My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (140 page)

BOOK: My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance
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“May I ask why?” He asked. Sarah took in a shaky breath.

“Because we are teammates. It would be unwise to go down this path. We need to be able to trust each other unconditionally, and this complicates that.” She answered. Todd nodded, looking down at the floor. He nibbled on his thumb nail unconsciously while he contemplated what she said.

“Alright.” He said, letting his arms drop to his sides. He pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning on and turned to leave without looking at her. He hated to admit that she had a point. She did, but it didn’t stop him from wanting her. Sarah’s heart stopped as she watched him walk out of her room. She wanted to call after him. She wanted to take it all back but she knew this was for the best. She slumped down on her bed with a heavy sigh. Todd poked his head back in her room, giving her a confused look when he saw her sitting on her bed.

“What are you doing? You coming? We have a run to do.” He said, grinning at her. Sarah smiled and stood up, following him toward the track. Grant watched them leave the barracks, stepping out of the room across from hers. He smirked after them.

“So it is possible to melt that cold façade.” He whispered to himself.


“I’m sorry about earlier.” Todd said, laying in the grass after their run. Sarah turned her head to look at him. He had his face turned upward toward the sun and his eyes were closed as the warm rays danced across his skin. Sarah’s fingers reached out toward him involuntarily and she had to stop herself from caressing his cheek. She let her hand fall back to the grass and looked away.

“Don’t worry about it.” She said, closing her eyes. Todd peaked at her and noticed how tense she seemed.

“I won’t tell anyone.” He said, misinterpreting her disquiet. Sarah turned her head back to him and forced a smile.

“I know.” She said. They lay in silence for a moment, neither wanting to move and return to their reality. Sarah exhaled and sat up. “Better get cleaned up. I’m starving and with Michael’s sensitivity to smells I can’t go to dinner like this.” She said laughing. Todd joined her laughter and followed her back to the barracks.

“Yeah, we wouldn’t want to upset him by doing that. Reggie threw a dirty sock at him the other day and he about pounded him into the ground. That’s a fate I’d much rather avoid if possible.” Todd joked. Sarah laughed harder, needing to take a deep breath to calm down. As she breathed in she was glad that their brief kiss hadn’t ruined this. But, she stole a glance at him and his charming dimples, she regretted not being able to kiss him fully. At least, if she had, she could have that memory to hold on to. Todd stopped outside his room and gave her a mock salute.

“I’ll see you when you’re no longer offensive to my sense of smell.” He said with mock seriousness. Sarah laughed and return his salute.

“Yes, you too are quite offensive. Please see to that, my nose can’t take another minute of it.” She joked. Todd rolled his eyes.

“Well don’t take too long, princess. I’m hungry and last time I had to wait twenty minutes for you.” He said, giving her a playful glare. Sarah shrugged and raised her hands.

“No promises, but I’ll try.” She said. He chuckled and entered his room. Sarah turned to continue down the hall toward her own room to grab her showering supplies. Unlike Todd, she had to trek down to the officer’s showers where there was a separate facility for women so it always took her a little longer to freshen up. She was just about to turn into her room when a body blocked her door. Looking up she felt the familiar chill slide down her spine.

“What do you want, Grant?” She asked, trying to push her door open so that she could lock him out. Grant smiled down at her, reaching down and grabbing the knob so that she couldn’t. Sarah took a step back, not comfortable with the sensation of his breath on her neck.

“I thought we could get to know each other a little better. I’ve noticed Todd and you have gotten pretty close and I thought, maybe he’s got the right idea.” Grant said, leaning in toward her. Sarah took another step back, hitting the wall on the other side of the small hallway.

“I think we know each other well enough.” She said coldly. Grant released her door knob and stepped toward her. He braced his arms on either side of her head, boxing her in. Sarah felt panic rise up within her but she refused to play his game and give him the satisfaction of seeing it. She narrowed her eyes and brought her hands up to keep him from getting any closer. Grant smiled down at her.

“Oh come on, baby. I saw you do this with Todd, I thought you wanted to make friends.” He taunted. Sarah sneered and pushed her hands against him.

“Not friends with you.” She growled and tried to push him away. Grant laughed and didn’t budge. “Get off.” She spat, trying again. Grant opened his mouth to say something else when he was harshly lifted off of her.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Todd yelled, his arms looped around Grant with his hands braced behind Grant’s head in a hold. Grant growled and attempted to get out of the hold Todd had him in but it was pointless.

“I’m just having some fun. She’s knows it’s just a game, don’t you?” He said, staring at Sarah. Sarah remained silent which was enough of an answer for Todd. Todd released Grant from the hold and spun him around to face him. As soon has Grant had steadied himself, Todd pulled back and smashed his fist into Grant’s face. Sarah gasped and stepped to the side to get out of the way.

“Todd stop! It’s not worth it.” She said, grabbing hold of his hand as he went in for another punch. He paused and looked at her, debating whether or not he agreed. It was enough time for Grant to shake off the shock and pain from his blow and charge at him. He grabbed Todd around the waist and they both went sprawling backward. Todd slammed into the wall and they slid down it together. Grant sat up and punched Todd in the nose. Blood was streaming down his face as he hit Grant in the stomach, making him double over. Grant gagged and tried to catch his breath when Todd punch him again. Grant’s head snapped to the side and he dropped, unconscious, to the floor.

“Grosser!” A loud voice boomed. Todd looked up, startled to see the Commander standing behind Sarah. Todd scrambled to his feet, blood still streaming from his nose and onto his sweat-stained t-shirt.

“Sir.” He said, putting his hands behind his back and standing straight. Commander Jering looked from Grant’s limp form to Todd and then to Sarah. Sarah wanted to flinch under his scrutiny but she managed to remain at attention.

“You two, my office. Now. Bolder, Newton! Pick up Mr. Daniels and take him to the infirmary.” He commanded, turning and walking out of the bunker. Sarah and Todd fell in step behind him. Sarah averted her eyes from her teammates as they passed her to get to Grant’s crumpled form. Todd met Michael and Reggie’s eyes and they both gave him a nod of appreciation and a smirk. Todd tried not to smile in return, knowing that if the Commander caught him it would be an even worse punishment then whatever was in store for them. Once they were in his office, Commander Jering took a seat and steepled his hand beneath his chin. He scrutinized each of them, making Sarah shift her weight under the intensity of it.

“Grosser. What happened?” Commander Jering asked, turning toward Todd. Todd looked straight ahead and recounted what had happened.

“I was headed toward the showers when I saw Daniels restraining Harper. He had his hands on either side of her and his body was nearly pressed against hers. She seemed in distress and was attempting to push him off of her. I grabbed him in a hold and pulled him off of her. He then made a comment about how she knew it was a game and I couldn’t stand for that kind of disrespect toward my teammate. That was when I punched him. Harper tried to stop the fight, but Daniels came at me and I then had to defend myself.” Todd explained. Commander Jering pursed his lips, his face stoic and void of any indication toward his thoughts. He turned toward Sarah, tapping his index finger against his lips.

“Harper. Do you agree with Grosser’s statement?” Jering asked. Sarah looked Jering in the eye and gave a single nod.

“Yes sir. That is what happened.” She affirmed. Commander Jering nodded and leaned back in his chair. He pulled a box of tissues off of a shelf behind him and handed them to Todd to use to clean his face. Todd accepted them with a bow of his head and began wiping the drying blood off his face.

“Alright. I will have to speak with Daniels once he regains his senses. For now, Grosser you are to get cleaned up and I am going to be having you stay elsewhere until a disciplinary hearing can take place.” Jering said. Todd remained silent, waiting to be dismissed. Jering looked back and forth between Sarah and Todd, his face still unreadable. “Harper you are excused. Grosser we have your punishment to discuss.” Jering said. Sarah shot a panicked look at Todd but he just stared straight ahead. Following the orders, she stepped out of his office and let the door close behind her. She started to walk back to her barracks but once she got outside she couldn’t bring herself to go any further without Todd. Sarah leaned against the building and waited for him. It was less than ten minutes when Todd emerged from the office. Todd remained silent, his gaze dead ahead as they walked back toward their barrack. Sarah’s heart was palpitating with adrenaline, wondering what his punishment was but she was too afraid to ask. They paused outside the barrack, neither one wanting to go inside yet. Todd finally glanced at her and he couldn’t stop himself anymore. After seeing Grant violating her personal space the way he had, Todd knew he couldn’t just be her teammate. He grabbed the tie holding her bun and pulled it out, letting her hair fall down in a sheet of dark blonde waves. Sarah could barely comprehend what was happening when his lips were suddenly on hers. His lips were warm and soft, moving against hers gently.

Sarah gasped and opened her mouth, allowing his tongue to dart in and wrap around hers. Sarah moaned and she pressed herself against him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Todd wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. He didn’t want to let her go, but his lungs were screaming for air. They broke apart and Sarah was thankful he was holding her because her knees were far too weak to keep her upright. She blinked, still seeing stars.

“What…” She started, unable to form a complete thought. Todd smiled down at her.

“Commander Jering has decided that it is best if both Grant and I are relocated to different teams. We are no longer teammates.” He said, leaning down and kissing her again. Sarah felt happiness swell in her breast and she pulled him down to her, deepening the kiss. She broke away and looked around, checking to see if any other teammates—or his
teammates, anyway—were around. Not seeing anyone, she grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs to their barracks. She opened the door and pulled him through the empty common room, grateful that everyone was at dinner and the barracks were empty.  Todd followed her as she dragged him to her room and closed the door. She locked it and they stared at each other for a moment. Sarah bit her lip nervously. Now that she had gotten him to her room she wasn’t sure what to do next. She just knew she wanted him. Todd walked toward her and pushed her gently against the door, kissing her. Sarah moaned and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him back. Todd pulled her back from the door, still kissing her, and twirled her so that they could fall on her bed.

They undressed each other swiftly, pulling their sweats and shirts off in a frantic desperation to be skin to skin. Todd kissed along her neck, down her chest and across her bare breasts. Sarah moaned and arched her back into his lips. She ran her hands along his back, digging her fingers into his shoulders.

“Please, Todd.” She begged. She took the length of him in her hand and guided him to the place she wanted him most. Todd lifted his head and looked into her eyes as he gave a hard thrust and filled her. Sarah gasped and lifted her hips to take him in deeper. He pulled out and thrust again. Sarah cried out, clutching his shoulders. Todd groaned, she felt so good. He continued to pump into her, setting a rhythm. His eyes stayed locked on hers and he leaned down to kiss her as he felt her walls begin to contract around him. His kiss muffled Sarah’s cry as her orgasm broke and waves of pleasure washed over her. Todd gave another thrust and found his release with a grunt. He collapsed beside her, with her tucked in his arms.

“I guess we don’t have to worry about any complications anymore since we’re no longer teammates.” She said, stroking her fingers along his chest. Todd smiled and kissed her hair.

“At least not on the field, but off of it…” He said, bending down to capture her lips. “Off of it I’d still like to be your teammate.” He said, pulling back and looking in her eyes. Sarah smiled and stroked his cheek.

“I’d like that.” She said, leaning up and kissing him again.






















Falling For A Kingpin

Cara sat staring out at the kids playing in the pool. She was dying to get out of the blazing sun, but in order to afford rent at the end of the month she had to soak up some more rays. More than she actually wanted to, all these worries were flashing through her head, top of the list was the dilemma between getting cancer from so much sunlight or paying rent. She had already had one late notice she was actively ignoring. The one thing in life with her mother had taught her was active avoidance of responsibilities.

BOOK: My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance
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