Mystery: The Coming Back: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Thriller Mystery) (13 page)

BOOK: Mystery: The Coming Back: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Thriller Mystery)
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David increased the rhythm of his strokes, providing just the right amount of friction and bringing Lydia close to the end. She was quickly losing herself in ecstasy, moaning louder for more and holding hard onto him. David smiled at her enthusiasm and buried himself deep inside her. Lydia’s mouth opened in a voiceless scream, her neck arching back in a beautiful bow.

The position wasn’t permitting them to hold onto each other the way they wanted to, and with a frustrated growl, David embraced her with both of his hands, moving his lower body from side to side. The new sensations made Lydia pull his head back down with a firm grip on his hair, tilting his head to the side, so that she could kiss him breathless. The kiss silenced David’s moans and Lydia’s whimpers.

She, however, could tell that he was close by the way the man was trembling and holding onto her. The waves of pleasure hit her by surprise, just when David went all rigid under her and filled her with his seed. The man leaned forward, resting his forehead against Lydia’s left shoulder, as she leaned heavily against his chest. They were both too lost in their own pleasure to speak.

With time their harsh pants settled to Lydian breaths and David once again lifted her body, sliding out of her. In silence, they cleaned up as much as possible with the few napkins Lydia had in her bag and dressed quickly. Lydia tried to stay with her back turned to him, fighting the urge to run as fast as possible. Now that her passion has been satisfied, she was able to think again and the fear returned.

David watched her, thinking pretty much the same things she was. What happened
to his decision to stay away from her?
What happens now? How could he possibly have been so stupid?

But then Lydia turned and he saw the fear in her eyes.

David took the distance between them in two quick steps and with hands on her shoulders kept her in place. He then leaned forwards, kissing Lydia nice and slow, his body telling her all the unsaid things between them. When he pulled back, Lydia’s eyes were closed and his were filled with promises, he wasn’t ready to make. David put a final kiss on the side of her mouth and smiled sadly at the question in her eyes.

“I think we have established that it would be difficult to keep away from each other.”

“Is that going to make it difficult to work together?” Lydia asked and smiled at his negative nod.





Chapter 29

“Are we going to talk about it?” David asked later that same night. He couldn’t bear not knowing what would be coming next.

“About what? Do you mean about Stanley Douglass case?” Lydia faked ignorance and continued to prepare their dinner.

“I deserve that...” The man said softly. “But, please talk to me.”

“David, wasn’t that the reason I came here?” Lydia asked instead.

“Yes, God yes. I don’t think I can survive another day like today,” the man exclaimed. “I am so tired from this case. I simply cannot wait for it to be over.”

“If you wanted to spice up our love life, why didn’t you just say so?”

“You are mixing the problems here...” David’s voice trailed away, forcing Lydia to look his way.

“We can forget about all this for a while, David.”

“I know that, Lydia,” he said. “I simply felt so powerful for the first time in my life that everything seemed possible to me.”

“What changed your mind, then?” Lydia moved away from the sink and went to sit down on the table in front of him.

“When I saw you coming my way in the woods, coming to me, all I could think about was that I wanted you and no-one else.”

“You got scared that I might go home with another man,” Lydia stated ironically.

“No... Okay, yes, the very thought of you with someone else scared me,” David admitted.

“How do you think I feel every time you look at me?” For the first time Lydia let her feelings control her. “I have had so many bad experiences with men that I am still afraid to trust you...”

David watched her stunned. It had never passed his mind that Lydia would look at things that way. But, what she was saying was true. She had really had horrible experiences and now she was trusting him.

“I know that you want honesty,” he tried again. “I love you even more because of that fact...”

“Do you really have any idea what love really is?”

“Yes,” David said firmly. “Love is what I feel for you. Love is that powerful feeling that makes me care more about your wellbeing than about mine. It is what made me fight so much for you at the beginning...”

“If you really think so, why didn’t you ever say it?”

“I told you, I am also afraid,” David said exasperated. “I felt powerful and able to do anything...”

“But, we still cannot solve the case of Stanley Douglass?”

“No,” he cried out. “That case is going to be the death of me...”

“Believe me, David,” Lydia said firmly. “We would find the truth. We both need that so that we can feel whole and start believing in ourselves again.”

“Do you think we would have another chance?”

“Yes.” Lydia said firmly. “I think that the Douglass family is hiding something from us. I still cannot put my finger on it, but I still think that something is not right about this entire case.”

“I feel the same, Lydia,” David said with a smile. “But, if they are unwilling to tell us there is little we can do to change that.”

“Isn’t it possible for you to make them speak?”

“No, it would be police harassment to insist in this situation,” David shock his head. “Charles and Vivian had become my friends during the last ten years, but even I cannot ask them to abandon their last hope to be a family again.”

“But, could you do something? There must be something you can do?”

“Okay, okay, I will see what I can do” David agreed reluctantly to indulge her further.

Chapter 30

That same night, Stanley left his house through the window and took a taxi to the center of the city. He needed to get away from his small room and too affectionate parents.

At the gay bar he entered, he had made a few friends already. That was why Rick nudged him and whispered into his ear as soon as he sat on the table. He glanced at him, a wide smile spreading on his face as he looked around. In the end, all three men on the table they nodded. Wide wicked smiles graced their features. A devious glint was visible in Rick’s eyes. Oh, Stanley was in for this one.

“Spill a drink on that man right there, and tease him if you can.” Rick pointed to a man in a black expensive suit waiting by the bar.

Rick’s smile was so wide that Stanley couldn’t help shivering. Rick had something bad planned for him; so much for being a friend of his. Stanley turned back to the bar to see who it was. His back was towards them, so Stanley couldn’t make out who it was. He frowned.

When the man turned slightly, Stanley gasped. His friends wanted him to spill a drink on a very cute man, handsome and mysterious by the looks of it.

“Are you guys crazy?” Stanley looked at them, his eyes as wide as saucers. “What if he gets angry and decides to kill me?”

“Come on, you’ll be teasing him later. Play it all innocent,” Rick said.

Stanley looked between his new friends and him, unsure of what to do. He pleaded with them silently with his eyes, but they just grinned at him. His friends made waving motions with their hands, their eyes urging him to go forward and do it.

Stanley sighed, his heart pounding as he made his way towards the bar. Uncertainty and regret swirled inside him, and uncertainty due to his inexperience and regret due to choosing to come here in the first place.

Stanley swore under my breath, as he sat by the bar beside the man. He ignored the man, not giving him a glance as Stanley waited for the bartender to look his way.

“What will it be?” The young bartender smiled at him, a dimple on his face. He reminded Stanley of someone from his past a bit.

“Beer, please.” Stanley smiled back.

He obediently put some beer in a glass, and placed it in front of him. The drink looked magnificent, and it was shame Stanley wasn’t going to be drinking that.

“Classy choice.” A voice commented from his right. Stanley looked to see the man’s teal green eyes boring into his. His deep voice was a delight to listen to.

Stanley nodded, not knowing whether he was being sarcastic or not. Sarcasm or not, Stanley was going to do something really out of his style and to the last person he would have ever considered to bathe in beer.

As Stanley took his glass from the bartender, he turned to the right. The preparations for his carefully-planned accident were making him even more nervous. He could do it. He will do it. God save him.

Stanley hit the man’s leg with his deliberately, dropping his glass over the front of his suit. It effectively drenched his white shirt too.
“Oh, shit!”

The man jumped, cursing under his breath, pulling his shirt from his body, trying to prevent the liquid from touching his skin. It was too late though. The liquid had already begun to drip down his body.

“I’m so sorry!” Stanley jumped upright too, grabbing a tissue from the table.

Stanley was biting his lip in nervousness. He had never had to do anything like this before. So much for being more adventurous and ready to face new challenges. He was stepping right out of her comfort zone. What was he thinking? The dare! That’s it; he was proving to his new friends and himself that he could do anything he set his mind to.

“What is wrong with you?” His eyes blazed for a second before calming down. Stanley’s panic set in.

There were two types of reactions people show when they are angry. One is to burst out in anger. The other is to remain steely calm. The steely calm ones were more dangerous, as you could never tell what they were thinking. They encased their emotions in a shell, everything locked away.

Stanley took the tissue, hovering in front of his suit. He bit his lip, trying to act somewhat seductive, hoping to take his mind off of what Stanley had just done.

The tissue grazed his suit, and Stanley started wiping away the beer, his eyes not breaking contact from those exotic, teal green ones. He inhaled sharply. It was working.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to spill the drink on you.” Stanley said softly, licking his lip.

Stanley placed the tissue on his white shirt, making a circular motion of wiping the shirt. His breath hitched in his throat as he gulped slowly. The man gave Stanley a reaction, one Stanley definitely wasn’t expecting. He smiled, actually he smirked at him. He wasn’t angry, he was smirking at him.

He turned Stanley around suddenly, before he could comprehend what was happening. Stanley’s back was pressed against his, partially resting on the table behind him. Stanley looked at him in shock. His eyes were unreadable, but his smirk indicated something else altogether.

“Yes, you did. You meant to spill it on me,” he said, his smirk growing wider.

How did he know? As if sensing Stanley’s unspoken question, he replied, “Your friends were loudly gushing over how hot it would be if you spilled the drink on me, and how it would be the first time they’d see you act seductive. Didn’t you hear it?”

Stanley shook his head. Too distracted to answer. The man leaned forward, his face inches from Stanley’s.

“A good attempt, really. But not good enough,” he whispered, sending goose bumps over Stanley’s body. Stanley shivered, and the man smirked even more.

“What’s your name, sweetheart?” he asked Stanley, flashing him a wide smile.

The man was enjoying the effect he was having on Stanley. He was winning. Stanley knew it. The man knew it. Stanley was going to prove him wrong. Stanley had a carnal desire to do something he had never done this deliberately. Stanley wanted to be wild for once, to be the one controlled by the other.

Stanley pushed him back and leaned over him. His tall frame was towering over Stanley’s medium frame, but Stanley wasn’t going to let that be his advantage. Stanley smiled at him, putting his hand on his chest and pushed his gently so that his back was now resting on the table slightly.

He looked taken aback by the control Stanley seized. Stanley leaned forward, his breath fanning the man’s face. “Wouldn’t you want to know?” Stanley smiled at him seductively. He leaned even further, his face mere inches from his. The man couldn’t tear his gaze from Stanley. His eyes turned darker, lust clear in those eyes.

“I think–,” Stanley put his hand on his chest again and even leaned closer. He gulped. He was like prey while Stanley was the tiger stalking him. “You should get your suit changed first.” Stanley smiled as he pulled away, smirking like he had not too many moments ago.

The man
looked lost, disoriented. He looked like a deer caught in headlights.

I have not felt that much excitement in years!
the man thought. Stanley was unlike anyone he had ever met.

Stanley smiled at him and invited him to an empty table.


Chapter 31

The next day, Lydia and David returned to the city together, still under the influence of the night that they had together. Lydia had insisted again about the Stanley’s case and David had proposed for them to go and visit the Douglass house together.

“I promised Mr. Douglass to stay away from them,” Lydia pointed out.

“I know, let me speak to them. Charles is a good friend and I know that he will see reason.” Wilson said. “What is more, I have invited Stanley’s former roommate from Tallahassee. It would be interesting to observe his reaction. I wanted to ask you to keep a distance between us. It will not be good for them to see that there is something between us.”

Lydia agreed with him and drove to her house to wash up and change. David came over two hours later and together they drove to the Douglass house. On the way there, they stopped at the bus station to take John Rees with them.

The young man had agreed to come and meet with Stanley, but he knew nothing about Lydia’s suspicions. David had preferred to keep the details from him, so that John’s reaction would be sincere. They arrived at the house around mid day and Wilson went to ring the door bell. Vivian Douglass came to the door. When she opened the door, she looked really surprised and a bit annoyed by them.

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