Nocturnal Obsession (2 page)

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Authors: Lolita Lopez

BOOK: Nocturnal Obsession
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He swirled his tongue around her clit before sucking it between his lips and wagging his head from side to side. Writhing and fisting the sheets, Desi thought she might pass out. Her stomach knotted, her calves tightened and her toes dug into the mattress as Ian 9

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continued his expert ministrations. The wet sounds of Ian slurping her pussy echoed in the room and she closed her eyes, focusing on the feeling of his tongue against her clit.

As she lost herself in the perfection of the moment, her mind wandered. Perfect as this was, she couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like if this were truly a harem, if there were a handful of men just as dedicated to her pleasure as Ian seemed to be. What would it feel like to have multiple hands and mouths on her body?

While she shuddered violently at the thought of such an encounter, she became vaguely aware of a strengthening scent in the air. Cloves, she realized. Desi thought she heard a sound from somewhere off to her right, but as she lifted her head in curiosity, Ian renewed his suckling in earnest. She quickly lost interest in the sound and returned her attention to the pleasure at hand. He slipped a finger into her pussy and she instinctively squeezed it. He made a guttural sound of approval and began moving the finger in and out while he lapped at her throbbing clit. Eyes clamped shut, she panted as an orgasm built. She was close, so very, very close…

The tingling sensation of fingernails lightly scraping her arms caused her eyes to shoot open, and she stiffened at the sight of two strange men surrounding her. They were athletic Chippendale types in black leather collars who shamelessly displayed their nakedness. The one with wavy brown hair had a distinctive Mediterranean look about him while the redheaded man looked very Midwestern with his bulky shoulders and tight abs. As if to ease her anxiety, the men smiled at her, their ethereal copper eyes shining, but it did little to lessen her fright. Desi tried to bolt upright, but it was almost as if invisible ropes were restraining her to the mattress. Who were these men, and where the hell had they come from?

“Friends of mine,” Ian said, halting his licking and suckling to answer a question that hadn’t been asked. “Red and Nicco,” he explained as he pointed them out. His expression suddenly matched Desi’s frown. “Isn’t this what you wanted?” he carefully asked, his eyebrows furrowed with uncertainty.


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What she wanted? How was he doing that? Was he reading her mind? And how had he fabricated men from thin air?

“Later, my love,” Ian said, smiling with amusement. “Soon it will all make sense, but for now, lie back and let us give you what you desire.”

Desi wanted to argue, but Ian returned his mouth to her inflamed clit and suddenly, none of the details mattered. She was consumed by sexual need and it clouded her judgment. Later, when her passions had been sated, she would seek answers, but for now she was determined to enjoy this for what it was—a chance of a lifetime.

Nicco, the dark-haired slave, began massaging her foot while Red lay down beside her. Surrendering to desire, Desi reached for Red and drew his mouth closer, sensually brushing her lips against his. Lost in Red’s erotic kisses, Desi gave little thought to the cool, smooth sensations wrapping around her thighs and arms. It wasn’t until Ian stopped licking and she felt that first gentle tug on her limbs that she broke away from Red’s kiss.

Sitting back on his heels, Ian watched his friends work with efficiency. Desi’s pulse quickened at the sight of the white silk ropes that the collared men were looping around her extremities and waist. Five long, braided ropes suspended from ceiling hooks wound around her thighs and waist to hold her body horizontal, while loops attached to her upper arms kept them immobile and perpendicular to her trunk. At present, the slaves were bending her legs gently until her heels touched the backs of her thighs before using a series of loops and knots to secure her legs in place. Nicco pulled a length of rope from behind a pillow and began winding it around Desi’s breasts, creating a halter-style bra of sorts.

Desi gulped, slightly terrified but mostly thrilled by the prospect of bondage. She had seen pictures of women bound in Japanese erotic bondage but never had she dared to dream that it might happen to her someday. While the ropes could be used in a 11

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variety of increasingly restrictive and painful ways, these loops and knots were a simple introduction to the erotic art form.

When the men had finished securing the ropes around Desi’s body, Ian tossed aside a pillow and pressed a button hidden in the floor. Very slowly, the ropes dangling from the ceiling began to tighten, and as the slack left them, Desi was gently hoisted from the mattress. The pressure along her arms and thighs increased, but it was far from painful.

The intricate coils around her waist bore most of the weight of suspension, and she found the horizontal position freeing and highly sensitizing.

Ian stopped the hoist when she was suspended a few feet above the mattress.

Almost immediately, Nicco and Red descended upon her. There were tongues on her toes and fingers, and hands massaged her ass. With fiery possession burning his gaze, Ian approached Desi with an opal nipple chain hanging from his hand and halted next to her dangling head. Her breasts were already tender and heavy from being constricted by the crisscrossing ropes, and she hesitantly eyed the clamps. Wordlessly, Ian palmed her left breast, gently at first, but increasing the pressure of his squeezing as she acclimated to the feeling of his hand on her overly sensitive skin. He licked his fingers and used his saliva as a buffer as he tweaked her engorged nipple. Her pussy pulsed as he rolled the nipple between his fingers and when he finally attached the first nipple clamp, the mixture of pain and pleasure was so intense she almost came. He just smiled and repeated the same process on her right breast.

Stepping even closer to her head, he stroked the length of his raging hard-on. Desi hungrily stared at it and Ian decided to capitalize on the ravenous look. He nudged her mouth with the tip of his cock and she willingly accepted it, widening her lips as it passed over her tongue. He pressed it halfway into her mouth before withdrawing. She licked the head and tasted the salty hint of pre-come. Even though she was technically the helpless one, he was just as turned on as she was and at this moment, completely at her mercy. A wicked smile curled her lips.


Nocturnal Obsession

It quickly vanished as Ian tugged on the nipple chain. The pain was fleeting but it served its purpose, reminding Desi who was in charge. Still, she boldly met his gaze, almost daring him to pull the chain again. He obliged and she bucked with pleasure.

Ian abandoned the chain and placed his hand on the back of her head. He guided Desi’s mouth over his cock, this time plunging it almost to the hilt. Her jaw tightened in slight panic, but one tug on the nipple chain and she was forcing her jaw to relax, to accept his cock deep into the alcove at the back of her throat. Satisfied with her response, he withdrew his cock and thrust it into her mouth again. There was no malice in his action, no desire to demean her, so Desi allowed him to fuck her face with increasing speed.

By now, Desi was so aroused that she could feel her pussy juices dripping from her thighs. Even though there were two talented tongues on her body, her clit was feeling particularly neglected, and had she been able to move her arms, she would have rubbed herself to aid in reaching the release she wantonly craved. Ian seemed to sense her desperation and as he continued to thrust in and out of her mouth, he made a gesture in Red’s direction. Red nodded dutifully and assumed a position between Desi’s thighs.

Nicco remained by Desi’s feet and continued suckling her toes and kneading her arches with his thumbs.

Desi whimpered pitifully as Red probed the folds of her pussy with his pointed tongue, licking around the hood of her clitoris before circling the bud with more direct pressure. The competing sensations of Nicco’s suckling and Red’s insistent licks caused tiny quakes in her lower belly, and she bucked when Red buried a pair of fingers up to the knuckles in her swollen pussy. Moaning wildly around Ian’s cock, she felt her pussy clenching in rhythm with Ian’s thrusts.

Quivering and shaking, she was overwhelmed by pleasure. Each suckled toe was bested by a tongue lapping her clit or fingers pounding her pussy. Her mouth was stretched by Ian’s cock and the ropes constricting her body heightened the pleasure of each touch. It was almost too much bear. Heat bubbled in her lower tummy and her clit 13

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became so sensitive she wanted to scream. A few more licks and she would tumble over the edge.

Red devoured Desi’s pussy like a starving man. Desi’s toes curled, her calves tightening, and her tummy shook. She panted and sucked air each time Ian’s cock left her throat. Suddenly, she was gripped by that split-second wave of panic prior to orgasm. She unleashed a torrent of ecstasy, coming so violently that she couldn’t breathe or scream. As Desi shook and clenched, Red continued licking her clit and Ian kept shoving his cock into her throat while he tightened and slackened the nipple chain.

Just as the first wave of orgasm swept through her body, Desi felt another building.

She inhaled a ragged breath and cried out as Red’s fingers and tongue brought her to another peak. It was absolute insanity, but Desi sacrificed herself to it, riding wave after wave of orgasmic bliss. Ian’s breaths were quick and shallow now. She could tell he was close and locked eyes with him. She wanted to taste his come in her mouth, to swallow him as he pumped his seed down her throat. She wanted to milk his cock for every last drop and as she gazed into his eyes, she knew he was desperate for the same. His chest reddened with exertion and his jaw twitched. He was close. She could sense it.

“Come in my mouth,” Desi begged, her pussy still quivering as Red’s tongue swiped her juicy folds.

Ian growled and Desi shivered with anticipation. He was coming. He was almost—

“Desi! Wake up! It’s happening again! Wake up!”

Unexpectedly, Desi was gripped by a pair of hands that began to shake her. In another confusing second, she was cruelly ripped away from Ian’s cock, from the devoted attention of Nicco and Red and out of the ropes. Ian’s distorted voice bellowed for her return, but it was useless. Desi was free falling, and in the next second she landed with a heavy thud. She blinked quickly, bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

“Are you okay?” Lauren asked, her forehead creased with concern. Swatches of foaming cleanser clung to Desi’s roommate’s forehead and cheeks, and her early 14

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morning bed-head had been tamed with a headband. “I was washing my face when I heard you howling and screaming again. I ran in here and I swear to god, you were clawing at the walls, Desi. Are you okay?”

“I think so,” Desi eventually replied, still panting and covered in sweat. Her pussy ached and her nipples throbbed, but other than that she felt fine. Horny, but fine. “What time is it?”

“A little after seven,” Lauren said, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I got up early to head into the library to work on my research paper.” She regarded her friend with a worried eye. “You sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah,” Desi said, nodding weakly.

“It was another Dr. Ian dream, wasn’t it?”

“Yes,” Desi grudgingly admitted.

“Was it the same one as the other night? The one where he has you bent over his desk and he’s paddling you while he gives it to you?” Lauren didn’t even try to mask her interest in Desi’s erotic dreams.

“Not exactly.”

“Well, from the looks of what I saw when I came in here, whatever you dreamed about was pretty dirty. You gonna tell me?” Lauren’s eyes widened and she smiled expectantly.

Desi flushed with embarrassment. She and Lauren had been friends and roommates since their freshman year of college, five years ago now, but this last encounter was a bit too intimate for her to share. “Suffice to say, it was a little out there.”

Lauren pouted and huffed. “I can’t believe you’re holding out on me! It’s already unfair that you’re having all these sexy dreams. I haven’t had a decent hookup in, like, six weeks, but you’ve fucked Dr. Ian almost every night for the past four.”

“We’re not actually having sex, Lauren,” Desi refuted testily. “It just seems real because I’m so much more in touch with my dreams.”


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“If you’re trying
to make me jealous by pointing out your witchiness, it’s not working,” Lauren grumpily retorted.

“Oh yes, because being a witch has made my life so incredibly fascinating and easy,” Desi sarcastically replied. “You’ve seen what a constant burden it’s been, Lauren.

Balancing my college education with my witch duties hasn’t been easy, and believe me, this dream thing may seem exciting to you but it’s actually rather annoying. Dreams are a place for us to process the stress and uncertainties of daily life, but instead of me processing stress, I’ve got Dr. Ian running me through an Anaïs Nin play-by-play.”

“Better Anaïs Nin than the Marquis de Sade,” Lauren teased, dampening the conflict between them.

Desi rolled her eyes but agreed. “True, but still…” She sighed and shook her head.

“I wish I’d never taken that stupid Concepts of Love seminar.”

“How were you supposed to know that going to a few weeks of evening seminars would cause this much trouble? Besides,” Lauren shrugged, “it was a good class. We learned a lot and Dr. Ian is an amazing philosophy professor.”

Unable to argue Lauren’s points, Desi shrugged her shoulders instead.

“Maybe this is just your mind’s way of telling you that it’s time to branch out, find you a man and try new things,” Lauren suggested. “Like you said, our dreams are where we work through things, and with you being a super-stressed grad student
witch, you tend to overlook the romance department. It probably doesn’t help that today is Halloween. You’re probably tapping into some kind of cosmic short-circuit.”

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