My Forever (21 page)

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Authors: Nikki McCoy

Tags: #MM, #Gay, #Paranormal

BOOK: My Forever
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“They took him from his family that day. For the longest time I couldn’t live with myself. I left my family and friends and decided to join the Mackaeo like I should have done in the first place. Deluc, stubborn asshole that he is, said he would kill me if I did, and he had the skills to back it up.”

Leaning back, Bastian pierced him with a determined stare. “I’m not proud of letting him take the fall for me that day, but I will get him back. I swear this to you.”

His conviction was sincere. Kyle hugged him, pouring all of his appreciation into it. Movement from the bed caught their attention and they turned to see Amy holding her hand out to Bastian, who took it reverently.

“Thank you,” she whispered, “for everything.”

Bastian kissed her hand then lifted Kyle to stand. “Get some rest. I’ll be back soon.” Once the man disappeared, Kyle trudged his way to the door.

“Where are you going?” At his blank gaze, she patted the bed on the other side of Jules. “Stay. Please.”

The offer warmed him and he crawled under the covers with them. The deep ache of loneliness subsided for the first time since losing his Master, and he drifted into a peaceful slumber.

* * * *

A knock on his door roused him from his musings of the thousand ways he wanted to kill Connor. Why someone would bother to knock when he was the one locked inside was beyond him, but he called out permission for entry anyway. A young Mackaeo he recognised as part of the group who had apprehended him walked in with a manila folder in one hand.

“The commander told me to give this to you. It outlines the details of our next assignment.”

Damn, the commander didn’t waste any time getting down to business. Lucas wouldn’t be surprised if Connor had an entire backlog of missions just waiting to be carried out that only his power could facilitate. Taking the file, he threw it onto the desk and took a seat in the aluminium folding chair. When the click of the door closing didn’t sound, he turned to find the man shuffling nervously from side to side.

“Is there something else?”

“Can I talk to you for one second?”

“I don’t know. That’s a pretty long talk.”

The man grinned sheepishly, causing Lucas to appraise him with further interest. The last he knew, Connor only recruited trained killers into his little renegade group. It took a certain mindset to not only commit murder, but also go against the laws of your Queen. This man, however, displayed none of the required attributes. His trim build lacked the musculature one would accrue during assassin training and he still seemed to retain a degree of conscience that had yet to be corrupted.

“You’re the one who dampened my power so that I couldn’t port, weren’t you?”

The man had the decency to look away in shame. “Yeah. That was me. Sorry, by the way.”

Definitely not a killer.

“My name’s Tailor. They told me about you. Did you really walk away from the Mackaeo?”

Lucas narrowed his eyes, noticing every jittery tic and gesture Tailor made. “Yes, I did, but only because I refused to join Connor in his illegal endeavours.” Censure was implied in his tone and again the man had the grace to avoid eye contact. “What are you getting at, Tailor?”

After a full minute of opening and closing his mouth, he finally said, “If I were to help you escape, do you think you could take me with you?”

Comprehension came to Lucas and he rubbed at his temples. “He didn’t give you a choice either, did he?”

Tailor shook his head. “I was only supposed to be a backup for the Mackaeo in case of emergencies. You know, if a member was chasing another rogue Mackaeo, I could dampen their power long enough for our guy to make the kill. Since that almost never happens, I was trained to investigate and file information for the Order. The commander wants me to kill humans to prove myself. If I don’t, he’ll kill me.”

The man’s voice rose with each word until Lucas had to motion for him to calm down. “I know where you’re coming from, believe me I do, but I have a mate to think of as well. There is no getting out for me this time. I can’t put his life in danger again.”

The young man nodded, a little too enthusiastically. “Of course, of course. I’m sorry. Gotta take care of your own, right? Can’t blame you, considering I’m partially at fault for you being here. I’ll just, umm…I’ll see you tomorrow night for the mission.”

Lucas sighed heavily at the deflated hope of the man. “Wait. I might be able to do something for you. Give me some time. Once I know my mate is safe, we’ll talk.”

Tailor beamed at him and took his leave. Thoroughly repulsed by the new and outrageous methods Connor was using to get his dirty work done, Lucas did more exercises to vent his anger. Several hours later, a shadow appeared in the corner of his room and his heart skipped a beat.

“Is that what I think it is?”

He followed Bastian’s finger to the folder on the desk. “Yeah. Plans to slaughter an entire family tomorrow night and I get to be a part of it. Didn’t I tell you not to return unless you had Kyle safe with you?”

“When will you ever stop doubting me? You know, your mate had full confidence in me. Even gave me a kiss when I found him.”

He couldn’t speak for a full minute. “You’ve got him? Is he all right?”

Bastian came into the light and plopped himself down on the cot. “He misses you something fierce, but he’s okay. He’s at my cabin with the others.”


His friend took on a grim expression. “When I say don’t kill the messenger, you know I mean that literally, right?”

“Bastian…” he growled.

“Just making sure. I found him in a room with ten other humans. They had all been kidnapped by Connor’s men and were waiting to be sold into slavery. I guess killing and pilfering wasn’t enough for the bastard.”

“He was going to sell my mate into slavery?” Lucas didn’t even realise he had a fist reared back, ready to throw, until Bastian stepped up and got in his face.

“If you want to go at it that’s fine with me, but if you want to see your mate again, I suggest you quit dicking around and help me come up with a plan.”

Lucas spun and punched the wall, cracking the three-inch thick steel. “Son of a bitch! Mother fucking piece of… I’m going to kill him.”

“You can’t. At least not yet. If you die in the process, your mate dies with you. The main priority right now is to get you out of here.”

His energy evaporated instantly and he sat down hard on the chair. “I can’t leave. It’s too much of a risk. If we were caught again, there’s no telling what Connor would do.”

“They won’t catch us this time. They used me to find you, but we’ll be more careful. You hid for four years.”

“And I didn’t have a mate to worry about at the time. You said yourself that there are ten people at your place that need your help. What would we do with them while we’re on the run?” Pausing to get control of his emotions, he said, “Look, I can’t keep putting Kyle’s life in jeopardy. With you, he’ll at least be able to live his life. I’m a ghost here without any proof of what Connor’s doing. No one but he and his unit even know I’m alive. Please don’t make this harder than it already is.”

Bastian looked as angry as Lucas had felt when he learnt Connor’s plans. Sure enough, he slammed his own fist into the wall, leaving an identical crack. “Fine. I won’t argue with you but I’m not giving up, either.

Stubborn little shit.

“Before I leave, your mate would like to know why he can’t communicate with you.”

“Connor gave us injections of a serum that prohibits telepathic communication. Kyle’s should wear off in a week and a half, but I’ll still be getting them. Tell him I love him, will you?”

“No. You can tell him yourself. He’s waited this long, he can wait a little longer. I’ll be back to check on you.” Bastian ported without another word.

Lucas leant back to stare at the ceiling. His friend was furious now but he would get over it. Eventually so would Kyle. They had to. That knowledge was the only thing that kept him from going out of his mind.

Chapter Twelve

Kyle awoke to rays of bright sunlight streaming through cream-coloured curtains. Heat surrounded him, stoking his contentedness at the feel of his lover holding him tight. Lucas’ legs were intertwined with his, arms wrapped firmly around his waist as though he would never let go. His Master’s semi-erect cock pressed against his, biding its time to be pleased by his mouth and hands.

It was so easy to believe.

Clear, azure eyes stared back at him when he lifted his lids. Not the deep, abiding blue of the man who dominated him only in his dreams now, but they contained a wealth of compassion that crumpled his defences and left his heart stripped bare. Jules feathered the pads of his thumbs along Kyle’s spine and waited out the silent flow of his tears. They remained locked in their entangled embrace for countless minutes, each taking solace from the other until Kyle’s eyes ran dry.

His gaze flicked to the large, still figure sitting in the recliner on the other side of the bed. Sometime during the night, it looked as though Bastian had aged ten years. Creases lined his forehead and his caramel eyes were circled with dark bags. The lack of his normal air of brash arrogance was appropriate, but it seemed to drive home the severity of their situation.

“I need to give Jules some more medicine. Why don’t you go out and get something for you two to eat?”

Kyle looked back at his new friend who nodded his acquiescence. Disengaging himself from the cradle of too thin arms, he got up and grabbed a set of clothes for the day. After taking a shower, he ventured into the kitchen where he found Amy serving breakfast to four men of various ages—the youngest couldn’t have been more than sixteen. Shivering at the thought of what might have happened to the kid if not for Bastian’s interference, Kyle offered to help out.

“Thanks babe, but everything’s already taken care of. Two of the girls are straightening up the rooms. The guys will be collecting firewood when they’re done eating then we’ll start cleaning the rest of the cabin. It’s beautiful but huge. And it looks like Bastian hasn’t been here in years.”

Casting aside his ire at the usurpation of his role as caretaker of his Doms, he managed a wan smile. Amy—as with everyone else—was simply doing the best she possibly could under the circumstances, but it was just another reminder that his Master wasn’t there to expect the same from him. He would still help, regardless, in order to keep his mind busy. Dwelling on the physical and mental rift that had come between him and his mate would only expedite the downward spiral of his turbulent emotions.

“I’m going to take a plate to Jules. I don’t think Bastian wants him walking around yet.” Kyle piled as much as he thought his friend could eat onto a plate. Amy stacked another plate with food and handed it to him when he was done, reminding him that he needed to remember to eat as well.

“I never did apologise for doubting you.” She raised her hand at Kyle’s demurral and continued. “I was jealous, really. Jules shut me out almost immediately after they took us, and it hurt that he would accept your touch and not mine. I think I know why. When I met him, he was a master at hiding the pain I knew lay just beneath the surface, but they took his mask away, and I don’t think he wanted me to see what was underneath.”

Taking a steadying breath, she said, “He believed in you, though. He has the most amazing knack for judging people and I should have believed in that as well. So, I’m sorry. This Bastian guy is actually pretty cool. Kinda creepy with the whole disappearing and reappearing act, but…nice. Can you take this to him?” She pulled a platter from the oven stacked with a steak, eggs, pancakes and a large pile of bacon. Kyle raised his brows at the mountain of food and she shrugged. “He’s a big man. Oh, and tell him we’ll need more foodstuffs soon.” A smile that almost felt natural crossed his lips and he juggled the plates back to the bedroom.

Later that afternoon, when most of the men and women had retired for a nap, Kyle, Amy and Todd sought out Bastian in his study to discuss the next step. Kyle was anxious to hear news about Lucas but Bastian’s persistent grimness filled him with dread.

“Is something wrong?” Kyle asked.

Rousing himself from his contemplation, Bastian cleared his throat and replied, “You could say that. Your mate won’t leave. He’s too afraid to take any more risks with your life.”

“What?” Kyle shook his head. The words jumbled in his mind and refused to form coherent sentences. “I don’t understand.”

Bastian rose from his desk chair and crossed the room to him, taking his hands in a firm grip. “I’ve been thinking about it all night and he’s right. If I were in his position, I would make the same sacrifice. I’m not saying that we call it quits, but until we can ensure that Connor can never get to you again, we have to let him call the shots on this one.”

Wrenching himself away, Kyle backed up as though distance would make the problem dissolve. “So I’m just supposed to go on without him?” The sympathetic look on Bastian’s face, on all their faces, was more than he could handle. “Bullshit! He’s mine! I have a part of his soul. He needs me.” Fire burned down his throat and through his chest but he pushed the crushing agony aside.

“Baby, the only ones who know he’s alive are Connor and his men, and they won’t willingly provide the proof we need to get him out. Not even the Queen knows he still exists.”

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