No Ordinary Love (31 page)

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Authors: J.J. Murray

BOOK: No Ordinary Love
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“Yes,” Tony said. “I want to watch you more.”

“You sure were watching Aika at the pier today,” Trina said.

“Yes, but I did not stare,” Tony said. “I did not stare at her buttocks.”

Good to know.
“Did you stare at mine?”


Better to know.
“And you couldn’t take your eyes off Naini at Johnny Foley’s.”

“She is very pretty,” Tony said.

Trina wrapped her arms around Tony’s neck. “Prettier than me?”

“No,” Tony said. “Naini is pretty. Aika is pretty. You are beauty.”

Best to know.
“I don’t know if I like them hugging on you, though.”

“They hugged you, too,” Tony said.

“Not like they hug you,” Trina said.

“I do not understand,” Tony said.

She turned on the bedroom light and took his hand, leading him to the foot of her bed. “They hugged me mainly with their arms, Tony. They hugged
with their bodies.”

“I still do not understand,” Tony said.

“I will demonstrate,” Trina said. She reached up and hugged Tony only with her arms, her body barely touching him. “That’s how they hugged me.” She then made contact with as much of her body as she could, her breasts pressed firmly into his breastbone, her hips tight on his thighs. “This is how they hugged you.”

“I like this hug better,” Tony said.

“So you know why I don’t like other women hugging you this way,” Trina said.

“I do not understand,” Tony said. “This is a better hug. It is warmer. The other way is not a hug. It is a neck squeeze.”

How do I get him to understand?
“Do you like the way I hug you?”

“Yes,” Tony said. “Very much. I feel your breasts on my stomach.”

“Do you want me to continue to hug you this way?” Trina asked.

“Yes,” Tony said.

“Then don’t let any other woman hug you this way from now on,” Trina said.

Tony nodded. “They can only neck squeeze me from now on.”

“Good.” She sat on the edge of the bed.

“I will watch you now,” Tony said.

Trina took off her boots.
I have never had a man watch me undress completely. Is this what he wants to watch me do?
“You want to watch me take off my clothes?”

Tony’s eyes widened. “I have already seen you naked.”

“What do you want to watch me do?”

“I want to watch you sleep,” Tony said. “You are tired.” He touched the skin under her eyes with his index fingers. “So dark.”

Trina tossed her boots toward the closet. “That’s one of the reasons I am tired. I

“I like your color,” Tony said. “It is a warm color.”

“I know you do, but my supervisor at work does not like my darkness.” She unbuttoned two buttons on her shirt. “Her name is Nurse Sprouse. She is a light-skinned black woman who makes all the dark-skinned nurses do most of the work and all of the really hard work.”

“That is not right,” Tony said. “Everyone should do equal work.”

“In a perfect world maybe, but not in Nurse Sprouse’s world,” Trina said. “Nurse Sprouse is a heartless wench.”

“What is a wench?” Tony asked.

“A woman who is not very nice,” Trina said.

“You are nice,” Tony said. “You are not a wench.”

be a wench,” Trina said.
I want to be Tony’s bed wench right now!
She unbuttoned another button.

“You are not heartless,” Tony said. “You can never be a wench.”

“Thank you,” Trina said. She removed her shirt and tossed it into a corner.

“Go to sleep,” Tony said. “I will watch you.”

She undid her shorts and pushed them to the floor. “It will be dark. I will disappear.”

“You are not magic,” Tony said.

“My skin is so dark you won’t be able to see me.”
Unless we leave on the light. I’ve never done that before.

“I will watch you with my hands,” Tony said.

This has taken a decidedly erotic turn. This man seems to see best with his hands.
“I’d like that.” She pulled back her covers and wormed under them. “I’m ready for you to watch me with your hands now. Turn off the light, Tony.”

“Okay.” Tony turned off the light.

Trina closed her eyes. In a moment she felt strong fingers caressing and rubbing on her through the covers from the bottoms of her feet to the top of her head.

As if he’s playing me, as if I’m a piano.
“Are you playing a song on me, Tony?”

“Yes,” Tony whispered.

“Which parts of me are the high notes?” Trina asked.

“Your face.” He lightly touched her face.

“I assume my buttocks are the low notes,” Trina said.

“Your toes are the low notes.” He massaged her feet.

Oh, that’s nice.
“But what if it starts to tickle?”

“I will stay in the middle then.” He played what felt like a series of chords on her back.

“This is a nice massage,” Trina whispered.

“I want to play you faster,” Tony said.

“Go for it.”

Tony played Trina’s body from head to toe and back, digging “chords” into her back and shoulders and pressing hard against her buttocks.

This man is making me squirm, pressing, pushing, running his fingers up and down my legs and my spine. This is intense foreplay. He has no idea what he’s doing to me! Maybe that’s why it’s so intense!

She turned to face him so his hands would press and caress her stomach, her thighs, and her breasts.
He has almost removed my bra! He’s making a thong out of my underwear! I hope this song never ends....

Tony touched her nose with one finger. “That was the last note. You are an easy song to play.”

“And you played me so well.”
I want an encore! Now!
She adjusted her bra and underwear. “You can lie next to me if you want to.”
On top of the covers where you’re safe from hot, horny, and ready me.

Tony lay beside her.

That is a whole lotta man behind me. I hope he doesn’t fall off this little bed.
“You can put your arm around me.”

Tony rested his elbow on her hip, his forearm on her side, and his hand on her stomach.

I’m not sure if it’s right to force a man’s affections, but I need to be held.
“If you get sleepy, you can stay here with me.”

“Thank you,” Tony said.

Trina pulled his hand up to her lips and kissed it. “Thank
” She held his hand against her stomach. “Are you comfortable?”

“Yes,” Tony said. “I like how you feel.”

“I like how you feel, too.”
I am content. I am spooning with a good man. His hand is hot on my stomach. His thumb is inside my belly button, and his fingers are never still, stroking the tender skin just above my panty line.

I will not be able to sleep.

She turned into him, his hand sliding over her side to her hip. “Tony?”

“Yes,” Tony said.

“You’re not asleep,” Trina said.

“I am awake,” Tony said.

“You have to be tired,” Trina said.

“I am,” Tony said. “But I cannot sleep because I am sleeping with an angel.”

So sweet.
“You’re the angel, Tony.”

“I am hot,” Tony said. He took off his shirt and T-shirt. “This is better.”

I’ll say.
She drifted her fingers over his chest. “

“You sleep,” Tony said. “I’ll watch.”

Trina snuggled up against his chest and listened to his heartbeat.
His heart beats steadily, so steadily that it’s almost hypnotizing. I know he can’t see me.
She put his right hand on her hip, and Tony’s fingers caressed her left buttock.
Now he can “see” me.
She kissed his chest.

Tony’s fingers became still, and his breathing became regular.

He’s asleep already.

She moved up and kissed his lips.
I’ve kissed you in your sleep. I hope you’re dreaming of me.

I hope you’re dreaming of us.

I hope I dream of us, too.


rina opened her right eye and saw a muscular, unshaven neck below her.

She opened her left eye and saw an unshaven Adam’s apple.

How did I . . .

She looked down and saw a hairy chest.

She looked up and saw two dark blue eyes staring at her.

“Hi, Trina.”

Trina blinked several times. “Hi, Tony.”
How did I get on top of you, and why are your arms down at your sides? You should be holding me close to you.

“You smile when you sleep,” Tony said.

“I must have had a happy dream,” Trina said.

“Tell me your dream,” Tony said.

“I don’t remember it.” Trina sighed. “I don’t remember most of my dreams. Do you?”

“Yes,” Tony said.

“Did you have a happy dream?” Trina asked.

“Yes,” Tony said. “I was dreaming about you.”

Trina moved up Tony’s body, lightly leaning her elbows on his shoulders. “What was I doing?”

“You were playing the piano with me at Johnny Foley’s,” Tony said.

“Like last night?” Trina asked.

“No,” Tony said. “There was no crowd.”

“Was Naini on the bench with us?” Trina asked.

“Yes,” Tony said, “but she wasn’t sitting or playing. She was dancing barefoot in a long dress.”

This is beginning to sound erotic.
“So while we played a song, Naini danced on the bench next to you.”

“Yes,” Tony said. “She has brown feet.”

“What song were we playing?” Trina asked.

“I must write it first,” Tony said. “I will play it for you tonight at Johnny Foley’s.”

“You actually
music in your dreams,” Trina said.

“Yes,” Tony said. “And when I wake up, I try to remember the notes.”

“Do you hear lyrics, too?”

“Sometimes,” Tony said. “Mostly it is the music.”

“And I was in your dream making music with you,” Trina said. “What was I wearing?”

Tony’s eyes darted left and right. “I should not say.”

“You can tell me,” Trina said. “What was I wearing?”

“You were wearing blue underwear,” Tony said. “They did not fit you very well. Your buttocks were sticking out of them.”

I was wearing a thong? Where has he seen a thong?
“Was that all I was wearing?”

“You were wearing the orange and black shirt,” Tony said.

I was a fashion nightmare in his dream!
“What were you wearing?”

“My clothes,” Tony said.

That’s no fun.
“So we just . . . played the piano while Naini danced barefoot.”

“I should not say more,” Tony said.

Trina slid higher on his body, rubbing her nose on his chin.
I’m beginning to think we did more than play the piano in his dream.
“What else did we do, Tony?”

“We watched
” Tony said.

Trina laughed. “We did what?”

“A television was on top of the piano,” Tony said. “We played music and watched

She crawled higher, rubbing her cheek against his beard. “And
what did we do?”

“We drank root beer and ate oatmeal and raisin cookies,” Tony said.

We had a catered dream.
“Did we get cookie crumbs on the keys?”

“Yes,” Tony said. “But Angela cleaned them up.”

was in our dream.”
Our dream is getting crowded.

“Yes,” Tony said. “And Aika sat on top of the piano.”

“What was Aika wearing?” Trina asked.

“I should not say,” Tony said.

She held his face in her hands. “You

“She wore a blue and black fuzzy bra and purple underwear,” Tony said.

Wow. This is quite an erotic fantasy.
“What did Angela wear?”

“A white apron,” Tony said.

“Anything else?”

“No,” Tony said.

Three seminaked women.
“And Naini wore a long dress.”

“Yes,” Tony said. “Like women in India wear.”

“A sari,” Trina said. “Was she fully covered?”

Tony shook his head.

“What wasn’t covered, Tony?” Trina asked.

“Her stomach,” Tony said. “She has a brown stomach and a tiny belly button.”

So . . . Aika is wearing some kinky lingerie on top of the piano, Angela is walking around in an apron with her booty hanging out, and Naini is doing a belly dance while I sit on a cold piano bench in a blue thong and a ratty flannel shirt.
“What happened next?”

“I do not want to say,” Tony said.

She kissed his nose. “You

“I told you to take off Aika’s underwear,” Tony said. “I am sorry.”

Take off Aika’s underwear?
“It’s okay, Tony. You can’t control what’s in your dreams.”

“I am still sorry,” Tony said.

“Did I take them off?” Trina asked.

“No,” Tony said. “You kept them on. Aika was angry with you. Angela said for you to give them back to Aika. Naini laughed and took off her sari.”

And this is where I went off on all of them in the dream, right?
“So now Naini is dancing naked next to you.”

“Yes. She has very small breasts.”

“And how did you respond?” Trina asked.

“I played the piano,” Tony said.

He had all that flesh around him, and he played the piano.
“And then . . .”

“And then I woke up,” Tony said. “I have been watching you since then.”

Trina rested her head on his shoulder. “Have you ever had a dream like this before?”

“No,” Tony said.

“Did you ever have dreams with Aika or Angela in them before?”

“Yes,” Tony said.

“Do they always wear the same thing?” Trina asked.

“No,” Tony said. “Sometimes Aika wears her blue underwear, and sometimes Angela wears a black sweater.”

“But you saw me in only blue underwear and a flannel shirt,” Trina said.

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