Naked Ambition (6 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Naked Ambition
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And as for her beautiful cunt, nestling between her long and silky-smooth thighs. The soft, plump lips were now brutally holed and even a tag proclaiming it the property of a man hung from it. Angel could almost taste the acrid, horrible metal as she imagined lying between Sadia’s legs, tonguing her as she had so loved to do while they listened to the music of a slave being played with beside them.

She grimaced as she imagined having to lift the evidence of a man’s presumptuous arrogance out of her way before she could forage in her ladyship’s fragrant honeypot.

From the ring came the voices of Brian and Carlo as Tony came to take the two slaves back to the stable.

Angel turned back, almost shaking with rage.

“Okay if we send ‘em back?” Brian asked as she walked across to the ring, trying to calm her anger. “Or do you want to play with one of them? I know watching them go at each other sometimes leaves me in need of a shag or a beating.”

Angel stopped at the ropes as an idea occurred to her.

“No, let them go. It’s ok. But I wouldn’t mind a bit of release, how about you and I go a few rounds?”

Tony paused in the act of clipping Lucky’s leash to her tongue ring and cocked an eyebrow at Brian. Carlo just gave one of his grins and leaned on the ropes opposite Angel. Brian himself looked thoroughly startled at first and then relaxed and treated Angel to a slow look of such blatant lust that it re-ignited her determination to be revenged on the whole male gender for what had been done to Sadia.

At a nod from Carlo, Tony led the slaves away and Angel ducked into the ring.

“Wrestling and kick-boxing; anything goes, no holds barred except gouging or scratching. Stripped to pants,” she said. It was the sort of bout the slaves were used to in training and in the pens and the arenas themselves.

Brian shrugged amiably and stripped off his shirt. Angel did likewise and unhitched her bra. If she hadn’t been seething with anger, she might have been pleased with the looks her breasts fetched as they swung freely on her chest. With no ceremony she kicked off her shoes and unzipped her jeans, tugged them down her legs and pulled them off, then straightened up in just her thong.

She saw that Brian now faced her in just a tight pair of boxers, again had she been more in a mood to appreciate the view she might have been impressed with his physique. But as it was she allowed herself the luxury of letting her temper take over and she plunged joyfully into the physical release of combat.

She rushed him and ducked at the last moment, grabbing his legs and pulling while she used her shoulder into his midriff. Taken by surprise he toppled backwards but immediately managed to get his arms round her chest and squeeze as she followed him down onto the earth floor of the ring. His hard muscled forearms squeezed her breasts but she registered only the imprisonment and not the sharp sensations from her nipples. She jabbed downwards hard with her elbow and broke the hold, springing away back onto her feet and delivering a drop kick as he came surging up after her. He took a step backwards. She swung a punch at his face and he swayed out of its way easily then caught her with a roundhouse kick that jarred the whole of her left side as his foot crashed into her ribs. She staggered for a moment but was able to swing a right hook into his ribs before he could fully steady himself. He didn’t flinch and simply grabbed her wrist to swing her round and send her crashing backwards into a corner post. She tottered forwards, partly winded but saw him coming and as he reached for her she jabbed hard with her right and caught him on the chin. He staggered back, hurt for the first time and she tried to repeat the blow but he fended her off and countered with two rapid jabs to her ribs that stopped her in her tracks.

For a few seconds they circled each other warily, Brian tried to tempt her into a finger lock but Angel knew she couldn’t win a straight contest of strength and ignored it. As she moved, she could feel the weight of her breasts shift on her chest and Brian’s eyes kept flicking down towards them. She waited till it happened again and delivered a roundhouse kick that hurt him again as her foot slammed into his cheek. She tried to spin round fast enough to deliver another but found that he was ready and had caught her foot before it could connect. With both hands he twisted it and she screamed as she had to pirouette and collapse onto her face to avoid the pain. He was onto her at once, slamming down onto her back and crushing her. He dropped her foot and grabbed her right arm instead, twisting it high up her back. She knew his grip was too strong for her to break but at least she had got some hard blows in and he would remember her for a few days. The exertion had also allowed her to release her anger and she felt calmer and able to concentrate on her job once more. She would have to see what could be done for poor Sadia in due course.

But for now……..she bowed to the inevitable and fell forward, letting her body relax in submission.

Brian recognised the sign and climbed off her, coming to stand over her, breathing hard.

“Good fight, Angel. Thanks.”

He reached down to help her up and she struck.

She grabbed his wrist and twisted it savagely. At the same time she swung around on the ground and raised her legs as he fell. She got one foot under the arm she was twisting and the other up beside his jaw. Then she stretched her legs and pulled as he hit the ground, twisting his wrist upwards and holding him with rigid legs.

“Submit!” she hissed as she exerted her full strength and heard him cry out as his hand was bent up over his forearm. She adjusted her grip and was able to start bending in his little finger on itself. He cried out again, recognising that she could break it. She pushed hard at his wrist again and he answered her demand to submit.

Panting, she released him and immediately scrabbled away out of his reach before standing up.

Brian got slowly to his feet nursing his injured arm.

“You sly bitch!” he said, though to her irritation he was still smiling.

She tossed her hair back and reached for her jeans. “Anything goes, right? Anything at all in an arena.”

“She’s got a point,” Carlo put in.

“Yeah. Ha! That’ll teach me not to be a gentleman!” Brian even managed a short laugh as he worked his sore shoulder.

Angel couldn’t help feeling cheated at how easily he accepted her sharp practice as a sort of good joke at his expense and didn’t seem at all humbled or shamed.

At dinner that evening he even recounted the incident and Angel felt that she was being patronised in some strange way. If it had been her, she would have been enraged by being tricked and shown up in front of companions! He couldn’t possibly be a proper dom if he could take such things in his stride, she decided.

But it was odd how much she felt the need for a sub that night and asked Chrissie if she could have a groom, a bit earlier than on the previous night if possible as she needed to play.

“Have Patti,” the vet said. “I’ll have her sent to Dungeon Five if you like. It’s got some good frames and a medical bench.”

That sounded like what she needed and Chrissie summoned a Housegirl to take a message over to the CSL stable.

After dinner she excused herself from liqueurs in the Common Room and followed Chrissie’s directions downstairs from the back of the main hall and along well lit corridors, down further steps until finally she arrived at a low ceilinged, stone walled passage with thick wooden doors along one side with grilles set in each. She pushed open the one with the number 5 on it and went in.

There were two slaves inside. One was being worked on by a Lodge member over on Angel’s left. Standing with her back to the wall and to which she was chained, she was having her breasts bound. They were delightfully marked from the crop that was lying on a whipping bench just behind the member and Angel could see from the paddle, whip and packets of sterile needles that they were about to get more punishment. Both looked up briefly as she entered, smiled and then returned their attention to the breast binding, the girl’s eyes were wide and excited.

Patti stood opposite the door, fully dressed but with her hands clipped together behind her back and a leash running from the O ring on her collar to a hook on the wall.

Angel went straight to her and unknotted the woman’s blouse, freeing the large, pale breasts and began to massage them.

The day’s events; Sadia’s decorations and the fight with Brian and his subsequent calm acceptance of the result, had left her confused. But here at least she knew what she was and what was going to happen. Her hands felt the woman’s nipples harden under them, she watched her eyes close in pleasure and her breathing deepen, then she leaned closer and let her cheek brush Patti’s.

“I’m going to thrash them so hard!” she whispered. “And then I’ll whip your back and your arse before I let you lick me out.”

Patti groaned in appreciation of the cruelties to come and Angel fumbled under the short skirt to find soft and engorged labia with a sticky flood of fragrant juices between them. The clitoris stood out hard and urgent. Angel rasped it mercilessly and fetched further groans from Patti. Then she stood back, slipped off the dress she had worn for dinner and took Patti’s lead.

She decided on a padded bench to start with and once Patti was naked had her lie face up along its length before fastening her ankles and wrists to the bottoms of the legs.

She selected a flogger with square-cut, leather tails and stood over the stretched body, stroking and teasing the quivering breasts and the moist lips between the spread thighs. Then she struck, a quick flick at the breasts followed by a heavier strike between the legs. Then a heavy strike across the nipples, another across the stomach and a flick to the cunt. Patti’s head snapped up at the heavier lashes, her lips pursed at the stinging. Angel continued the treatment never letting her guess where the next strike would fall, knowing that would intensify the experience for the full-breasted slave. She watched in pleasure as the stomach began to flutter and the hips began to undulate as she continued the random lashing. Behind her she heard the sharp slapping noise of a paddle and answering female cries. She gave Patti a break and turned to see the other slave’s bound tits, getting shiny and dark in their constriction, bounce and shudder under the paddling. The Housegirl watched each blow arrive with eyes wide and mouth hanging open. The club member stopped the beating momentarily and felt between her spread legs. Angel saw his fingers emerge, glistening with her outpourings, then she turned back to Patti and concentrated on her heaving breasts, bringing her to orgasm several times as she launched a blizzard of hard lashes on their quivering vulnerability.

The leather of the bench was stained dark by Patti’s juices as Angel sank her fingers into the flooding quim and twisted them inside the slave, making her heave and wriggle in pleasure. Angel’s own cunt ached for attention but she had all night and moved Patti to another bench, over which she had her bend forwards and took a heavy leather paddle to her backside, beating it until it was a pretty, fiery red colour. Then she used the riding crop on it. Patti added her howls to those of the other slave who now had two needles through each nipple and the dungeon became an ever more heated pressure cooker of lust and excitement. At length both dominants gave in to their desires and as the Lodge member stripped off his trousers and lifted his girl’s legs so she could wrap them around him while he fucked her, Angel found a dildo and brought herself off standing behind Patti and admiring the tramlines seared into the flesh of the buttocks.

The slave and her current master climaxed together just before Angel herself came and for a moment the dungeon fell silent as everyone recovered.

But Angel was far from sated and as soon as she had recovered her breath she dragged Patti up and attached her wrists to a chain hanging from the ceiling, then she pressed herself against her back, reaching round to squeeze and fondle the heavy breasts, running her hands down the stomach to stroke and rub at the clitoris just enough to drive Patti wild with desire and frustration. She writhed against Angel’s body and begged to be made to come. Angel smiled in delight as she felt her breasts rubbed by Patti’s back and she revelled in ignoring the woman’s desperate pleas for release.

She stepped back and took up the flogger again. Patti craned her head round and cast a look of mingled lust, fear and excitement at her just before the first lash caught her across the shoulders. Her head fell forward and she groaned with pleasure. Angel took her time now, never letting Patti ascend the full heights of orgasm but enjoying herself by marking the pale skin of her back and occasionally letting fly at the heavily striated buttocks, just to wake the slave up a bit.

The member departed with his slave after he had caned her, and as Angel was about to bring herself off again with the dildo while standing in front of Patti, the door of the dungeon opened and another member entered with his girl for the night.

“Please don’t let us interrupt you,” the man, a florid complexioned sixty year old in Angel’s estimation, said. She had no intention of letting them do anything of the sort and while the girl stripped and was put on the medical bench, she spread her legs and began to masturbate in front of Patti, who moaned and writhed in frustration. She came vividly with the sounds of an energetic cunt whipping ringing in her ears. Relaxed and soothed by her orgasm, Angel went back to flogging the almost weeping Patti until the need for more attention to her own cunt finally persuaded her it was time to head for her room.

She slipped her dress back on and led the naked and cuffed Patti on her leash out into the corridor. All the dungeons were in use and the sounds of whips filled the stone passage, with cries of pain and excitement providing a pleasing counterpoint. Back in the main house, the Common Room was emptying and girls in various stages of undress and dishevelment were being led to bedrooms.

Some of the members paused to congratulate Angel on the marks that Patti carried and one donated a pair of nipple clamps which Angel was delighted to apply and had to admit she couldn’t think why she hadn’t applied them herself. The Housegirl on the member’s arm looked relieved while watching Patti suck in her breath and hop as the clamps bit into her tender nubs. But then the member dug into his dinner jacket pocket and produced another pair which he flourished in front of her.

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