Never Let Go (Take My Hand) (12 page)

BOOK: Never Let Go (Take My Hand)
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I kissed along her inner thighs in turn, getting
gloriously close to the place I knew she wanted me to be, but not quite.

“Dexter…” she whimpered. I smiled proudly against her
thigh. She was almost there –
ready for me.

“Yes, doll?”

“Stop teasing me. Please…”

“You don’t like what I’m doing to you?” I asked,
before gently sweeping my tongue over her clit – just once. I swear she
almost catapulted off the bed.

“Yes!” she cried. “But…but…oh, God…” I kissed her this
time before sucking the swollen bud into my mouth for just a second. “I need
more. Please, Dexter…”

“More what, doll?” I urged, circling her entrance with
my tongue.

“More of

“Nuh uh. Not specific enough. Say it, doll.
me what you want from me.”

“Your… tongue. I want you to fuck me with your

Jesus fucking Christ. Did my sweet and shy little
just ask me that?

Wish granted, I stiffened my tongue and delved into
her… over and over again. She gripped my hair and raised her hips, forcing
herself impossibly closer to my mouth. For a moment I couldn’t breathe but I
couldn’t have cared less. If you’re going to be suffocated to death, what
better thing to do it than a gorgeous, sweet-tasting fucking pussy?

“You’re so wet for me, baby. You have
idea what that does to me.” I found
myself grinding against the mattress,
the friction before my balls exploded.

“Dexter I… I’m…” She was coming. I could feel her
muscles tighten around my tongue and when I felt her tremble, I pulled it out
and circled her throbbing clit instead while pushing two fingers deep inside
her. “Oh, God, oh…
Yes! Yes!
” Jeez my
girl was vocal today. I fucking
And then she stilled… her body going limp on the mattress as she let out a
heavy, satisfied sigh.

I nuzzled my nose into her core for just a moment
before raising my head and planning to slam into her so fast she wouldn’t know
what’d hit her. But just as I positioned myself above her, she stopped me with
a hand on my chest.

“It’s not just me who’s felt lost today,” she began,
smoothing her fingers over my abs. “This is just as hard for you. Let
back too.”

Emily pushed firmly on my chest, encouraging me to lie
backwards on the bed. Eyeing her up curiously, I let her guide me into
position, and when she nestled her head between my legs I almost shot my load
straight into her face before she’d even touched me.

Without saying another word, she licked a small path
from base to tip before flicking her tongue over my piercing. Instinctively my
ass pressed into the bed, almost as if I was trying to escape the overwhelming
sensation before I exploded. She dipped with me however, licking me up and down
like a fucking lollipop while rolling my balls in her hand.

“Sweet fucking hell,” I ground out through clenched
teeth. I felt her smile against my dick and then without warning she took me
all the way into her mouth. My hips jerked forward of their own accord, almost
making her gag as the small metal ring hit the back of her throat. “Fuck, yes.
Jesus, Emily…

She set up an even rhythm – taking me deep, hard
and fast while curling her fingers around my length and pumping up and down
along with her mouth. This wasn’t going to take long – she was simply too
fucking good at this.

“Doll, you… you need to s-stop,” I stuttered, fisting
the sheets and arching my back. She didn’t stop however, but I was literally
two sucks away from spilling down her throat. “Emily… you… need to… ah fuck…

“Look at me, Dexter,” she said, pulling away for just
a moment. I raised my head from the pillow and opened my eyes, staring straight
into hers. “Watch me,” she added. “Watch me while I take you.
of you.” And then she wrapped her
lips around me again, flicking her tongue over the tip with each withdraw and
leaving me fucking mesmerized by the sight of her.

Fuck, this was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. She
kept her eyes on mine the entire time while her head bobbed up and down
relentlessly. I was building again. She better be sure because in about five
seconds she wouldn’t be able to change her mind.

“Em… are you sure?” I practically growled, the deep
throb in my balls becoming unbearable. She never answered, if anything she just
moved faster. “Watching you… it’s… it’s fucking beautiful,” I moaned, staring
into her eyes as she tipped me over the edge by grazing her teeth up the
twitching shaft. “FUCK!” My dick convulsed in her mouth and I thrust deeper,
pouring myself into her.

When my body finally relaxed and my breathing started
to slow, she slowly sucked her way up one more time before releasing me. Then,
after swallowing every last drop, she licked her fucking lips and man if that didn’t
make me want to go again.

“Holy shit,” I breathed. “You were fucking

Smiling proudly, she crawled up the mattress and lay
down beside me, propping herself up on her elbow.

“Thank you,” she whispered. Rolling over to face her,
I looked at her with a puzzled gaze. “It’s so easy to focus on the bad stuff
and forget how much I have to be thankful for. And I’m thankful for
, Dex. I miss you. I miss being so
close to you when my mind is too busy worrying about things to come. I needed
that. I needed what we just did to remind me I’m still here. I love you so
much, Dexter. Don’t ever forget how much.”

“Ditto,” was all I had time to reply before I sealed
her mouth with mine.

Then, with the image of what she just did to me fresh
in my mind, I went in for round two.





,” I squealed,
bending down to wrap my arms around Rachel. “You’re here!” We are heading to
Blackpool tomorrow for a whole week and I don’t think I’ve
been so excited about anything in my life. It’s been a month
since we got the news that Chris’ chemo isn’t working but still, they gave him
another round of treatment in case the tumour was just slow to react. It
wasn’t. In fact, the scan he had last week confirmed it was still growing. “And

“Um, thanks, ho. You’re looking like a heifer

“Stop it! You know what I mean. You look great.”

“Please don’t tell me I’m ‘glowing’,” she grumbled,
rolling her eyes. “Because that shit just isn’t true. My ankles are so huge you
can’t tell where my legs end and my feet begin, my skin would rival any sixteen
year old acne sufferer’s and I’ve had piles
fucking times.”

“Wow, Rach. I will sleep so much better knowing you’ve
got grapes hanging from your bum,” I teased, clenching my own bum cheeks
together and wincing a little.

“I offered to put cream on them for her but she
refused. So it’s her own fault if she’s suffering,” Jared piped up. I burst
into a fit of giggles and Rachel rolled her eyes.

“Jaz, I can cream up my own arse thank you.”

“You weren’t saying that last night,” he replied with
a wink. I faked an exaggerated gag and shook my head to try and expel the
unwanted vision that was currently burnt into my eyelids. “Besides, what’s
wrong with wanting to take care of my girl?”

“Taking care of me would be handing me the cream for
me to take into the bathroom alone. Wanting to rub that shit in for me is just
fucking weird.”

“Where’s Dex?” Jared asked, turning to me and ignoring
Rachel’s insult. It’s adorable the way they quabble. They mock each other
constantly but the glint in their eyes whenever they look at one another
screams devotion.

“He’s at Sarah’s. I’m going to head over later to see
my dad.”

Rachel quizzed. “I thought he was leaving when he got his credit cards

“Sarah wouldn’t let him,” I shrugged. “You know how
she is – always wanting to help out. She doesn’t see the point in wasting
good money on a hotel when she has a spare room.”

“Oh my God they’re so fucking each other!”

“Rachel!” I admonished. “Ewww! That’s my dad!” And it
was a ridiculous idea. He’s only just left Jocelyn. And although he’s been
trying really hard to be a better father, he’s pompous by nature and not the
loving and affectionate man Sarah deserves. So yeah, the thought is stupid. Isn’t
it? Oh, God… please tell me you agree. “I think I just threw up in my mouth a

“Sarah and Derek sittin’ in a tree…” she started to
sing. My death glare soon shut her up though. “So what’s the plan for
tomorrow?” she went on to ask, forcing a much-needed subject change as we made
our way to the sofas.

“Dex’s picking the minibus up at nine. Then we’ll pick
you guys up from your parents’ and the world is our oyster!”

“Sounds good to me. I swear I’m going to eat until I
feel sick.”

“And that’s different from every other day… how?”
Jared teased.

“Fuck you, dipshit. I only have three months left to
enjoy my food before these guys pop out. There’s no point in worrying about my
figure while I’m smuggling two gigantic melons under my shirt.”

“Babe, you were smuggling giant melons way before I
injected you with my super seed.”

You know when you choke on a laugh and you end up
sounding like a grunting pig? Yeah – that’s what I just sounded like.

“Super seed?” I questioned, unable to suppress the
giggle tickling my throat.

“Oh come on, that stuff hit the goal on practically
the first attempt. And not once, but
That’s super hero seed right there.”

In that moment, Chris walked in – covered in car
grease and grime. I saw the shock register briefly on Rachel’s face before she
took a deep breath and forced a smile.

“Hey, good lookin’,” she said to Chris. “You miss me?”

“Always, Rach.”

“Lovin’ the new hairdo. Makes you look even more
fuckable,” she teased with the wink she has used on my brother for as long as I
can remember.

should shave my head,” Jared interjected.

“Nah, you’d just look like a moron if you did that.
You’re not buff enough to pull that shit off.”

“I’m going to take a shower,” Chris said once he’d
finished laughing at Rachel and Jared’s latest insult-fest.

“Okay,” I said, trying not to let the sadness I felt
furrow my brow. He looked exhausted in every way possible. He was getting
thinner – his clothes growing baggy, he had permanent grey circles under
his eyes and in recent weeks his skin has turned dull, almost leathery looking.
As yet, he’s still fighting. He refuses to take a day off work even when he’s
popping painkillers every two hours in an effort to numb the pain in his head,
or when he’s throwing up every ten minutes. I know why he’s doing it –
for Dexter. He’s worked so hard to get him through his NVQ – they both
have and they’re almost there. It’s a good job too because I really don’t think
he’ll be able to keep this up much longer. Chris is fading right in front of
me, and it breaks my heart.

“You’re coping so well, Em,” Rachel said, gripping my
knee and snapping me back into the room. I hadn’t realised I’d been staring at
the door after Chris had left the room, or that tears were trickling down my

“Doesn’t always feel like it,” I admitted, wiping my
tears away. “You noticed didn’t you? How fast he’s deteriorating?” I said,
referring to the look on her face when she first saw him.

“Yeah,” she agreed, nodding solemnly. “I almost didn’t
recognise him.”

I nodded in agreement. Jared stayed quiet, probably
feeling uncomfortable with the conversation I assumed. He didn’t really know
Chris after all, and Jared is famous for not knowing how to deal with ‘crying

“Do you guys want a drink?” I asked, trying to lighten
the atmosphere that had suddenly grown so heavy it felt like I was trapped
under a pile of rubble.

“No thanks, ho. My mum’s expecting us. Just wanted to
pop in and see you first before we went.”

“Okay. Well I need to go to Sarah’s too so I’ll take
you guys on the way.”

“No you won’t. It’s like twenty minutes out of your
way. We’ll call a taxi.”

“I’m taking you. End of.”

“Wow, ho, when did you become all firm and masterful?
You’ll be swearing next!”

“Fuck you,” I said, trying to be serious but ending up
laughing hysterically.

“Man, Dexter must
this side of you! I think I’m dripping a little myself!”

I didn’t respond to Rachel’s comment out loud, but
yes, Dexter totally loves it when I find my voice in the bedroom. I used to be
so shy and nervous about it, but over the months Dexter has slowly teased out
my inner sex kitten. Crap, I can’t believe I just said that. Sorry.

“Okay, I’ll just go and tell Chris we’re heading out
and then we’ll get going.”

“Sure,” Rachel said. “If you hug him, squeeze him a
little tighter from me, yeah?”

“Will do,” I answered, smiling. “But you can hug him
yourself while we’re away.”

“I plan to. I plan to squeeze that sexy fucker till I
break a rib.”

“Um… hi,” Jared interrupted, waving his hand over
himself. “What about
fucker?” he teased, referring to himself.

“Nah. You’re just a fucker.”

Laughing yet again at their banter, I made my way out
of the living room and upstairs to Chris. When I reached his room I knocked
lightly, pushing the door open slightly when he didn’t reply. He was curled up
in a ball on top of his sheets, fast asleep. Walking over to him, I plucked his
duvet off the floor and gently draped it over him. He stirred only a little
before settling back into whatever dream he was having.

“I love you, bro,” I whispered into the air, ignoring
the painful throb in my chest.

Then, I turned back to the stairs and got ready to go.


“Princess,” my dad greeted, opening Sarah’s door when
I arrived. Seemed he was really making himself at home here. “Would you like a
drink?” Yep, definitely treating the place like his own. God I hated Rachel in
that moment. I was suddenly over-analysing every move he made, every word he
spoke, every glance he took in Sarah’s direction.

“No thanks. I’m good,” I replied, making my way
further into the small house.

“Hey, you,” I said to Dexter when I reached him in the

“Hey back,” he said, enfolding me in his arms and
kissing the top of my head. Just as I raised my head to take the kiss I’d been
craving all day, my dad and Sarah appeared in the doorway.

“Hey, Sarah.”

“Hey, honey. Are you all set for tomorrow?”

“Yeah, just about. I finished packing this afternoon
so there’s just the essentials left for the morning – makeup,
toothbrushes, that kind of thing.”

“Well, princess I hope you all have a wonderful time,”
my dad chimed in, and then… no way… no seriously I did
just see that. Except I totally did. He brushed his arm against
Sarah’s. It could’ve been an accident, and I might not even have thought anything
about it if Sarah’s cheeks didn’t blush ruby bloody red when it happened!

“How’s things with Jocelyn?” I asked curtly, draining
the blush from Sarah’s cheeks.

“Um,” he stammered, looking awfully uncomfortable all
of a sudden. “We’ve agreed only to speak through our solicitors. To be honest,
princess I think she needs help. The feelings she’s developed for you and your
brother over the years… they’re not normal. I think she’s still struggling to
come to terms with Olivia’s death.”

“So why aren’t you supporting her then?”

“Doll?” Dexter pressed, putting a worried hand on my
shoulder and assessing my face with his eyes. “What’s going on with you?”

“Well I just think if she needs help, if all this
isn’t because she’s just a complete bitch, then why has he abandoned her?” I
explained – my tone so acidic the words left a vile taste in my mouth.

“Because I don’t love her, Emily,” my dad explained.
“I never did. We’ve discussed this. In my messed up head I needed someone to
replace your mother. That’s all Jocelyn was – a replacement. I’m not
saying I don’t care about what happens to her. We spent many years together, or
at least lived in the same house. But I can’t keep living this lie, princess. And
neither can she.”

“Come on, doll we best get going,” Dexter intervened.
I agreed and as I turned to grab my car keys I noticed Dexter shoot Sarah a ‘I
have no idea’ shrug.

“Have a great trip,” Sarah said – nervously if
you ask me – as we made our way out. “Call me mid-week and let me know
you’re safe,” she added, turning to Dexter and kissing him on the cheek.

“Sure will, sweet cheeks. I love you.”

“Love you too, honey.”


“Bye, honey.”

“See ya, Derek.”

“Goodbye, Dexter. And take care, princess.”

“G’night, John-Boy,” I chirped sarcastically. I
couldn’t help myself. That had to be one of the longest goodbye sessions I’d
ever been involved in! Obviously sensing my frustration everyone shut the hell
up and I stormed off to my car. Once inside, I slammed the door closed and
huffed as I forced the keys into the ignition.

“Whoa, doll,” Dexter said after sliding in beside me.
He curled his fingers around my wrist, preventing me from starting the engine.
“Wanna tell me what the hell’s gotten into you tonight?”

“My dad’s screwing your aunty,” I blurted.

“What! Don’t be ridiculous, what the hell makes you
think that?”

“Rachel said something earlier and-”

“Em, you know Snickers talks shit. She was probably
just trying to be funny.”

“I thought that too at first. But then why is he still
living with her? Why is he so open and friendly all of a sudden? Why did he
‘accidentally’ brush her arm tonight and make her blush like a lovesick

“I didn’t notice, but I’m sure it was nothing.”

“It wasn’t nothing. It was
. I’m telling you, Dex… they’re together.”

“Hmm,” he pondered, sinking back in his seat for a few
seconds while he processed my rant. “Well even if they are, I don’t suppose it
really matters. Aunt Sarah deserves some happiness. And yeah your dad isn’t
totally off my shit list yet, but he’s working damn hard to prove himself so I
guess he’s not the worst thing that could happen to her. Why are you so

“Because they’re
about it! Haven’t lies caused us enough shit already?”

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