New Leaves, No Strings (12 page)

Read New Leaves, No Strings Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: New Leaves, No Strings
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‘O Milo, thanks I’ve been looking
everywhere for this. I’ll have to apologise to Lexi, I was sure she’d borrowed
them and lost one. I was so annoyed as they’re my favourite pair.’

‘Glad they’ll be reunited. Well see
you both,’ he smiled.

‘Cheers Milo, see you soon,’ I

I turned back to Gabe who stood
with his legs slightly apart and anchored to the floor, his arms were folded
across his chest and his blue eyes had turned so dark and blazed to match his thunderous

‘Gabe, are you ok?’

‘You’ve slept with him?’ he hissed.

‘What?’ I responded shocked.

‘You’ve slept with him while we
were …’ he waved his hand and shook his head.

‘While we were what Gabe?’ I folded
my arms across my chest as well. Who the hell did he think he was? ‘We were
nothing until last night and not that it’s any of your business, but no, I didn’t
sleep with him.’

‘You think it’s none of my business?
You like each other.’

‘Well yes, friends tend to like
each other and have meals together which is what I did with him on Wednesday. We
had take-out pizza.’

‘It’s more than like, I can tell
he’s into you.’

‘He’s got a girlfriend,’ I replied
rolling my eyes. I was annoyed that I still found Gabe so damn hot while he was
pissing me off.

‘Doesn’t stop him looking at you in
that way,’ Gabe stated scowling putting his hands on his hips making him look
even sexier.

‘In what way?’

‘Like he wants to fuck you.’

‘O for god’s sake Gabe,’ I pinched
the top of my nose and sighed.

‘There’s chemistry between you.’

‘I thought there was chemistry
between us?’ I stated as I dropped my hand and looked him in the eyes. ‘Or have
you forgotten the last couple of hours?’

‘Hardly, but I think I need to lay
some more ground rules.’

‘For what?’

‘Us, this,’ he said gesticulating
the space between us.

‘This? What exactly are you trying
to say?’ Ok sexy as he was, this was no longer fun.

‘This, what’s between us, isn’t
just about sex for me. Is that all it is for you?’

‘Gabe two hours ago I hadn’t even
kissed you and now you’re asking me to define whatever
is? I
thought we’d agreed this was sex no strings.’

‘I can’t go any further, unless you
tell me that you’re not just in it to put another notch on your bed post.’

‘O so that’s it. That’s what you
think? I’m a whore who fucks her way around Uni and keeps score, well thanks
very much Gabe,’ I spat. I turned and tried to walk away, but he grabbed my
hand and pulled me back up against his chest. I was angry, angry and hot for
him, which was all the more frustrating. I struggled to get out of his grasp,
but he held me tightly to him and I could feel my body starting to melt against

‘That’s not what I meant Mia, stop

‘What did you mean then Gabe? Because
I’m clueless here and getting seriously pissed off. I told you no jealousy, no
complaining about my friends,’ I hissed glaring at him and finally managed to
push him off me.

‘God you just don’t get it do you?’
he said with frustration as he ran his hand through his hair.

‘Get what?’

‘You’ve made it clear this is all
about sex for you. You might not want a relationship Mia, but I’m not in this
for just a one night stand, or to just to be your bloody boy toy whenever the
urge strikes you. I feel a connection with you that I’ve never had with anyone
before. I thought you felt it too?’

His normal confident exterior had
been replaced by something more vulnerable and he seemed genuinely upset. I
studied his face as he looked at me and saw his eyes were pleading with me to
put him out of his misery. I sighed, I did feel something, an inexplicable pull
to him, like a river drawn to the ocean. I was scared though, scared that I
liked him enough to not want to walk away after sleeping with him a couple of
times. I sighed and moved towards him and put my fingers in the front pocket of
his jeans and pulled him to me and placed a gentle kiss on his lips before
letting him go.

‘Gabe, we seem to have this incredible
attraction to each other, but we discussed this. We hardy know each other so if
you’re asking me to say where this is going, I can’t answer that. I was perfectly
clear from the start, no strings. Take it or leave it.’

‘Are you still open to dating me
exclusively, no complications like Milo.’

‘Milo’s now one of my friends and
will remain a friend, I told you I can’t see someone who places restrictions on
who I can or cannot see or be friends with, whether they be male or female.’

‘I’m not comfortable you being
around him. I don’t trust him, I don’t like him,’ he said with the sulk of a young

‘Then you’ll just have to agree to
trust me or I’ll have to end this now. Put yourself in my place. You’re going
to be half naked with your ex several times a week, as well as other amazingly
fit and toned scantily clad women and you expect me to trust you’re not playing
the field? Can’t we just agree to abide by our decision not to by physical with
anyone else, trust each other and see how this goes?’

‘I usually go with girls where I
know I’m in control, you through me off balance.’ He had the most adorable pout
and I had to try not to laugh.

‘We’re not so different Gabe, I do
the same with the men I usually pick. I like to have the control. You’re
different to my usual type too, so this is new for both of us.’

‘I don’t like losing, I don’t like
people leaving me,’ he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair again.

‘Leaving you? O my god. We’ve just
started something that I’m not ready to define. I made that perfectly clear
from the start, so I could do without a discussion of how we’ll handle things if
and when they end. We’ve barely even started

‘I’ve been with lots of girls Mia,
so I know the difference between simple lust and something more meaningful.’

‘Lots of girls? Great you really
know how to make me feel better about all this.’ I wondered how many girls he’d
actually been with, what made him feel differently about me? Or was it just a
ploy to get in my knickers? Is this what he did to fuck a long string of women

‘What I mean is I didn’t envision
have a lasting relationship with any of them. What I feel with you, is
different, its, it’s just more and that scares me.’

‘Believe me it scares me Gabe.
You’ve known me five minutes. Why do you think I was so insistent on my ground
rules? I’m not ready to talk about committing to anyone. If this is how it’s
going to be, you badgering me for answers all the time, pushing me for more or getting
jealous and dictating to me, then we stop this right now.’

‘I can’t let you go now,’ he
replied as he reached up and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I looked
at him wondering if the prospect of sex with him was really worth all this
drama. Based on my body’s reactions to him earlier I decided for now it was. I
needed to know what it would be like to have sex and I wanted to have it with
him, to feel him inside me.

‘So we do this day by day Gabe. Now
I’d like some of that water you went to get about half an hour ago then I would
just like to continue the date that was going really, really well.’

‘Day by day,’ he repeated.

‘Yes, day by day and I can assure
you that while we’re doing this, there’ll be no one else. You agreed to the

‘I think I’ve made it quite clear
that you’re all I want Mia.’

‘Ok, so where’s my bloody water?’ He
reached over to the small round bar table and handed me the bottle, he’d already
twisted the cap off for me. ‘Thanks.’

‘You’re welcome. So it was going
well?’ he asked and I nodded. ‘Ok, let’s see what I can
do to get us back on track then.’

His smile just killed me and made
me forget what we’d just been arguing about. He took my hand and led me back
into the VIP area into one of the cosy dimly lit booths. He sat at the back,
behind the table, facing the dance floor and as I sat next to him, he scooped
up my feet and pulled my legs across his lap and put his left arm around me. He
entwined his fingers in my hair at the back of my head and pulled me into him,
kissing my forehead, before finding my willing lips.

I relaxed into his side immediately.
It was just like a cosy winter night in with a blazing fire and a glass of wine,
it just felt so good. I’d forgotten what really good snogging felt like and he
was the master. I gripped onto his shirt as he kissed away my concerns. His right
hand moved from my knee and found its way under my skirt and he ran his fingers
up and down my thigh and moaned as he reached between my legs and found the
damp patch on my knickers.

‘O god, not here,’ I exclaimed.

‘Why not? No one can see anything.’
He slid his fingers under the material to reach my sensitive clit which he
began to circle again with his thumb. I could feel the response from deep
inside my body, radiating its way outwards trying to reach his prying fingers.
As I moaned, he slipped his index finger inside me as far as it would go and I gasped
at its determined entry.

‘Mia, there you are.’ Lexi plonked herself
next to me in the booth. ‘Hey Gabe I came to apologise. I was worried about Mia
and she told me I’d no reason to be.’

I would have jumped up and hugged
her if it were not for Gabe’s finger inside me and his thumb still pressed
firmly on my clit. It was a rare event for Lexi to apologise to anyone.

‘No apology needed Lexi, you were
just looking out for your friend,’ he replied, deliberately flexing his finger.
I twitched and bit my lip to stifle any vocal response.

‘Mia, you ok? You look really

‘I’m good thanks Lex, it’s just
warm in here. Gabe’s looking after me really well and plying me with cold
water. I thought you’d gone?’ I replied as I squeezed my pelvic muscle and
gripped his finger, which was as far inside me as it could go. The thrill of knowing
what he was doing to me while we sat and chatted to Lexi was unbelievable. It
turned me on more to know that no one milling around in the club knew what was
going on right in front of their eyes.

‘No, this place has so many nooks
and crannies I lost Andrew. I was just dancing and spotted you.’

‘Lexi, if he’s gone then you can’t
stay out all night. Come back with us.’

‘Wow I’m coming home with you?’ asked
Gabe and I could hear the excitement in his voice.

‘Well I just assumed as we’ve not …
we haven’t … you know. Do you have other plans?’ I asked as I looked at him shyly.
He carefully pulled his finger out and then thrust it straight back in making me
jump, he was now using his middle finger to gently circle my bottom, which gave
me new sensations that were not all together unpleasant.

‘No, no other plans, but I’ll only
come back if that’s ok with both of you?’ he asked as he looked from me to

‘Fine with me. O look there’s
Andrew. So looks like you two are on your own. Have fun,’ she winked.

Gabe started on my clit with his
thumb again as he continued to stroke my bottom.

‘You too Lexi,’ I managed to squeak.

She leaned over and kissed my cheek
‘Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.’ My face flushed, partly from the embarrassment
of her being so close while he was touching me and partly to the impending
orgasm building up inside of me as she stood up. ‘See you both later. Take care
of her Gabe or you’ll have me to answer to.’

‘I’ve no intention of letting her
out of my sight, much less being in your bad books. Befriending the best friend’s
key, so I hear,’ he replied as his fingers continued to push and stroke me. Holding
back my natural response was driving me crazy, I was secretly begging Lexi to
go as I was reaching my climax.

‘It is and don’t you forget it,’
and she turned and walked off into the crowd as I exploded and felt myself
squeezing his fingers rapidly, moisture seeping out each time I released.

‘Ooooo god,’ I moaned. It was so
hard to suppress the scream I needed to let out as my orgasm reached its peak,
so I leaned over and bit down on his shoulder as I shuddered. He nuzzled my
hair and kissed the top of my head.

‘Owwww that hurt, did you enjoy
that little public display?’ he asked. I released my bite lifted my head from
his shoulder and looked directly into his eyes.

‘Yes and the bite serves you right.
That was so more intense than any orgasm I’ve ever had before. I felt so

‘Good, I did too. I plan to do this
with you again and more.’

‘You plan?’ I gasped as he withdrew
his finger and pulled it up to his mouth and gently sucked it, total lust in
his eyes. God I hoped he planned to do it again.

‘Yes of course. I’ve imagined us
together in many different ways and many different places, does that work for

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