Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One (37 page)

BOOK: Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One
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     “Nic…?” I stuttered highly charged and apprehensive.

     “I want to taste you, Carrie. Can I?”

     I swallowed at the thought of him doing that. When I’d
said other things I was thinking about using our hands on each other, not our
mouths. That sounded kind of…unpleasant. “Are you sure you want to do that?” I
whispered anxiously.

     His mouth pushed into me and I felt his teeth bite
gently. My abdomen and groin clenched in an agony of need.

     “Oh yes. You smell so good.” He said gutturally with
another nip.

     I arched again and couldn’t stop the ‘
flying from my lips. Well…if he really wanted to. The material of my panties
was being pulled to the side and then Nic’s mouth, lips, and tongue were all
over and in me. He used his mouth down there like he did on my mouth. His lips
sucked and pulled at me and his tongue pushed into me swirling around. He moved
up to my nub and messaged his tongue with it before latching his lips on it and
sucking. His finger came back and pushed into me rubbing and pumping in and
out, while at the same time his tongue and lips worked my nub.

     “God, you are so tight, and hot, and wet. Right here,
Carrie; you like this, right?” Nic’s voice was urgent and throaty as he rotated
his finger.

     I couldn’t answer; everything he was doing was pushing
me over the edge. My body had a mind of its own, moving and withering under him
uncontrollably. One of my hands stayed in his hair just for contact, but the
other gripped the bed sheets tightly as I threw my head back and to the side
whimpering and crying out at the increasing pressure in my groin.

     “Let go, honey. Come for me.” Nic’s other hand came up
to grasp my breast and pinch my nipple making everything suddenly explode
inside of me and I went up in flames. My entire body clenched and my internal
muscles clamped down around Nic’s invading finger as he rubbed a spot inside of
me that had me arching my back and holding my hand against my mouth to cover
the scream of rapture that burst from me.

     “Yes, baby, yes. You are so damn sexy.” Nic continued
to stroke and message me through my orgasm making it go on endlessly.

     Eventually I slumped boneless gasping for breath and
quivering. I felt Nic work his way up my body kissing me everywhere before
settling alongside me and wrapping me in his arms. I curled my trembling body
into him needing his strong arms around me. That orgasm had been even more
powerful that the other two he’d given me.

     “God, I love you.” He whispered into my hair.

     I snuggled into him and that’s when I felt the evidence
of his unfulfilled desire. He’d climaxed with me those other times because he’d
had the same stimulation as me, but this time he hadn’t had that. 

     “I want to do what you did for me.” I said running my
hands down to where his arousal pushed against his underwear. I don’t know if
it was because I was sated or what, but I was feeling really uninhibited at the
moment. My hand drifted over his hardness before grasping it gently. God, it was
like steel, but hot.

     Nic’s hand covered mine and he groaned. “Carrie, you
don’t have to.” The hoarseness in his voice told me that he was in pain and I
hated hearing that. I wanted him to have the same pleasure I had.

     I gave him a little push to lay back. He went willingly
and I leaned over him still holding on to his hardness caressing it. His face
twisted in pain and pleasure. “I want to. I want to know your body like you
know mine…please it like you did mine.” I ghosted my lips over his lips and jaw
at the same time squeezing softly.

     He closed his eyes and groaned again arching his hips.
Opening his eyes he looked at me intently, his green eyes burning. “Only do
what you feel comfortable with, okay honey.”

      I smiled feeling suddenly very powerful. I wasn’t
going to let my inexperience stop me from familiarizing myself with his body
and in the process giving him the same satisfaction he’d given me.




















Chapter Thirty-two



     A sensual look crossed Carrie’s face that I’d never
seen before, and it made my already stiff cock even harder, and more painful.
Did the idea of having control and giving me pleasure put it there? If it had
then I was all for her taking control.

     Carrie straddled my body and even though she’d given me
that sexy look just seconds before I could see that she was a bit
self-conscious. She leaned down and kissed each of my nipples and even though I
really didn’t need any further stimulation I let her knowing she wouldn’t dive
straight down there. Thankfully, it didn’t take her long to make it to her
destination as she kissed her way down my abdomen arriving at my underwear.

     “Should I take them off?” She asked uncertainly looking
up at me with those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

     “Let me.” I lifted and pulled them off watching her
face as I did. Her eyes widened in trepidation and astonishment and I couldn’t
help the grin that broke over my face. This was probably her first time seeing
a cock and instead of seeing it first in its languid state she got to see it
distended and ready to explode.

     “Uhm…is that normal?” She exclaimed.

     My smiled widened. I knew I was well endowed, but she
probably didn’t. “It’s how they all look.” I said trying to make everything
seem normal. I definitely didn’t want her afraid and thinking she couldn’t take

     She knelt between my spread legs, her long black silky
hair loose around her body, full firm breasts, and tiny waist on full display.
The sight of her was going to make me ejaculate before she even touched me, and
then she reached out tentatively wrapping her hands around me. I groaned at the
contact and my hips punched up reflexively. I was perilously close to the edge.

     “What should I do?” Carrie’s asked in indecision.

     “Move your hand up and down squeezing it.” I grunted
out. Wrapping one of my hands around hers I demonstrated by guiding her hand
down and then squeezing and pulling up which brought up a bead of sperm. I took
her hand capturing the drop so it smeared over my mushroomed head and
lubricated her decent back down to my root. I groaned again at the sensations.
For the last few weeks the only action my dick had been receiving was my rough
palm; Carrie’s was way softer. I guided her one more time then let go. She
continued and it felt incredible. This wasn’t going to take me long.

     Carrie’s hair partially covered her breasts and as she
moved they would peek out every now and then. Each sight of them sharpened my

     “That’s so good, Carrie, just a little harder. Grab
each drop as it comes out and smear it down me, it makes it easier to move up
and down. Yes, just like that.” I gripped the sheets as she did as I told her.
Fuck, having Carrie finally holding and working my cock was just too much.
Seeing her flushed face and watching her lush lips pant out breaths displaying
how aroused she was getting at watching what was happening; it was beyond
anything I’d imagined. I had to close my eyes at the unbelievable emotions
filling me.

     They flew open abruptly and I grunted in shock when I
felt the hot, wet warmth of her mouth closing over the head of my cock. She
only took the tip, rolling her tongue around it, but it had me panting and
clenched my fist tightly at the sensations.

     She lifted off and looked up continuing her up and down
stroking. “Was that right, or am I supposed take as much as I can.”

     “Carrie, you take as much as you want, but I’ve only
got a couple more seconds.” I said hoarsely, aching from the pressure in my
balls. I was so ready to blow.

     She leaned back down her hair falling around my hips as
she took me back in her mouth. My balls quivered at the sight. She mouthed the
head and worked her way slowly down taking a little more and then a little more
until she was taking as much as she could. I was trying to hold off from
exploding because of how good her mouth felt. I never wanted it to end, but I
couldn’t hold off any longer. 

     “Press tightly with your lips and suck hard when you
come up.” I instructed clenching my teeth in bliss. She did. “Shit, yes!” I
groaned. “Carrie, I’m going to come, just use your hands.” I gritted out not
wanting to freak her out by erupting in her mouth this first time. She lifted off
just in time as I came hard, pushing my heels against the mattress, pumping my
hips with the movement of her hand.

      “Ahhh…Fuuuck!” I grunted in ecstasy, seeing stars
behind my close lids. Semen shot out of me and could only hope that it wasn’t
hitting Carrie in the face. I did hear her gasp though.

     I continued to pump my hips with each spasm of release
that hit me feeling some it slowly dribbling down my cock. Carrie had stopped
stroking and was gently messaging and that seemed to be causing little driblets
to persist. I shivered as the last of the climax ended leaving me drained and

     Fingers moved through the semen that had landed on my
thighs and I cracked my eyes drowsily to see Carrie lifting her finger to her
mouth touching her tongue to it. I groaned at the sight and my depleted dick
actually twitched in interest. Her gaze met mine and she blushed at I assume
being caught tasting my spunk.

     “You tasted me, and I wanted to see what you taste
like.” She said self-consciously.

     “The sight of you tasting me makes me want to savor you
all over again.” I sat up feeling slightly weak from my orgasm to run my hands
up over her thighs and sides to cup her breasts. Her skin was so damn soft.

     Her eyes dilated and her lips parted in desire. I
wondered if she’d gotten aroused again at jerking me off. Grabbing her hips I
flipped her over onto her back straddling her and watched her eyes widen in
surprise and excitement. Slipping my fingers into her panties I slid through
fresh warm cream. Oh yeah, she was aroused. She gasped my name and reached up
to pull my head down for a fierce kiss. Unbelievably, I was getting hard again.
I had never recuperated this fast before.

     I laid my body over hers and pressed my hips into hers
letting her feel my renewed need. Her lips pulled away from mine and I moved to
her neck suckling the skin. Bringing my hand up to message her breast I ground
my hips against her mound. Carrie’s breathing panted out roughly…a little too
roughly…and her hands were now pushing instead of gripping, and I realized that
I was lying against her flush with the bed at her back.

     “Shit!” Twisting I reversed our positions and brought
her on top of me, rubbing her back soothingly. “I’m sorry. It’s okay, baby,
you’re okay.” Her breath shuddered out, and I was thankful that she

     She rested on top of me with her head turned to the
side shivering slightly. Calling myself every moronic name in the book I
grabbed the blanket with my foot hiking it up and covered us with it.

     “You don’t have to be sorry. It’s not your fault.” She
said in a dejected tone.

     I continued rubbing her back. “And it’s not yours
either, so don’t sound so sad. I forgot how claustrophobic you get, and you
just reacted. I remembered and now you’re fine. No harm, no foul.” I didn’t
want her to feel like she was damaged, because she wasn’t, she was strong.

     She sighed. “Yes, but I ruined the moment, and it was a
nice moment.”

     “Actually, it was a fantastic moment, but it’s probably
just as well that we stopped. If we went another round I would be too worn out
to play tomorrow, and then coach would be on my ass on why I was playing like
shit, and then I’d have to explain that my girlfriend wrung me out the night
before with too many orgasms.”

     Carrie raised herself up to stare at me in alarm. I was
pleased to see that she wasn’t showing any effects from the minor incident. My
eyes were then distracted by her breast hanging there for my viewing pleasure,
and of course I couldn’t turn away from their perfect glory.

     “You would not say that to him, would you?” She asked
in horror.

     “I’d have to give him some explanation for my poor
performance.” I replied nonchalantly bringing my hand up to brush the side of
her soft smooth breast. 

     Her eyes had narrowed at my tone and then dilated at my
touch. Her legs shifted causing our groins to rub together. My dick had
softened slightly at what had almost happened, but it was rallying quickly.

     “Would you really be worn out tomorrow if we
continued?” She asked curiously. “I thought I heard something once about sex
decreasing testosterone levels and in effect decreasing athletic performance.”

     I so tried to hide my smile; she was just so damn
adorable. “I do have an oversupply of testosterone at the moment so I’ll
probably be fine tomorrow.” I brushed the back of my hand over her nipple.

     She breathed in sharply and I could tell she was trying
to hold in her own smile. I breathed a sigh of relief and high fived myself
internally at having brought her out of her funk. I hated seeing her depressed.

     “I wouldn’t want to risk your perfect record on the
field.” She said sounding concerned. Her eyes were another story; they twinkled
merrily and hungrily, and with another shift of her hips she had our groins
meeting again. My dick was definitely up for one more round.

     Smoothing my hands down her sides I slid them in her
panties cupping her firm ass. “I’m willing to risk it.” I said capturing her

BOOK: Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One
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