My Secret Life (60 page)

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Authors: Anonymous

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It was shortly before this that I had seen the girl suck the man’s prick, whilst he buggered his own arse with a toothbrush handle. — Somewhere also about that time a French doxy — unasked took my prick in her mouth and whom I made desist — I had rarely had it in a woman’s mouth excepting in half drunken orgies. Now at once came on a desire for that luxury, it was through seeing this woman’s cunt licked. — “Suck my prick,” said I. “I’ll see you damned first,” said Sarah.
I never relinquished a letch till I satisfied it, I talked about what I had seen, what heard, what done that way with women, and got her to admit that she had been asked to suck. I wondered whether it was more pleasure than spending in a cunt. She wondered (I know now it was bosh). We talked about the gamahuching just seen, and prick sucking. Then she said, “Why don’t you lick my quim then?” “Do you like it — do you spend with it?” “Of course I like it, every women does, you can’t help spending if a man keeps on at it.”
“Suck my prick — do.” “Lick my cunt then.” I have gone thro this talk with other women, but with Sarah it seemed quite novel.
This spy hole amusement was spread over the best part of two years. Many lustful amusements I had between the various sights, which would better have been told in their place, but I shall from time to time refer to them.
After this night I had a letch for being sucked. — When I next met Sarah, we spent the whole evening in talking about that and gamahuching. Sarah confessed to liking it being done to her
and on her undertaking to tell me when she was spending, I did the job for her, and also had the pleasure of spending in her mouth for the extra fee. But I soon grew tired of that pleasure, unless so fucked out that I could not get a cock-stand. Many times after, when looking thro the peep-hole, she knelt on the sofa and gently sucked my prick.
always wanted, when she’d had a drop more than usual, and I believe really had a great liking for it — I did it at times to please her, but couldn’t bear the taste of her cunt, and whilst operating used to keep slobbering, so that her cunt was soon much like a spittoon. — “Aren’t you coming?” “Yes, stop, lick just there,” and with her finger she indicated the exact spot. — I suppose finding that I did not much like it, she ceased after a time to ask me to do it to her.
But we often described our sensations to each other, and she told me very funny stories about women who were fond of having their cunts- licked by other women — I was increasing my experiences largely with her, yet did not know what I since believe to be the case, that she was a little fond of having another female tongue on her clitoris, and perhaps another clitoris against hers as well.
A juvenile strumpet. — Two saucy little bitches. — One selected. — Sexual manipulations on the highway. — Omnibus riding and jam tarts. — My moral compunctions. - Sarah dissipates them.

An unsuccessful assault.

On the fornicating facilities of four wheel cabs.
I go back a while. — When I had known Sarah some time I wished to go to her house, having to pay heavily at the baudy houses for stopping long there. — Besides I always feel so much more comfortable at a woman’s lodgings. J***s St. bagnio was an exception, but that house has been long closed — Sarah objected at first, but as we knew each other better, said that her rooms were comfortable but very homely, that I should not be pleased with them; and moreover her friend was often there, that then I could not, and so on. — On being pressed, she admitted that she lived with a man, had done so for three years, and she showed me his miniature. — I said that nevertheless I should like to go there. — Then she told me the address, but I was never to call. -She would meet me in the street, and if she could take me home she would. He was a traveller for a firm of
makers, and often away. For a long time I did not go there.
I had letches for big women. — Sarah was one, and I had other big ones (tho but rarely) who were about town. — Big women, with big arses, and lots of cunt hair had been pleasing to me to see and feel, even if I did not poke them. Now suddenly I desired a little one. At L
r S
e one night, a group of girls so little that I thought them at first only rude children, spoke to me; and it ended in my going to a house with one about half my height, but who stripped and talked as baudily as if she had been fucked twenty years. — I fucked her, wondering at the little hairless quim my prick was closed up in, and such seemed the difference between the deep, thick lipped, dark, fully haired, large cunts, I had had for a long time, and the thin hairless split, and slim little form I was enjoying, that it roused desires for another.
It was late autumn, I was going along a suburb of London one night at about six o’clock p.m. It was in a.dull tho widish road, where the houses lay back from the road in gardens. — A slight fog came on. — On the opposite side of the way, I saw thro the mist two young girls, singing, laughing, and talking loudly whilst walking on. — A man carrying a basket on his back passed them, and I heard him say. — “I should like to tickle up both of your legs a bit.” “Tickle us up then,” said one in a loud cheeky tone, and then both ran across the road, and down a turning close by me. I heard them laughing loudly when just out of sight in the mist, as if they enjoyed the baudy suggestion.
This stirred my blood. They must be fast young bitches I thought. Soon I heard a shrill voice say. “Come on, he’s gone a head a long way.” It was one of the two girls. The turning they were up I found was no thoroughfare, altho then I did not know that — I turned at once up it, met them, stopped them, and asked them the way to some place. — I saw the face of the tallest, and as far as the fog would let me see by a lamp, it pleased me. I began to talk, and said they were both pretty girls. — “Give me a kiss and I will give each of you sixpence.” — They laughed, said no, but in a minute I gave each a kiss and sixpence. — As I kissed the biggest, I whispered her, “I’ll give you a shilling if you will do something for me and get your companion away.” “What?” said she boldly. “Send her away.” “No, she’ll tell, but at
Street she goes another way — you come back, then.”
She said she should not. — “Come on Betsy,” and off they went together — I followed just at such a distance as the fog enabled me not to lose sight of them, saw them part, then quickly made up to the tallest, and by degrees persuaded her to stop and listen to me. I know how to deal with young lasses well, having had experience now. — “Now don’t be angry — don’t be alarmed, it can’t hurt you, and if you won’t do it there’s no harm done. — If you do what I want, no one will know it, and I’ll give you a lot of money when I meet you.” “What is it?”
— Oddly
enough, I could not make up my mind what to ask her to do — I wanted to feel her cunt, but guessed if I said so, she would run off as fast as she could go, so went on talking awhile, and at length said, “Here’s a shilling for you if you will tell me one or two things. — Have you a brother?” “Yes.” “Have you seen his cock?” She began to laugh. “Shan’t tell you,” and she began to walk away. “Never mind, here is your shilling.” She turned round and took it. — “How foolish to go away, you might get more money, and no one but you and I know any thing about it — and directly I ask you a question off you go.” “You talk improper,” said she. “Never mind, you know you have felt your brother’s cock if he is a baby.” “He’s three years old, and I nurse him when at home.” “Then you have felt his cock.”

She laughed.
“What are you doing about here?” said I turning the conversation. “Going home from work.” “What do you work at?” “Folding up seeds at
nursery,” and she told me where. “What do you get a day?” “Nine pence — we both work there” — (meaning the other girl). “You can get half a crown if you’ll do what I wish.” “I can’t do anything.” “Yes, you can feel me.” “Feel you, what’s that?” — I rattled the money, — “Here are two and six pence, none will see us.” We were by a long wall, and the fog was now thickish. “Here is the money — give me your hand.”
I unbuttoned my trowsers, my prick was stiff, I put it outside, but under my greatcoat. She gave me her hand in a reluctant way, and I guided it to my penis. — “Lay hold of it.” “I shan’t, let me go — I’ll hollow.” “No — feel it, put your hand round it and here is your money.”
— Her
fright got over, she put her hand round it. — Curiosity got the better of her fears, I saw her tho she couldn’t in the dark see it, looking down at it. — “You old beast, let me go,” — but I kept her hand on the stem, then put it in my trowsers and under the balls. — “Now let me go.” — I relinquished her hand, she turned away, went two or three yards off and stopped. “Here is your money, now you have felt my cock, tell me, is it bigger than your brother’s.” She broke out into a laugh, turned and ran off — I followed and overtook her standing still some distance off. — “You did not give me the money,” said she. “That was your fault, here it is, but come back, people here will see us.” — She came back saying, “I must go or I’ll catch it.” — At the comer I gave her half a crown, and said “Every night you feel my cock I will give you a shilling, and I’ll give half a crown if you let me feel your bum.” “You old beast,” said she again, as the money dropped into her hand. Then she bolted off like lightning.
I went to the spot at the same time next night, but she did not appear. On the third night I saw her and she was alone, there was no fog, but it was between dark and daylight, and the lamps were not lighted. — She recognized me. “Go away or I’ll run,” said she. “I’m not going to hurt you, give me a kiss and I’ll give you a shilling.” — I induced her to turn up the same place, and there gave her both. Then she felt my cock again and had another shilling. — She was not in a hurry to take away her hand from my cock as on the first night. I fancied she liked feeling it. “Meet me every night,” (it just suited me then). “I can’t, cause
comes home with me,” — meaning the other girl. How cunning young sluts are!
Her feeling of my prick, and the whispering baudy talk in her young ears, took my fancy, but I wanted more. I saw her the next night. She was with the other girl, and like a fool I was going up to her, when they ran off. Another night I caught her alone. I was that night in a frenzy of randiness, put her hand round my prick and my own hand outside hers, and so frigging, I spent copiously. — “What is the matter sir,” said she looking up in my face, for I dare say I was sighing and giving evidence of sexual emotion.
Then I missed her, and gave up all idea of getting into her, for that had been in my mind. About two weeks afterwards, by mere chance passing by there, I saw the little devil loitering near the turning where she had first felt me. — Crossing the road, I said in passing, “Come on,” — and in two minutes she stood by my side.
She had been ill, her mother said it was fever. But with a chuckle — “I know what it was — I eat too much of them sweets and fruit. — Mother said it was the smell from the privy, and told the doctor so. — He asked me what I had been eating, and I said nothing.” — Then I found that she spent her money on fruit, sugar candy and bull’s eyes, and in riding in omnibuses. When she felt sick she got some brandy, and she only gave her companion a little bit of sweet. — “Because she’d wonder where I got the money and would tell.” — This much amused me, and reminded me of a girl, or rather two girls I had known many years previously. A girl of fifteen riding in an omnibus by herself for pleasure, and gorging herself with sweets out of money got by feeling a man’s prick in a street, seems an amusing fact.
She missed the money evidently, and
want was
opportunity. Said I, — “I can only give you money if you let me feel your bum.” “Oh no, not that.” “Well, it’s no worse than feeling my cock. — If you feel my cock, let me feel your cunt.” “Oh! that I shan’t,” — but she lingered. — “It could not hurt,” I said, “and who knows you have felt my cock?” — “Who will know it if I feel your little cunt? — Here is the money.” — She looked round (it was dark). — “No. No.” — but she stood quite still — I stooped and put my hand up on to her bottom. — “Oh! have done now, let me go, give me the money.” “Let me feel properly.” “I won’t.” — With the hand which was on her naked bum, I drew her close to me, and with the other, pushed up her clothes till I felt the top of her cunt. — She struggled tho quietly, and escaped me, but as before stopped till I went to her to give the money; then she went off. — I felt sure that she had come out to meet me that night.

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