Nothing But Time (34 page)

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Authors: Angeline Fortin

BOOK: Nothing But Time
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Chapter Thirty-Four


“He what?” Kate asked in astonishment at the gossip Janice passed along eagerly the moment she entered the nursery.

“He kicked
out of the house,
he did,” the nanny repeated.

“Harrowby kicked his mother out of the house?  Really?”

“Wasn’t much of
a gentleman about it either, he
ar tell,” Janice went on
, anxious to relay the gossip
.  “I had it from
Jeremy who had it from Marianne that Geoffrey overheard the whole thing.  His lordship called his mother a harridan who had overstepped her authority for the last time and that he wouldn’t stand for servants being physically assaulted in his home.  Can you believe it?”

“I can,” Kate said
feeling pride for Brand welling inside of her. 

“Geoffrey also said Mrs. Ryder raved about a harlot and a whore and said he thought his lordship was quite close to striking his own m
but then spit-spot told her to leave, straight away, too.  Tonight.  Wouldn’t even let her wait until morning,” Janice told her.  “And that ain’t the best of it.”

“It isn’t?” Kate asked though she was filled with an overwhelming wave of gratitude.  He’d done it for her, she realized.  He’d banished his mother from his home to protect Kate from the woman’s wrath.

“No, he even told
she wasn’t allowed to return to London and
that she’d just have to make do
with living at Standon Hall if she expected any continued support from him!”  Janice added this last with a wide grin, referring to the family’s oldest estate in
far away from the kind of Society and influence Belinda Ryder
.  Mrs. Ryder
had been at
Ramble House
for hardly a week
and yet
there wasn’t a staff member who’d had a pleasant experience in her company.  For Janice, as Nathan’s nanny, years of living in the same house had probably rubbed her to the breaking point.


An hour later, as the house began to settle into silence, relieved of guests and mothers, Harrowby slipped into Kate’s room finding her
and waiting for him, though in truth he had anticipated finding her fast asleep.  She awaited him by the window and, without breaking his stride, he grabbed her about the waist and pinned her back against the wall, ducking his head
to capture her lips in a devouring but brief kiss before he raised his head.  The smile that lit his features took Kate’s breath away.  It illuminated him, shedding tension and stress held for decades.

“You did it.”

“Yes, I did.”  Brand kissed her deeply once more until she was clinging to his broad shoulders.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” she asked breathlessly when they came up for air.

“Feels bloody good,” he admitted softly.  “I am taking back my life, Kate.  Or perhaps embracing it for the very first time and it is all because of you.”

“I’m proud of you.”  Kate lifted her lips to his once more, parting her lips to invite the invasion of his tongue as she pressed her body hungrily against his.

“None of that no

eased away.  “I want to know about your visitor.”

“Hey, you were the one who kissed me, you know,” she responded
hoping to avoid the conversation she knew she had to have with Brand.

“Enough.  Tell me,” he commanded
.  He
away to put some space between them.  “Who was he?
  Your husband?

I told you I’m not married, Brand. 
It was Dr. Fergusson
as I suspected
.  Dr. David Fergusson,” Kate told him.  “We worked at the same research facility together before I came to be here.”

searched Kate’s eyes
and Kate put on her most innocent expression
.  “What did he want?”

How to answer that, Kate wondered.  “Dav – Dr. Fergusson came to… well, I guess you could say that he came to take me back to my old job.”  Feeling pleased with the answer, Kate met Brand’s gaze.  “Of course, I told him that I’m happy with where I am and what I am doing here.”

“Are you?”

“I’m very happy where I am,” Kate answered truthfully, but Brand grunted.

“Kate Kall
stad, you’re lying to me.”

“I am not!” Kate protested
, wondering at the ease
which he’d seen though her half-truths
.  “I’m very happy here.”

“Not about that.

e waved off her protest.  “About him.  What did he want?”

“He wanted me to leave with him,” Kate insisted.  “I told you that.”

“There is more to it than that.”

“No, there isn’t!”

“Yes, there is!”
shot back with such arrogance that Kate couldn’t even laugh at their childish arguing. 
No, his unflappable need to peck away at her did nothing more than stir her agitation.  Ha!  Two minutes of complete honesty from her might crumble his pristine, aristocratic world!

“You want the truth?”
Kate quoted the iconic line from
A Few Good Men

“You can’t handle the truth!”
Feeling her temper rise, Kate was tempted to deliver the very real truth of the situation to Brand and let him see how much he liked it.

“Kate!” he barked.

.  Y
ou want the truth?  One hundred and thirty-six years from now, David Fergusson
will invent
a time machine that
the both of us
back in time
to this time, to your time and in the six weeks since
we arrived
, he has been trying to fix it so that we can go home

She rushed on,
came here
to tell me that he
finally got it fixed
.  He
came here
get me and
take me home.”

Silence fell for a long moment before Brand chuckled. 
“A time machine, eh
?” he repeated with a
laugh.  “By God, Kate, what a brilliant idea that would be for a novel!”

Now that the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, Kate suddenly found herself inundated by the need to make a believer out of Brand. 
“It’s true!”

“Of course
it is!”
e laughed once more and swept her into his arms.  “I think perhaps you had more to drink than I had thought if such fantasy is filling your mind.”

“Brand!” Kate protested once more, thinking of all the ways she might convince him of the truth.  There was her purse buried at the bottom of her satchel filled with all sorts of things that might convince him of the truth; her passport and visa, her cell phone
driver’s license, even a tube of lipstick that was technologically beyond what was available here.  But when Brand’s lips began to burn their way up the side of her neck, Kate let the argument go with a sigh.  She had all the time in the world to argue with Brand, but what she wanted most of all was to hold his body to hers and revel in her decision to remain with him.

“I chose to stay with you, you know,” she whispered into his hair as his
played seductively at her ear. 
“I could’ve gone with him.” 
Wrapping her arms around him, she pressed
herself against his hard body feeling its heat through his clothing, feeling the strength of his desire in the quiver of his muscular arms.

“Why?” he asked, grabbing her hair to pull her head back so that he might take greater advantage of the tender sensitivity of her neck.

Though part of her longed to reiterate her love for him, Kate knew that she didn’t want to repeat the words until she was sure Brand would be able to recognize her sincerity and not assume
there were
other influences on her words.  “I haven’t yet had a chance to make love with you, Brand.  I wouldn’t dream of going anywhere at all until I do.”

“That is the drink talking.

e rais
his head until his eyes met hers. 
He must have been able to read the truth in her gaze, that she wasn’t drunk any longer, because he inhaled deeply. 
“Are you certain, Kate?”

“I’ve never been more certain in my
life,” she said honestly.  “We
’ve already rounded third base, you know.  What do you say we take this baby all the

Brand brushed his thumb along her jaw, his blue eyes darkening turbulently with passion.  “Come to my room with me,” he urged.   “I have protection there to use.”

Kate’s eyes widened in surprise.  Was he saying what she thought he was?  “Protection?”

“French letters,” he clarified.  “It will prevent you from…”

“I know what they do.”  Kate shook her head.  Who knew they already had condoms here?  Granted she was already on the pill and still had enough in her purse to see them through the month, but she was astonished to learn that there were other means available.  Apparently
her Norwegian ancestors with their fourteen kids hadn’t gotten that memo.

Clearly m
istaking the shaking of her head, Brand eased away.  “I’m rushing you.”

“No, not at all. 
You just took me by sur
prise being so prepared and all,”
Kate assured him, slipping her hand into his. 

You know, I’ve only been in your room to make your bed.  I rather like the idea of messing it up.




The journey down two flights of stairs and into the east wing seemed to take forever as Brand pulled Kate into one alcove after another along the way to press her up against the wall.  His huge body would p
her there while his hands and mouth roamed freely.  His passionate
impatience roused Kate to a fever pitch before they finally stumbled into the earl’s chamber.  Brand’s shirt was already unbuttoned and his tie loosened before they arrived while Kate’s bodice was completely undone and she was missing one stocking. 

Locked in a heated embrace, mouths meshing and parting over and over again, the lovers moved across the room until they reached
bed.  Brand’s fingers moved quickly, untying the laces on Kate’s corset and chemise until he was able to push the whole of her garments off her shoulders, nudging them as they descended.  His hot mouth followed the path, nipping and sucking on her flesh as he descended.  At her waist, his hands paused at the ties of her drawers and he looked
at her.

Kate looked down at Brand on his knees before her. 
flame had returned to his gaze
, his hair riotous from having her fingers pushed through it.  God, but he was so beautiful!  His eyes filled with adoration as he watched her smile seductively back at him.  Me
smerized, she watched him pull
the string of her drawers and slide them down her hips, his gaze breaking from hers as he pressed a hot, open-mouthed kiss to her belly.  His tongue dove into her navel wringing a moan from deep within
before his lips slid to the side trailing kisses over her hipbone, down to the
juncture of her thigh
and back to brush the curls between her legs.

The moment his breath brushed across her, Kate clenched in anticipation running her hands through his hair.  A moment later, she wasn’t disappointed when his tongue parted her lips and skimmed lightly over her quivering flesh.  A ragged exhale stuttered out of her as his tongue delved more deeply and stroked her once more.  Kate’s thighs quivered in response and she felt her knees begin to buckle.

It would never cease to amaze her how quickly Brand could rouse her passions and set her on the brink of ecstasy.  It would be almost humiliating if she didn’t know that he was right there with her on the precipice, that he was aroused as she.  His tongue laved her once more before he captured her tender flesh between his lips and suckled lightly.  With a cry, Kate’s knees did buckle then as Brand’s big hands caught her hips to steady her.

Urging him to stand, Kate threw her arms around Brand and met his lips in a fiery kiss.  Pushing his shirt up, she broke their kiss so that he could pull it over his head before she turned her attention to the
that was at eye level. 
The thick muscles played under his skin, changing in the dim light. 
With hands and mouth, she explored the smooth
skin and muscle of
his chest, licking and nipping at his flat nipples wringing pleased murmurs and encouragement from his lips.  While he stroked her hair, her back and her bottom, Kate
’s hand ran over the ridges of his stomach before she
worked the fastenings of his trousers
and pushed
them down.

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