My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (150 page)

BOOK: My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance
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A deathly silence filled the table as we ate.  Even though the quiet was different from him scream, I knew that in a second he would turn again.

“I am going to get ready for bed,” I said as I finished cleaning off the table and putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

Rafael nodded without replying to me as he went into the other room.

I needed to unwind, but that looked as if it wasn’t going to happen.  I was grabbing my nightwear from my dresser when Rafael took one of his massive hands and covered my mouth.  He slammed me against the wall and pinned me.  With his other hand, he began to strangle me as I struggled to take every raspy breath.

“If you try to leave me, I will find you and kill you.”

The words Rafael just said terrified me. I knew I had to leave to get away from him and the only place I was safe was with Tony. Rafael had become a lunatic once again. I needed to find a way to leave him permanently.

The sound of the struggle in each labored breath I took had scared me as I knew I was slowly dying in the grip of his hands. I knew with only a tightening of his thumb on my neck; I would die tonight in my bedroom.  My eyes would permanently see the monster that had killed me that I once loved. My heart was racing faster and faster.

I knew better than to bite him, but I also knew if I did, he would squeal in pain that might give me the opportunity to escape.

The shrill of  the pain from the bite was ear piercing. He let go of me as he was examining his hand that I left my mouth imprint on. This gave me the opportunity to escape as I grabbed my keys on the way out the door.

I had no clue where I was going, but I knew I had to go somewhere for help and that probably would end up at Tony‘s. With the sudden rush of escaping, I left my purse and cell phone on the table and I knew if I couldn’t out drive Rafael, I would be screwed.

As I drove towards Tony’s house I heard the sudden acceleration of a car and headlights behind me. I couldn’t make out what the vehicle was, but I knew in my heart it was Rafael.

The gate suddenly opened to Tony’s house and it closed just as my car barely got inside.  I knew with all the guards and dogs, Rafael would never make it inside.  Ever since we began our affair I had a key to the door, although the house was pitch black.

“Naomi?  What are you doing here?” Tony asked as he switched on the lights.

“Naomi get out here!” Rafael screamed.



Rafael finally left by a police escort, which allowed Tony and I to talk as the night burned on.  He refused to allow me to leave as my mind couldn’t focus on sleep.   I was Tony’s t-shirt and sweatpants he had thrown at me which is something I had often wore since we began our affair.

“I guess this means you are really getting a divorce this time,” he asked.

I nodded as I placed my head on his chest.  “He said if I went through with it that he would kill me or ruin me in the courtroom.”

That night in Tony’s arms, he made me feel safe as I allowed myself to repay him the best way I knew how.  My head went down as I began to lap and suck before straddling him. 

Tony didn’t argue and didn’t mind at all.  It seemed to relax me as I rocked back and forth as Tony grabbed my hips and bounced me faster and faster as I was cumming. 

If only Tony was my husband and I wasn’t having an affair with him compared to be married to him.

I fell asleep after that, but if I stayed awake and started yawning Tony would have told me that this was a job well done.

The house was barely lit when five in the morning rolled around when I usually got ready at this time.

“I had a feeling you would be waking up hungry after that sexathon you had last night,” Tony said bringing in a tray with my breakfast on it.


The smell of French toast for breakfast was intoxicating.  I wished I could do this every day, but I didn’t want him to bring up what had happened before our little sexathon.      

“I am hoping you file a restraining order and contact the divorce lawyer about Rafael and what he did.”

I groaned as I looked at him.  “I promise I will do that as soon as the lawyer opens up. 

At the moment, I didn’t care that Tony was my boss because he was also my best friend and protector. For him to know everything that had led up to finding me last night in his house was bad enough.  I was already ashamed that he had found the bruise on my cheek from that morning.

I was thinking about how we made love last night.”

That was Tony.  Although he was a thug, he always told me that our sex we had together was love.  I wasn’t sure if that was the truth since it was an affair.  He had been a traditional definition of a playboy who used to love them and leave them.  That all stopped when we began our affair.  I began spending more and more time at his bachelor pad.

“I will take care of your problem.”

“If you do that, you better not get caught!!  I don’t think that I could handle losing you!” I pointed out.

Tony started laughing.  “I never get my hands dirty.  That’s what I send my men to do.  They do the dirty work while I stay here and love you a little more before I have to head to work.” he said as he began to kiss my neck.  He knew it was my weakness.

Tony had allowed me to work from the home office as long as I could make sure this deal went smoothly.  He also promised he would take care of everything for me.

It wasn’t long I saw that Rafael had an accident according to the news.  I wasn’t really surprised since Tony promised he would make sure to keep me safe.  This was who Tony was and I was sure he confirmed that Rafael was dead.  He had a knack of offing people that hurt the people he loved.  The court would drop the divorce case since it looked like Rafael lost control before hitting the embankment.

I sat there in my lingerie waiting to thank Tony as he walked through the door.

“What are you doing?” he asked with a smile as he came running towards me with his arms ou. 

I looked down and smiled.  Well, I have to pay you somehow.” I replied.

“You don’t have to repay me like this, but I am loving every minute of it.  I don’t know what I like more, with you with that cute bow on your butt, or you naked.” Tony said as he scooped me up in his strong arms as he carried me off to the bedroom. 

I started laughing.  “However I can thank you for freeing me, I will.”




“I thought after this we should take a vacation.  We both deserve it.”

I started laughing. “Are you going to give me a hint where our vacation might be?”

Tony let out a naughty laugh and lightly tapped me on the nose. “I am the type of lover who may love you but loves to keep some things a secret.”

It was shortly after we had sex that Tony had blindfolded me and we were venturing out once again into the night air.  I had been scared that Tony was driving to some secluded place, but I wasn’t exactly sure where that would be.  As long as he didn’t show me where Rafael crashed, we would be good. 

I peeked from under my blindfold t o where the desert met the horizon.

“It was the first place I ever took you on one of our dates.”

“It still so is so beautiful!”

“Are you joking Naomi? We haven’t even gotten there yet!  Just like the first time, you took off your blindfold early.” Tony said chuckling as he turned onto a dirt road that was hidden from the desert trees and went half way around a small mountain. The rest of the way he carried me onto a footpath where it ended on a ledge looking out at the desert as the sun was setting.

“You are right, this is still amazing! I never witnessed anything so beautiful compared to that day you brought me here.  It changed my entire life.” I whispered.

Tony smiled as we began to listen to nature.

“Good, because what I am about to do is going to scare the hell out of me.  I have been thinking a long time now that there is nothing more than I want to be married to the right girl.  I have found that girl in you.  We both know what it is like with the operation I am running and how I try to hide it as an investment business.  You don’t care.  You launder the money anyways.”

“I would do it again for you!  It is pretty much normal by now to do something like that.  I love you.” I pointed out.

“That’s my point!  I love you too and right here on this rock was the first place I took you to watch the stars and to have sex that night.  I wasn’t expecting to fall in love with you so strong that you would mess up my life completely.  I wanted to run and hide at first, but I knew I would do anything for you and I always would.

His hands started to shake as I looked at him.

“Tony, what are you up to?”

“I finally found the person whom I want to become my business partner with me.  We both seem to be running from the same demons and I want everything in this world to make it up to you for the fact that I never told you how much I love you until now.”

My eyes suddenly lit up and I smiled at this sudden strong romantic streak that Tony began to have since he started describing how he felt as he held my hands. I had always wanted someone not just to tell me how they felt, but to show me how much I meant to him. Luckily this time around, I got my wish.

“I believe you truly are my soul mate and partner in crime, literally.  Most people search their whole lives for something that they don’t even know if it even exists. Our affair has had its ups and downs, but I can safely say that I finally been able to express to you I how truly feel.  I am lucky that you are in my life.  You fill the void that my heart desires something more out of life.  I promised that I will always protect you and I always will.  Although I live quite the fascinating life as I dodge cops and peddle drugs as well as rough people up, I want to make sure to clarify that to me, you were never my mistress.  I always loved you and always will love you today.  I want to clarify what I mean as because there is so much assumption in this world.  I rush home or rush to work every day just to see your smiling face as you look at me.  Your eyes seem to peel away all that has happened to me and I look at you as if there is nothing you can do that will taint my image of you.  I will give you my strength, my love, and my honor.  I ask you today as we look at the same horizon and watch the sunset that we did so many years ago if you will marry me.” Tony asked as he slipped a ring on my finger.

With tears of happiness in my head, he left me speechless as I looked down at the ring and nodded as I hugged him.

I was dumbfounded that Tony had spilled his whole heart to me as we while we were on that cliff.  I knew everything he had said was true.  It was the same way I felt for him for years when we started our affair.

“I want us to grow old together.  I want to accomplish our deepest desires and  together as we travel and find happiness in the world around the both of us. I have realized that sharing my life and business with you was the best gift that can be shared. Together it is us against the world in which we conquer the territories together. Tony stopped as he reached in his jacket and pulled out a gun as he passed it to me.  “I guess if you are my partner in crime, you better have a gun of your own.”

I sat at the edge of the cliff sobbing like a baby and the only thing I could do was nod my head in agreement. I wiped away the tears in which were rolling down my cheek as Tony had shocked me in more ways than one.

“I didn’t mean to make you cry, I thought you would actually be laughing or smiling,” Tony said as he grabbed a napkin and dabbed my face with a tissue from his pocket.




Cheating With A Pimp


African American Romance






By: Violet Hill


Cheating With A Pimp

It had been eight years to the day I left Los Angeles and moved to the east coast.  Every day out there seemed to be as if it was calling me back to be here.  I looked down at my hands that had seen better days.  My knuckles not only had broken jaws, but I had broken them many times. 

I was far from being a saint, in fact, I was part of the local gang and lived by the motto Thugs4-Life.  I even had it tattooed on my back and on my upper arm there was still the gang’s insignia.  I was a proud member and had been in ever since I was thirteen years old when I started doing small jobs for our kingpin. 

When two rival gangs including my own ended up facing off and killing members, my mother decided to move us to the other side of the country.  I wasn’t thrilled about this move.  My mom thought if we didn’t move, I would die young.  I had been positive with my reputation that the streets would have taken care of me.  My hood was tight.

I looked at my reflection in the window.  My dark skin complimented the light gray suit I was wearing.  No one knew what type of background I came from, and I didn’t tell anyone either.  I took the job at a high classed investing firm to be come back to this.  It was a cover up since I was a highly successful businessman, but I craved being back in my hood.

I lit up a cigar and looked out at Los Angeles.  The ashes that drifted from it reminded me of Ramón, my leader and King Pin from the hood.  He had always smoked cigars.  Days like this I would look out at the city and wonder what had happened to him and if he was still alive.  I quickly brushed the ashes off my suit and looked up as I heard my secretary come in.

“I have come to drop your paperwork off Tyrone.” Lisa, my secretary, said before she disappeared out the door.

Lisa’s face was like an angel and even though there were several times I had slept with her and even promised to marry her.  There was something that she could never fill, and that was the fact I was married to the streets.  When I told her that the last time we were thinking about marriage that I missed my old life, she refused to talk to me. 

It was true I was a successful businessman and made quite the paycheck every week, but being successful wasn’t the life I desired.  It was the same, and everyone expected you to be squeaky clean and honest.  I needed fun and exhilaration.  I needed the thrill of stealing cars and being involved in shootouts or smacking the butt of some ghetto girl with her pants ready to split.

I let a sigh as I sat back down to deal with more paperwork that had been placed in front of me.  I craved living on the edge and not behind a desk all my life.  I am sure everyone who used to know me already knew that.  Even though I was here in this firm, there was nothing that could get me out of that life.  Not even my mother could wash that out of my blood.

“Tyrone, some guy name Reese is here to see you,” Lisa said as she peeked her head into my office.

Reese and I had both grown up in the hood together.  It was hard to believe that he was here after all this time, but I was sure he could say the same thing about me.  Unlike my family, Reese was the only one in his family that was a male.  He owned his family pretty much.  I slept with his four sisters, not all at once, though.

“Reese?  What the hell are you doing here?” a man with dark skin like my own walked in and sat down.  He was clean cut for once.  Reese hated being dressed up, but here he was cleaned shaved and clean dressed.  It was honestly quite the surprise that Reese was here since he rarely left the hood these days. 

“I honestly came to ask you for a favor.  We have been good friends and all and here I am wondering if I can count on you with a plan,” Reese said as he sat down in one of the leather seats in front of my desk.

“What do you need?”

“We need a man to jack cars and get rid of them quick.  Who would ever expect you?”

I was about ready to argue with him, but I knew that this was the opportunity I had been looking for to go back to the hood.  There was quite the silence between us.

“I am assuming you will be going through with the plan.  You do owe all of us.” Reese pointed out.

“I don’t know Reese; I have to try to stay out of the public’s eyes, though.”

“Are you joking with me?  You have been looking for this opportunity for awhile.” Reese pointed out.  

It was no surprise that Reese was telling the truth.  He knew me way too well to know I couldn’t resist getting back into the life of the hood.  The only thing stopping me at the moment was trying to live a double life without people knowing. 

“Tyrone, you need to do this for us!  You know what you have been missing, and the craving is starting to control you.”

I was the one that used always to pick up the pieces for the hood.  I had been sick of the life I had been living here.  I needed to get out and be in a place that seemed to be back home to me.

My mouth opened ready to answer.  “I was joking with you!  We don’t carjack the way we used to.  I do need you to go down to the strip club and collect some money.  Ramón would do it himself, but he is still in the hospital from the bullets that shot up the block.”

“No problem, I can go down there tonight after this place closes.  I would do anything for a brother.”

“What is the story with the cute little secretary out there?  She hood?”

I shook my head.  “Lisa is as far as you can get from the hood as you can.  She is good in bed, but that’s about it."

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