Naked Ambition (5 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Naked Ambition
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Chapter Five


Angel immediately appreciated the tidy and clean appearance of the CSL stable once they had returned their ponies to The Lodge’s stable and Chrissie had shown her the way to where the real business of the day would take place.

One of the grooms was hosing down the shower area, another was scrubbing the toilets and a third was leading out two slaves on tongue rings and leashes who were required for training in the covered arena that Chrissie had shown her on their way round.

Depressingly however, eight of the stalls had red disks hung above their doors to signify that the slave had been hired.

Carlo himself was there to greet her once she had had time to take a brief glance around. He was accompanied by a striking woman who wore black suede thigh boots with her groom’s uniform and who was collared and – Angel couldn’t help noticing – branded in exactly the same place as Helga. She had a thick head of copper coloured hair.

“This is Patti Coldwell,” Carlo told her. “She’s head groom.”

Immediately Angel could feel the tension in the air between the head groom and the doctor beside her, but felt it wise to ignore it for the moment and smiled and shook the newcomer’s hand.

But Carlo was eager to show off his stock, even those ones who had been booked and for the next hour or two, Angel was kept busy.

Inevitably the first stall he went to was Blondie’s and Angel was thrilled to be able to pat and fondle the greatest fighting slave the arenas had produced while Carlo fed her some titbits. She was nearly as tall as Angel was and a little more heavily built. Like all the slaves her wrists were clipped neatly behind her back and one ankle was chained to the rear wall of the stall. It was similar to the discipline that Angel herself imposed on her senior fighters. The squad were too numerous to marshal so carefully and were only chained at nights. But as Carlo fussed over her and boasted of her achievements, Angel was able to appreciate Blondie’s superb physique. The breasts were high and large, with no sign of any sag about them and the nipples had stood to attention the minute her master had summoned her. Angel caressed them and was impressed that they bore no trace of any of the piercings they would have been subjected to over her years of enslavement. Indeed, as Angel ran her hands over the slave’s body she was amazed at how silky smooth the skin was despite the punishment it so regularly took in the arenas. She slid her hand down to the groin and as Carlo fed her a piece of her favourite shortbread, she spread her legs obediently allowing Angel’s hand to encounter a large and hard clitoris just in front of a warm and moist vagina that offered no resistance to Angel’s fingers.

She commented on the fact to Carlo, who pointed to the disk above the stall.

“She knows she’s going into a games soon, and there’ll be plenty of time for her to be played with in the evenings,” he replied and ruffled her hair affectionately, then grasped her left breast hard, making her jerk her head up in surprise and clatter her tongue ring against her teeth as her eyes closed in pleasure at the harsh caress.

“Mine are the same,” Angel said. “But I’m surprised she still gets so turned on, after all she’s seen and done pretty well everything there is to see and do in an arena.”

Carlo shrugged. “It’s what she’s for. And even after all this time she loves to know I’m pleased with her.”

Angel took another look at the famous slave and noticed this time that around the eyes closed in pleasure were fine networks of faint lines.

“Have you started cutting down on the number of times you hire her out?” she asked. Carlo looked at her sharply.

“Sorry, it was just something I heard on the grapevine.”

Carlo nodded, slapped Blondie hard on the buttocks and moved on.

“It’s something I’m aware of,” he said quietly.

In the next stall was Ayesha, who made no attempt to approach them until Carlo produced a piece of cake. But Angel couldn’t help noticing that whereas Blondie’s face had lit up at the sight of Carlo, Ayesha remained aloof. The tour went on and she met the two big blondes, Ox and Trouble who would form the nucleus of any whip melee. Beside them, as she would be in the arena was the menacing form of Fiji, the tall Polynesian who, like Ayesha, held herself aloof but allowed herself to be fondled and felt. Again she was exhibiting all the signs of a slave eager to experience pain for others’ pleasure. Angel wiped her fingers on the girl’s stomach and admired the gleam on the dark skin.

Eventually they reached the stalls of the slaves not hired in for the upcoming games and Angel started to really concentrate.

It was hardly a state secret that the ones the Orange team had booked were especially effective at the strength and endurance events. Apart from whip fighting, Ox and Trouble were extremely good at paired log pulling. Blondie, Jet and Ayesha were almost without equal when it came to pursuit running – where a naked slave was given a head start by a mounted man and then hunted down. The object for the slave was to make as many laps of the arena as possible before she was brought down by his whip. Fiji was as tough as teak at boxing.

The first of the available slaves was Purdy, she was a big breasted girl of part Canadian, part Italian descent according to her provenance from auction. Once Brian had tamed her she had turned out to be a very useful runner in both single pony races and in the six slave chariot races – despite the handicap of her large breasts. She came to the front of her stall immediately and nuzzled Angel’s hand to see if she had any treats.

“She can hold her own in pursuit running,” Carlo told her as she fed a liqueur chocolate to the slave. “If the Orange team use the rest of our stock in earlier events and not in the later ones like the running, this one could give you an edge there.”

Angel made a mental note and they moved on to a redhead called Sam. She was wiry and not as sturdy as some of her more famous peers but when Angel bent to feel the sinews of her calves and thighs, she found them surprisingly well developed. It came as something of a bonus to find that her juices were flowing thickly and fragrantly as well, when Angel allowed herself the luxury of feeling yet another cunt.

“She’s not well known yet, but I reckon she’s worth a good few points in the pens and in whip melees. I’ve seen her give Ox and Jet a few problems in boxing and wrestling as well,” Carlo told her as she patted the slave’s flank and let her go back into her stall.

“That’s the one thing that bothers me,” she replied. “Will they really pull out all the stops if they’re up against their own stable?”

Carlo favoured her with a broad grin. “Come with me. I’ll show you,” he told her and led her towards the door out to the yard. However, on their way, from the room at the far end of the stables came the unmistakable sound of a whip being plied in a fast and steady rhythm. To Angel it could only mean a punishment beating, a more leisurely pace usually marked out a beating given for pleasure. She cocked an eyebrow at Carlo.

“I thought whipping was off the menu until after the games,” she said.

“It is – except for Beast. If she doesn’t get it regularly every few days, she’s a nightmare. You want to see?”

“My bitches are going to be up against her, so, yeah. I’d like a look.”

The room turned out to be a fully equipped dungeon cum playroom and the woman who had been introduced to Angel as Patti was hard at work.

Before her was a naked slave, stretched out, face down on an X cross that had been pivoted in its frame to lie parallel to the floor.

Angel’s attention was also drawn immediately to the fact that Patti had stripped off her knotted blouse and was working in only her skirt and boots. Her magnificent, pale breasts swung and joggled deliciously as she wielded the lash, which was a heavy strap about a foot long that came to a point.

It was also clear that she was working hard and was biting her bottom lip in concentration as she punished the body below her. When she saw Carlo she stepped back straight away and adopted a submissive stance with her hands behind her back.

Carlo went to the slave’s head and pulled it up so that Angel could see the tousled hair framing a not unattractive, gamine sort of face that wore a feral grin. The girl poked her heavily ringed tongue out at Carlo. Angel knew this was commonly a gesture of submission on the part of tongue-ringed slaves but here it seemed a deliberate invitation to Carlo to do his worst.

“Don’t tell anyone I said this.” Carlo turned towards Angel, still holding Beast by her hair. “But don’t put any slave you’ve paid a lot for in against this one. She don’t know when she’s beaten, she’s a real head case maso bitch. At boxing only Blondie and Ayesha can take her. At wrestling Jet, Tigre and Blondie can handle her. But she’s crap at any running event and she reckons log pulling is heaven on earth and just laps up the whip instead of working. So they’ll use her for the rough stuff. My advice is to let ‘em and in the pens give her one of yours that you can afford to lose to play with, you can only lose one set of points.”

“Thanks Carlo, I’ll bear that in mind,” Angel said as they turned to go.

Patti stepped forward once more and resumed the beating with all the gusto she had previously shown and as Angel turned to look back just as she was leaving, it was to see her slamming the whip down the buttock crease and along the crack of the French slave’s cunt, which was provoking nothing more than an enthusiastic bucking of the hips. Angel stored away Carlo’s advice as they made their way towards the arena.

Brian was watching Lucky and Blackie sparring as they entered. It was a gentle workout in a wrestling ring but as soon as Carlo entered he called out and brought things to a halt.

“Angel wants to see how hard these bitches will go against each other if they meet in an arena!”

“Good question,” Brian agreed cheerfully. “Want to see them box?”

Angel nodded. With the full studded tack on it was impossible for one slave not to hurt her opponent.

A few minutes later she was standing with one foot on the bottom rope and leaning on a corner post as the two slaves ducked back into the ring, looking very different to the naked wrestlers who had left it. They both wore leather corsets and Angel could see the little tines denting the soft breast flesh along the line of the cups and she knew perfectly well that the studs lined the whole of the fronts of the corsets. They also wore leather thongs and these were studded as well. An uppercut in one of these contests was usually a stopping blow – if only because one contestant was helplessly orgasming.

Each girl had straps wound around her knuckles and inside these were weights.

These made the action slow and deliberate as the heavy fists were swung and gave the girls more time to take evasive action. It also meant that the crowds could follow the action better from the terraces as the movements were exaggeratedly slow.

Angel was impressed from the moment Carlo waved the girls together and stepped out of the ring. The contestants went at each other with all the venom she could want, trying to get knees into groins and fists swinging at breasts. And when the blows did connect, it was quite clear that they weren’t being pulled. Blackie’s long, coal black hair swung and swirled as she danced and ducked, while Lucky’s slender arms nevertheless swung heavy and telling blows when she was fortunate enough to connect. The arena began to echo to the grunts of effort and pain, heavy thuds became more frequent as the girls began to tire. In the arenas, this was what the crowds would be waiting for; the moment the slaves came together and began to slug it out until one went down.

Angel, however, had seen all she needed. There was no point in risking damage to stock she would need to hire in. She signalled to Carlo and he stepped back into the ring. Immediately the two girls parted and partially bent forwards, bracing their hands on their thighs, their mouths open and their chests heaving for breath. The two trainers petted them and told them they had been good, giving them playful smacks to buttocks and flanks as they began to unlace the corsets. Angel was impressed. She recognised the well-trained slave’s eagerness to please her owner, no matter what.

Her thoughts were interrupted however by her mobile vibrating in her jeans pocket. It was Sadia, and the prospect of talking with her lover caused the warmth between her legs, started by watching shapely slaves fight each other, to increase to a hot liquid feeling deep in her belly.

“Hello, darling,” Sadia’s voice caressed her ear. “How are things going at your end?”

Angel had walked a few yards away when she answered the call and now she turned to look back and saw both slaves naked, arms raised above their heads as the men examined them, running their hands over the quivering breasts, testing the dents where the tines had dug in.

“Pretty well,” she replied. “I think there’s more talent here than those bastards realised, so we might still be able to give them a couple of nasty surprises. How’s things with you?”

“Fine.” Angel was immediately aware of the slight hesitation in Sadia’s reply but held her tongue. “We’ll get the twenty extra we need. No problem.”

“But,” Angel supplied after a second’s silence. “There’s got to be a ‘but’.”

“Let’s just say the price was unexpectedly high. D’you know, Eric belongs to this wonderful club and they put on a show you would have loved. Some of the best bullwhipping I’ve seen in ages! And while some fabulous wine was served too! I think we watched eight girls in all being worked on. The needles were gorgeous, darling. One girl got thirty in her tits alone. Honestly I came almost as much as the slut did! And the sex afterwards was to die for……….”

Angel let Sadia rattle on for a few moments until she came to a stop.

“You haven’t told me what price we’re paying,” she said eventually.

“The money’s about what I expected but there is something else………I’ve got a few things to show you……..I had to agree to wear some things for Eric.”

“What things?”

Angel felt her stomach ache with anger as she listened to Sadia’s reply. In her mind she saw her Mistress and lover’s perfect body defiled by men. Her lovely nipples which she so often had licked and nipped at to draw sighs of pleasure from her, rubbery and quivering under her tongue, were now pierced so cruelly by hard steel. What was right and proper on a slave – a submissive – was an outrage on Angel’s beloved Countess.

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