Wish Come True (The Blogger Diaries Trilogy Book 3)

BOOK: Wish Come True (The Blogger Diaries Trilogy Book 3)
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Wish Come True

Author's Note


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19


A Note from the Author


Published by © KD Robichaux

Wish Come True

Copyright © 2016 KD Robichaux

All rights reserved


Edited by: Becky Johnson with Hot Tree Editing


Cover Photography by: Mike Fox Photography


Cover Design © Sommer Stein

with Perfect Pear Creative Covers


Formatted by: Author JC Cliff

Chapter Headings Designed by: Author Danielle Jamie



All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the author/publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Wish Come True
is based on a true story. I have tried to recreate events, locales, and conversations from my memories of them. In order to maintain their anonymity, in some instances, I have changed the names of individuals and places. I may have changed some identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, occupations, and places of residence.

FBI Anti-Piracy Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Except for the original material written by the author, all songs, song titles, lyrics, book titles, movie titles, and excerpts mentioned in this novel are the property of the respective songwriters, authors, and copyright holders.

The Blogger Diaries Book 3


KD Robichaux

The Blogger Diaries Trilogy



These books are NOT standalones and must be read in order.

Reading order:

Wished for You

Wish He Was You

Wish Come True

Now that I’ve had a panic attack thinking about someone reading this book first, you may proceed, but only if you’ve READ BOOKS ONE AND TWO FIRST!



Kayla’s Chick Rant & Book Blog

December 20, 2007

So I got this book called
Sex Lover’s Book of Lists
—a super fun read about the history of sex all around the world—and it has me a little worried. Supposedly, they used to think you could go blind by masturbating. I mean… I can see that. The toe-curling, mind-blowing, eye-crossing, self-induced orgasms I’ve been having the past two weeks would definitely lead me to believe I’ll eventually do physical harm to myself if I keep it up. But something tells me that’s not going to slow me down.

I’m having better sex over the phone with Jason than I ever had actually doing the deed with Aiden. *snort* OMG, I’m so going to hell for saying that. But it’s true! I had never had phone sex before Jason suggested it. I was so embarrassed at even the thought of it… until he started talking. Dear God. I swear the man could read me the phone book and I’d come in seconds.

When I told him I got my first vibrator, he was like a dog with a bone, hounding me until I confessed all the details of my little buddy. I have named him Dean, by the way, after Dean Winchester on
. Now,
man is sex on a stick. I’m a Dean girl, but I’m definitely Sam curious. Mmmmm…

Wow, I think I’ve been reading too many Kresley Cole books. Nix is rubbing off on me. Squirrel!

Back to what I was saying.

After that first phone call from Jason on Thanksgiving about a month ago, we’ve talked literally every single day for hours on end. It only took a week to be back in Jason’s imaginary bed, half a country away. I know, I know… I’m such a ho. But whatever. He’s… different. I was leery he’d up and “pull a Jason”, as we now call it, referring to how he would completely, unexpectedly disappear. But I really believe he’s not bullshitting me this time. Why?

Well, the conversation went a little like this…

December 8, 2007

Two weeks ago

I glance at the clock, counting down the seconds until my phone will ring, the same time it has every night since Thanksgiving. 10:00 p.m., that magical moment when it’s 9:00 p.m. in Texas and we can talk on our cells for hours without being charged for it. I’m grateful to whoever came up with the “All calls free after 9:00 p.m.” rule, because heaven knows I’d be spending a fortune on my phone bill otherwise, devoting so much time talking to Jason.

I have about ten minutes. I take my cell with me to the kitchen, setting it on the counter while I make myself a ham sandwich, grab a handful of sour cream and onion potato chips to go along with it, and then a Gatorade out of the fridge. I snatch my phone up, tucking it under my arm as I pick up my plate and my soda, and then walk back to my bedroom, closing the door with a backward shove of my foot.

I place everything on my nightstand and reach to turn up the baby monitor. Josalyn’s already been asleep for two hours. I swear she’s the easiest baby in the world. Her internal clock is locked, never veering off schedule, not even by minutes. And I think it’s actually trained my body, because I usually wake up mere seconds before I hear her start to move around in her crib, and I make it to her to nurse before she even has a chance to cry. I wonder if all mothers have such a wondrous bond with their child.

I hop into bed with an excited bounce, cross my legs, pull my covers up, and hunch over my phone, elbows-to-knees, chin propped on my knuckles, and wait for the little gadget to light up. And at the exact moment the green neon numbers go from 9:59 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., my cell starts playing the lyrics to “Helena” by My Chemical Romance. That song never gets old.

With a thud of my heart and a face-splitting grin, I answer after Gerard sings, ‘
Things are better if I stay’
. “Hello.”

“Hey, beautiful,” comes his usual opening, which makes my cheeks warm and radiate downward to set off the roller coaster hill-drop in my belly. “What are we having for dinner tonight?”

“Just a sandwich and chips. I had to finish up a paper, so I didn’t really have time to cook anything,” I tell him. I love that we already have a routine. He picked up right away on the fact I eat dinner after I put Josalyn to bed. Probably not great to wait so late to eat, but with my metabolism, it doesn’t really affect me. I silently thank my mom for her genes. “What about you?”

“Mom made her smothered steak. I’m so full I had to just come prop myself up in bed,” he sighs, and I grin, imagining him rubbing his belly. I’ve been in that bed, so I can picture it perfectly.

“So anything exciting happen today?” I prompt then take a bite out of my sandwich.

“Well, it hasn’t happened yet, but I’m seriously thinking about quitting my job.”

“What?” I exclaim with my mouth full. I quickly swallow and then ask, “Why would you quit? I thought you loved your job. Getting to travel all over the place and building windmills… did something happen?”

“Well, it’s a family business, and I’m not family. I get the feeling they’re going to fire me soon to let one of the relatives have my job, so I figure I’ll beat them to it. I was thinking about going ahead and doing it in time I could maybe get back in school this coming semester. I still have a couple of weeks I could register right down the road at San Jac,” he explains.

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