Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One (36 page)

BOOK: Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One
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     Grabbing a pair of boxers and sweats I headed into the
bathroom and rushed through the quickest shower ever. I walked back into the
bedroom to see Carrie frowning at the television. “You weren’t kidding about
the bad acting.” She looked my way and then blushed as her locked on my naked

     Grinning at her blush and obvious interest I threw
myself down on the bed next to her and grabbed one on the sandwiches. “Oh, it
gets worse. The scenes don’t even match up. One scene it will be sunny and then
the next cloudy, it will be raining one minute and then the next minute it’s
not.” I took a bite of the sandwich.

     Her gaze moved up over my shoulders and she sighed
before coming back to my face. Her blush was still going strong and her eyes
were dilated. I was hoping her emotions were moving from embarrassed to
arousal. “Why do you have the movie if it’s so bad?”

     “It’s so bad it’s hilarious.” I mumbled around my

     We critiqued the movie as we finished up the food and
Carrie’s coloring returned to normal as she accustomed herself to the
situation. When we finished eating Carrie went to brush her teeth and I took
the platter back down stairs. Returning to the bedroom I found Carrie back on
the bed under the blankets.

     Seeing her there tightened and heated my already
stimulated nerves. Shutting off the lights I stepped into the bathroom to brush
my teeth and then moved to the bed, sliding in next to her. She was looking
slightly self-conscious again as I put my arm around her shoulders pulling her
up against my side with her head on my upper chest. She set her hand hesitantly
on my abdomen and I couldn’t stop the reflexive constriction of my muscles at
her touch. I made sure the blanket covered the cock-stand I was constantly
sporting around her.  

     I really tried to control myself and watch the movie,
but minutes later Carrie began moving her fingers in small circles on my abs
and that had me doing the same thing to the soft skin of her arm. Her finger
tips continued their movement following the defined muscle lines on my stomach
up toward my chest like she was studying them. A gentle warm kiss to my
pectoral had me freezing and catching my breath.

     I had told Carrie that I hadn’t wanted her to spend the
night for anything sexual, and I had planned to be good, but if she was going
to make the first move than I figured all bets were off. I mean, damn, I wasn’t
made of stone. 

     Sliding down the mattress I captured her lips hungrily,
stroking my tongue into her mouth slow and deep and felt the answering touch of
her tongue and the pressure of her soft, lush lips. Her responsiveness when I
knew how inexperienced and bashful she was always made me crazy with desire.
She tasted minty from the toothpaste, and the fresh smell of her was
intoxicating. The hard tips of her nipples pushed into my chest through the
thin fabric of her t-shirt and bra, and all I could think was…I had to feel
them against my palm, in my mouth, against my tongue.

     Disengage my lips from hers I trailed them down her
chin to her neck. “Do you want to take off your shirt?”
Please, want to take
of your shirt

     She nodded and exhaled a breathy ‘
’, and my
hands immediately went  to pull it over her head. The sight of her full breasts
in the modest white bra was better than all the Victoria Secrets bra’s I’d seen
in the past.

     Taking her mouth again I cupped her breast and squeezed
receiving a gasp of delight. The pleasure of touching her went to my head like
homemade moonshine I’d had once. I had to see her, taste her. Reaching up I
pulled her bra strap down revealing one firm round globe and a puckered nipple
that seemed to beg for my mouth. Palming the whole thing I rubbed my thumb over
her distended nipple. She tensed slightly and I lifted my head looking at her
prepared to stop if she was uncomfortable.

     “Is this okay?” I asked huskily.

     Her ice blue eyes were dazed as she looked down at my
hand on her bare breast. The dark rough skin of my hand contrasted sharply with
her smooth taupe skin. Raising her hand she covered my hand with hers and the
sight of that was erotic as hell. I squeezed again reflexively pinching her
stiff nipple between my fingers causing her to inhale sharply.

     She looked back up at me. “Your hands on me feel so

     I groaned at her words kissing her fiercely before
pulling back. “My mouth feels even better though, doesn’t it?” I asked.

     She nodded jerkily, and I tried to be gentle but I
couldn’t stop myself from latching onto her breast and sucking all I could into
my mouth before slowly pulling back till only her nipple remained. Rasping my
tongue over it aggressively I pressed it to the roof of my mouth and then
pulled with a hard pinch of my lips. Carrie gave a sharp cry and gripped my
shoulders convulsively as her hips jerked into mine.

     “Auhh!” She exclaimed in shock.

     “Do you want me to stop?” I asked. I was painfully
aroused, but I would do anything she asked of me.

     She shook her head. “No, it feels so good. Please,
don’t stop.”

     Uncontrollable desire exploded through me at those
words. Reaching behind her I unlatched her bra and pulled it from her body and
then gave the same treatment to the other breast. I was dimly aware of one of
her hands in my hair gripping tightly and the other on my upper arm, nails
digging deeply. The pain was small, nothing compared to the urgency riding me.
Blood thundered through my ears, roaring through my veins and cock. A savage
intensity urging me to take; instead, I pulled back concerned my control was
going to break completely. The last thing I wanted was to frighten her or push
her too far, because damn, I wanted to strip her bare and feast on her.

     “Oh god, Carrie.” I uttered gutturally about to tell
her we needed to slow down for a minute, or ten. When I backed off though
Carrie followed me and her mouth latched onto one of my nipples and she
followed my moves from before, sucking the small nub in her mouth and rubbing
it with her tongue before pulling on it hard. Her naked breasts and hard
nipples pressed into my skin as she moved over my chest with her lips.

     I’d taken note that if she liked what I did than she
returned the favor, and of course that induced very dirty ideas into my head.

     The control I’d been trying to establish fled at the
touch of her mouth and I grabbed hold of her ass pressing her into me. I needed
the sweet relief of pressure against my cock, anything to rub against. All I
got was the rough cotton of my underwear and it just wasn’t enough.

     Grasping her silky black hair that was falling
everywhere like its own satin mantle covering us  I lifted Carrie’s mouth from
my chest and brought her swollen red lips back to mine, nipping at them.
“Carrie, I need to feel you naked against me. We’ll leave our underwear on, but
I need to feel your skin against mine.”

     Her eyes were dazzling as they stared into mine. I
could see that she was completely aroused by what was happening, but also
uncertain of what was to come. She nodded in consent though. Telling myself I
wasn’t going to take it all the way, just move us forward another step in the
petting stage, I went up on my knees and helped her take off her long



























     Feeling overly vulnerable lying on the bed with my
breasts exposed and jiggling as Nic straightened to his knees I cupped my hands
over them and raised my hips so Nic could take my long underwear off. He smiled
tenderly, but the look in his eyes was hot and intense. I was feeling hot
myself, and extremely aroused, but also unsure of what was to come. That we
were keeping our underwear on went a long way in alleviating much of my

     When he pulled his sweatpants off revealing a very
prominent erection, still covered, I couldn’t help staring wide-eyed. I’d felt
it and seen its erect outline before, but this was very close up. It looked
really big.

     Nic chuckled, bringing my attention back to his face.
He brought the covers back over both of us as he lay down next to me. “Don’t
worry; it will stay caged if that’s what you want.” He teased.

     I smiled at his attempt at levity and stroked my hand
over his smooth jaw that he’d shaved while in the shower. I kind of missed his
soft scruff. Our mostly naked bodies slid together, legs entangling, belly and
hips flush against each other. His hard, hot erection pressed into the divide
of my legs. The contact made my entire body tremble.

     He felt it and frowned. “If this scares you we can put
our clothes back on.”

    I shook my head. “I’m not really frightened,
just…uncertain of what’s to come. I love how you make me feel, and sometimes
it’s so overwhelming that I know I would let you do anything you wanted to me.”
Disclosing my vulnerability to him was difficult, but I wanted him to know how
he made me feel.

     His eyes closed and his forehead settled against mine.
“That is so the wrong thing to say to me at this precise moment, even though at
the same time it’s wonderful to hear. It tells me you have complete trust in me
and I want that above anything, and though it might kill me I won’t break it.”
He pulled back giving me a beautiful smile.

     I ran my hands up his shoulders and over his muscled
back. His heat and strength never failed to make me feel secure, but at this
moment it also sent my heart beating almost painfully fast. “I don’t know if
I’m ready to go all the way…I mean have sexual intercourse…God, I sound
stupid.” I closed my eyes at my own juvenileness.

     Nic chuckled. “You can say it any way you want to.” He
said nipping at my lips. I followed his lead unable to hold back my response.

     When he moved to my neck I sighed out softly. “I know
there are other things we can do though.”

     His head popped up and there was that intense heat again
blazing from his green eyes. “Like what?” He asked thickly.

     My face went red. I couldn’t say any of it out loud.
“Well, if you don’t know your reputation is sorely exaggerated.” 

     Astonishment crossed his face but then he laughed.
“Sorry, you just surprised me there for a second.” He bent down and nuzzled the
sensitive spot on my neck behind my ear causing me to shiver uncontrollably.
“We’ll do whatever you feel comfortable with and if you start to feel
uncomfortable than just say stop.” His nuzzling continued down to my collarbone
his hand moving over my breast tweaking my nipple.

     “Does that feel okay?” He asked sucking on my skin.

     “Yes.” I gasped breathlessly. His touch set me on fire.

     He rolled my nipple between his fingers as his mouth
trailed down to the other nipple. His licked at it and kissed around it before
taking it between his lips and rolling it around on his tongue. “How about

      “Uh huh.” I hissed arching my hips against his the
ache in my sex intensifying. His larger body loomed over me one hand braced by
my head his lower body pressed and rolling between my legs. His mouth licked
and sucked at both of my breasts giving attention to every part of them and I
gripped his biceps in an agony of pleasure.

     His mouth continued to devour my breasts but I could
feel his hand moving down my stomach in a soft caress until it reached the edge
of my panties. My breath caught as his fingers played with the elastic and then
moved over the material to my sex. He palmed me and I arched and whimpered at
the contact. His hand seemed to burn through the cloth.

     He groaned against my breast. “You are so hot and I can
feel how wet you are. Do you feel how wet you are, Carrie?” He asked massaging
his hand in a circle. I could feel more moisture seep out of me as the ache

     “Yes,” I moaned.

     “Can I feel it?” He asked biting my nipple, not to
where it hurt, but it made a zing of electricity shot down there just adding to
the wetness.

     “Please.” I begged for him to ease the ache. I was
hurting so bad.

     His fingers slipped under my panties and over the lips
of my sex. I couldn’t stop the wild cry of uncertainty and rapture at the
intimate contact as his fingers glided slickly through my folds and then moved
up to the nub at the top caressing it. I gripped his shoulders convulsively, my
nails digging into his skin, my hips moving involuntarily.

     “Oh shit, yeah.” Nic groaned. A finger softly circled
around and around as he sucked and rolled a nipple in his mouth. I panted,
feeling like I was going to hyperventilate.

     “Shush, baby. It’s okay.” Nic whispered against my
stomach and I dazedly took note that he was moving downward. He continued to
rub my nub and slip his fingers over my nether lips and into my opening just a
little bit. When he did he would stroke my inside walls causing me to clench up
wanting something more.

     Nic slipped further down my body and my hands fell from
his shoulders to his head. I curled my fingers in his hair apprehensively as
his hot breath drifted over my sex. He nuzzled his mouth in between my legs and
I gasped and jerked at the unfamiliar, embarrassing, and overwhelming

BOOK: Nic's Devotion: An Endless Series: Book One
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