Nocturnal Obsession (5 page)

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Authors: Lolita Lopez

BOOK: Nocturnal Obsession
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“Stop. Please,” he begged, gently grasping her head.

She relented and he clutched the tops of her arms, lifting her to her feet, kissing her deeply and lifting her onto the table. She gasped as the chilly metal made contact with her blazing-hot skin, but the slight discomfort was quickly forgotten as soon as Ian’s fingers began tracing the inner lips of her pussy. He slipped one finger into her, working her slick flesh until it was ready for another. With two fingers deep in her pussy, he used his thumb to rub slow circles around her clit until it was stiff and pulsing.

“Ian,” she hungrily implored. “Please fuck me. I want your cock. I want it now.”

Growling excitedly, he shoved his cock right into her, letting the slippery wet passage swallow him. She loved the way he stretched her, filled her so tightly that her entire pussy was awakened. She felt his cock stroking places that she’d never known existed and swore that with each stroke he was rubbing against that elusive G-spot. He fucked her slowly at first, but began picking up the pace as she clutched at his forearms frenziedly. He took her right hand, brought it to his mouth and sucked on the fingers before placing it against her clit.

“Rub your pussy,” he ordered.


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Her eyes widened at the unbelievably frank instruction but she did exactly as he asked. Her clit burned and it felt incredibly good to play with it. Her intimate muscles clenched his cock as it slid in and out of her. She was gasping with need, chasing her orgasm. While he thrust like a madman, Ian squeezed her swollen breasts and lightly swatted her nipples. She gasped as the stinging sensation spread through the sensitive flesh.

They were both so very close. Ian saw the way her skin was flushed pink and she noticed the rhythmic clenching of his jaw. Her toes curled around his ribs as she brought her knees closer to her chest, deepening each penetration. Fiery waves crashed through her stomach and suddenly, she was gripped by an intense orgasm. She arched off the table, screaming his name, begging him to continue fucking her. Holding his own release in check, Ian obliged.

The power of her orgasm was unbelievable and it felt like an hour had passed before she was able to relax her constricted muscles. Ian continued to pump her pussy, each thrust accompanied by clicking suction. She held onto his shoulders, locking eyes with him as he approached his orgasm. As he began to stiffen in anticipation of coming, panic clouded his gaze, but a second later it was gone.

And then something strange happened. Just as she felt hot semen spurting inside her, she watched in horror as his brilliantly blue eyes went completely black, both sclera and iris. Her heart seized in her chest as she realized what was happening.

Ian wasn’t a human at all. He was an incubus.


Nocturnal Obsession

Chapter Four

“Get off of me!” Desi screamed as she placed the heels of her Mary Janes against Ian’s bare chest and shoved. In a most unladylike fashion, she scrambled away from him, rolling across the table and hopping down to the floor. With the table between them, she lifted her hands in a defensive motion, gathering energy along her fingertips, ready to strike.

“Please, Desi, you have to listen to me!” Ian hastily tied the waistband of his pajama bottoms, concealing his shrinking erection. “It’s not what you think.”

“It’s exactly what I think,” Desi angrily retorted. “You’re a fucking demon! You’re a murderer!”

Ian balked at her assertion. “I most certainly am not a murderer! In all my centuries on this plane, I’ve never once drained a woman to the point of death. I’m not some cold-blooded, psychotic killer. But, yes,” he said quietly. “I am an incubus. But you have to know that I wasn’t trying to hurt you. I know that you’re a witch, and I don’t care.”

“You’re crazy!” Desi yanked her skirt into place with one hand and desperately tried to refasten the laces lining the back of her dress. It was impossible to do so she just left it.

“No, I’m not crazy, Desi. I fell in love with you the moment you walked into my lecture hall. We’re meant for one another, Desi. I know you can feel it.”

“You lied to me, and you used me, Ian! You’ve been invading my dreams, haven’t you?”

“Yes, but it wasn’t like that,” Ian said, shaking his head. “I was just trying to establish trust with you, to show you the pleasure I can give you, to teach you—”

“I don’t want to hear your twisted excuses,” Desi shouted, cutting him off. “I’m leaving this room right now, and I swear on the souls of every de Soto witch who’s 33

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passed before me, if you take one step closer I will curse you back into the seventh level of Hell!”

Ian gulped audibly and Desi received a perverse sense of satisfaction at seeing his obvious fear. She meant what she said. A few words, a flick of her wrist and he would be right back in the sulfurous hellfire where he had been spawned. Not wasting another moment, Desi scurried to the door but paused to look over her left shoulder at him. She was shocked by what she saw in his eyes. Not fear but sadness, extreme sadness, colored his face. For the tiniest of moments, she was gripped by the need to rush into his arms, to comfort him, but then she realized that this was just another one of his tricks.

“Don’t follow me,” Desi said firmly. She spit over her left shoulder, completing an ancient spell for holding a demon at bay. Instantly, an invisible wall of energy sprang up between them. She grabbed the door and rushed into the hallway. She fumbled in the hidden pocket along the right side of her skirt for her key ring. Selecting the key to her childhood home, one that she rarely used, she shoved it into the lock. With a little effort she was able to break it off inside the lock, ensuring that no other person would accidentally enter the room and become Ian’s next victim.

She ran from the frat house. She could only imagine how disheveled she must have looked. Her dress was untied, the skirt and petticoat wrinkled, her braids were coming loose and she had left her bloomers on the floor of the laundry room. Desi looked everywhere for Lauren until a friend of a friend assured her that Lauren had left with Roger, an old flame. Certain that Lauren was relatively safe, she rushed to her silver Civic Hybrid, frantically clicking the button on her remote lock as she approached. As soon as she was inside the car, she locked the doors, hastily buckled her seatbelt and squealed out of the parking lot.

She reached the house she shared with Lauren in record time. The second she stepped through the door, she punched the alarm keypad, but she knew that wasn’t enough to keep Ian out of the house. Dashing into her bedroom, she grabbed the box of 34

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polished agate stones that her grandmother had given her years earlier and began running around the house, placing them in every corner, whispering the proper protection spell. When the final stone was set into place, energy zipped through the air and Desi could feel a protective blanket humming around the house.

Her frantic heartbeat began to slow. The need to bathe overwhelmed her and she jumped into a scalding shower, scrubbing until her skin tingled. She wrapped herself in a bathrobe, emptied a can of salt in a circle around her bed and climbed under the covers. Her back resting against a mound of pillows, she silently cursed her stupidity.

How had she missed the blatant signs? The vivid dreams were the biggest clues, and she had simply brushed them off as simple fantasy. And come on! Dr. Ian Cuvos!

Incubus. Sweet Persephone, he wasn’t even trying that hard to hide his identity. She remembered their first meeting, the moment their hands had touched and that spark of power that had vibrated through her arm. Because she often accidentally discharged energy, she had just chalked it up to coincidence. What a fool she had been! She deserved everything that had happened to her.

And yet, even as she lay there, shivering and upset, there was a small part of her that was secretly excited by the prospect of being an incubus’s lover. It was quite possible that he’d been lying when he told her that he loved her, but for some reason, she was inclined to believe him. That look on his face when she was leaving—that wasn’t acting. Within her very core, she recognized that truth. However skewed his reasons and wrong his actions, Ian did love her. Out of millions of women, she was the one who had captivated him.

But it was pointless. Demons and witches only had a chance in stories and myths.

This was the real world, and by rights, Desi should hunt Ian down and banish him. Just not tonight, she decided. She was so incredibly tired and so unbelievably heartbroken.

Sleep. She just needed some sleep.

* * * * *


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Well, I royally fucked that one up
, Ian thought. Frustrated and growling, he tried to teleport out of the room but it was no use. And he couldn’t even get close enough to the door to try to open it. Desi had hermetically sealed the room. He was a prisoner until she came back to let him out—or kill him. After seeing the blazing fury in her eyes, he wouldn’t be at all surprised by the latter.

He had to admit that he had seriously underestimated Desi’s abilities. He had known she was proficient, but not
powerful. He’d seriously miscalculated and now it was entirely likely that he’d soon find himself tossed back into the pits that he’d escaped thousands of years earlier. And for what?

For a chance at love, for something more organic, something longer lasting than unadulterated lust—that’s why he’d gone through all this trouble.

He glanced at his watch. He’d wasted precious hours trying to break out of the room, but there was still time to fix this, to convince her to admit that she loved him, if he could just get out of this fucking room! It was fairly evident that she’d placed some kind of binding on the place when she’d spit over her shoulder. It was an old trick, but she’d played it well. He could only hope that the binding was purely physical and didn’t involve the parallel astral planes. That was his only chance.

He hopped onto the nearest table and lay flat on his back. Closing his eyes, he inhaled measured breaths, calming his mind as he prepared to enter a trance. In mere seconds, his astral form was lifting away from his body and cautiously approaching the door. Steeled for the worst, he extended a hand, and to his immense relief, it passed right through Desi’s spell and the door. He was a free man!

At least until sunrise
, he thought glumly. Just like most spirits, he was incredibly vulnerable to sunlight when in his astral form. He had to be back in his body before dawn, but the most pressing deadline, the moon leaving her void, was even closer than that, less than an hour away. He had to hurry.

Confident in the land of Morpheus, Ian transcended time and space, using his astral form to move through the dream world on his quest to find Desi. She had easily 36

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withstood his dream advances in the past, but she had expended quite a bit of sexual and magical energy in that laundry room. She’d have a hard time staying awake tonight.

Soon he was standing outside Desi’s house. While the protective blanket was invisible in the real world, here in dreamland, the house was wrapped in orange light.

Ian stopped short of touching the orange barrier, terrified that it might vaporize him.

He studied the protective wall for a moment before deciding that he had no choice but to breech the barrier. He was certain Desi wasn’t foolish enough to activate a deadly barrier that would kill anything that dared cross the threshold. She would have included some kind of failsafe. He was willing to bet that only malicious persons would be kept out by the barrier, and as he bore her no ill will, he felt relatively confident that he could make it through without being snuffed.

Summoning all his courage and visions of love and security to the forefront of his mind, he poked the toes of his left foot against the orange light. If he was wrong, he could live without toes much more easily than any other appendage. Just as he had suspected, he was able to freely penetrate the barrier. Once on the other side, he discovered that he was no longer standing on a well-manicured lawn, but on the outskirts of a fully blooming English garden. By the looks of the plant life it was early summer and the skies were slightly overcast, providing just enough shade to temper the summer heat. Neatly trimmed hedges formed a small square around the garden, and a pale stone path wound past antique roses, forget-me-nots, foxglove and beds of fragrant herbs.

This heavenly patch of Earth was her safe place, a dream where she sought refuge when life was particularly stressful or frightening. He moved slowly down the stone path, his bare feet making no sound. He rounded a curve in the path—and there she was, sitting on a wooden bench beneath a white arbor covered in climbing clematis. A hummingbird darted above Desi’s head as she lazily turned the pages of a book, her head resting against a pink canvas pillow sandwiched between her temple and the 37

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inner edge of the arbor. Her feet dangled from the bench, wet grass clinging to her naked toes, while the short hem of her pale yellow sundress flapped in the light breeze.

Unable to move, he stared at the angelic vision before him. Unfortunately the moment wasn’t meant to last because Desi visibly stiffened, as though sensing his presence.

“You arrogant bastard!” Desi bolted from her seat and hurled the book at his head, but he blocked it with his forearm. “How dare you invade my dream! Get out!”

“Desi, please calm down,” Ian pleaded, raising his hands. “I’m not here to hurt you.

You must know that. I wouldn’t have been able to enter the protective field if I had bad intentions, would I?”

She frowned, thrown by the question. Unwilling to admit he was right, she crossed her arms over her chest and huffed loudly. “You’re a demon. You’re a skillful liar. You could have fudged your way through the barrier.”

“No, I couldn’t,” Ian refuted, taking a step closer. “I was able to pass through because I love you, Desi.”

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