Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) (8 page)

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“Which one is she?” the female asked.

“Mom, this is Nat?” Norvir was barely done before the lady grabbed Nat in a bear hug. She was certainly strong.

“Nat, that’s my mother squeezing you in half.” He chuckled.

“Oh, I’m sorry! I’m just so happy Norvir found you. Just one left.” She glanced toward the door where it looked like the rest of the family was waiting. The family resemblance was strong enough she could guess who his brothers were. Counting, ten, they were all here. Only one looked angry, he must be the unmated one.

A lovely woman stood by the door pretending not to notice the angry brother while he just stared at her. Romance gone wrong? Relationships could be tough, Nat wished them the best. Her new mother in law grabbed her arm and dragged her inside. Nat looked at Norvir but he just shrugged. Mom was clearly queen of this castle. Maybe even of the whole planet.

By the time the party was over, she had met so many people she could hardly remember one name. His brothers had all lucked out and gotten pretty women that were strong, but kind. She would be able to make friends here. Norvir pulled her closer against him.

“I bet you’re tired.” He observed. Nat just nodded and stifled a yawn. “You ready to go home?”

“Yeah. That sounds wonderful.” It had been a long time since anyplace felt like home. Even now, it wasn’t the place so much as it was her mate. Home would be anyplace he was.

They said their goodbyes and left the crowd behind. Tonight would be their first night as a newly mated couple in their own house. This would be the start of a beautiful life.




Norvir had never been so happy in his entire life. His mate was perfect for him. There was only one brother left, Zebir. He suspected he had found his mate in the sister of Annie and Georgie, but the female was aloof and hid out. If he could help his brother, he would because he knew his father would demand he play the games if he had not claimed her by then.

Nat and he had accomplished so much in the week they had been home. The college was being built, the plans for the program written, animals tagged, and samples taken. Excitement rushed through him. Things would be so good.

Davar was happy, but one more son needed to be mated. He didn’t have a favorite son, but he acknowledged he didn’t treat them all the same. Razar was the one he was hardest on, but he met every challenged and succeeded. Zebir, although he hated the term, was the baby, would always be the baby and was spoiled more than the others. Not just by him, but by the while family.

Problems with his mating were already obvious to them all. He and Gildra his mate had discussed it, and though he’d threatened him with it, he would not make him go through the games. Instead, he and the family would help Zebir with the woman he’d chosen. Annie had admitted that Mimi had gone through two bad relationships and sworn off having another one. They all wondered what these men had done to her.



Razar sat at his desk looking at the holo picture of his mate and their two children. Rage coursed through him as he thought of the bomb found that morning on the equipment going to one of the farms. It wasn’t sent to a home, but along its way dozens of people would have been close enough to be killed. The time had come to take action with extreme prejudice. A message needed to be sent and someone had to die.

He pushed a few keys and a familiar face showed on the screen. No one else had this private line to Cash, the man behind Moon Hunters Inc. “What can I do for you, Razar?”

“I need to send a message to the saboteurs. This has to stop, and I think Justice needs to be served.”

“We’ll get on that right away. Justice happens to be available right now. Your timing is good. Pick one or send them all?”

“Just one this time. I hope they are smart enough to learn.”

“Some people never do. He’ll go over the files and make the best possible selection. Are you sure you can live with this?”

“The situation must be dealt with before I lose someone I love. That would be something I couldn’t live with.”

“Understood.” Cash replied as he watched the screen go blank.

Justice wouldn’t like this return to his assassin days. He’d do it though, because Cash had some more news he’d not told him yet. The people who had tortured, bred, and tossed his mother and him out on the street like trash when they’d been caught doing illegal breeding, had been funded by the same group that tormented the Mazlans now. His best assassin would be coming for them on dark wings.


The Mating Games


Book 10




He was the last of ten brothers to pursue his mate.

Staring at Annie and Georgie, he saw their resemblance to their sister, Mimi. Rarely did she mix with others and it was because of him she hid in the small three bedroom house she’d been assigned. His demon roared in his head.
Find her, mate her
. Demons didn’t understand the rules, she had to agree and they scared her for some reason.

Mimi fixed lunch for her children. She was a coward deep down, the label didn’t sit well with her. What was she teaching her daughters when she’d hidden in the house for months and they’d rarely been allowed out to make friends? This had to stop, but she had to stay away from Zebir. Sex had always been a painful dirty thing to her and she wanted nothing to do with it. Why did she want him? It made no sense but she couldn’t stay hidden anymore.

A male who wants his mate, a woman who clings to her secrets. Two people who belong together, but everything seems to keep them apart. Will they work things out before he must join the next mating games?


The Moon Hunters Inc.


Book 1




When did the good guys get so bad?

Justice would come for him on dark wings meting out his sentence. He would be judge, jury, and executioner for he was a mercenary, but he had a rigid moral code. A mixed breed of hell, he didn’t even know for sure what. Bred in a laboratory, but freed with his mother. She had done her best, but his heart had frozen when she died. Never again would he open himself up for love.

Envy, she’d been kept like a pet for as long as she could remember. Justice frees her and takes her with him, but he stirs feelings she doesn’t recognize. Never again will a man rule her life now that she’s free. Exactly what does this dark skinned, dark eyed handsome man want from her? Once she finds out, she will have to decide if she’s willing to give it or not.

Can love bloom between two such different people or do they have more in common than anyone realizes?


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(Catty Diva, Corre Deepe and Crystal Dawn)
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If you want to read more books by Crystal Dawn, check out:
Blue Moon Pack Series 1 &2
Planet Amazon Series I, II, III, IV and
Cousins of the Moon Series 1 and 2
Legends of the White Werewolf Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
Keepers of the Land Series A completed 6 book series.
Frozen Origin Series 1, 2, and 3
Frozen Origin Quickies 1
Frozen Holidays 2 PK Eudoras & Zelus
Frozen Origins Love 2PK Adonis & Aphroditus
The Southwest Illinois Pack Series
The Wilde Pack series
The Strong Pack 1 & 2
The Red Wolf Series
Lucifer Frozen Origin Demons 1
Winged Beast Series
Witches of Ulyss


The Warriors of the Vinii by Corre Deepe
The Mating Game series By Catty Diva


Can a bad day turn your life around?

Crash landing on Earth seemed the worst thing that could happen to Xan, his crew and their battered ship. It was only the beginning. After nearly freezing to death, Xan’s savior, in the form of a little Earth female, is driving him crazy. He doesn’t want to want her, but he can’t seem to help it. Edie wonders if she’s gone crazy when she wakes up looking into the glowing red eyes of a naked, not quite human male. He seems determined to keep her with him, but she’s just as determined to go.


Frozen Origin

Book 1


He is the leader of the gods, no not the Greek gods of ancient times that they are named for, but the god line of genetically manipulated beings said to be so much more than men. They’ve been imprisoned by Origin, the company that created them, all their lives, but now they have a chance to be free.
She leads the team that has come to free them. She and her team always come in first and leave first on every mission, which is a good thing because she is drawn to the gorgeous god. She needs to leave to get on with her life and the career she loves.
She doesn’t want to settle down, he is unwilling to settle for anything less. When they are thrown together fighting Origin and secrets are revealed, will it bring them closer together or place insurmountable obstacles in their path?

Note: graphic sex and is for adult readers only.

White Wolf Matriarchs
Book 3

Lucille has seen Grey several times when she visited and lately when she worked at her cousin’s, Cassie’s, house where wounded veterans of the supernatural persuasion stayed while they were rehabilitated. She had to admit the man/wolf grabbed her attention and he stared at her so intently with those soulful eyes of his. He was just too young and too wolf for the two of them to ever make it.


Grey was sure she was his fated mate but she always ran away from him. She wasn’t running now but the problem was they were both caught and in a cage. How had things gone so wrong? She would be sold to be mated or a sex slave to an alpha while he was bound for the illegal fights so well hidden that even while he and his team investigated the illegal slave ring, they’d had no idea this was going on. He’d finally gotten Lucille’s attention just in time to fail her completely.

Look for it in 2016.


The Legend of the White Werewolf


The Forgotten Ones


Book 1


Ariel, a divorced mother of two and a bestselling author, meets Blake at a bar. The two are attracted to each other and eventually come together. Ariel discovers that Blake is a werewolf and he has turned her into one as well. Blake discovers Ariel is the famous writer that has been publishing accurate werewolf romances and his council has been trying to find her for some time. When Ariel makes the change to wolf, everyone finds out that she is a white wolf, part of the legendary line thought extinct.


This is a free series with 7 books so far.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

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