Necessary Retribution (35 page)

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Authors: Mike McNeff

BOOK: Necessary Retribution
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“They could be a useful augmentation to my team. I'll keep you posted.”

“Thank you, Robin.”

Robin hung up the phone and looked at the planning team working on the map table. He turned to Jamie.

“What's your assessment?”

“I think Jonathan and Colin are on the right track and I think the team is about to engage in its most dangerous mission.”

The knot in Robin's stomach got tighter.


in the family room. Rada sat across from her.

“I don't know how Robin does all of this. Just getting the place and setting it up for Mark and Rick is enough to wear me out for two days. Thank God Lev is taking the night shift.”

“My husband is a good man.” Rada moved her neck and shoulders trying to loosen them. “I'm in knots and I can't seem to relax.”

“Well, you've been going non-stop for days, Rada. I'd fix you a drink, but Robin said you don't imbibe.”

“Maybe, I will change my mind. What do you have?”

“I personally like scotch, especially since my husband buys me the best.”

“Well, give me just a little to see if I like it.”

“It sounds like a wonderful idea to me.”

Karen make them both scotch on the rocks. The scotch was a single malt aged in sherry casks. “Just sip it, Rada.”

Rada took a sip and made a scrunched face that slowly faded. “Oh my, it feels warm going down.”

“Isn't it a nice feeling?”

Rada took another sip. “Goodness, that is relaxing, but I must be careful. I have to drive the children home tonight.”

“Nonsense, they're fine here and you can stay in the guest room. Casey has already gone back to West Point.”

Rada sighed and leaned back on the couch. “Karen, Lev is thinking about joining Robin's team. I am worried about the things they do. I am not sure Lev is the same type of person as Robin. Can I trouble you for some advice?”

Karen looked out the windows and focused on the last glow of the sun as it dipped below the horizon. Blazing rays of orange and gold spread out over the blue water, causing diamonds of light to dance on the waves. A tear fell from her eye. She turned back to Rada. “I don't know if I'm the one to counsel anyone about how to deal with men like our husbands. I'm certainly not any good at getting my husband to pick a more mundane line of work, but you should know the team doesn't have a choice. They have to do what they do or go to prison.”

Rada bolted upright. “They are criminals?”

Karen let out a hearty laugh. “Not only are they criminals, but they are international criminals.” Karen saw the horrified look on Rada's face. “I'm joking, Rada. Robin and the team went into Mexico without legal authority to rescue Cathy, who was kidnapped by a drug cartel. My husband, being the man he is, made sure the cartel leader paid dearly for his crime. The rest of the team made sure the whole cartel paid dearly…it doesn't exist anymore. When they came back, they were given a choice, work for the CIA, or go to prison.”

Rada leaned back on the couch. “I do not want Lev doing such things.”

“I don't want Robin doing such things…all of the wives don't want their husbands doing such things, but on this last mission Robin and Mark stopped a terrorist team from detonating a nuclear device in Japan. God only knows how many lives they saved and they may have prevented nuclear war. How do I tell my husband not to do that?!”

Rada sat back up. “Lev is not like them.”

Karen took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You're kidding yourself, Rada. Lev is a cop, right?”

“Yes, but it's not like here. He didn't have a gun.”

“Did he get into fights?”

“Well, yes…it's part of the work…I mean with drunk people…”

Karen held up her hand. “Did he win the fights?”

Rada's lips started to quiver. “Yes.”

Karen went over to Rada and put her arm around Rada's shoulders. Rada buried her head in Karen's chest and cried.

“Rada, we are our own worst enemies. We love men of principle, loyalty… and action. We want them to be safe, but it means trying to change them and that, my dear, rarely works out.”

Rada sat upright and wiped her eyes. “Ever since Lev met Robin, it seemed like he has been torn and on edge, but when Robin told him he could train to be on the team, he calmed down and has a resolve I have never seen in him before. I sense he now has the purpose in life he has always wanted.”

“Don't make the mistake of believing that purpose in life means he doesn't love you or the children just as much as he always has. It's just some men are drawn to the job of protecting others who can't protect themselves. We happen to be married to two of them.”

“So I should not say anything to him?”

“Oh no, Rada. Tell him exactly what you think and feel. Just don't make him feel guilty if he chooses to join the team. The only other thing you should consider is Lev will either join a police department or join the team, right?”

“That's what he said.”

“Well, here's something else for you to consider. The team is the best trained and equipped team of its kind. The men are all dedicated to each other and can rely on each other in the toughest of situations. You don't find that everywhere. It's one of the things that keeps me going when they're gone.”

Rada looked down at her hands folded in her lap. “I am frightened.”

“Oh, Rada, I can't even begin to know what you're going through right now. You've been ripped from your home, taken to a foreign country and thrust into a very unfamiliar environment. No wonder you're frightened. I'd be terrified!”

Rada looked at Karen and smiled. Then she started laughing. Then both women started laughing together.

“I do not think I would be able to get through this without you, Karen. Thank you for being so wonderful.”

“We need to get all the wives together so you can meet them, but tomorrow is going to be another busy day. We should start thinking about getting some sleep.”


with a giant bear hug. “Welcome to Osh, my friend!”

Spetsnaz soldiers guarded the perimeter of the ramp where Fatboy and an AN-12 were parked tail to tail. The team and more Spetsnaz soldiers unloaded equipment from Fatboy and into the AN-12. Two more AN-12s were close by.

“It's good to see you again, Alex. Have you been briefed on our information?”

“No, Yosef told me you would brief me when we met.”

“We need to brief everyone and get an infiltration plan built up. Do you have two men who can work with my planners?”

“Of course.”

“Good. After we get the equipment loaded, we'll start planning and hold a briefing. In the meantime, I'll get an update from our people in Islamabad.” Robin looked around. “Are these Spetsnaz men the same ones who were in Zurich?”

Alex laughed. “Are you a little worried?”

“Wouldn't you be?”

Alex laughed again. “Yes, I would be. Some of these men were in Zurich. Only part of my group was there. The others were from another group and they are not here. All of these men work directly for me. You can trust them as much as you trust me.”

Robin looked steadily into Alex's eyes. “Since I trust you with my life, I feel much better.”

Alex held Robin's gaze. “And I trust you with my life. We are soldiers in a dangerous and complicated world. It is good we are comrades.”

The two men kissed each other on the cheeks, the traditional Russian expression of friendship. They did it as a display of unity to the other men as well.

Three hours later, Robin walked with Alex and Ernie across the flight line when he heard a commotion from where the Guardians and Spetsnaz were working on coordinating small team tactics. “What the hell's going on?”

The three men walked over to a widening circle of men. In the middle of the circle, Burke was squared off with the Spetsnaz First Sergeant. The Sergeant was a full inch taller than Burke and built like a brick wall.

Robin tapped Rocky on the shoulder. “What the hell is going on, Rock?”

Rocky turned to Robin. “The First Sergeant and Burke had a discussion about hand to hand combat. They decided to test each other's theory.”

“Shit, they may kill each other!”

“They agreed there'd be no punches, just moves and holds.” Rocky had a big grin on his face.

Alex started forward, but Robin grabbed his arm.

“Let ’em go, Alex. They know what they're doing.”

“But Robin…” A look of realization came over Alex's face then he smiled and relaxed.

Burke and the sergeant started circling each other, looking for an opening. The sergeant grinned at Burke, taunting him in Russian. Burke answered, telling the sergeant to stop talking and start fighting. The sergeant feinted and then moved like lightning, burying his shoulder into Burke's solar plexus knocking him down. Burke rolled and sprang to his feet and in an instant he swept the sergeant's feet from underneath him while lifting him by the belt and slamming him to the ground. The sergeant sprang to his feet before Burke could move in. The give and take battle went on for fifteen minutes. Both men were nearing exhaustion, but at the last moment the First Sergeant tried to kick the inside of Burke's knee…a move that violated the informal rules. Robin could tell by the look in Burke's eyes that he took the move as a green light. Burke made a circular motion with this left arm, catching the sergeant's foot in the crook of the outside of his wrist and then
completing the movement to spin the First Sergeant's body in midair and slamming him face first into the ground. The sergeant laid there for a long moment.

Burke moved to the sergeant's head and he looked up. Burke offered his hand. A stillness filled the air as no one breathed, waiting for the sergeant's reaction. A puff of breeze raised a small cloud of dust in front his face and spun away. He shook his head, slowly raising his hand and Burke took it, pulling the sergeant to this feet.

The two men looked at each other and then the sergeant gave Burke a bear hug and rubbed the top of his head. The group broke out in cheers and laughter and crowded around the two combatants.

“Looks like we're a team, Alex!”

Alex grinned at Robin and nodded with approval.

Robin gave the last comments of the briefing. “We'll infiltrate in three flights, One plane will land at Kohrat, one at Ris
lpor and one at Minhas. Getting off the planes and getting them back in the air in under three minutes is critical. That way we'll be off the airports before anyone can react, if they will at all. The Paks have C-130s, so if anyone sees one of our planes, hopefully they'll think it's just a C-130 on a training mission and let it go. Does anyone have any questions or concerns?” No one spoke up. “All right, assembly is at 2100 hours.” The meeting ended and the men headed to complete final preparations for the mission.

Alex came up to Robin.

“It sounds like we are on the right track. At least we're doing something and this information cannot be ignored.”

“That's our opinion, too. My team needs some sleep before we launch tonight. It will probably be awhile before we get to sleep again. I'll see you this evening.”

Robin woke to Ernie shaking him. “Wake up, Rob. We've got a problem.”

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