Read New Year's Kiss Online

Authors: Tielle St Clare

New Year's Kiss (11 page)

BOOK: New Year's Kiss
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“That’s it, baby. Fuck him.” His hands moved to her blouse, tearing open the buttons, baring her breasts. At Zach’s request, she’d forgone a bra and shivered as the cold night air rushed against her skin. Her nipples were already hard and she moaned as Mikhel’s hands covered her breasts, teasing the tight peaks with almost painful pinches. “Let him come inside you.”

Timed to Mikhel’s caresses, she began to move, slow pulses of her hips, more rolling back and forth than fucking Zach. It was subtle and delicious, pressing his cock deep inside her. Zach’s hands moved to her thighs, squeezing and touching, rising to hold her hips, guiding her a little deeper, making her strokes a little longer.

She got lost in the pleasure. Mikhel’s hips pressed against hers, the hard line of his cock rubbing her ass as he moved with her. He tugged her skirt away. Material ripping rent the air and her skirt was gone, leaving her naked with her males. Perfect. Under Mikhel’s guidance, she leaned forward, taking her weight onto her hands.

His hand slid down, fingers slipping into the crack in her ass, dipping into her tight rear hole.

“One day I’m going to fuck you here.” He teased the opening just enough to make her hips rock harder. “Zach will be filling that hot pussy of yours and I’ll sink my dick into this sweet hole.”

The image roared through her head and she couldn’t stop her groan or the hard pump of her ass, back against his whisper caress. “Yes.”

“Soon, baby. You’re too small right now. I’d hurt you but I’ll take you there. You’ll feel both of us inside you.”

The beast inside her came to life, triggering the need to come. She gripped the wood floor and began to fuck Zach, moving hard and fast now, letting his cock almost escape her before jamming him back into her. Four hands touched and stroked her body. Zach’s lips reached for hers. Mikhel nipped her spine. Sensory overload threatened. It was all too much, too wonderful. The angle of her body pressed Zach’s cock against her clit every time she fucked down on him.

She rode him hard—the strain in his body translating into frantic thrusts of his hips, the tight clutch of his hands on her ass. She was close to coming but she wanted him to release inside her.

Her hips moved faster, short shallow pumps. Zach’s eyes glowed bright red and his body convulsed, driving him deep into her pussy, his hot cum pulsing into her. The final stroke ignited her own climax. She cried out as the orgasm shattered her, draining the strength from her body. She fell forward, Mikhel’s hands catching her and easing her to the deck.

Mikhel stared down at the wrecked, sated woman beside him and the equally satisfied male on her other side. Zach’s cum leaked from between her legs, marking her skin. The scent of the male was all over her but strangely Mikhel didn’t feel the
rising inside him. She’d come so hard. So beautiful.

Even now she reached her hand up to stroke his neck and he knew that if he rolled her onto her back, she’d willingly spread her legs and take him inside her. His scent still clung to her, the bite mark on her throat belonged to him.
belonged to him.

His cock twitched at the thought of mounting her again but he made no move to fuck her. She was tired and had to be sore. They’d used her hard last night and between the
and Zach, she was going to feel it tomorrow. For now he was content to hold her.

He still didn’t understand why Zach had done what he’d done, why he’d put them all into this position, but tomorrow would be soon enough to face it. Tonight, he just wanted to enjoy touching his mate.

His mate.

There was no denying the wolf’s claim on her. And the human, for six months he’d shown no interest in any other woman. Since the moment she entered his shop, neither he nor Zach had been on a date. Mikhel knew that Zach had had offers. His coffee shop was a veritable hunting ground for sexy women but he’d abstained. Just like Mikhel.


He must have made the noise out loud because Taylor looked up at him, her mouth curling in a tired, sexy smile. Her hand slipped down his chest and lower, wrapping around his erection and stroking him.

“We need to take care of you,” she said, though the loving amusement in her voice told him she didn’t find that a chore.

He gently eased her hand away, his body recognizing the chill in the air. Damn, it was cold out here.

“Later. I’ll give you a moment to rest.” He pushed himself to his feet and reached down to help her stand. She wobbled a bit so he picked her up, liking her weight in his hands. Her arms curled around his chest and she snuggled her face into his neck, licking his throat like a puppy comforting itself, knowing that the big dog was nearby.

Taylor turned her chest into his and rubbed her breasts against him, the tight points of her nipples stroking him. She groaned and her spine rolled, pushing her harder against him. The beast—so new and hungry inside her—was going to awaken soon and would want more of her pleasure.

Mikhel started toward door, wincing as he saw the damage to the window at the back of the house. They were going to have to fix that.

He’d really done a number on Zach but he didn’t seem to be the worse for wear. The
beasts were remarkably resilient.

He looked back. Zach sat on the deck, his head down, his elbows resting on raised knees. He looked alone, almost broken. And Mikhel knew why. He’d taken Taylor away. Zach knew that Mikhel wasn’t going to give up Taylor. Not unless she demanded it and he was going to do his best to make sure she never wanted to leave him.

But did that mean that Mikhel had to lose Zach? They’d been friends since the first grade. They’d been through everything together. Zach was the only one in the city who understood him. Was he going to have to give that up to be with Taylor?

His overwhelmed mind rejected the idea and Mikhel knew he couldn’t deal with it now. Not tonight.

“Zach, man, you coming?” He shifted Taylor in his arms. “I think she’s going to need both of us.” Taylor lifted her head and smiled up at him, her eyes shining with pleasure—pure and otherwise. She looked back and nodded, holding out her hand and calling Zach forward.

He didn’t even hesitate. He stood and walked over to them, taking Taylor’s hand and kissing her lips. She smiled and then rested her head on Mikhel’s shoulder, giving him silent permission to carry her away.

Zach followed them as they entered the house. A sense of rightness—though he knew it was wrong—filled Mikhel as he took Taylor into the back bedroom.

* * * * *


“Yes, but really that was
my fault. Who knew my brother kept his porn collection locked in that trunk?”

Taylor laughed, watching Zach’s cheeks turn red.

“The church pastor was quite solemn when he showed up at Zach’s house to talk to his parents about their son’s choice of reading material,” Mikhel added. “And why he thought it would make a good donation to the church bazaar.”

Laughter filled the room and Taylor reveled in the sound. For a few minutes last night—on several separate occasions—she’d felt like she was in a war zone, negotiating between rival nations. She had no illusions that things were settled but they’d calmed.

Of course, extreme sexual exhaustion had a way of diffusing a situation. She didn’t know about the guys but she couldn’t have roused the energy for a really good rage right now. She was totally relaxed and comfortable. Resting back against Mikhel’s chest, she was bare to the waist. Her guys wouldn’t let her drag the sheet higher than her bellybutton. They wanted clear easy access to touch and watch. Not that that stopped their hands from slipping beneath the sheet and caressing her pussy but she’d made it clear she wasn’t ready for more sex.

She was tired and the strange desperate need to fuck had faded. Just touching her men was enough. Talking, telling stories. They’d known each other a long time but she didn’t feel left out.

Zach lay on his side, facing her. His fingers stroking the back of her hand. It wasn’t sexual or teasing. And she came to the conclusion he just liked to touch her. That was fine with her.

Her mouth watered and she had a sudden craving.

“You know, I’m really hungry.”

Mikhel’s fingers tightened on her hip. Zach’s eyebrows popped up and his hand skipped over to her waist, sliding under the sheet.

“For food,” she clarified, covering his hand with hers and stopping his downward progression.

He looked at her for a long moment then nodded. “You’re going to have to find another way to say when you want sex then, or it will get confusing.”

“And you’ll be getting fucked when all you really wanted was a grilled cheese sandwich.”

She laughed—not only from their teasing but the joy that they both seemed to be thinking this was a continuing thing. That was good because she didn’t want to lose one of them and she sure as hell didn’t want to have to make a choice. Her instincts would make her pick Mikhel but her heart would break at the thought of hurting or losing Zach.

Zach rolled over, groaning as his feet hit the floor. It had to be cold and she was pretty sure his muscles were sore. She’d put them to hard use the last two days. Her own body was aching in delicious, inspiring ways.

He grabbed a pair of jeans out of a drawer and dragged them on. They were a little loose in the hips and she realized they were Mikhel’s jeans. This was Mikhel’s room.

“I’ll go get some breakfast started. How does steak and eggs sound?”

The rumbling of her stomach was overshadowed by the same sound coming from Mikhel. It sounded good. Steak. Meat. She licked her lips.

“Sounds great. I like my steak well done.”

Zach froze at the door and he looked back, his face marred with confusion. “Well done? As in cooked well done?”

“Yeah. No pink.”

He looked at Mikhel as if seeking confirmation that he’d heard her right. His upper lip curled up in disgust. “Yecch.” Then he shrugged. “Whatever. I’ll get things cooking but I don’t deliver so you two need to make an appearance soon.”

With that warning, he left, leaving Taylor alone with Mikhel. Mikhel’s arms moved around her, holding her close, his lips pressed against her shoulder. They lay in silence for a while and part of her wanted to avoid the topic she knew they needed to discuss.

“What do you think?” she asked.

“I think a well-done steak is disgusting as well.”

She shook her head. “No. About…all this.” She waved her hand vaguely toward the bed and house and their bodies. “You and me and Zach.” She turned so she could see him. “I don’t want to come between you. If I haven’t already done that.”

“Honey, you’re between us, there’s no getting around that. We both want you and neither of us is going to let you go without a fight.” He took a deep breath and she could see he was preparing to tell her something major. “And in truth, you’re bound to us now. When we came inside you…our semen has this element to it that connects you to us.” She blinked and looked at him, wanting the rest of the explanation. “And it changes you. Makes you like us.”

“A werewolf?”


She was surprised to hear him say it but not shocked.

She touched the bite mark on her shoulder. “The
bit me.”

“Yes, that won’t help things. That’s like a double dose of werewolf venom. The
wasn’t really thinking to change you. The bite was to claim you, mark you as belonging to him. The real change started when I came inside you. And continued when Zach did the same.” He cupped her jaw. “When I had you swallow my cum that first night, it started but it really takes a werewolf coming inside your pussy to make you one of us.”

“How many women have you turned into werewolves?” she blurted out. Then realized she’d just demanded his sexual history. He just shook his head.


“You’ve never come inside a woman before?”

He shook his head. “Not a human woman. I use condoms and I’m very careful who I fuck in case the condom breaks.” He shrugged. “The change doesn’t have to be permanent.” He added that last bit like it was the part he really didn’t want to say. “You can stop the transition.”

“How?” She wasn’t sure she wanted that but it was nice to know she had the choice.

The edges of his mouth tightened, like he was irritated with her desire to know. He’d just have to be irritated. She wanted information.

“Getting away from us. The change is new enough that if you left us or at a minimum refused to let us come inside you, you can probably reverse it. It won’t be fun. The wolf is already growing inside you and she’ll probably get a little pissy if you keep yourself from us but it can be done.”

“The wolf—that was what made me so desperate for sex last night?”

Mikhel blanched. “Well, I’d like to think part of it was me…and Zach, but yes, she probably heightened your desires.”

“Wow.” She dropped back onto the bed, her thoughts whirling through her tired brain. A werewolf. Bound to Mikhel and Zach.

Or she could climb out of the bed and walk away. Her heart thumped loud in her ears, protesting the idea. Leave Mikhel and Zach. Not feel their hands on her again. Not spend time just listening to them talk.

BOOK: New Year's Kiss
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