My Wife's Little Sister (7 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Zara

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: My Wife's Little Sister
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I was weak, and she had made me offers that no man could ever refuse. I had done
to her, and she never asked me to stop. Oral sex, anal sex, choking, fingering, making her lick up her own wet mess after squirting, shoving my cock in her mouth that had just been in her ass. She had done it all and asked for more,
begged for more
. Eventually, every time, I came inside her, coating her insides with my seed before shoving her out the door. She loved it.

This last time, she had let me know that she would have me whenever she wanted. She threatened to tell Lynn, my wife, if I didn't agree to fuck her the next time she asked. I had been on pins and needles ever since. I was definitely looking forward to her going to college out of state. She should be leaving any day now and my life could get back to normal.

I turned back to my computer to work on the slides for my next sales presentation when my phone began to ring. My heart practically jumped out of my chest while I reached in my pocket to answer it.

It was Lynn. Every time I saw a phone call from Lynn, I was sure that she had found out. I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey!" she said, and I instantly relaxed as her happy voice entered my ear. "Just wanted to remind you that we're meeting at my parents' house after work this evening."

"What?" I asked.

I could hear her sigh. "Remember, I told you this morning. God, you've been so distracted lately. Is there something wrong?" she asked.

"No!" I said, a little too loudly and quickly. "No, nothing wrong. I must have just been tired this morning."

"Okay. Well, remember to go over to my parents' house straight after work. They need help moving Kelsey's stuff."

Kelsey. Even the mention of her name sent my heart racing. She was simultaneously my greatest fantasy and my worst nightmare. "Are they bringing her stuff cross country in your Dad's truck?"

"You hadn't heard? I could have sworn I told you. Kelsey decided at the last minute that she couldn't leave home. She'll be going to the state college up the road. She'll be living in the dorms but she'll be close enough to come home every weekend."

I was speechless. I thought she was moving away. I thought all my problems were about to be over, but it turned out that they were here to stay.

There were a few moments of silence before Lynn spoke back up. "So I'll see you there then?"

"Yeah. Yeah, honey, I'll be there," I said. "I love you."

"I love you too!" she said, obviously super happy. I wished I could keep her happy forever.


The entire rest of the day went poorly. I managed to finish the presentation that I had to present tomorrow, but when I practiced it a couple times, it came out awkward. It made me sound... boastful. I had to put that stuff in there if I wanted to make the sale, and I had to say it smoothly and confidently. I sighed as I packed up my desk. I'd practice it while moving things.

The entire drive over there, I was sweating bullets. Since taking Kelsey's virginity, I hadn't been in the same room as her and other people. How awkward would she make this? Would she be able to control herself?

I pulled up to my father-in-law's house, and Lynn's car was already there. There was a moving truck in the driveway, its back open.
Here goes nothing
, I thought.

"Hello?" I yelled as I entered the open front door.

"Come on in," I heard Bill yell. He appeared at the top of the stairs, carrying two heavy boxes stacked on top of each other. I ran up the stairs and grabbed one from him, and we carried them out to his truck.

He shook my hand. "How've you been?" he asked.

I smiled. "Fine," I lied, but convincingly.

"Good!" he said, happily. I had always liked the man but knew that our friendship would be over if he found out what happened. "Go grab a box. Kelsey's room is up the stairs, right across from the bathroom."

How could I forget? I remembered back to the time, before Kelsey was 18, when I had spent the night. I had brushed my teeth while Kelsey brushed hers, and she had stared at me the whole time. When I walked past her room, she had left the door open. She was on the bed, in lingerie, knees bent, staring at me, inviting me in with her body. I had slammed the door to her room, then. I wish I had just kept on slamming the door on her.

I walked up the stairs. I could see Lynn in Kelsey's room, boxing up stuff. As I entered the room, Kelsey looked up. We both froze, looking each other up and down.

Kelsey was wearing a tight pair of jeans and a short sleeve t-shirt. Over the shirt was a gold jacket, the kind that you'd see at a club. It had a zipper in front but she had it open, accentuating her tits without being immodest. It was a sexy ensemble for sure. In fact, she looked more sexy than I had ever seen her...with clothes on.

"Hey Tom," she said, acting nonchalant.

"Hey Kelsey," I replied. "Dressing to impress the guys at the campus already?"

She blushed. She knew I was coming over, and it was just as likely that she had dressed to impress me. "You only make a first impression once," she said.

"That's true," I said. I grabbed a box and headed out the door. I didn't want to engage her in conversation any more than I had to. For the next few minutes, I just grabbed boxes and went down the stairs, loading them into the truck. After a while, Kelsey and Lynn began bringing boxes down too. As Kelsey passed me in the hall when I had a box, she squeezed past me. There was plenty of room, but she made sure to get extra close, rubbing her fantastic teen tits against my body. I inhaled sharply. She smiled at me but kept walking.

Every time we passed each other from then on, she'd go in for a touch. I was being driven insane by this sexy little girl's touches, and she probably thought it was hilarious. The erection in my pants was getting harder every time I saw her. Lynn, on the other hand, seemed to not care when we came close. Why would she ever worry about her husband with her little sister?

When the last box was in the truck, I breathed a sigh of relief. I'd be able to get out of here with Lynn, and we'd go home and fuck like rabbits. I walked up to Lynn and gave her a kiss. "See you at home, baby."

"Home? Aren't you going to go to the college and help move Kelsey in now?"

I froze. I turned around. Lynn's dad was right there, and his stance said
Yeah, aren't you?
I smiled. "Of course I am."

"Good. I actually am going home so I can get dinner ready. I'll see you there," Lynn said. She came in close and kissed me, then whispered in my ear. "Thanks again for this. I'll have something waiting for you when you get home."

I smiled. The thought of her getting sexually excited at home would help me get through the rest of this experience. I couldn't wait to get home and fuck her hard, maybe as hard as I had fucked Kelsey last time. Well, not that hard. I'd hit her IUD if I did that. I kissed her again, deeply, before turning back to Bill. "I'll follow you over."

"Sure, I'll go get Kelsey," he said.

I walked over to Lynn's car with her, and she smiled at me. "Thank you so much for helping out. I know you don't like Kelsey all that much, but this means a lot to me."

"Not a problem," I said, smiling. I watched as she drove away, then turned around to get to my car.

Kelsey was sitting in the passenger seat.

I walked over to the passenger side door and pulled it open. "Out," I commanded.

"My dad said I could ride with you."

"Well I said you can't."

Kelsey pouted, then stood up. "You're not leaving my dorm room without fucking me," she said as she stomped away.

Exasperated, I watched as she got in the moving truck with her dad. I got in my car, and followed them to the college.


The campus of the college was like any other. The sun was still high in the sky and young co-eds were playing Ultimate Frisbee out on a field. Bill parked his truck outside the main entrance, where five other trucks had done the same. I parked a short distance away and walked up to them, where Bill had already opened the back of the truck.

We each grabbed a box and followed Kelsey. As we entered her floor of the dorm, there were girls' doors open everywhere. Many of them looked me over as I walked by, and I felt like a piece of meat by the time we got to Kelsey's room. She unlocked the door and walked in. It was a simple dorm room, two twin beds, two closets.

I noticed that the room was empty except for the two beds. "I guess your roommate hasn't showed up yet," I pointed out.

Kelsey shrugged. "We've talked on the phone, but she won't be here until
," she said. With the extra emphasis on "tomorrow", I knew what she was saying was that she'd have the room all to herself tonight.

I put my box down and walked out the door, Bill not far behind. Kelsey didn't follow us, I guessed so she could put her stuff away. I hopped in the truck and handed Bill a box, then grabbed one of my own. We took a couple trips in like this, Kelsey opening boxes and putting things away while the men did all the lifting.

At one point, Bill set down his box before I even entered the room, and headed back to the truck. I walked in the room and set my box down, then started to leave myself. Kelsey grabbed my arm.

"If you leave with my Dad, I'll call Lynn immediately," she said. She locked eyes with me, and I could tell that she meant it. "Besides, I have a surprise for you," she said, her hand going to my chest and rubbing it.

It felt so good, this young girl rubbing my body, but I had to resist her. If I didn't now, then when? "Kelsey, if I don't leave at the same time as your dad, he'll get suspicious, won't he?"

She frowned, then moved in closer. She got on her tiptoes, then whispered in my ear. "Fine, leave with my Dad. If you're not back in fifteen minutes, you'll be sorry." She got back off her tiptoes, then winked at me and kept putting away her clothes.

I sighed, then went back to the truck. How could I even be thinking of cheating on my wife again? How could I not? I didn't have a choice. If I wanted to stay married, I'd do what Kelsey asked.

Or maybe not. Maybe I could talk some sense into her. It might not be too likely but I could at least try. As I grabbed the last box, I knew that's what I would do.

When I got there, Bill had just sat down his box. "Call me if you need anything, sweetheart," he said.

"I will, Daddy!" Kelsey said cheerfully.

"Don't get into too much trouble while you're up here, but don't go falling in love with the first boy you meet like your sister did," he said, turning to me and winking.

"I'll try, Daddy," Kelsey said, turning to me and winking just like her father had.
Too late
, I thought. Kelsey then came up to me, giving me a big hug. "Thanks for helping out, Tom," she said, her tits pressed up against me. I looked over at her dad and he was smiling. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed back. She inhaled deeply, taking in my scent.

"Well, we should be going," I said. "Lynn's got dinner waiting for me."

Kelsey backed away from me, giving me a look that said it all.
Come back or you're dead.

Bill and I walked out the door. "Good seeing you Bill," I said.

He shook my hand. "Thanks again. Are you following me back?"

I shrugged. "I can find my own way back, and besides, I've got to fill up my gas tank before we get home."

He shrugged back. "I'll stop with you, I need to fill this truck up before I return it anyway."

I had to think fast. I shook my head, maybe a little too quickly. "You don't want to do it so far from home. The rental place will charge you like six bucks a gallon to fill it back up. I'll never make it, but you should find a gas station closer to the rental place."

He smiled and nodded. "Thanks for reminding me. You should come around more often. We'd love to see you and Lynn more than once a month."

Now that Kelsey was gone, I didn't have a problem with that. "I'd like that. I'll have Lynn set something up."

He smiled and we got into our respective vehicles. I pulled into the nearest gas station and he kept going. I didn't even bother filling up, I just turned right around and went back to the college.


The front door to the dorm was still propped open so that people could move in, so I was able to walk in freely. I got the same looks from the girls on Kelsey's floor as I had before, only now I didn't have a box in my hands. The rumors might start already.

I knocked on Kelsey's door. The door opened quickly and I saw her face peak around the door. She looked behind me, then yanked me into her room, closing the door behind me.

She had changed clothes. Before, she had been wearing jeans and tennis shoes, but now she was wearing a short, plaid schoolgirl skirt.
Maybe even the one I had fucked her in a couple weeks ago,
I thought. She was still wearing the gold jacket, but she had taken off the shirt that she had been wearing underneath it. It was still unzipped, showing off the sides and bottoms of her fantastic tits.

My eyes popped out of my head as I saw her in the outfit. She smiled and blushed, then over and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I noticed that she was the same height as I was, and as I pushed her away, I noticed the high heels and knee-length white socks.

"Kelsey, we have to talk," I said.

"We can talk," she said, closing the distance between us again and rubbing her hand up my chest. "After..."

It felt so good to have this sexy little girl rubbing my chest, but I held fast. "Not after. Now."

She pouted and backed away, walking towards the bed. She made sure to sashay a little extra, and in that little schoolgirl skirt I literally began to salivate. She sat on her bed, which was made up with brand new sheets. She patted the bed, beckoning for me to sit down.

I sat down, but farther away than she had patted. "Kelsey, I don't want to hurt you..."

"You were awfully rough with me last time for not wanting to hurt me," a devilish grin forming on her face.

I sighed and continued. "Hurt you emotionally. But you have to realize that I'm a married man. I'm promised to one woman, and that woman isn't just any woman, she's your sister."

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