My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1) (11 page)

Read My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Helen Bright

Tags: #mystery, #viking, #murder, #love, #humour, #paranormal romance, #Vampire, #erotic

BOOK: My Love Forever (The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 1)
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“I’m just going to drop these things off at mine before I go and pick the ladies up. Who wants a dropping off at the Red Lion,” Alex asked heading out of the door.

“Me and Sergei are going, so we will wait for you in the van. Josh are you coming with us?” Nik asked.

I didn’t really want to go, to be honest. A quiet night in suited me more these days. I liked to have fun as much as the next person but when you have been on this earth as long as I have, then every weekend seems pretty much the same. But for some reason I found myself saying, “Yes I’ll go.”

Chapter 17


After dropping Josh, Nik and Sergei off at the Red Lion I made the ten minute journey in to town to pick the ladies up.  None of them were outside waiting for me so I parked the minibus and went inside to look for them.

They were at the bar with shots lined up in front of them and Keeley was counting back from three, two, one, then they all downed their shots and slammed the shot glasses down on the bar. Julia turned towards me with a big grin on her face.

“Here’s my Alex,” she said obviously a little tipsy. All the ladies made a grab for me and my cheeks were showered with kisses. When I reached Julia she planted a big wet kiss on my lips, winked, and said “My kiss was better.”

I laughed and asked her how many drinks she had but she just shrugged and kissed me again. I liked these kisses and also the fact that she wasn’t bothered about who saw her kissing me, but realistically the booze probably helped with any inhibitions she had tonight.

It took twenty minutes to get all the ladies to make the three minute journey to where I had parked the minibus. Between them all going to the toilet and trying to get more drinks before they got in the bus, I was amazed it didn’t take them longer than twenty minutes.

The noise level in the vehicle was horrendous, with lots of shouting and laughing at decibels that I’m sure exceeded safety regulations.

My eyes kept drifting to Julia as she sat beside me. She was slightly twisted in her seat so that she could see the others in the back. Her dress had ridden up her thighs and it was impossible not to imagine running my hands up and down them.

Just then Joanne pulled out a light up dildo that she had won at the sex toy party she had been at with some of the others earlier.

As a vampire my night vision was perfect but to be honest I think any human could see that thing from miles away as it changed colour from green to blue, then purple, then red. To be honest I thought it was disturbing, but the ladies just howled with laughter, and even more so when Moira grabbed it to demonstrate how to give the perfect blow job.

The way her white hair and face glowed from green to blue was the stuff of nightmares, and I when I saw the familiar signs for the Red Lion I was relieved beyond measure.

Josh and Nik were stood outside the pub with Sergei as he was smoking a cigarette, and they all came forward and helped the ladies out of the minibus, all of them showered with kisses as they got them out. When it came to Gina’s turn Nik helped her down from the vehicle, twirled her around and spoke to her softly.

“You look stunning Gina, the hair, the tan, the clothes, they all really suit you. Promise me you’ll dance with me later.”

Before she could answer she was picked up and twirled around by Sergei. Gina hugged him and laughed before getting him to put her down. Nik took her hand in his and the terrible threesome made their way in to the pub leaving me and Julia outside alone.

I pulled her to me and held her while I looked into her eyes. The tan she had made her blue eyes sparkle like stars, and along with the colour in her cheeks and the smile she wore I don’t think I had seen her look this alive and happy for years.

“You look amazing tonight,” I said before kissing her lips softly.

“I’m having such a good time tonight Alex, but I’m also looking forward to going home with you and getting you naked,” she purred. I kissed her hard and pulled her as close to my body as I could get, glad that she was on the same page as me about later. But I could feel her sway and stumble back a little, the alcohol having an effect on her balance.

“I appear to be a little drunk” she said laughing, “So I think it should be a glass of water for me when we go in or I can see me waking up with the hangover from hell tomorrow.”

“Water it is my lovely,” I said as she grabbed my arm and we headed inside.

Chapter 18


Nik took my breath away. There was no point denying our connection anymore. The way he touched me when we were outside and the words he said were everything I wanted to feel and hear from a man, it just wasn’t my man that said them. But truthfully my husband hadn’t been my man for years.

After I came back from the hairdressers today he didn’t even give me a second glance, he just said, ‘What’s for dinner?’

My son and daughter thought I looked great, younger even, and that was a real confidence boost to me. My daughter is twenty three and lives with her boyfriend nearby; my son is twenty one and still at home getting spoiled by his mum, although I think his girlfriend is trying to get him to move in with her.

I always thought I was keeping the family together by staying with Steve. I tried my best not to let them see that I was unhappy, but I saw the way they both looked at my husband when he didn’t notice my transformation today and to be honest it shocked me to see the contempt in their eyes.

I haven’t loved him for years now; I mean how can you love someone who seems to do their best to ignore you on a daily basis? But what’s made the situation harder was having someone like Nik Harding making moves on me.

The man was utterly gorgeous. He was about 6’4 with big muscles, thick dark brown hair and the most beautiful dark chocolate coloured eyes that seemed to set my soul on fire with just a look. I had been in love with this man for around twelve years, but I couldn’t leave my family for him when my children needed me.

If I am honest I didn’t think I was good enough for him anyway, I mean, what would he really want with a short, dumpy mother of two anyway? I have seen the women he has dated and let me tell you I cannot compare, but for some reason Nik seems to think that he loves me and has never given up his pursuit.

Looking at him now in the low lights of the pub as he gets me a drink from the bar, he looks even more gorgeous than ever, and I want him so bad I ache.

I want what I have seen in Julia and Alex over the last few days. I can see how possessive he is as he holds her while they wait for their drinks. How he bends his head and places a kiss on the top of her head when they squeeze themselves together to let someone get past.

I spoke to her yesterday and she seemed like she wanted to hold back from a new relationship because she thought it was too soon after separating from her husband and she worried what people would say.

But now she doesn’t seem bothered and both of them look like they are in love.

I saw the same look on Nik’s face outside when he looked at me and that’s what finally made me think that it could work between us.

He saw me looking at him as he turned to hand everyone their drinks and I tilted my head to the side asking him silently to follow me.

My heart beat so fast as I walked down towards the function room at the back of the pub. This room was only used for parties and various community events, but it wasn’t in use tonight so was in darkness, and the door was closed.

I opened the door and Nik followed me inside. He closed the door and came to stand in front of me but didn’t touch me. The light from the corridor shone through into the room and I could see from the look on his face that it was taking a lot of restraint on his part not to speak or touch me.

On a sigh I stepped forward and took both of his hands in mine. Being 5’3 I was still shorter than him even in my heels, so I had to look up to keep his gaze.

“Can I stay with you tonight Nik?” I asked my voice hoarse with need. “I don’t want to go home anymore.”

He took my face in his hands as he looked down at me,
“If you spend the night with me tonight it means you accept that I’ll make you mine, and know this Gina, once you are mine, I will never let you go.”

“Ok,” I whispered. Then he kissed me like I had never been kissed before. His lips firm and relentless, parting my own so he could thrust his tongue inside my mouth, making me weak and tingly in parts that hadn’t had to respond to anything in years.

Nik picked me up effortlessly, carried me over to a table near the glowing exit sign in the corner of the room and laid me down on it gently, leaving my legs hanging over the side. He pushed up the stretchy skirt I was wearing until it reached my waist exposing the black lace full knickers that I wore, and in that moment I was extremely glad I hadn’t chosen to wear my Spanx.

I’m not sure what I expected him to do next but it wasn’t bend down and inhale deeply, taking in the scent all over my crotch and thighs. He then kissed licked and sucked at the lace covering my slit and I nearly bucked off the table, but he stilled me with a hand on my belly and a look that warned me not to move.

I concentrated on his face which glowed from the light of sign, and the desire I saw there fuelled my own.

He began to remove my knickers slowly; keeping his gaze on me at all times, then he spoke.

“I have fantasised so often about tasting, lapping and sucking on all the cream I can force out of your sweet cunt with my mouth, then turning my head to your sexy thighs and tasting, lapping and sucking on the blood I can bring from you with my bite. Give me your permission Gina. Let me taste every part of your essence.”

I was shocked and didn’t say anything for a few moments and all the while he was caressing the inside of my thighs, getting nearer to my core. Strangely enough him taking my blood wasn’t a problem for me as I donated regularly at work and this just seemed sort off another kind of donation, although a very intimate one.

The issue was I had never had a man perform oral sex on me. Even when we were first married and having a regular sex life oral sex wasn’t on the cards for me.

We tried it once but Steve got no further than kissing the inside of my thighs and then once on my clit before he told me he couldn’t go any further because he didn’t like the smell or taste of me there.

I had read erotic romance novels where the man would gorge on a women’s ‘pussy’ as they call it in the books, but I always assumed that that was just put in there to sell books and men that actually wanted to do that were very rare indeed. But here was Nik saying he had fantasised about doing this to me.

I looked at Nik and nodded my head slowly, loving the sexy smile that came over his lips, the lips that he now used to place kisses all over the space between the top of my thighs and my lower tummy.

I moaned at the throbs of pleasure he was creating all around my female parts, even without him touching them directly, and when he moved down to place kisses on my lower lips a gasp escaped me, and my body tensed anticipating what was next. He licked me from my opening all the way to my clit and back down again with hard strokes. I felt myself getting wetter and I wondered when this would make him stop.

He didn’t stop.

Instead he just lapped up the wetness, groaning as if he had just tasted the best desert ever and instead of worrying about what was next I felt myself relax, and enjoy the feeling of this man worshipping the most intimate part of me.

He lifted my legs so the back of my knees draped over his arms forcing my legs apart and opening me up to him. Then he sucked and nipped at my outer lips before thrusting his tongue inside me. I started panting because he seemed to be hitting a spot inside which intensified the pleasure that was coursing through my body, and I was stunned when an orgasm began to shoot right through me, leaving me breathless and screaming almost silently while stars seemed to appear before my eyes.

Before I could come down from wherever my body had seemed to levitate to Nik pushed two fingers inside me, fastened his mouth over my clit and was alternating from licking, sucking and swirling his tongue around the swollen bud until I came again, the orgasm slamming into me hard this time, screaming and grabbing the thick dark hair on his head, holding him to me till the tremors subsided.

I felt his head turn as I ran my fingers through his hair, and I let out a small cry of pain as his teeth sank deeper than I thought possible into my thigh.
But the
pain quickly disappeared when I felt the first pull of his mouth taking my blood to the back of his throat.

Nik groaned as if he felt both pleasure and pain at the action, but I didn’t care about anything other than the need that was building inside me to climax once more and within seconds I began to orgasm again, his fingers still moving inside me prolonging my pleasure until at last he let go of my thigh and lapped at the area he drank from.

Chapter 19


I pulled Gina up from the table and kissed her softly. I knew she would be able to taste herself on me, and maybe also her blood which was now running through me, making me feel more alive than I ever felt before.

I helped her put her panties on, enjoying running my hands over her arse as I went, then I pulled out my phone and text Alex to meet me out front as I wanted to take Gina home with me. Within seconds I got a text from Josh saying that he was heading out to the minibus now.

I held her to me and bent to rest my forehead against hers. Until now we hadn’t spoken since I had tasted her and I was a little worried about her lack of words.

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