Necessary Retribution (32 page)

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Authors: Mike McNeff

BOOK: Necessary Retribution
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“You work for the CIA…”

“No we don't. Unless you're prepared to put us on the payroll with full benefits and the guarantee to negotiate our release in case we're captured, we don't work for you. You set the rules, you're the one who put us on contract. When I was floating in the Sea of Japan with Mark in bad shape, was the cavalry coming? Was there a helicopter or a submarine coming for us?”

Bill decided not to tell Rob about the submarine, mainly because it was there to sink the freighter if necessary, not to rescue Rob and Mark. “You know the deal.”

“Your damn right I know the deal. It's you who seems to have forgotten the fine print. I did what I did in Russia to survive, get Mark medical treatment and get us home. You're the one who said we would be on our own if we got caught.”

“I know you agreed to work for the Russians.”

“I didn't agree to work for the Russians. I agreed to a contract for a mission. It's the same basis as we have with you.”

“How can you say that? What if we want to send you into Russia for an operation?”

“It's the same thing. If it's acceptable, we'll do it.”

“And what if they want to send you on mission into the United States?”

“If it's acceptable, we'll do it.”

“Jesus, Rob, you know we have a new president, but what you probably don't know is the director died last night. They've appointed James Chapple as the acting CIA Director and he'll probably get the appointment. He's a political hack and with you pulling this crap, I don't know if I can protect you guys under these circumstances.”

“You told me you knew we had a deal with the Russians. That means you know what the deal is, because you have a mole. You know exactly what's going on.”

Bill suddenly became nervous. “You're jumping to conclusions.”

“Bullshit. You have a mole and you know the mission we agreed to is more than compatible with the national interest of the United States.”


“Don't insult me by telling me not to talk about this. You know damn good and well this conversation won't leave this room.”

Bill sat back in his chair and took a deep breath. “Okay, we know you're looking for General Picushkin and the Russians are missing either nuclear or biological weapons or both.”

“All right, good enough. I need you to get your people looking for Picushkin and get them talking to Jamie. Between the Russians, our people and yours we should find him pretty quickly.”

“I'll get it going, but you need to understand the president is very upset about the way you handled the Russians. He's questioning the viability of the team.”

“I love it. You send us to do your dirty work, but you don't want us to get too dirty. Please tell the president, if he doesn't like us, don't use us, if he has another team as quick and effective as we are. We'd love to be home with our families.”

“What makes you think there aren't other teams?”

“I don't know if there are other teams. I don't care. It boils down to the simple fact that if you need us, you know we're here. If you don't need us, that's okay too.”

Bill rose from his chair. “I didn't mean to piss you off, Rob.”

“Well, you did. We have two badly wounded men, prevented a nuclear attack on Sasebo, prevented the Chinese from having a reason to attack Taiwan and established a reliable intel source in North Korea and all I hear is the new president is upset. Well, that makes two of us.”

“I think we should leave it at that for awhile.”

“Fine with me. I've said my piece.”

“Shall we go see how the immigration process is going?”

“Not yet. We have some loose ends to tie up.”

“Like what?”

“I need to get Gunner, the North Korean Lieutenant, into Ranger School and I may need to get Lev in as well if he decides to join us.”

Bill didn't immediately reply.

“What's the matter, Bill?”

“I'm not sure I can do that, at this point.”

Robin started rubbing his head. “Are you going to make me play games like the Russians did?”

“What do you mean?”

“Never mind.”

Robin rose from his seat and headed for the door.

“Okay, Rob, I'm sorry. I should be playing the games with the politicians, not with you. I'll get them into Ranger School. Same class as Carlos.”

“Same class as Carlos?”

“Yeah, we've done all we can with him. He wants to work for you, so I'll see they're all in together.”

Robin let out a long breath and turned his head back and forth in a futile effort to loosen his neck muscles. He thought of Carlos, a Cuban agent who flipped and went into Mexico with the team. Carlos had been doing counterespionage work with Chris Fleming ever since. It would be good to see him again.

“What else do you need?”

“We have a Palestinian under wraps in Taiwan. He's agreed to work undercover for us. I want to bring him to you and get him trained to be a covert agent.”

“Damn, why didn't you tell me that before?”

“Because I want him to be a successful covert agent and not a dead one. I only wanted to tell you about him in person.”

“Good point. Get him to me. I'll take care of it.”


Bill held out his hand to Robin. Robin clasped it warmly.

“I'm sorry for the outburst, Bill. The president's concern just rubs me the wrong way.”

“It's all right, Rob. I know you've been through hell.”

“C'mon, let's go to the conference room and see how things are going.”

“One more thing, Rob.”


“There is no other team like you guys. Nobody, not even the military, can deploy as fast as you guys can and there is no other non-military team that can take care of business like you guys. I made that clear to the president.”

Robin put his hand on Bill's shoulder. “Thanks, Bill. I know you mean well and I know some day politics may come crashing down on the team, but I'm going to call ’em like I see ’em. It's the only way to get the job done.”

Bill laughed. “It's good to see you haven't changed. Let's go to the conference room.

Rob led the way to the conference room. They saw a lot of paperwork being filled out and discussed with Ralph, whose fingers flew on the keyboard of an IBM Selectric Typewriter creating permanent resident cards. “I should be done, in a couple of minutes. They have more paperwork to fill out, but Ernie is going to forward it to me.”

“You're my kind of guy, Ralph,” Robin complimented.

“I don't hear that very often, thanks!”

Five minutes later, Ralph packed up. “Okay folks, you're now permanent residents. I don't know what these two gentlemen have in store for you, but I wish all of you luck.”

Lev came forward and shook Ralph's hand as did Gunner. Then Bill and Ralph left.

Robin walked to the flight deck. “Get us home, Jack.”

Amen, boss.”


to the Marlette house. People poured out and Karen flew into Robin's arms as he walked up the driveway. Laurie and Eddie were right behind and it turned into a group hug with the dog trying to get in the act. Ernie held his wife, Sally and daughter Judy. Robin looked up and saw Cathy and Andy coming toward him. The others moved so both men could get a hug in. Then Karen hooked her arm in Robin's as they headed for the front door.

“We have some surprises for you.”

“No kidding! Cathy and Andy are a surprise.”

Karen just smiled at him. They entered the house as Casey came walking into the living room.

“Well, if isn't the third year West Pointer! Hello, son.”

“Hey, Dad. It's good to see you. Hi Uncle Ernie.” Casey shook Ernie's hand.

“Same here.” Robin and Casey embraced. “How are things going at the Academy?”

“The third year is more about learning and less about hassle. It's much more enjoyable and I'm doing well in my classes.”

“As usual. How's the military training going?”

“Good stuff. I stay in the top five percent in performance.”

“Not number one?”

“Come on, Dad. I get first in a lot of the stuff, but there are a lot of smart, physically capable people there. It's tough competition.”

“I know, Casey. I'm proud of your accomplishments. You should get one of the first picks of assignment when you graduate.”

“That's what I'm shooting for.”

“Still looking at the Rangers?”

“Yep, and working my way into Special Forces and then Delta.”

Robin put his hand on Casey's shoulder. “I have no doubt you'll get there.”

“Let's all sit down, shall we?” Karen gently ordered.

Everyone found chairs or the floor. Robin noticed Andy paying close attention to Cathy. He also noticed a certain glow on Cathy's face and a knowing smile on Karen's. He figured out the second surprise, but didn't say anything. He glanced at Karen again and she gave him the act surprised look.

Andy stood up. “Can I have everyone's attention please.” Everyone quieted down and Andy surveyed the room, barely able to contain a wide grin forming at his mouth. “Cathy and I have an announcement to make.”

Cathy took Andy's hand.

“We're going to add to this wonderful family. We're going to have…twins! A boy and a girl!”

“Hooray!” Eddie yelled. “I'm going to be an uncle!” Laughter and congratulations flooded the room as everyone took turns hugging the expectant couple.

Karen, Sally, Laurie and Judy headed for the kitchen and soon produced trays of food and put them on the dining room table. The group gravitated to the food and passed the afternoon and evening celebrating being together and new additions to the family on the way.

Robin and Karen lay in their bed. Karen gently rubbed ointment on Robin's back. “Does it feel okay, honey. Am I hurting you?”

“It feels wonderful.”

“The wound is healing well.”

“That's a good thing.”

Karen put a new dressing on the wound. Robin rolled over and saw concern on Karen's face.

“What's bothering you, babe?”

“The team keeps getting seriously hurt. First Doug, and now Rick and Mark…not to mention you.”

“This mission stretched our skills and capabilities to the limit. We had to take risks I normally wouldn't have, but we didn't have a choice. The bad guys were up to some serious shit.”

“And it's not over.”

“No, it isn't.”

Karen reached out and touched Robin's face. “I would start to whine about the danger and you not being home, but I guess I can't complain when you stop the detonation of a nuclear bomb.”

“Okay, you don't whine and I will.”

“What are you going to whine about?”

“Missing you.”

Karen sighed. “I know you miss me. I can feel you.”

“You're not even touching me.”

“No, silly, I can feel you. I can feel your heart, your soul and emotions when you are stressed or very happy.”

Robin looked into those deep emerald eyes and felt his spirit merge with Karen's. He knew it wasn't supposed to be scientifically possible and he didn't believe in myths, but he felt this. “I can feel you. I'm not sure it's the same intensity as you feel, but I do feel it. Your face always comes to me during those times you describe. When I'm stressed you calm me and make me more determined. When I'm happy or exhilarated, I see your face and I know I'm sharing with you.”

Karen smiled and reached for Robin and he pulled her to him and held her close.

“Promise me you'll always come back to me.”

“That's a promise I made a long time ago. You're the love of my life and I can't live without you. One of these days this will all be over and we can live on this island in peace and happiness and let this screwed up world pass us by.”

Karen put her lips on Robin's and opened her mouth invitingly. They merged with tenderness and love.

Robin and Karen walked into the lobby of the Silver Cloud Inn in Mukilteo just as Lev, Rada and their children came down the elevator.

“Hello, folks. Hope you had a restful evening.”

“The hotel is very nice, Robin. Thank you for letting us stay here,” Lev said.

“No problem. Lev, Rada, this is my wife, Karen.”

Karen shook hands with them. “Thank you for saving my husband.”

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