Not So Snow White (6 page)

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Authors: Donna Kauffman

Tags: #Tennis, #Sports Industry

BOOK: Not So Snow White
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"I would enjoy that," Tess said, seeming sincere, although Aurora knew she was as professional about smiling her way through the constant stream of offers to claim a chunk of her valuable time, as she'd once been about winning matches.

But Aurora wasn't easily put off. "Where are you staying, dear? Perhaps I can drop by and we'll have a perfectly lovely
British tea." She smiled ever more brightly and squeezed Tess's arm again, as a sudden thought occurred to her. "I'm staying at a lovely place in Kensington Gardens. Wexley House. Belongs to an old friend of mine and Way's, Sir Robin Hargrove, He's always abroad and when he heard I'd be in town for an extended stay, he insisted I enjoy his hospitality." Aurora leaned close, eyes twinkling. "And though we're both used to five-star accommodations, darling, I must tell you, his is quite the decadent lifestyle." She took Tess's hand with both of her own. "Please say you'll come have high tea with me at Wexley."

"That sounds lovely," Tess said, obviously surprised. "I wouldn't want to put anyone to any trouble."

"Nonsense. His kitchen is fully staffed and I'm afraid they're finding me quite lacking as a guest. They love to put on quite the show and I'd feel so much better about all that work if I had someone to share it with." Her eyes widened further as the rest of her strategy fell into place. "In fact, unless you have plans to stay with your family while you're here—"

Wade stepped up just then, and leaned down to give Aurora a kiss on her cheek. "You must be joking. Tess would sleep on the street before she'd willingly room with any of the Hamilton men again. It's a pleasure to see you, as always, Aurora," he said, perfectly polished smile creasing his perfectly handsome face. He glanced at his sister. "But don't worry for her welfare, She's not excluding everyone of our gender when it comes to making sleeping arrangements." He shot a wink at Aurora.

Aurora swatted at Wade's arm, even as she caught Tess's eye roll. "It's a good thing you're a handsome rascal," she informed him. "I'd scold you myself, but I daresay your sister doesn't put up with your social commentary, nor should she."

"Now you know why I
don't room with him," Tess said dryly.

"So, I have a perfectly splendid idea," Aurora announced. "If
there isn't anyone special—and frankly, even if there is, Sir Robin has scads of bedrooms—why don't you consider staying with me at Wexley?"

Wade shot a smug look at his sister. "Yes, Tess, that's a lovely idea. You could make quite a slumber party out of it."

Tess gave her big brother a syrupy grin. "Aurora is wrong, you know. Your good looks don't save you. This is why you're still single."

"Dear pot, perhaps you've met kettle—" he began, but was cut off.

"Yes, but I'm single by choice," Tess told him. "I get offers. You?" Without waiting for a response, she turned back to Aurora. "I am really flattered by the invitation. And sorely tempted."

"Wonderful!" Maybe her instincts were wrong, but if not— and honestly, they were rarely wrong—Aurora couldn't have planned it better.

"If you really don't think it's an imposition." For the first time that evening, Tess's smile reached all the way to her eyes.

"Of course not." Quite pleased with herself, Aurora resisted the urge to give a little fist pump—a gesture she'd picked up from her more colorful partner, Vivian dePalma, and which always made their other partner, Mercedes, roll her eyes and shake her head.

But this moment deserved a little fist pump. Aurora didn't know yet what was going on, but judging from Tess's reaction, she'd just provided a very welcome, if unexpected, rescue of some sort. All she had to do now was find out what in the world Tess Hamilton needed rescuing from. Besides her own occasionally annoying family members. "Fabulous! I'll call over to the house and have them get ready for you."

"Thank you so much." Tess gave Wade a brief, sidelong smirk. "And contrary to popular opinion, they'll only need to prepare a room for one."

Wade winked at Aurora. "She's only been in town a few hours. Give her some time."

Bobby poked his head in just then. "Can you two retract the claws for a few minutes? It's supposed to be a party here. Tess," he said, taking her arm, "can I borrow you for a minute?"

"Gladly." She paused by Aurora. "See if you can keep him from making a pompous ass out of himself with any of the other guests. It's a tall order, but if anyone can do it, you can."

Aurora patted Tess's arm. "I'm sure he'll be fine." She glanced past Tess to Wade and shifted her body to include Bobby. "Cissy would be so happy to know you three are together, celebrating such a wonderful family event."

She had the satisfaction of seeing the oldest Hamilton child look a wee bit chastened. "Off you go," she said, nudging Tess toward Bobby. As the two disappeared down a short hallway, she saw Bobby dip his head toward his sister and whisper something, his expression serious and concerned. Hmm.

Admittedly quite curious about the exchange, Aurora immediately turned to Wade with a bright smile. "Wade, darling, would you be a doll and see if you can find me a small plate of those wonderful
I saw drift by moments ago? I'm afraid if I have so much as another sip of champagne without eating something, it will go right to my head." She winked at him. "And then I'll be the one who needs saving from myself."

Wade shot her a wolfish grin that reminded her of what a charming devil he could be when he wasn't busy badgering his sister. "I'm not so sure that would be a bad thing."

Aurora laughed and swatted playfully at his arm, setting her bracelets to jingling. "You're a bigger scamp than you let on."

He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Don't tell anyone. You'll ruin my reputation as an uptight, humorless, control freak." He winked at her, then moved into the throng of guests.

She watched after him for a moment as he quite smoothly
worked the crowd with a quick smile here, short nod there, and wondered if he realized what a natural politician he was. With everyone but family, anyway. "Just like your father," she murmured.
Who happens to be the king of uptight, humorless, control freaks.
She smiled to herself as she worked her way toward the short hallway Bobby and Tess had disappeared down.

It only took a moment to hear their voices. They'd ducked into the suite's small, galley-style kitchen. Aurora paused just outside the doorway, telling herself she wasn't snooping so much as trying to help the daughter of a very old friend.

"I was a bit worried about you, that's all," Bobby was saying.

"Why on earth would you be worried about me?" Tess said with what sounded like a sincere laugh.

Aurora wished she could see Tess's expression. That her younger brother was apparently concerned about her, as well, was all the confirmation she needed. Of course Tess was going to deny it to Bobby. This was his special moment, and Tess had always taken on the big sister role with him, especially, she imagined, now that he was on tour.

"You should be focusing on your upcoming nuptials."

"Nothing to worry about there. I don't care if we're married by a clown in the middle of a three-ring circus, as long as she says yes."

Aurora could hear the honest delight and joy in Bobby's voice.

"Of course she'll say yes, she's getting the best guy on the planet. I am so happy for you."

There was a rustling sound. Hugging, Aurora surmised.

"Come on, let's get you back to your engagement party."

Aurora started to duck back down the hall, then Bobby said, "Wait," and Aurora froze in place. There was a moment of silence before he said, "I, uh, I heard Nike didn't renew their sponsorship."

"How did you hear that?" Tess didn't quite pull off a casual tone.

"So it is true? My manager was talking to one of their reps this morning about a possible deal for me, and she let it slip. I guess she figured that as your brother, I already knew. So why didn't I?"

Again Tess tried for the short, breezy laugh. "Don't be silly. You're over here preparing for Wimbledon and your wedding. It's really not that big a deal."

Not that big a deal'? They've sponsored you for almost your whole career. It was one of your biggest endorsements."

"One of many, Bobby. They simply decided there wasn't anything for them to endorse anymore."

"Sure there is. Your rep is still huge and you know it. You're still a major draw. Hell, Wade told me you guys were chased all the way from the airport by the paparazzi."

"It wasn't my fault," came the automatic reply, which made Aurora smile.

"I'm sure it wasn't,
he said, affection clear in his tone, but the seriousness returned an instant later. "I just don't understand the decision, from a loyalty or business standpoint."

"Loyalty has no place in business," Tess responded. "Trust me on that one."

Aurora heard the edge in Tess's voice. Maybe it was just as well she couldn't see her face. This way she wasn't swayed by Tess's acting skills. She knew what she heard.

"So it's just a little bump, then? Everything else is going all right?" Bobby asked. "I know it seems like I've vanished on you lately, but the tour and—"

"I'm the very last person you need to explain that to. And who's the older sibling here? Since when did you need to check up on me? You know I'm fine. When haven't I been?"

"Just trying to be the good brother."

"Oh, you're definitely the good brother, trust me."

"Come on," Bobby said, chuckling. "You shouldn't let Wade or Dad get to you like that."

"You didn't have to fly across the Atlantic with the two of them. You're lucky I didn't parachute out halfway across and take my chances on a passing barge."

"You have a point there," he said with a laugh. "So, have you made any decisions yet?"


"Life. I know you, and globe-hopping or not, you've got to be going a bit stir-crazy by now. Still juggling offers, figuring out what sounds best? Anything fun and exciting?"

Aurora missed Tess's response when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She barely squelched a surprised squeal and almost spilled her champagne on the hallway carpet. She supposed she should have kept a better lookout for intruders.

"Can I refresh that for you, madam?" A tall gentleman in black serving attire held out a bottle of champagne. "I was coming to get another bottle, but there is a bit left here if you'd like me to top you off."

Aurora clasped a hand to her bosom and sighed in relief. Thank goodness it was one of the waitstaff. And not Wade
another guest wondering what she was doing skulking around in the hall. "Please," she said, pushing her glass at him as she regained her composure.

Andrea came down the hallway just as the waiter stepped past Aurora into the kitchen. "Is Bobby still back here?"

Aurora smiled brightly, thankful now the waite
had found her first. "Yes, dear, in the kitchen with Tess."

"Tim is here and wants to make a toast." Tim was Tim Robertson, Bobby's doubles partner.

Bobby stepped into the hallway. He bussed Aurora on the cheek. "Thanks for asking Tess to stay with you."

"Of course, dear. It will be a delightful chance for us to catch up."

"Do me a favor, would you?" he asked, more quietly.

"Certainly," Aurora said, admiring his continued concern for his sister. Bobby may be the baby of the family, but he was quickly growing into quite a decent young man. "Anything."


I don't know. Wimbledon was her favorite event, you know? It's her first time being here as a spectator instead of a player. I worried that having her come over here for the wedding right beforehand was going to make it harder on her and I feel badly about

Aurora patted his cheek, then framed his face with the palms of her hands. "Cissy would be so proud of you." She gave him a short, noisy kiss on the cheek. "Go off and enjoy your lovely toast with your even lovelier bride-to-be. I'll watch over Tess. Don't you worry."

Bobby grinned.
Such a cute boy.

"With you on the case?" he said, "I'll rest easy."

After he left, Aurora ducked into the kitchen to find Tess chatting up the tall waiter. Who was also a cute boy, Aurora noticed, now that she wasn't having heart palpitations. She cleared her throat gently, but Tess just smiled in her direction, not remotely embarrassed to have been caught flirting.

ohn here was telling me about a wonderful party in Notting Hill that he's been hired to work later. Sounds like fun. Care to join me?"

"Perhaps," Aurora said, knowing she shouldn't be surprised. Tess's party girl reputation was only partially exaggerated. "I was wondering where you've stowed your luggage. I thought I'd call Glass Slipper and send a car to pick it up for you and deliver it to Wexley."

"It's with Dad at the Connaught. He had an emergency
conference call from California just as we were getting through customs. You don't have to go to all that trouble. I'll arrange something."

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