of his biceps and chest
.  For a moment Kate merely stood looking down at him, her eyes caressing every dip and hollow of his long body.  His
body was
, but then, she had known it would be. 
Huge and powerfully built. 
Every muscle was defined, the ridges of his hard stomach
clenched tightly, his thighs bulg
His arousal was magnificent, l
ying hard and thick against his belly.

Reaching out, Kate ran a finger down the rampant length, feeling it jump and twitch beneath her caress.


“Kate,” Brand moaned reaching out to her, urging her to join him.  He couldn’t believe the enjoyment it was giving him to merely have her gaze upon him, to see the pleasure she took from looking at him.  Though he had found satisfaction with her the previous evening, he had
been focused
pleasuring her,
seeking her fulfillment.  Tonight he wanted to share that with her, to climb together to the peaks of ecstasy.

took his hand but instead of l
ying down beside him, she
startled Brand by straddling his hips
.  Her wet, scalding core pressed against his
as she rubbed against him drawing a simultaneous groan from them both.  He wrapped his hands about her waist with the intent of rolling her beneath him, but as if she read his mind, Kate shook her head with a wicked smile. 

“My turn,” she repeated
in a breathless whisper, taking his hands one by one and returning them to a position tucked beneath his head before commanding, “Stay.”




Fascinated, Brand let her have her way wondering what she was about. 
He should have known that when Kate surprised him at every turn, their experiences in the bedchamber would be no different.  She met him as an equal, giving as
good as she got.  She didn’t lie
supplicant yet didn’t proceed with the intent of a paid courtesan.
She bent to kiss him, her soft lips leisurely exploring his, her tongue probing briefly before retreating to allow her lips to nudge and savor. 

Kate gave
to share the power of their mutual desire, received to revel in the same.  Never had he known a woman like her.
  One who wanted nothing more than to share in the wonder of their lovemaking, who wanted to be an active participant.

Brand lifted his head to kiss her back and Ka
te drew away with a grin before running her lips across his jaw and down his neck. 
Brand huffed, well, perhaps not an equal participant just yet. 
Bracing her weight against his biceps, Kate raked her teeth
the hard muscles of his shoulder there
, driving logical thought from his mind,
before her tongue darted out into the hollow of his throat.

She must have heard the low grumble that rose within him because Brand could feel her smile against his flesh before her kisses trailed lower over his chest, his nipples.  His body was already shaking with need.  He wanted to throw her beneath him and plunge into the very core of her, drown himself in her luscious body.  Her
hair caressed his shoulder, her
breasts brushed against his abdomen
.  H
er hard nipples ra
across him sending a
shudder of want through

till she denied him, pushing him
back against the pillows when he made to rise.

It wasn’t until her teeth dragged
across the lower edge of his hi
ps and Kate shifted her body downward until she was sitting across his thighs that Brand had any inkling of what Kate intended.  Her lips moved slowly downward
, hands pressed against his chest as if she could hold him there.  He felt her fingers curl against him, heard her hum of pleasure and inhaled in expectation.

He wasn’t disappointed when a moment later, her soft lips brushed over his hard member.  Like a whisper, the
traveled the turgid length, the breath of
a caress stringing his body tau
t.  Slowly then, her tongue dragged lightly back up the length and Brand couldn’t control the harsh moan that escaped him.  Her tongue circled the broad head
slowly, and again once more.  Unable
to help himself, Brand reached down to caress her hair.  He was strung tight, hard and throbbing.  If she ceased her ministrations at that moment, he would have been happy to release her and possess her body with his own.  But she did not.

Instead, Kate parted her lips drawing the top of his member between them.  Brand’s breath caught and held as her tongue circled once more before she drew him deeper and began to suckle.  A harsh roar escaped him and Brand c
ched her hair, not to encourage her further but to draw her away.  But she shook her head and brushed his hands away, the motion rotating her mouth about him

Brand knew he could take no more.  Her touch excited him too much, he wanted her too much.

Enough, Kate.  My turn now,

he whispered harshly.

Curiously, Kate lifted her head, licking her lips in a fashion that had Brand rolling his eyes and begging for mercy.
  “Vixen,” he growled
bringing a smile to her face.

“You like that?” she whispered as he lifted her and turned to put her under his heavy body.

“Too much.

e brushed her hair away from her face.  Bending his head, he kissed her ravenously, plunging his tongue deeply into the recesses of her mouth before retreating to probe more tenderly.  Resting his weight on one arm, Brand used his free hand to explore her body, caressing her breasts, rolling her nipple between his fingers.  Even as she moaned excitedly, still she took part in their love play, caressing with her hands, running her legs over his.

He ran his hand over her firm stomach and down between her legs, urging her to part them for him.  Skimming his fingers up her thigh, he sought the source of heat and moisture between them.  He opened her, spreading her before sliding
a finger into the torrid depths that wept so beautifully for him. 
Her hips lifted, begging him to come deeper and Brand obliged.  Wedging another digit along with the first, he pushed into her
feeling the soft walls clenched around him.

With a gasp and a whimper, Kate thrust up against his hand but Brand withdrew slowly before thrusting inward again.
  Curling his fingers inside
her, Brand traced his thumb around the nub that held the key to her ultimate surrender, watching her face, gauging her feelings as he stroked and probed.  He circled around the sensitive flesh lightly, wringing moans of excitement from Kate as she lifted her hips over and over urging him to hurry.  Brand, however, had no intentions of
doing so;
he meant to savor every moment to the fullest.

Kate opened her eyes to meet his.  Her green eyes were hazy and unfocused, urgent. “Brand, please,” she panted as if she had suddenly divined his intent.  With a smile, Brand ducked his head and captured a nipple between his teeth, drawing it into his mouth. 
He w
her cry of rapture as she wrapped her arms around his head and cradled him to her.

Brand stroked and suckled, wringing cry after cry from Kate as he felt her body tense and arch against him.  Her legs became restless then stiffened as her breathing turned from a deep pant to shallow gasps before she bit her lip, holding her breath.

Her body bowed beneath him with a strangled cry.



Kate felt her release break and shatter sending waves of delight through every nerve ending.  Sweet, aching pleasure throbbed at her core and Kate knew she should feel replete, but instead the aching was building, begging for more.  She wanted Brand.  She wanted that big, beautiful body over and within her.  She wanted to feel that hard length that throbbed against her thigh pulsating inside her.

“Please, Brand,” she begged softly, her voice husky with need.  “I want you so badly.”

A shudder ran through him at her words and Brand levered himself over her, pressing her down into the soft mattress before he swore and rolled to the side.  Closing her eyes, Kate clenched the sheets in her fists, imagining him rolling the condo
m over his extraordinary length.  Imagining
his hand running down over the top of it
, she
felt her belly quiver in anticipation.

Quickly Brand was back, nudging her thighs far apart so that he could settle his massive body between them.  Cradling her head between his forearms, Brand bent his head kissing Kate tenderly but Kate would have none of it.  Greedily, she
grabbed his shoulders and
him down to her, hearing his chuckle and giving him an impatient slap on the arm for his amusement.  “Please, Brand.  Don’t make me wait!”

“You think you’re the only one who wants this, my darling?” he whispered.  “I have wanted this moment from the instant I saw you.  I want your legs wrapped around me as your body welcomes me.  I want your arms around me as I take you.  I want your lips touching mine when you find paradise so that I might taste the moment in your kiss.”

It might have been the most romantic thing she’d ever heard a man say, but all Kate wanted was for Brand to get on with the taking.  Spreading her thighs even wider, she wrapped
her long legs around his hips and surged her hips upward even as she pulled him down.  Brand found her entrance and nudged inside, even that nominal possession wrenching a deep moan from both of them.  Withdrawing, Brand thrust more fully gaining deeper purchase, before repeating the process in slow steps that had Kate panting, tensing before the possession was even complete.


Backing away one last time, Brand drove forward
planting himself to the hilt within Kate’s scorching depths.  So wondrous was that moment, that he held himself there for a moment savoring the feel of her quivering flesh surrounding him tightly.  Feeling his control begin to slip, Brand wiped the sweat from his brow and began to move steadily within her haven of decadent pleasure
.  He plunged rhythmically into her as she locked her body around him, her breath panting in his ear with unconscious encouragement and endearments.

Her nails raked his back and Brand nearly lost himself not to his own pleasure but to hers.  Her satisfaction in their lovemaking, her joy was almost enough to drive him over the edge, but Brand
didn’t intend to go alone.  Increasing his pace, Brand lifted Kate’s leg until it was pressed to her chest, the change of angle allowing hi
m to drive more deeply inside
her.  Over
and over he plunged into her
welcoming body, feeling her body clench and contract around him until she threw back her head crying out his name.

He felt her release approaching and captured her lips, swallowing her throaty cry of surrender as it washed over her.  She throbbed around him, pulling him deeper until Brand let go with a guttural cry of surrender and gave himself completely to her.   He thrust again and again until every last ounce of ecstasy was wrung from them both.


The delirium of her thrilling orgasm was still thrumming in Kate when Brand lifted his heavy body off her and rolled to the side, drawing her with him until she was curled by his side.  None of the adjectives she had used in anticipation of this moment had been enough to suffice for the sheer magnitude of the experience
.  She’d lost everything to him,
her body, her mind, her heart. 

Everything was his.

What she hadn’t understood was that in describing the physical between them, anticipating the invasion of his body, she hadn’t anticipated the emotional toll that possession
would take on her.  She’d never understood what making love when one was truly in love meant.  It was as if she opened her soul to Brand and had gotten a glimpse at his in the process.  It had been heavenly.

With a blissful smile, Kate snuggled into Brand’s arms.  She’d done the right thing in refusing to leave with David.  There was nothing in the world, past or present, that could provide all that Brand gave her.  Nothing that could give her content
not only of the body, but of the mind as well.


Brand wrapped his arms around Kate
’s naked body
as she nestled in his embrace.  What he had just shared with her had been extraordinary.  True s
left Brand feeling humble, yet powerful.  Content
and complete in a way he had never imagined.

In his lifetime, each sexual encounter he’d had with a woman had come with an expectation.  Each had wanted something from him, be it coin or status.  Kate wanted nothing from him beyond tha
t moment.  He couldn’t sense any
devious intent from her.  She didn’t even want his patronage.

She wanted him, Brandon Ryder.  Desired him as the man he was and, perhaps, loved him for the man he was.  He could think of nothing he’d longed for in his life more powerful than that.


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