Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) (15 page)

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Authors: Dee Palmer

Tags: #The Choices Trilogy, #Book 1

BOOK: Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1))
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“Well ladies, allow me to take you to your destination. After all, it’s the least I can do, I believe you said it was for charity?” He moves to the side to allow us to get in. I hesitate but it’s too late, Sofia already has her head in the vehicle. I sigh and follow with a weak smile.

“Nice ride you have here Mr Stone.” Sofia seductively strokes the soft leather, she’s incorrigible.

“It gets me from A to B and please, call me Daniel.” I smile as he repeats my sentiment about cars. We head out toward the Kings Road, after giving Daniel’s driver the address. Sofia chats and Daniel politely fields her questions but his eyes burn through me, igniting a fire in my core that I am struggling to contain. Each time, a little more of my resistance falls away and I forget one more reason why I shouldn’t embrace this scorching need that I know he can fulfil. We reach our destination and just as I go to thank Daniel, Sofia speaks first.

“Daniel, why don’t you come in for a bit, check out my Bets talents’ on stage?” She nudges me as my head whips round with pure shock and outrage. “You could come as the diet coke man?” She starts to giggle as I try and man-handle her out of the car.

“She didn’t mean it, sorry. Thank you for the lift.” Daniel is standing on the pavement towering above me.

“Didn’t mean I could come or didn’t mean I could come as the diet coke man?” His lips curl with barely contained amusement.

“Oh I’m pretty sure there’s no contest between you and the diet coke man.” I note but not giving him the opportunity to follow I turn and add. “Thank you again for the lift.” Grabbing Sofia, who is still giggling I lead her into the club.

“You’re fired!” I turn to face her “Officially NOT my best friend anymore!” I huff indignantly and turn to take in the bar. It is colourful and crowded, loud and luminous. Someone has gone all out on the décor; fluorescent lighting, film posters from the decade and even some impressive sculptures of iconic 80’s memorabilia. There is a large suspended Rubics’ cube hanging beside the mirrored disco ball and a three foot free standing 3-D Arctic Roll dessert complete with packaging which is doubling as a table in the centre of the room. The ‘acts’ for the evening have already started and two identical Michael Jacksons perform a polished routine to Billy Jean on stage. This is beginning to feel a lot like a competition. We make our way to the bar and some familiar faces. Sofia gets the first round, handing me two shot glasses. I raise my brow.

“You need this, trust me.” She nods toward the door.

“I know he’s there, I can feel him.” I close my eyes for a second and just absorb the sensations that have become so familiar, so quickly and that my body now seems to crave.

“Bets, can you not tell how fucking sexy that is! Stop fighting the fun, listen to your body for once. Look, if you enjoy what he does to your body and no, don’t interrupt, if you enjoy it and you obviously do, just let it happen. What’s the worst that can happen?” She shakes my shoulders and maybe some debatable sense into me.

“Famous last words Sofs.” I down the first shot and wince as the burn rips down my throat. “Look I’m going to try one last thing to end this, then . . . well, then I’ve got nothing left, no more resistance.” I give a little shrug and tip the second tequila back. I give an exaggerated shiver. Marco makes his way over with a sheepish grin, I can’t be angry at him, especially with the warm slightly dizzy feeling I’m getting from the shots.

“Hey Bets, looking good!” He winks, he’s being brave and I narrow my eyes.

“Your sister’s fired and you may well be next mister!” I poke him in the chest. He is looking nothing like Robert Palmer, but his hair is slick and his suit is sharp so he’ll pass. I feel the wave of heat at my back and I know I have company. I lean into Marco,

“You’ll be off the hook if you play along.” I whisper and turn just catching the confusion on his face.

“Daniel, you decided to join us, that’s nice.” I pause to take in his dark eyes, I lift my chin.“Let me introduce my boyfriend, Marco.” I look toward Marco’s face and hear Sofia choke on her drink, thanks for having my back guys! “Marco this is Daniel Stone, he is a guest lecturer at my University.”

“Boyfriend, Miss Thorne?” He shakes Marco’s hand but doesn’t take his eyes from me. “Your recent behaviour would lead me to think you might be lying.” I can see the glint in his eyes that he knows I am but the muscle at his jaw is ticking with tension from something.

“Today, we became official today, all very star crossed, very sudden, very passionate.” I purr and awkwardly lean into Marco who is transfixed at my performance.

“Really?” His response is deep and slow. “Are you insulting my intelligence Miss Thorne, because I would consider
to be extremely impolite?” He narrows his eyes and I take it as a challenge. I turn, thrust my hands into Marcos hair and fix my mouth to his in what has to be the least passionate kiss in history. I here Daniel growl and I break the kiss, turning to see his fierce eyes and jaw clenched. He takes my hand and pulls me away from Marco. “Enough Bethany!” His voice is firm and it makes me stop. “There is no way Marco is your boyfriend. He is a friend, yes, but he looks like he has just been French kissed by his sister!” His tone his quietly serious. “I would challenge you Bethany, that it isn’t
to use your friends in such a way.” I blush and feel completely reprimanded, he is right. “Not that I think he minds but the girl he was dry humping when you first arrived certainly seems to.” I look over to where Daniel indicates with his eyes and see the death stare from a petite blonde dressed as SuperGirl. I’m mortified.

“Marco, I’m so sorry, you know I didn’t mean-” He hugs me tight pulling me away from Daniel.

“Don’t think about it, really don’t, I’ll always have your back.” Marco interrupts my apology with the best of hugs, they warm the soul. “Hey Man.” He addresses Daniel. “She has her reasons. You should respect that and back off.” He smiles at me and starts to walk away. “You need me, I’m there Bets.” Only he is not looking at me when he speaks. This display of Alpha maleness makes me tremble and I think I am going to be sick, I won’t let that play out. I turn to diffuse the tension.

“Daniel, I am sorry, really it’s just that . . .” I’m lost for words

“Bethany.” He leans in and I am engulfed in his smell and the sparks that fire between us. “Tell me, what is it about me that makes you think I am not a man that gets exactly what he wants, when he wants it?” The rawness in his voice has me panting. He steps into me and I can feel his erection press hard against me. I lick my lips remembering the taste of him, his lids are heavy, I think he is thinking the same thing.

“We are going to leave, I need you to come with me now.” He tightly grips my hips, growling his demand. I clench, my core on fire.

“Bets, we’re on in five, you better have a few more of these.” I let out a huge breath as Sofia places two more shot glasses in front of me. Daniel takes them from her and for a moment I think he is going to tell her that we are leaving and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t stop him but the corners of his mouth turn up.

“If you are going to do tequila shots Bethany there is only one way to do them.” His voice is hypnotic. He takes a piece of lime and holds it up to my mouth.

“Open.” I obey and I swear I hear him moan. I gently grab the fruit between my teeth. With that, he cups my chin and tilts my head exposing my neck. He leans closer and drags his warm tongue along the vein that must be pumping madly if my heart rate is anything to go by. I shiver at the contact and my breath hitches. He sprinkles a small pinch of salt on the damp area he created and picks up the shot glass.

“Cheers!” He has the widest grin. He firmly licks the salt from my neck, downs the shot and presses his lips hard against my mouth and sucks the juice from the lime. “Mmm, your turn?” He raises a brow.

“Holy Hell!” Sofia gushes in my ear. I gape at him, I’m a tingling ball of desire but manage to shake my head, laughing as a deep breath rushes from my body.

“Wow!” I silently gasp, utterly speechless and dripping wet.

Daniels’ eyes burn through me. “Looks like you’re on ladies?” He informs us coolly nodding toward the stage and I reach behind him to grab the other shot.

“I’m still going to need this.” After I swallow, I blow out a cooling breath to calm the effect of Daniel not the liquor.

The heat from the lights is fierce on the stage but it also has the effect of making the audience invisible, which is fantastic. I put the guitar strap around my neck and tug ineffectively at the hem of my dress.

“Bets, sultry and sexy. No smiling.” Sofia winks at me, the picture of confidence.

“Too scared to smile Sofs.” I snort. The loud bass and drum kicks in of our chosen track;
Addicted to Love
and I watch as Marco dramatically grabs for the microphone stand, casually winking at me over his shoulder. I laugh again then quickly remember no smiling, so pout instead. The song belts out from the wall of speakers behind us and with the effect of the shots making their way through my body I start to sway, synchronising my movements with Sofia at my side. It’s easy, fun, the audience are cheering and better still I can’t see any of them. Sofia shouts at me to stop smiling but I can’t help it I’m having too much fun. I love dancing, although this is really just a gentle roll of my hips. Sofia is right, it does feel good to do what my body wants for a change. Marco is giving his all for his big finale and the stage lights go out. There are shouts for another track and before I can leave the stage I hear the first bars to
Bad Case.
I look to where Daniel is standing and can’t help my own grin, with the lights out momentarily I can see clearly and I catch a glimpse as he sets about adjusting his trousers.

The lights go back on the stage and Sofia comes up behind me to spoon, grinding gently against my butt taking our routine up a notch in the sexy scale. She has ditched her guitar and I do the same, she has her hands on my hips. This song is a little faster and it’s more fun to jump around a little. Facing each other as Marco dominates the front of the stage; Sofia starts licking her lips suggestively, I laugh and mirror this, and it doesn’t feel like exhibitionism because I can’t see anyone else. The edge of the stage starts to fill will some of the audience and I feel strange hands rest on my hips, only to be snapped away. I turn to see a man stumble away from me and the furious dark eyes of Daniel and all too quickly the seat of his pants, as I am swept up and over his shoulder. He tugs roughly on the hem of my dress preventing full exposure and I can’t help giggle at his attempt at protecting my modesty.

“I don’t share!” He growls as way of an explanation and strides off the stage. My head inches from his backside. I giggle again, it’s the alcohol. I’m thinking I could just sink my teeth into that tight arse, definitely the drink talking. He strides through the crowd until he is outside and I can hear him speaking to his driver. He carefully slides me down the front of his toned firm body and places me on the pavement. He looks angry.

“This is normal for you?” His face is dark and there is fury in his eyes, effectively killing my playful buzz.

“Yes Daniel, absolutely fucking normal, between working full- time, a full-time- part-time degree and visiting my . . .” I stop myself and he raises a questioning brow. “Between all that,” I continue with just as much anger as he is radiating. “I do this
night!” I point toward the club and return his scowl.

He shakes his head and runs his hand through his hair a few times before he speaks again. His voice is softer. “Sorry Bethany, it’s just, you look so sexy, you look so natural, so confident, did you hear the crowd?”

Oh the irony. “Well Daniel that’s called drink, it gives me courage and makes men horny and that has very little to do with me!”

“Why do you do that?” His dark brow furrows but I can’t get my head round why he is angry? Why he is even here? Why me?

“Do what Daniel? What do you want from me?” He is standing so close we are touching, he takes his hand and sweeps it up the back of my neck fisting my hair and pulling my face to his.

“This is going to go two ways. Firstly, you have been extremely impolite and your behaviour has been disappointing for which you will be punished. Secondly, I believe we have some urgent unfinished business and because of this, your punishment will have to wait. Because now, right now, I am going to fuck you until morning . . . Miss Thorne, I am going to make you come until you beg me to stop.” His breath is hot against my mouth, “And I know I’m going to love to hear you beg, do you understand Miss Thorne? Is this acceptable to you?” He looks deep into my eyes.

“Yes Sir.” My head no longer has a say because my body has chosen.

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