Nickolas-1 (11 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

BOOK: Nickolas-1
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What the hell was wrong with her?


“Aunt Morgan, I was...can you help...I know you’re not really my aunt and all, but I was wondering if you could help me. You see, I gotta do this report on my hero. And I gotta have it done by Christmas, but I ain’t having any luck. I can do the stuff. You know, the writing and all, but not the research.” Jacob had flopped down beside her not long after she’d asked Damon for something for the pain. She was beginning to feel woozy, but not completely out of it yet. It was probably why she agreed to such a stupid idea.

Morgan would help him out by looking up as much information as she could find on the Internet, and print it up for him. His hero, of all people, was his Uncle Nick, so she “should have lots of insider stuff on him,” he had said. When she had blushed at his comment, he must have assumed she was hot because he had started fanning her with a magazine from the table.

“All you gotta do is Google him. I’m sure there’s tons of stuff on him. He’s, like, famous and all. I really wanna make a good grade on this. He’ll have-a come to my school and have a lunch with me if I can win.” It was the eyes that got her.

Big and brown, he’d put just enough sadness in them to reel her in. Damned drugs didn’t help either.

He leant her his laptop and showed her how to find the house printer; there were apparently several to print to. He had also given her as much background information he had, like birthday, address, and his full name to help with the search. He was really good about it; he didn’t play anymore games, but sat and helped her decide what he wanted to use in his report. Before long, it was dinner.

Morgan hadn’t planned on eating with them; she wasn’t a part of either blended family, nor had she come there as a guest. When everyone got up to go to the formal dining room, she stayed in the game room and kept looking things up for Jacob.

“Morgan, you’re holding up dinner. You want me to help you?” Spencer had come into the room not two minutes after they’d just left.

“Holding it up, I don’t understand. Did you need me to serve or something?

I’m not sure how much I can help out, but I should have assumed that... Yes, let me get up. I’m truly sorry. I just took a pain pill.” Morgan was babbling. She knew it and so did he. She was embarrassed and hated feeling that way. As she struggled to get up quickly, she bumped her foot and cried out with the pain.

“Morgan, its okay, honey. Come on, we want you to eat with us, not serve us. What a silly notion. Just take a deep breath, that’s it. The pain should subside soon, and then I’ll carry you in, all right?” He was sitting on the table in front of the couch when Nick walked in.

“Spence, what’s going on?” Morgan looked up at him when he spoke and blushed again. She was trying to tell Spencer that she’d rather not eat with them, would in fact feel much better serving them instead.

“You’re girlfriend thinks I want her to come serve us. I was just explaining..”

“I’m not his girlfriend! I’m just...I work for him, nothing more.’ve got it all wrong, I don’t, I’m’re wrong. I’m not family. I’ll just finish the sandwich in here. Alone.”

Morgan didn’t look at either man as she set the computer aside and picked up the little plate from earlier. When she was suddenly picked up, the plate and food on it went flying. When she began to slip from his arms, Nick tightened his grip and held her closer to his body. She frantically looked around and saw that Spencer had left the room.

“Morgan, look at me.” She didn’t, but looked everywhere else she could.

This was so mortifying, and she wanted to go back to Byron’s apartment.

“Please put me down, Dr. Gra...what the hell are you doing?” She was suddenly back down on the couch and he was on top of her. Before she could move out from under him, he was kissing her again. Damn, this man could kiss, she thought.

“Do you feel me against you?” He pressed himself hard into her and pulled her hands up over her head. The terror hit her full force. She was back in the basement with those men raping her.

“Please, don’t hurt me. Please, please, please...” she whispered desperately.

Her body, drenched in a sudden sweat, began to fight against the weight.

She was no longer in the Parker home, but the home of Randall Bennett. She wasn’t in the game room any longer, but cuffed to the cot in the basement. She wasn’t being held in the arms of a man who had kissed her earlier, but of the men who would take their turn with her body. The screams ripped from her, over and over. The voices yelling at her had no meaning. She was no longer safe, no longer free. The pain in her arm barely registered, and then everything went black.


Morgan woke up on a bed. There was a small body tucked tight against her side. Meggie. When she tried to move out from under her, the little girl tightened her hold around her arm.

“She insisted on sleeping with you. She said that you’d need her when you woke up. I think she’s worried about you.” The whispered voice was coming from across the room. She couldn’t make out who it was, but it was not Nickolas.

“I...someone sedated me. I...where am I?” She started to move to the other side and encountered another body, this one considerably bigger and male.

Nickolas was in bed with her.

“Yes, my brother Damon did. You’d had a fright. I’m Devin Grant, by the way. We didn’t get a chance to meet earlier. I’m sorry about that.

My family is downstairs and as soon as you feel like you can, they’d like for you to come down. Nicky hasn’t been there long; he feels bad for scaring you. Can you? Get up, I mean.” They were going to make her leave.

Morgan didn’t blame them. They’d been ready to sit down to their Thanksgiving dinner. She’d lost control, screaming like an idiot and ruining their dinner. No, she thought, she didn’t blame them.

“I need my bag before I leave. It has my stuff in it; it’s pink. You can’t miss it.

I’m really sorry about dinner. wasn’t Dr. Grant’s fault. I got...I have nightmares, you see. Well, that’s not true; I have them even when I’m awake. Tell him…tell him it’s nothing to do with him. I just, sometimes I get a...can I go now?” There was no excuse for what she’d done and she knew it.

“Are you finished? And I swear, Morgan, if you call me Dr. Grant one more time I’m going to paddle you but good I’ve had your nip…” She heard Nickolas take a deep breath, the hot air moving along her neck. “Devin, why don’t you take Meggie down the hall? Morgan and I’ll be a few more minutes.” She started to scramble to the other side, the side that Meggie had been sleeping, when Nickolas hauled her back with an arm around her waist.

“Let me go. I want to go back to Mr. Grant’s apartment. Why you brought me here is... Why did you bring me here? Never mind, I want—”

“Does it bother you when I’m on top of you, or was it me pulling your arms up too?” He was so matter-of-fact that she just answered.

“Both, but mostly my arms. I...he tied me to the bed and I couldn’t... I don’t like to be touched, restrained like that. I need you to let me go.”

“No, not yet. What if I kissed you now, like this? Would it scare you if I kissed you with you beneath me? Does it remind you of them?” No one had asked her before. Of course, no one had been this close to her before either.

“I...they never kissed. I’d never been kissed until you. I think if you let me up, I could have Mick...”

“They didn’t kiss you? And no, Mick isn’t coming to get you. Just hush and answer my questions. How could you have never been kissed before? With a mouth like yours...and I don’t mean the smart-assed part, but the taste of you.” Morgan glared up at him. He had thrown his left leg across her hips and then tucked it around her. He was just too heavy to move without his help, or cooperation.

“The first guy who tried, I bit through his lip until I got blood. They didn’t take the gag off after that. It could also have had something to do with my screaming. And I am not a smart ass. Get off me, you big dick head. I...your family’s waiting on you down—ouch! That fucking hurt.” Nick had swatted her across the butt, hard. Then he rubbed the area with his hand until it wasn’t a rub anymore, but a caress. Then it became a pull. He was pulling her closer to him, his body. And she wanted it.

Nick didn’t press her into the bed like she was afraid he’d do. But pulled her on top of him as he shifted to his back. Mindful of her foot, he spread her legs wide across his hips, across his groin. Still pulling her toward him, he gripped her hips and pulled her harder, down against him.

“Nickolas...I ...”

Nick sat up and covered her mouth with his, devouring her, savoring her.

She moaned against his mouth and then again when he began making his way down her throat to her collar bone, then lower, his lips leaving a trail of wet, hot nips and bites. He brought his hands up from her hips and cupped both of her breasts in his palms and lifted them high, high into his mouth. When he bit her nipple through her clothing, she surged hard into him, wrapped both her hands around his head, and pulled him closer to her.

“Come for me, Morgan. Ride me until you come apart. Come against me like this. Now, baby, come now.” Lifting her shirt and yanking her bra away from what he wanted, he took her hard peak into his mouth and suckled, hard and deep into his hot mouth.

Morgan felt it building, her need nearly out of control. She was riding him, the friction of his cock pressing against her mound pushing her harder and faster to what they both wanted. When she felt him nibble on her flesh and take her into his mouth again, she came apart. Had he not kissed her at the moment, the entire house would have heard her scream out her release. Over and over, her body convulsed and jerked. He held her close to him, whispering into her ear as she settled. When she finally laid lax over him, he lifted her chin to look at her.

“We’re going downstairs now to have dinner. I don’t want to. I want to bury myself deep, deep inside of you and have you come like that over me, onto my cock. And I want to come inside of you. I don’t want to leave this bed again until we’ve both had our fill of each other, but they’re waiting for us. Then after dinner, I’m going to bring you up here and we are going to pick up right here, understand?”

Morgan could only nod at him. He’d given her pleasure and had taken none for himself. And, boy oh boy, had she gotten pleasure, she thought with a sloppy smile. Even now she wanted to ride him again until he could feel this good and she could again.

“If you keep looking at me like that, we aren’t going anywhere.” She watched as he slipped out of bed and went to the adjoining bathroom. She could see his cock pressed hard against his pants. She wanted to touch him, to feel him in her hands, in her body. She moaned aloud and he growled at her. “Get up before you can’t. I mean it, Morgan. If you keep this up, you won’t leave this room for a month.” As he entered the bathroom and shut the door, she wondered if he actually thought that was a punishment. When she heard him flick the lock, she burst out laughing.


They were all around the table when he carried her downstairs. Devin had told everyone that she was awake, and they gathered together to wait. The table was beautiful and full of more food than Morgan had seen in a year.

“How are you feeling, sweetheart? You look better; there’s color in your cheeks.”

Morgan stared open mouthed at Ms. Parker, and would have continued staring if Nickolas had not reached over and closed her mouth.

“No, baby, she doesn’t know what we’ve been up to. But I would say the others do. Just ignore them and enjoy your meal. You’re going to need the extra calories before this night is over.”

Morgan felt a blush race over her body, and then she heard Byron snicker and blushed harder. With a very heartfelt glare from her, he settled down and started filling his plate. The other man, she thought it must be Jamie, just laughed harder when she tried the same on him. The whole family was full of men who were full of themselves, she thought.

“Whose turn is it to watch the parade this year?” Damon had asked as they settled in the largest living room Morgan had ever seen after dinner.

Morgan had picked up her crutches to use, but found that her foot really hurt, and was carried by Nick again. She was either going to have to get better soon, or lose some serious weight. When she said as much to Nickolas, he growled at her. She didn’t know why, but she was really getting to like that sound coming from him.

“I think its Dan’s turn this year. Devin had it last year. Too bad, old man. I was buying lunch at Mario’s this year.” Spencer patted him hard on the back as he grinned at the other man.

“Every year since Meggie was born, one of us stays home with her. We record the Macy’s parade and watch it with her while the others shop. The next person on the list buys lunch for us all. It’s a lot of fun,” Nickolas explained when she asked.

“I can watch her. I mean, if Dr. Grant doesn’t mind leaving her with me. I’ll be here anyway, and there isn’t any reason for someone to stay if I don’t shop.” Morgan had said it before she’d thought. She should have cleared it with Spencer before putting him on the spot like that. Besides, she hadn’t been invited anyway.

“Really? You’d watch her. I mean, she really likes you already. And her hair, I meant to tell you earlier, it’s beautiful. Plus, the ribbon on her thumb has worked too. She won’t take it off.”

At the curious looks, he explained how Morgan had tied a ribbon, a bow, around Meggie’s thumb and told her it was prettier this way instead of in her mouth. She hadn’t sucked on it since.

“Oh, that’s just lovely! And it worked too? Congratulations, my dear, you accomplished in one day what countless doctors haven’t been able to do in months.” Mrs. Parker sounded genuinely happy.

Morgan flushed. It had been years since anyone had complimented her, and here she was getting it twice in one day.

After a little while, Jacob asked for her help and she made her way into the gaming room. She thought that he wanted her to start on his project, but he actually wanted her to be his partner in another game.

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