Muslim Mafia (28 page)

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Authors: Paul Sperry

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“Before we get to the next question, I think I have a responsibility to remind everybody that ISNA, as a tax-exempt organization, does not support any particular political candidate for office,” said ISNA moderator Asad M. Ba-Yunus. “That being said, you all know who we really support.”

With that wink and nod, the ballroom erupted into laughter and applause. Congressmen Ellison and Carson, also in attendance, were seen smiling and clapping approvingly.



CAIR’s boosters on the Hill, where it’s headquartered just three blocks from the Capitol, are not limited to Muslims. In fact, most of them are non-Muslims—and almost all of them Democrats.

And they have known for some time that several people in positions of power within the group have been directly connected to terrorism and have either been prosecuted or thrown out of the country. They also know by now from court evidence that CAIR’s founders are part of a secret Hamas support network in the U.S. and are acting as its lobbying arm.

Yet these forty-strong lawmakers, who include members of both the House and Senate, have gone right on singing CAIR’s praises and carrying its water—which means that they’re carrying out, wittingly or not, the agenda of the Muslim mafia. That agenda includes apologizing for Palestinian terrorism, censoring critics of militant Islam, dismantling U.S. border security, and denying the FBI domestic terror-fighting tools, among other things.

These cheerleaders, who include a couple of Republicans, make up a
de facto
caucus for the dangerous Muslim Brotherhood (see box).





The list of compromised politicians who still support CAIR in spite of its proven ties to terrorism is long:



Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD)

Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D-MD)

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)

Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND)

Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA)

Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI)

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN)

Rep. Jesse L. Jackson Jr. (D-IL)

Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-IL)

Rep. Gary Miller (R-CA)

Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA)

Rep. Linda T. Sanchez (D-CA)

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)

Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY)

Rep. Albert L. Wynn (D-MD)

Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN)

Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA)

Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ)

Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD)

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD)

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA)

Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA)

Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA)

Rep. Wayne T. Gilchrest (R-MD)

Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA)

Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH)

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)

Rep. John Dingell (D-MI)

Rep. James P. Moran (D-VA)

Rep. Nick J. Rahall, II (D-WV)

Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-NY)

Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD)

Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA)

Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)

Rep. Andre Carson, (D-IN)

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX)

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)

Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH)




Perhaps some members of Congress had been fooled by CAIR’s deception. But now they have no excuse. Now Democratic senator Barbara Mikulski, who saluted CAIR’s “important work,” and Democratic senator Paul Sarbanes, who applauded “CAIR’s mission,” know better.

Now Democratic representative Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, who serves as assistant to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, may think twice before meeting with CAIR officials and promising support for their agenda—including, according to CAIR’s internal notes from their meetings, laws to broaden hate crimes prosecution, accommodate Islamic holidays, and allow Islamic curriculum in public schools. (Unfortunately, Van Hollen works closely with Muslim activist Arshi Siddiqui—chief policy advisor to Pelosi—and Siddiqui remains high on CAIR’s contact list. So Van Hollen is likely to continue his outreach.)

The criminal evidence should also disabuse Democratic Representative John Conyers of Michigan, who’s trumpeted CAIR’s “long and distinguished history,” along with Democratic representative John Dingell—another top recipient of donations from Michigan’s Arab and Muslim community—who said “my office door is always open” to CAIR. He now has an obligation to slam it shut whenever CAIR officials darken his doorway.



No red-blooded American lawmaker wants to do anything that would facilitate the support of terrorists—not even liberal Democratic presidential hopeful Representative Dennis Kucinich, who’s a major recipient of Arab-Muslim cash and whose staff counsel is a Palestinian-rights activist. Perhaps in the future he’ll pause before gushing that “CAIR has much to be proud of,” or pledging that “you have a friend in the United States Congress.”

That includes even Representative Jim McDermott of Washington, who thusly expressed his wholehearted support for CAIR at a CAIR-Seattle banquet:

I always enjoy being with people like CAIR because you inspire me really to keep fighting…and I think that’s why this kind of an organization is so important for people to understand that you have a right to say whatever you believe. And I think you ought to exercise that. That’s being a real American.


With overwhelming evidence that CAIR actually speaks against America and for the enemy, maybe McDermott will now think twice before accepting another invitation to speak at a CAIR event.

Then there’s Democratic Representative Jackson-Lee of Texas, who last year presented a Certificate of Congressional Recognition to CAIR at its Houston banquet, reading:

You are soundly recognized by the 18th Congressional District for dedication and commitment of the United States that is truly worthy of respect, admiration, and accommodation of the U.S. Congress.


Jackson-Lee blew more kisses at CAIR while speaking at its 2007 CAIR banquet in Dallas. “How proud I am to have been associated with CAIR’s legislative work in the United States,” she said. “We need CAIR and we need all of you supporting CAIR.”

Such endorsements are promptly posted on CAIR’s Web site in an attempt to legitimize itself in the media. It also uses outreach events with the government as a kind of insurance policy against investigation.

Of course many of these politicians represent states or districts with large populations or concentrations of Arab and Muslim immigrants. And they may feel pressure to appease CAIR, which claims to advocate on behalf of their constituents.

Many of these politicians also have been on the receiving end of generous campaign donations from Arab and Muslim political action committees, which have been funded in part by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, as you can see from this table.


  • 1. Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV)…$16,970
  • 2. Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA)…$15,000
  • 3. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA)…$14,000
  • 4. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI)…$12,500
  • 5. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)…$12,000
  • 6. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL)…$8,500
  • 7. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)…$8,000
  • (tie) Rep. John Dingell (D-MI)…$8,000
  • 8. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-MI)…$7,000
  • 9. Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX)…$6,000
  • 10. Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA)…$5,000


Sources: FEC, Center for Responsive Politics


Still, there’s no excuse for any elected U.S. official to kowtow or sell out to subversive anti-American elements—cash or no cash, votes or no votes. It’s not just shameless pandering. It’s borderline treason. Of CAIR’s biggest boosters—or panderers—Representatives Ellison, Conyers, and Gerry Connolly of Virginia deserve special mention.

: The Minnesota Democrat is a faithful supporter of CAIR and has secretly collaborated with the group on a number of issues. In fact, he spends so much time huddling with CAIR’s leaders they might as well make him an honorary board member.

They hold regular power breakfasts on the Hill, where they discuss political strategy and policy. And CAIR can rely on Ellison to make speeches or cameos at its functions, including:

CAIR’s 2008 national fundraising banquet in Washington, where he delivered the keynote address;

CAIR-Minnesota’s 2008 Ramadan dinner, where he was a prominent guest;

The 2008 annual conference of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation in Washington, where Ellison joined an official from CAIR’s Michigan chapter on a panel; and

CAIR’s 2007 national fundraising dinner where he delivered a speech and singled out Awad for praise.

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