Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) (7 page)

BOOK: Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9)
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“My people are shifters.”

A joke from such a serious guy? “Like werewolves?” She giggled. “That’s funny! They don’t exist.”

“They do. Open your mind to the possibilities.”

“Show me!” She demanded. Nothing less than a shift would convince her.

“Please do not panic. He is large and scary, but I am still in control and I would never hurt you.” She nodded her acceptance, not that she believed him for a minute. Maybe his people had delusions. It would be something else to study.

Nat stared at him, she didn’t see the whole change. It was like a film in fast forward, too fast to catch most of what happened. Fear was in the back of her mind, but the scientist took over. Reaching out, she touched his skin. It felt like soft leather. His color was a pale pastel purple. It was just a couple shades from silver. He was fricking huge! Around seven feet tall if not more and broad, muscular, and gorgeous. His eyes, were beyond gorgeous with black irises circled with purple, there were gold flecks mixed in as well. A woman could get lost in those eyes.

The change back into human form was just as fast. “You are a shifter. I wonder if that means werewolves are real too. Possibly they were other aliens visiting the planet.”

“I can’t say.”

“You can’t tell me or you don’t know?”

“I’ve never met a werewolf.”

“That’s evasive. But you know of them?”

“I’ve heard stories but I have no personal knowledge.”

Nat said nothing as she considered what she had just found out. Never had she considered this possible. It was magic, folklore, the stuff dreams were made of and she was right in the middle of it. Not a bad place to be. “Your other form is beautiful.”

She wasn’t frightened. That was odd and surprising. “Why are you not scared?”

“You are in control, you said so. What do you call your other half?”

“We call ourselves daig, others call us demons.”

“Yes, I can see where frightened primitive people might think that. Your daig seems gentle.”

“He is not always as gentle. My daig protects his own.”

“Your Daig looks more than capable of doing so.” She remembered the size if Norvir’s other half, and that she was drawn to him. “Why did you show me?”

“I wish us to be together.”

“You are talking about bonding? Something like marriage?”

“Yes, but it is much stronger.”

“Humans rarely make those decisions so quickly.”

“I know, but I feel something between us and I hoped you felt it too.”

“That I do, but I must test the connection before it is made permanent.” He looked so sad, she felt guilty. It hadn’t been long enough to be sure, he expected too much from her. She was, after all only human. Nat wanted him, but was afraid to commit. A mistake like that, if they weren’t compatible, would tear them both apart.

“I can wait until you are convinced.”

What, was he leaving? “Aren’t you going to try to convince me?”

“How would I do that?”


Chapter 7


There’s No Place Like Home


Leaving hurt. Why would she want him to stay? She must not feel the same way he did. “How about start by kissing me again?” Nat suggested.

The female was driving him crazy. She wanted kissed? Fine, he would give her a kiss she’d never forget. Pulling her into his arms, he devoured her with his lips. No gentle sweet kiss this time, no he gobbled her up. His kiss branded her, forcing her to acknowledge she was his and no one else’s. Stroking her with his hands, he felt her passion rise as need rolled over them both.

“Is this what you wanted?” He breathed in her ear.

“God yes. Don’t stop!” She demanded. Norvir didn’t want to, but he feared he’d lose control and claim her.

“I can’t do this. My daig wants you and even though I am in control, pushing him like this isn’t smart.”

“He can take control?” The scientist was looking at him analytically.

“It usually happens in times of great passion or with the young.”

“What if I’m willing to risk it?”

“You make no sense female. Either you are willing to be my mate or you are not.”

“Have you never been on the edge of making a big decision and needed something to push you over the edge?”

“You wish me to make the decision for you? That I cannot do. You must say yes.”

“Make me.”

“Female, you confuse me.”

“Just shut up and kiss me.”

Tired of trying to figure her out, he followed her directions. May the gods help him. Picking her up, he had one hand on her ass, the other around her waist. Her legs wrapped around him, as he moved his groin rubbing it against her mons. Damn that felt good. She moaned in his ear, her heated breath warming his skin. His cock was harder than it had ever been before and he knew if she asked him to, he would stop, but it would hurt.

“I want you naked!” he demanded as he slid her down his body. Norvir felt every curve as he let her move down. As soon as her feet hit the ground, he began to strip while keeping an eye on her. She was undressing too, just not fast enough. Naked, with his cock pointing at her, he moved toward her. “I think you need some help.” Her bra was shredded and fell to the floor.

“Hey, that was one of my favorites.”

“I’ll buy you another one. Step out of those pants before I help you with them too.”

She hastily finished undressing. Gods the female was gorgeous. Creamy skin, perfect hand sized breasts, and a bare pussy that his heightened sense of smell told him was ready to be taken. “Get on the bed.”

“Like this?” She asked as she got on her hands and knees, then looked over her shoulder at him.

“Fucking sexy!” He growled his daig near the surface. Norvir stepped up behind her and cupping her ass cheeks and he felt her shiver. He inserted a finger and began to finger fuck her. His other hand moved it the front searching out her nubbin and working it. He added another finger and another then he pinched her clit until she screamed her orgasm.

Now he moved the head of his cock to her sopping wet channel. “You are so slick, so wet for me.” He observed full of awe. As he moved to slide in, she moved back clearly impatient to be filled. “Gods you are tight.”

“Faster, I need you.”

Control was important, but also a fragile thing at times like these. His daig rose to the surface pushing him to take her, make her cum, and mate her. Norvir sunk deep into his mate, filling her, and making her groan.

“Damn you’re so big.”

“Did I hurt you?” He asked fearful that he had.

“No, it feels good to have you inside me. It’s like you belong there.”

His demon agreed and told him to get busy. Increasing his speed and thrust slowly, to see that she could handle it, He was soon pounding into his female and bringing her to a heated climax just before he joined her. His beast roared as pleasure rolled over them. Norvir collapsed to his side on the bed pulling his female with him.

Recovery was quick and now his demon insisted on claiming their mate. “Ready?”

“Oh, God yes!”

This time would be slower, sweeter, and face to face. Love grew within him for this incredible woman that shared so many of his interests and made his demon roar. Norvir rolled on top of her catching all his weight on his arms while caging her in. His head dropped so his nose was in the spot he intended to bite her. She smelled incredible, her sweetness drew him in and he couldn’t resist her. Paradise was in her arms and it was where he always wanted to be.

He moved so his cock was at her entrance and slowly slid in, just in case she was sore. Her legs moved up, wrapping around his hips, and he loved the feel of her toes pressing into the cheeks if his ass. Norvir purred which embarrassed him. Daig weren’t cats, his demon was turning into a pussy.
Am not!
Came the reply. Telling his demon not to do it again, he could only hope he would comply. The male might be in control most of the time, but the demon could make him uncomfortable all of the time if he so desired.

Norvir concentrated on his mate. He would give her more pleasure than she could stand. Rolling his hips so his cock dragged across her pleasure centers, she gasped then moaned. His thrusts were slow and gentle. The pace he set was deliberate, he hoped to give her multiple climaxes to dull any pain his bite might cause. It was all he could do to stop his own orgasms as she came screaming his name and her channel clenched him tight.

It was torture, he wanted to shoot his seed deep into her but he held off. He continued his slow, easy pace until he brought her to the edge of release again. There was no way he could hold off this time and his fangs had extended ready for the bite. Licking her neck, he tasted sweet saltiness. His mate screamed his name as her channel clenched tight around him. Trying to hold back just a little, he found it impossible. His demon roared when he came and he bit her, tasting her blood which was like ambrosia. Two strong sucks and he felt her bite him. It almost made him laugh that she tried to blood him with her blunt little human teeth, but it turned him on too much that she had tried.

Licking her neck to heal the wound he had made after he retracted his fangs, he rolled her with him so she was spread out over his chest. Mating could take a lot out of even a demon. They fell asleep, exhausted and in need of rest so their bodies could adjust to their mating. Norvir had no idea how long they slept, but when they woke he felt different. Energy seemed to strum through him and he felt warmth rush around him when he looked at his lovely mate. She was now his everything, she even came before Oison. Never had he thought that would be the case.

The mating mark was barely visible as she lay curled on her side. He viewed his instead. The wolf and the tribal patterns were the color of an Oison pearl. Only the Oison salts were a lighter shade of purple, it was that close to cream. Warmth rolled over his at the thought that his mark was forever a part of her.

Nat slept soundly, should he let her sleep on or awake her with the pleasures that awaited her?
She can sleep later, once we pleasure her.
His demon was talking more than he ever had before, but Norvir agreed. He began to lick his mate like she was a Popsicle. She writhed, but refused to open her eyes. He didn’t mind. Positioned with his face between her wide open legs, he drew in a deep breath. Precious scents filled him with feelings of love and belonging. Last night replayed in his mind and he could almost taste her sweet blood in his mouth. Right now it was a different taste he had in mind.

His tongue flicked out, getting just a taste of the juice on her nether lips. Mm, the flavor was sweeter than the Earth cherries they’d imported for Lista. The poor female had probably gotten fewer of the dark ripe fruit than anyone in the family.

“You taste so good.” He rumbled, the demon heavy in his voice.

Nat moaned and more juice flowed, tempting him to get another taste and another. He licked her seam before his hands moved into place to spread her open. His tongue speared her channel as he aggressively tongue fucked his mate.

Moving one hand under her ass to tilt her toward him, the other hand slid a finger inside her channel, while his tongue moved over her clit. Vibrating his tongue over her clit, he was driving her crazy. Most demons had mastered that skill and females loved it.

“Oh, my God! Norvir!” She screamed as her honey flooded and smeared all over his face. He tried to lick it all up and got most of it. Now he slid up her sweet body and plunged into her channel without hesitation. “Yes!” Nat screamed as her legs hugged his waist and her ankles hooked.



Chapter 8




Nat didn’t know what to think and she could admit she was nervous, when they finally arrived on Oison. Well, not exactly on Oison. As a safety measure all incoming and outgoing ships, shuttles, or other forms of transportation docked on the space station. It was similar to Earth protocols but while Earth tried to limit their contact with other life forms, the Mazlans has safety concerns in mind.

Anyone could go to the surface once they ensured they weren’t armed or dangerous. Everyone passed through a scanner and luggage was scanned before loading. Norvir had told her his mother had set up a welcoming party for her and Heloise. She wondered what his family would think of her. Would they like her? Nat already liked them and felt she knew them from all the stories Norvir had told her. In about a year’s time, all but his last brother had been mated and several had a child, his oldest brother had two. Daig had their children in five months and having several close together wasn’t unusual.

She was glad the pregnancy wasn’t as long, but having one baby after another sounded scary. Norvir’s mother had ten boys! That was remarkable. Nat hoped they could start slow and space them out so her career wouldn’t suffer. The female looked down at the planet, it had brown areas that Norvir said were deserts and purple and blue areas where plant life grew. It looked like an exotically colored marble from where she stood. It was a larger planet than Earth, but only by ten percent. The population was scattered and less than two hundred thousand with a large number of those, as much as seventy-five percent, being transplants from other worlds like she herself was. Only ten percent of those were mates or children of mates. Nat felt more comfortable shuffling numbers, it calmed her.

They loaded on a shuttle, Heloise, Morelan, and several crew members rode with them. Cargo ships and other shuttles were loading too. Several potential mates, some with children, had been picked up along the way and were on a shuttle of their own. The ride to the surface was quiet and the area they landed in had personnel rushing all around.

Now that they had landed, they loaded on a hover van. It was down to Morelan, who drove, Heloise, Norvir, and her. They were headed to Norvir’s parent’s house. The house looked like it was made of local stone and blended into the surroundings like it had always been there. Plants, probably indigenous, surrounded the house and some large plants made a natural fence.

Once they stepped out of the van, Nat took her first deep breath. It was the freshest air she’d ever smelled. There was a light flowery scent that she loved. The door opened and a woman rushed out and threw herself into Norvir’s arms. His mom? She looked too young but he’d told her their people aged slower than humans.

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